⏮ 2019 | Spreadsheet | Art by Seo.">Seo. | Discord | 2021⏭
Signups | Rosters | Round 1 | Round 2 | Semifinals | Finals
The hybrid individual/team tournament is back in the form of RoA Olympics 5. A few additional tiers will be added from 2, 3 & 4.
Tiers featured:
7 × Ubers tiers: RBY Ubers / GSC Ubers / ADV Ubers / DPP Ubers / BW Ubers / ORAS Ubers / SM Ubers (New!)
7 × OU tiers: RBY OU / GSC OU / ADV OU / DPP OU / BW OU / ORAS OU / SM OU (New!)
7 × UU tiers: RBY UU / GSC UU / ADV UU / DPP UU / BW UU / ORAS UU / SM UU (New!)
4 × Legendary tiers: DPP LC / BW RU (New!) / ORAS Doubles OU / LGPE OU (New!)
Tournament Format
There will be a mini tournament for each tier (all in the same thread this time), all of which will have 16 player slots, 1 slot for each team. All of these mini tournaments will be single elimination, first-to-2-wins (bo3 wins) every round and players who progress through 2-3 rounds will represent their teams in 3rd-1st place finals to determine who receives gold, silver and bronze medal sprites - with gold worth 3 points, silver worth 2 points and bronze worth 1 points to a team in the overall standings. Pairings will be random each round. There will also be a generous deadline each round with minimal extensions.
If there are not exactly 16 teams signed up, a playins (preliminary/qualification round) will be contested by new nations and returning nations ranked at the bottom based on last year’s ranking to determine who qualifies. The pairings will follow WCoP qualification procedure found here.
About Nations
The final 16 teams are: Americas, Argentina, Asia, Brazil, China, Europe, France, Germany, Independent Olympians, Italy, Latin America, Spain, US Midwest, US Northeast, US South, US West.
Each team will have 12 players and each player can be picked for a maximum of 3 tiers. ~2 tiers per player is average (25 tiers) while players playing less than 3 tiers can be substituted in as long as the maximum tiers they play is still 3. Substitutions are only available in round 1 and must be from the roster of 12. You cannot sub-in a player that you have subbed out of another tier. Captains can play.
The overall winning team will get to display a blue and green
RoA Olympic Trophy in their signatures, while the 1st, 2nd and 3rd individuals in each of the minitours will get to display
Signups | Rosters | Round 1 | Round 2 | Semifinals | Finals
The hybrid individual/team tournament is back in the form of RoA Olympics 5. A few additional tiers will be added from 2, 3 & 4.
Tiers featured:
7 × Ubers tiers: RBY Ubers / GSC Ubers / ADV Ubers / DPP Ubers / BW Ubers / ORAS Ubers / SM Ubers (New!)
7 × OU tiers: RBY OU / GSC OU / ADV OU / DPP OU / BW OU / ORAS OU / SM OU (New!)
7 × UU tiers: RBY UU / GSC UU / ADV UU / DPP UU / BW UU / ORAS UU / SM UU (New!)
4 × Legendary tiers: DPP LC / BW RU (New!) / ORAS Doubles OU / LGPE OU (New!)
Tournament Format
There will be a mini tournament for each tier (all in the same thread this time), all of which will have 16 player slots, 1 slot for each team. All of these mini tournaments will be single elimination, first-to-2-wins (bo3 wins) every round and players who progress through 2-3 rounds will represent their teams in 3rd-1st place finals to determine who receives gold, silver and bronze medal sprites - with gold worth 3 points, silver worth 2 points and bronze worth 1 points to a team in the overall standings. Pairings will be random each round. There will also be a generous deadline each round with minimal extensions.
If there are not exactly 16 teams signed up, a playins (preliminary/qualification round) will be contested by new nations and returning nations ranked at the bottom based on last year’s ranking to determine who qualifies. The pairings will follow WCoP qualification procedure found here.
