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Growlithe used Outrage! (-8)
(9242 no crit) Monohm took 15.75 damage!
Monohm used Hydro Pump! (-12)
(741 9632 hit no crit) Growlithe took 23.25 damage!
Growlithe fainted!
Monohm used Dragon Breath! (-4)
(5684 7954 no crit no effect) Bulbasaur took (6+3) = 9 damage!
Bulbasaur used Sludge Bomb! (-6)
(4127 no crit) Monohm took (8+3+3) = 14 damage!
Monohm used Dragon Breath! (-8)
(7925 6427 no crit no effect) Bulbasaur took 9 damage!
Bulbasaur used Nature Power! (-2)
Bulbasaur used Tri Attack! (-6) AN: I've seen several people reffing Nature Power as Tri Attack in ASB Arena.
(777 no cirt) Monohm took (8+3) = 11 damage!
Monohm used Dragon Breath! (-12)
(3876 6817 no crit no effect) Bulbasaur took 9 damage!
Bulbasaur used Sludge Bomb! (-6)
(2540 no crit) Monohm took 14 damage!
Monohm: -39 HP, -24 EN
Bulbasaur: -27 HP, -20 EN
Read above. I still haven't gotten used to the university schedule (particularly because it has weeks that change instantly), and things get hectic. Not only that, I've had a move going on. I'm really sorry, but considering how the rest of this match is going, I ask you to please have some patience.
Rain 1r
Red vs Blue's team:
Fainted, 1 KOC
Normal, 1 KOC
Shiny Fairymon's team:
Jerome (Amulet Coin)
Fainted, 1 KOC
Monohm used Fire Blast! (-8)
( 6137 9937 8629 hit no crit no eff) Bulbasaur took (11-3)*1.5 = 12 damage!
Bulbasaur used Nature Power! (-2)
Bulbasaur used Tri Attack! (-6)
(7273 9957 no crit no eff) Monohm took 11 damage!
Monohm fainted!
Red vs Blue's team:
Fainted, 1 KOC
Fainted, 1 KOC
Shiny Fairymon's team:
Jerome (Amulet Coin)
Fainted, 1 KOC
Red vs Blue sends out Riolu (automatic) Shiny Fairymon orders
RvB orders
I ref (this time on time, and if I really can't, I'll tell you beforehand)
I apologize if I upset you, Canis Majoris. Looking back on it, maybe I was a bit impatient- I'll try to be better about that in the future.
Sleep Powder~Sludge Bomb~Magical Leaf
IF Riolu uses a protective/evasive move, THEN use Ingrain the first instance, Growth any subsequent instances and push back the queue.
IF Riolu uses Blaze Kick, and you have not used protect on the previous turn, THEN use Protect that turn and push back the queue.
Canis Majoris ? I apologize if I'm seeming rude or impatient, but it has been ten days. If you really are too busy to post, I'll understand, and you can disregard this post- I don't want to seem impatient again.
Okay- Canis Majoris , I apologize if I seem impatient to you, but I really think this is long enough. I am officially putting this battle up for a subref- I'm also notifying Red vs Blue as to what I'm doing.
Hi guys and welcome to ASB Arena... Due to some issues our previous commentator has left and I am taking his place... So lets continue through this battle where the new comer Red vs Blue has a high advantage over our old experienced player Shiny Fairymon... Most of the battle has ended but he match has not ended and twists and turns keep happening... On Red vs Blue's side is Anubis the Riolu who just entered full fresh and ready to battle... And Shiny Fairymon's side is Erika the Bulbasaur who is weak from taking some Super effective hits but is ready to battle more... Lets head straight towards the match...
Erika sensed some strong move coming towards her and started the action with protect... And guess what ? Erika was right... She protected against the Blaze Kick coming from Anubis...
Anubis now sensed some danger and used Detect... And guess what ? Anubis was... WRONG... Erika took this opportunity to Ingrain and heal some health...
Erika now again use Protect so it can heal some more health from Ingrain and also hoping Anubis hits her wasting a turn... And so did it happen... Anubis used Blaze Kick on Erika and again getting wasted...
After this round, Erika tried best to turn the tables to her favor... Will this be enough or will Anubis take control over win ? Keep watching to see what happens on ASB Arena...
VirajVora, thank you so much for reffing this battle (and I wouldn't call myself 'old experienced'- when this battle started, I wasn't much newer then Red vs. Blue)! however, even though Red vs. Blue sent out first last turn, I was the one who ordered first, while Red vs. Blue ordered second. That means that Red vs. Blue orders first this time, and I order second.
You know what? I don't stand a chance of winning this battle, and VirajVora has taken it upon himself to ref so many battles at a time. I think I'll just make things easier for the ref and issue orders that will be easiest to ref. And don't worry, VirajVora- I don't mind the lack of flavor at all, and it is rather impressive how quickly you update all of the battles you ref.