Welcome to the RMT forum! The purpose of this forum is to provide users an opportunity to share a team of theirs and have the community provide feedback to help improve teams that are posted. This thread contains the rules of this forum, as well as guides on how to post teams and how to rate teams. You can also find a list of our staff members and additional resources in this thread.
Contents of this thread
- Introduction
- List of staff members and RMT on Discord Information
- Guide on How to Create an RMT
- Guide on Rating
- Helpful Resources
If you ever have a question or need help with something, below is a list of our staff members, including our moderators and our official Team Raters:
- Slowpoke Fan (Leader)
- Duck Chris (Leader)
- ken
- Tysonslayer
- 1LDK - OU
- Abhi - OU
- ausma - OU
- chimp - OU
- Roller K - OU
- Srn - OU
- dex - OU & CAP
- royalfluxh - OU
- Tysonslayer - OU
- Estarossa - UU & PU
- justdrew - UU
- AtraX Madara - Monotype
- Neko - Monotype
- style.css - Monotype
- Fc - Ubers, Anything Goes & SS OU
- Lasen - Ubers
- Taka - Ubers & National Dex
- zoe - Doubles OU
- Memoric - Doubles OU
- Yellow Paint - DOU
- LameLiarLeo - VGC
- Isaiah - Other Metas
- UT - Other Metas
- Will - Anything Goes
- Solaros & Lunaris - National Dex
- Sulo - National Dex
- Tbolt - BW OU
- Bella - SV PU
- FireWizard312 - SV OU
- VicBossMG - SV OU
- Miyoko - SV OU
B101 now has a resource forum, it has useful resources for any newcomer, for a variety of different metagames. https://www.smogon.com/forums/forums/resources.557/[/user]
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