About Nations
The final 16 teams are: Americas, Argentina, Asia, Brazil, China, Europe, France, Germany, Independent Olympians, Italy, Latin America, Spain, US Midwest, US Northeast, US South, US West.
Each team will have 12 players and each player can be picked for a maximum of 3 tiers. ~2 tiers per player is average (25 tiers) while players playing less than 3 tiers can be substituted in as long as the maximum tiers they play is still 3. Substitutions are only available in round 1 and must be from the roster of 12. You cannot sub-in a player that you have subbed out of another tier. Captains can play.
The overall winning team will get to display a blue and green
Nation | Code | Captain | Vice Captain |
Americas | AME | ||
Argentina | ARG | ziloXX | |
Asia | ASA | CKW | |
Brazil | BRA | ||
China | CHN | Wss | |
Europe | EUR | ||
France | FRA | ||
Germany | GER | CMx | |
Italy | ITA | ||
Independent Olympians | IDP | ||
Latin America | LA | ||
Spain | SPA | ||
US Midwest | MWS | ||
US Northeast | NE | FNH | |
US South | SOU | Yami | |
US West | WES |
Matches Completed: 178/200 (89%)
RBY Ubers: 6/8 (62.5%)
[EUR] kjdaas «*A-0» [BRA]Caetano93
[ITA] AltCauseImInsecure ‹2-0› [SOU]dogecreamgaming
[NE]Jamez155 ‹1-2› [MWS] EB0LA
[WES]Sevi 7 «1-2» [SPA] Sagiri
[IDP] Lasen ‹2-0› [CHN]Torchic
[FRA] Frrf ‹2-1› [GER]FriendOfMrGolem120
[ARG]mamawebos rodriguez ‹0-*W› [AME] SMB
[LA] Luirromen ‹2-0› [ASA]Mister Tim
RBY OU: 8/8 (100%)
[FRA]Frrf ‹0-2› [MWS] EB0LA
[SOU]dogecreamgaming ‹1-2› [ARG] FernandoZs
[WES]Sevi 7 ‹1-2› [IDP] Exiline
[CHN] Torchic ‹2-0› [NE]GreenGogoatttt
[GER] Serpi ‹2-0› [LA]Zwein
[BRA] Thiago Nunes «2-1» [ASA]Mister Tim
[ITA] AltCauseImInsecure ‹2-1› [AME]SMB
[EUR] Alice ‹2-0› [SPA]Kenix
RBY UU: 7/8 (87.5%)
[EUR] kjdaas «*A-0» [SPA]Ilyakomaster
[IDP] Fille ‹2-0› [ARG]Irpachuza
[LA]Luirromen ‹0-2› [WES] Sevi 7
[NE] ForgottenOnes ‹2-0› [SOU]dogecreamgaming
[BRA]Thiago Nunes ‹0-2› [CHN] Torchic
[AME]AnimeroDaniel ‹0-2› [GER] FriendOfMrGolem120
[FRA]Louna ‹1-2› [MWS] EB0LA
[ASA]Mister Tim «1-2» [ITA] Amaranth
GSC Ubers: 8/8 (100%)
[BRA] LpZ ‹2-1› [ASA]devin
[CHN] Indulge in dreams ‹2-0› [SOU]Holy Ghost
[WES]64 Squares ‹0-2› [IDP] Mr.378
[EUR] Isa ‹2-0› [ITA]Bomber.
