RU RU Homefield Advantage - Round 1

Seed Sower

a bad seed
is a Metagame Resource Contributoris a Tiering Contributor

Welcome to the first edition of RU Homefield Advantage, a Type B tournament in the RU Circuit! In this tour, players will sign up with a generation of their choice for a Bo3 single elimination tournament, with the first game locked to SV RU. The loser of that game will then play their opponent in the generation they signed up with, giving them a "homefield advantage."

Tournament-Specific Rules

The home player can choose from one of the following tiers to be played: SV RU, SS RU, SM RU, ORAS RU, or BW RU. Your generation of choice is locked starting from round one, meaning you cannot change it from round to round. Make sure to choose wisely!
  • This tournament will be single elimination.
  • All rounds will be Best of Three. You may switch teams in between battles of the same set.
  • Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown!, preferably on the Smogtours server.
  • General tournament rules and clauses apply.
  • Smogon-Wide Clauses still apply. Check out any Generation-Specific clauses below.
  • Replays are required. Please save your replays. It is recommended to play on the Smogon Tournaments server due to its ability to automatically save replays.

About playing on alts: It is entirely allowed to play on an alt other than your own main forum name, though if your opponent wishes to confirm your identity, you must log on to your main alt to show them you are who you claim to be. This is to prevent people from pretending to be who they're not.

About playing on different servers: The matches must be played on either the Smogtours server or the Main PS! server if both parties agree to that. Other servers are not sanctioned by the host(s) and playing in them might result in your game not counting. Protect yourself from that by playing on Smogtours.


On scouting opponents: Going through your opponents replays of tournament and ladder games is entirely allowed, as long as a game is public there is nothing preventing you from watching it. An exception to this is abusing powers granted to you by being staff on Smogon or PS! to gain access to information a normal user wouldn't have access to, which is strictly forbidden.

On leaking teams: Divulging private information about someone's planned team to their opponent is never allowed, and will be heavily sanctioned. Requesting that such information be divulged is also grounds for punishment. Keep your scouting to publicly available information and you'll be fine.

Timer Clause / Disconnections

Timer Clause: As for taking long between moves, if your opponent asks you to hurry up, please oblige. If you are doing a damage calc for a key turn that is one thing, but prolonging every move is suspicious and annoying. Don't do it. Furthermore, Battle Timeout is a rule for a reason. If you run out of time, you lose, simple as that. It does not matter what your opponent says. Do not battle if you think you will have to leave mid battle, and instead reschedule for a better time.

Disconnections: Finally, in the case of a disconnect, the decision is in the hands of the player who did not disconnect. The options are: redo the battle move for move, redo the battle with the same teams but different moves, or redo the battle with completely different teams. If the battle was without a doubt over, they may also take the win. Any suspicion that a disconnect was committed on purpose to redo a match may be appealed to me, and if I feel this happened there will be severe consequences, don't do it.


Use VMs to schedule with your opponent to make it easier for me to track activity calls when needed, and use this guide to ensure you don't lose via activity or coinflip. If you use other methods to contact your opponent outside of VMs, then post in this thread confirming you're in contact with your opponent; otherwise, it's not necessary. Extensions for those with time conflicts will only be given when proof is provided of scheduling with their opponent in the beginning of the round, so do not schedule last minute expecting to be compensated in case of timezone conflicts or be given an activity win over your opponent.

Round 1 (proof of bracket)

[SV] Kindyy  vs  Hats [SV]
[ORAS] feen  vs  Xiri [SM]
[BW] roxie  vs  angelthesaucegod [SV]
[SS] Adriyun  vs  Drud [SS]
[SM] xXcrossbowXx  vs  skylerddd [SV]
[SV] Evie  vs  Jojen [SV]
[ORAS] Dlanyer  vs  tachi [SS]
[SV] RTM  vs  MemphisDepay [SS]
[SV] HoopsspooH  vs  Nakoruru_XD [SV]
[SM] btboy  vs  TheFranklin [SM]
[SS] LBN  vs  lihj [SS]
[ORAS] neomon  vs  Lyra [SM]
[ORAS] Miyami~~~  vs  Ming549 [SM]
[SV] Hovercat2475  vs  seraphz [BW]
[SV] toinha  vs  Sir Tetris [SV]
[SM] fvkumean  vs  Akeras [SM]
[SV] Showl  vs  Heatranator [SM]
[SV] Metallica126  vs  Slikkles [SV]
[SS] Ryu  vs  TomatoZause [SV]
[SV] FlamPoke  vs  Bye 1
[SV] MachJacob  vs  Bye 2
[SM] Charmriah  vs  Bye 3
[SV] HeroSabis  vs  Bye 4
[SV] Mindnight  vs  doso749 [SS]
[SS] Feliburn  vs  Bye 6
[SV] Seed Sower  vs  Bye 7
[BW] Django  vs  Bye 8
[BW] GoldCat  vs  Bouff [SM]
[SV] Squeeby  vs  Eternal Spirit [SS]
[SV] Canard  vs  Bye 11
[ORAS] lighthouses  vs  Mik3ymon [SS]
[SV] Sulfura28  vs  Bye 13
[ORAS] Flabeauf  vs  Bye 14
[SV] Nemosse  vs  Bye 15
[SS] Ninja  vs  Bye 16
[BW] FastCarVroom!!!  vs  Bye 17
[SV] tom holland  vs  Bye 18
[SV] entrocefalo  vs  Bye 19
[SV] bricknermon  vs  Bye 20
[BW] eifo  vs  Bye 21
[BW] bydy  vs  Bye 22
[SV] Txunt!  vs  Bye 23
[SV] Don Bork  vs  Bye 24
[SV] Daharan  vs  Bye 25
[BW] Baddy  vs  Bye 26
[SV] sufys  vs  Bye 27
[SM] BloodAce  vs  Bye 28
[SS] JesusGP  vs  Bye 29
[SV] Nashrock  vs  Bye 30
[SM] THE_CHUNGLER  vs  Bye 31
[BW] Astrø  vs  Bye 32
[SV] Cam  vs  Bye 33
[BW] Stories  vs  Bye 34
[ORAS] Oathkeeper  vs  Bye 35
[SS] Ampha  vs  Bye 36
[SM] Medeia  vs  db [SM]
[SM] Magician  vs  Bye 38
[SV] Thiago Nunes  vs  Finnick Odair [BW]
[SM] Ara  vs  DugZa [ORAS]
[SS] inteleon Is Broken  vs  Meru [SS]
[SS] Angry Facts  vs  Bye 42
[SM] TyCarter  vs  DripLegend [ORAS]
[ORAS] Lilo  vs  Bye 44
[SM] Cielau  vs  Bye 45

Deadline for this round is Sunday, March 16th at 11:59pm -4. Good luck!

The deadline for subs is Wednesday, March 12th at 11:59pm -4.
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