[AME] Lord Thorx ‹2-1› [FRA]Louna
[GER] vani ‹2-0› [MWS]zioziotrip
[SPA] Eeveeto ‹2-1› [ARG]Kyundai ((rdar))
[NE] Jamez155 ‹2-0› [LA]RahelGamer03
GSC OU: 5/8 (62.5%)
[EUR] Alice ‹2-0› [SOU]Yami
[GER] vani «*A-0» [FRA]BlazingDark
[AME] Lord Thorx «*A-0» [NE]Bongi
[LA] Raichy ‹2-1› [CHN]hybone
[ARG]rdar «0-*A» [BRA] kael
[ASA]eden ‹0-2› [WES] Siatam
[SPA] Kenix ‹2-0› [IDP]Mr.378
[ITA] Bomber. ‹2-0› [MWS]Finding True Love
GSC UU: 7/8 (87.5%)
[EUR]Zokuru ‹1-2› [MWS] idiotfrommars
[WES] Siatam ‹2-0› [SPA]ilesaural
[ARG]rdar «0-*A» [FRA] Louna
[AME] Lord Thorx ‹2-1› [IDP]Mr.378
[LA] Raichy ‹2-0› [BRA]Highways
[SOU] Yami ‹2-0› [CHN]hybone
[ITA] Amaranth ‹2-0› [GER]FriendOfMrGolem120
[NE] ((Misterioussaint)) Fortune ‹0-2› [ASA] Earthworm
ADV Ubers: 6/8 (75%)
[SOU]Holy Ghost ‹0-2› [ASA] CKW
[NE]Bongi «0-*A» [ARG] Kyundai
[AME]Wamr ‹0-2› [IDP] Skysolo
[CHN] gostop «*A-0» [SPA]IoSonoNeon
[GER] Melle2402 ‹2-0› [FRA]fourmi
[ITA] dream ‹2-0› [MWS]zioziotrip
[BRA]kael ‹1-2› [LA] Jhonx~
[EUR]Zokuru ‹0-2› [WES] 64 Squares
ADV OU: 7/8 (87.5%)
[ARG] Kyundai ‹2-1› [NE]Ophion
[LA] Jhonx~ ‹2-0› [CHN]gostop
[SPA] egalvanc ‹2-1› [WES]spanishlines ((Vaboh))
[GER]Fakes «0-*F» [MWS] Pak
[FRA]BlazingDark ‹0-2› [SOU] Hclat
[EUR]Alice ‹0-2› [BRA] kael
[IDP]byronthewellwell ‹0-2› [ITA] hellpowna
[AME]Endill ‹1-2› [ASA] eden
ADV UU: 8/8 (100%)
[NE]Ryan207 ‹0-2› [GER] esche
[EUR] Zokuru «2-1» [ARG]mamawebos rodriguez
[MWS] brewfasa ‹2-0› [ITA]hellpowna
[FRA]LuluDzn ‹0-2› [CHN] Wss
[IDP] Chill Shadow ‹2-0› [SPA]Eeveeto
[BRA] Highways ‹2-0› [LA]Raichy
[WES]52Gambit ‹0-2› [SOU] Plas
[AME]Endill ‹0-2› [ASA] Trade
DPP Ubers: 7/8 (87.5%)
[CHN]King Crimson1986 ‹0-2› [AME] squinn
[WES]Hockey1 ‹1-2› [EUR] Tomahawk
[IDP]byronthewellwell ‹1-2› [FRA] fourmi
[ASA]CKW «0-*F» [ITA] dream
[SPA]Sas0 ‹0-2› [SOU] Bread Sandwich
[GER] ((Melle2402)) CMx ‹1-2› [BRA] Pedrock
[LA]Zwein ‹1-2› [MWS] brewfasa
[ARG] mamawebos rodriguez ‹2-0› [NE]Ophion
DPP OU: 8/8 (100%)
[GER] snøfall ‹2-0› [BRA]Beraldinhoo
[SOU] Everything Is Something ‹2-0› [WES]Vaboh
[AME]roystopror ‹1-2› [FRA] Emeral
[ARG] ElectricityCat ‹2-1› [CHN]Vusty.
[ASA]Sharow ‹0-2› [IDP] Exiline
[SPA]ilesaural ‹1-2› [ITA] hellpowna
[LA] ((LLiama)) Luirromen ‹1-2› [MWS] Finding True Love
[NE]Tokyo Tom ‹1-2› [EUR] Kristyl
DPP UU: 6/8 (75%)
[FRA]LuluDzn ‹0-2› [SPA] Tenshinhan
[IDP] Chill Shadow ‹2-0› [ARG]TopLel TopKek
[ITA] Renny ‹2-1› [BRA]Pedrock
[SOU] jeronipuff ‹2-0› [CHN]cscl ((Dian Zi)) ((Skoun))
[LA] luisotte «*A-0» [AME]Luisin
[ASA] Trade «*A-0» [GER]esche
[WES]52Gambit ‹0-2› [MWS] Pak
[EUR] Tomahawk ‹2-0› [NE]Fortune
DPP LC: 8/8 (100%)
[IDP] Fille ‹2-1› [AME]Ampha
[MWS] idiotfrommars ‹2-1› [ITA]Corckscrew
[ASA] Trade ‹2-1› [FRA]Wabane
[NE]iss ‹1-2› [BRA] Fuladono
[SPA]Eeveeto ‹0-2› [SOU] Plas
[LA] luisotte ‹2-1› [ARG]TopLel TopKek
[EUR] kjdaas ‹2-1› [WES] DC
[CHN] ((Skoun )) hybone ‹0-2› [GER] DnB
BW Ubers: 7/8 (87.5%)
[ITA] Amaranth ‹2-0› [FRA]Wait2Seconds
[SOU]Bread Sandwich ‹0-2› [AME] steelskitty
[WES]64 Squares ‹0-2› [IDP] March Fires
[LA] Nalorium ‹2-0› [SPA]Sas0
[MWS]TaxiCab ‹1-2› [ARG] CursedStar
[CHN]Vusty. ‹0-2› [GER] Fakes ((Melle2402))
[BRA]Caetano93 «0-*A» [NE] ForgottenOnes
[ASA] CKW ‹2-0› [EUR]Drud
BW OU: 7/8 (87.5%)
[SOU]imjustgray ‹1-2› [GER] snøfall
[NE]Misterioussaint ‹1-2› [IDP] Lasen
[MWS]MegaVictini04 ‹1-2› [EUR] Frania
[WES]Vaboh ‹1-2› [LA] Nalorium
[BRA]Caetano93 «0-*A» [ARG] MegaLucario
[FRA]Wait2Seconds ‹0-2› [ITA] Raiza
[CHN]King Crimson1986 ‹1-2› [AME] steelskitty
[ASA] devin ‹2-0› [SPA] toytean
BW UU: 8/8 (100%)
[IDP]Fille ‹0-2› [MWS] brewfasa
[EUR] bugzinator ‹2-1› [GER]DnB
[WES] maroon ‹2-1› [CHN]Dian Zi
[LA] Nalorium ‹2-1› [AME]Wamr
[NE]Jamez155 ‹0-2› [ASA] trace
[FRA]Wait2Seconds ‹1-2› [ITA] Renny
[BRA]Natan ‹1-2› [ARG] ElectricityCat ((Juanxzs))
[SOU]GotCookies «0-2» [SPA] Tenshinhan
BW RU: 7/8 (87.5%)
[LA]Fakee ‹0-2› [WES] maroon
[BRA]Spl4sh ‹1-2› [EUR] Drud
[MWS]Sevelon ‹1-2› [ITA] Micaiah
[SPA] ilesaural «*F-0» [ASA]trace
[FRA] SiTuM ‹2-1› [ARG]Irpachuza
[AME] Alpha Rabbit ‹2-0› [NE]ForgottenOnes
[CHN]Wss ‹0-2› [GER] CMx ((DnB))
[SOU]GotCookies ‹0-2› [IDP] Chill Shadow
ORAS Ubers: 7/8 (87.5%)
[IDP] Aishia «*F-0» [ITA]dream
[NE] Tokyo Tom ‹2-0› [WES]52Gambit
[FRA]fourmi ‹0-2› [BRA] Ash KetchumGamer
[SPA]IoSonoNeon ‹1-2› [LA] Jhonx~
[AME] squinn ‹2-1› [ARG]CursedStar
[EUR] Mysterious M ‹2-0› [MWS]Kaitlyn
[ASA] trace ‹2-1› [SOU]GotCookies ((ADF Test))
[CHN] sanv ‹2-0› [GER]Fogbound Lake
ORAS OU: 8/8 (100%)
[SPA] Sagiri ‹2-0› [SOU]naruto(sage) ((ADF Test))
[NE]Splash ‹0-2› [CHN] Vusty.
[ARG] ElectricityCat ‹2-0› [GER]Dragon Claw
[LA] xImRaptor ‹2-0› [FRA]BlazingDark
[WES]Hockey1 ‹0-2› [IDP] Aishia
[ASA] devin ‹2-0› [ITA]Corckscrew
[MWS]zioziotrip ‹0-2› [AME] Lets In The Sun
[BRA] Spl4sh ‹2-0› [EUR]Drud
ORAS UU: 6/8 (75%)
[ITA] Renny «*A-0» [NE]Fortune ((Splash))
[IDP] Skysolo ‹2-1› [ARG]Enzonana.
[GER] Dragon Claw ‹2-0› [CHN]cscl
[SPA] toytean ‹2-0› [LA]Leaf to Wind
[EUR] bugzinator ‹2-1› [MWS]Pak
[WES] Decem ‹2-0› [SOU]naruto(sage)
[FRA] Dlanyer «*A-0» [AME]Ampha
[ASA]Kreme ‹1-2› [BRA] Highways
ORAS DOU: 5/8 (62.5%)
[SPA]Tenzai ‹0-2› [GER] CMx
[LA]LLiama ‹0-*W› [ITA] umbreon098
[ASA]raf ‹1-2› [NE] GreenGogoatttt
[MWS] Shadowmonstr7 «*F-0» [BRA]Natan
[WES] Decem ‹2-1› [SOU]Everything Is Something
[AME]Luisin ‹0-2› [EUR] Frania
[ARG]Enzonana. «0-*F» [IDP] qsns
[FRA] Givrix ‹2-1› [CHN]shadowmers03
SM Ubers: 8/8 (100%)
[ARG]CursedStar ‹0-2› [NE] Ophion
[GER]Fogbound Lake ‹1-2› [FRA] SiTuM
[EUR] Mysterious M ‹2-1› [AME]Wamr
[SPA] egalvanc ‹2-0› [BRA]Perry
[SOU]Holy Ghost ‹0-2› [ASA] Sharow
[IDP] byronthewellwell ‹2-0› [LA]RahelGamer03
[MWS]Sevelon ‹0-2› [ITA] fran17
[WES]spanishlines ‹1-2› [CHN] sanv
SM OU: 8/8 (100%)
[FRA] le LLiolae ‹2-0› [EUR]Jordy
[WES]spanishlines «1-2» [GER] Glurakaiser
[ITA] ((fran17)) Micaiah «2-1» [SOU] naruto(sage)
[NE] Kyotoshi ‹2-1› [IDP]Staxi
[BRA] Ash KetchumGamer ‹2-0› [AME]Lets In The Sun
[ASA] Solivagant ‹2-1› [SPA]Xevara
[CHN]sanv ‹1-2› [MWS] Shadowmonstr7
[ARG]MegaLucario ‹0-2› [LA] xImRaptor
SM UU: 8/8 (100%)
[MWS]Sickist ‹0-2› [EUR] bugzinator
[GER] Serpi ‹2-0› [BRA]Spl4sh
[CHN] gostop ‹2-1› [ARG]alenpa
[ITA]Corckscrew ‹0-2› [ASA] Kreme
[WES]vivalospride ‹0-2› [FRA] Dlanyer
[NE] ((Splash)) Kyotoshi ‹0-2› [AME] Alpha Rabbit
[LA] Fakee ‹2-1› [SPA]Ilyakomaster
[SOU]imjustgray ‹1-2› [IDP] Aishia
LGPE OU: 8/8 (100%)
[SPA]Xevara ‹0-2› [LA] RahelGamer03
[AME] AnimeroDaniel ‹2-1› [ASA]stitch.kr
[FRA]Givrix ‹0-2› [ITA] Micaiah
[NE] Kyotoshi ‹2-1› [GER]vani
[SOU] Yami ‹2-0› [BRA]LpZ
[ARG] Enzonana. ‹2-1› [IDP]Eve
[CHN] cscl ‹2-0› [EUR]Lilburr
[MWS]Shadowmonstr7 ‹0-2› [WES] DC
Pairings done by the Smogon Bracketmaker (3179–3203)
Play a first-to-2 wins (bo3 wins) versus your opponent in the correct tier and report the score you won or lost by (2-x).
Round 1 deadline is Monday September 28th 07:59 AM EDT / 01:59 PM CEST
RBY Ubers: 6/8 (62.5%)
[EUR] kjdaas «*A-0» [BRA]
[ITA] AltCauseImInsecure ‹2-0› [SOU]
[IDP] Lasen ‹2-0› [CHN]
[FRA] Frrf ‹2-1› [GER]
[LA] Luirromen ‹2-0› [ASA]
RBY OU: 8/8 (100%)
[CHN] Torchic ‹2-0› [NE]
[GER] Serpi ‹2-0› [LA]
[BRA] Thiago Nunes «2-1» [ASA]
[ITA] AltCauseImInsecure ‹2-1› [AME]
[EUR] Alice ‹2-0› [SPA]
RBY UU: 7/8 (87.5%)
[EUR] kjdaas «*A-0» [SPA]
[IDP] Fille ‹2-0› [ARG]
[NE] ForgottenOnes ‹2-0› [SOU]
GSC Ubers: 8/8 (100%)
[BRA] LpZ ‹2-1› [ASA]
[CHN] Indulge in dreams ‹2-0› [SOU]
[EUR] Isa ‹2-0› [ITA]
[AME] Lord Thorx ‹2-1› [FRA]
[GER] vani ‹2-0› [MWS]
[SPA] Eeveeto ‹2-1› [ARG]
[NE] Jamez155 ‹2-0› [LA]
GSC OU: 5/8 (62.5%)
[EUR] Alice ‹2-0› [SOU]
[GER] vani «*A-0» [FRA]
[AME] Lord Thorx «*A-0» [NE]
[LA] Raichy ‹2-1› [CHN]
[SPA] Kenix ‹2-0› [IDP]
[ITA] Bomber. ‹2-0› [MWS]
GSC UU: 7/8 (87.5%)
[WES] Siatam ‹2-0› [SPA]
[AME] Lord Thorx ‹2-1› [IDP]
[LA] Raichy ‹2-0› [BRA]
[SOU] Yami ‹2-0› [CHN]
[ITA] Amaranth ‹2-0› [GER]
[NE] ((
ADV Ubers: 6/8 (75%)
[CHN] gostop «*A-0» [SPA]
[GER] Melle2402 ‹2-0› [FRA]
[ITA] dream ‹2-0› [MWS]
ADV OU: 7/8 (87.5%)
[ARG] Kyundai ‹2-1› [NE]
[LA] Jhonx~ ‹2-0› [CHN]
[SPA] egalvanc ‹2-1› [WES]
ADV UU: 8/8 (100%)
[EUR] Zokuru «2-1» [ARG]
[MWS] brewfasa ‹2-0› [ITA]
[IDP] Chill Shadow ‹2-0› [SPA]
[BRA] Highways ‹2-0› [LA]
DPP Ubers: 7/8 (87.5%)
[GER] ((
[ARG] mamawebos rodriguez ‹2-0› [NE]
DPP OU: 8/8 (100%)
[GER] snøfall ‹2-0› [BRA]
[SOU] Everything Is Something ‹2-0› [WES]
[ARG] ElectricityCat ‹2-1› [CHN]
[LA] ((
DPP UU: 6/8 (75%)
[IDP] Chill Shadow ‹2-0› [ARG]
[ITA] Renny ‹2-1› [BRA]
[SOU] jeronipuff ‹2-0› [CHN]
[LA] luisotte «*A-0» [AME]
[ASA] Trade «*A-0» [GER]
[EUR] Tomahawk ‹2-0› [NE]
DPP LC: 8/8 (100%)
[IDP] Fille ‹2-1› [AME]
[MWS] idiotfrommars ‹2-1› [ITA]
[ASA] Trade ‹2-1› [FRA]
[LA] luisotte ‹2-1› [ARG]
[EUR] kjdaas ‹2-1› [WES] DC
[CHN] ((
BW Ubers: 7/8 (87.5%)
[ITA] Amaranth ‹2-0› [FRA]
[LA] Nalorium ‹2-0› [SPA]
[ASA] CKW ‹2-0› [EUR]
BW OU: 7/8 (87.5%)
[ASA] devin ‹2-0› [SPA] t
BW UU: 8/8 (100%)
[EUR] bugzinator ‹2-1› [GER]
[WES] maroon ‹2-1› [CHN]
[LA] Nalorium ‹2-1› [AME]
BW RU: 7/8 (87.5%)
[SPA] ilesaural «*F-0» [ASA]
[FRA] SiTuM ‹2-1› [ARG]
[AME] Alpha Rabbit ‹2-0› [NE]
ORAS Ubers: 7/8 (87.5%)
[IDP] Aishia «*F-0» [ITA]
[NE] Tokyo Tom ‹2-0› [WES]
[AME] squinn ‹2-1› [ARG]
[EUR] Mysterious M ‹2-0› [MWS]
[ASA] trace ‹2-1› [SOU]
[CHN] sanv ‹2-0› [GER]
ORAS OU: 8/8 (100%)
[SPA] Sagiri ‹2-0› [SOU]
[ARG] ElectricityCat ‹2-0› [GER]
[LA] xImRaptor ‹2-0› [FRA]
[ASA] devin ‹2-0› [ITA]
[BRA] Spl4sh ‹2-0› [EUR]
ORAS UU: 6/8 (75%)
[ITA] Renny «*A-0» [NE]
[IDP] Skysolo ‹2-1› [ARG]
[GER] Dragon Claw ‹2-0› [CHN]
[SPA] toytean ‹2-0› [LA]
[EUR] bugzinator ‹2-1› [MWS]
[WES] Decem ‹2-0› [SOU]
[FRA] Dlanyer «*A-0» [AME]
ORAS DOU: 5/8 (62.5%)
[MWS] Shadowmonstr7 «*F-0» [BRA]
[WES] Decem ‹2-1› [SOU]
[FRA] Givrix ‹2-1› [CHN]
SM Ubers: 8/8 (100%)
[EUR] Mysterious M ‹2-1› [AME]
[SPA] egalvanc ‹2-0› [BRA]
[IDP] byronthewellwell ‹2-0› [LA]
SM OU: 8/8 (100%)
[FRA] le LLiolae ‹2-0› [EUR]
[ITA] ((
[NE] Kyotoshi ‹2-1› [IDP]
[BRA] Ash KetchumGamer ‹2-0› [AME]
[ASA] Solivagant ‹2-1› [SPA]
SM UU: 8/8 (100%)
[GER] Serpi ‹2-0› [BRA]
[CHN] gostop ‹2-1› [ARG]
[NE] ((
[LA] Fakee ‹2-1› [SPA]
LGPE OU: 8/8 (100%)
[AME] AnimeroDaniel ‹2-1› [ASA]
[NE] Kyotoshi ‹2-1› [GER]
[SOU] Yami ‹2-0› [BRA]
[ARG] Enzonana. ‹2-1› [IDP]
[CHN] cscl ‹2-0› [EUR]
Pairings done by the Smogon Bracketmaker (3179–3203)
Play a first-to-2 wins (bo3 wins) versus your opponent in the correct tier and report the score you won or lost by (2-x).
Round 1 deadline is Monday September 28th 07:59 AM EDT / 01:59 PM CEST
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