rickheg Vs JBCWK! rickheg wins!

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Flare Blitz, even though that'll probably fail, then as he Meditates use Roar to negate his boost! Finally, Protect on the Rock Slide; Feint doesn't hurt that hard!
Swifty (Mienfoo) (M)
HP: 90
Atk: ***
Def: **
SpA: *(-)
SpD: **
Spe: 75(+)
Actions: Fake Out~Meditate~Rock Slide/Feint


Apollo (Growlithe) (M)
HP: 61

Energy: 60
Stats: -1 Attack
Status: N/A
Actions: Flare Blitz~Roar~Protect

Sad that his trusted companion, Ziggy, has fallen, rickheg decides to send out Swifty the Mienfoo to avenge his comrade. Ready for action, Swifty lives up to his name and begins to move with blinding speed. Apollo then flinches as if he's been hit. That Fake Out was so fast that I could barely see it.

Swifty then sits down and begins to Meditate. He begins to glow an intense white, which appears to be an increase in power from his meditation. Apollo then lets out an enormous Roar, disrupting Swifty's concentration and the glowing stops. The roar was enough to negate Swifty's power up from his meditation.

Swifty notices that Apollo has begun to set up a Protective barrier and he Feints one way, then is able to get behind the wall and strike his foe. That was an impressive manuever, as rickheg is finally able to get through the Protective walls that JBCWK's Pokemon have been setting up all battle.

Fake Out - 4+(3-1)x1.5 = [7 Damage] [4 Energy]
Meditate = [4 Energy]
Feint - 4+(3-1)x1.5 = [7 Damage] [2 Energy]

Roar = [7 Energy]
Protect = [7 Energy]

Swifty (Mienfoo) (M)
HP: 90
Energy: 90
Stats: N/A
Status: N/A


Apollo (Growlithe) (M)
HP: 47

Energy: 46
Stats: -1 Attack
Status: N/A

JBCWK, you're up
Overheat him to lay down the hurt, then Flare Blitz! Then don't stop the offense - A Wild Charge will hurt him good!
Okay, Swifty, this round is gonna hurt, but we'll hurt him more. Start with Rock Slide. Then, as he uses Flare Blitz, Detect, since that'll be the worst of the damage, and the less damage the better. Then, use another Rock Slide and let's see where that leaves us.

Rock Slide > Detect > Rock Slide
Swifty (Mienfoo) (M)
HP: 90
Energy: 90
Stats: N/A
Status: N/A
Actions: Rock Slide~Detect~Rock Slide


Apollo (Growlithe) (M)
HP: 47

Energy: 46
Stats: -1 Attack
Status: N/A
Actions: Overheat~Flare Blitz~Wild Charge

Rather upset about her damage output last round, Swifty decides to put the pressure on Apollo. She gathers some rocks into a pile and forces them over top of her foe. The Rock Slide crushes Apollo, forcing him to flinch.

Apollo is finally able to climb his way out of the rubble and becomes engulfed in flames. He then (Flare) Blitzes towards Swifty. However, Swifty is able to Detect Apollo's movements and avoid the incoming attack.

Swifty uses here advantage to bury Apollo beneath another Rock Slide. The poor pup cannot catch a break, as he once again flinches from the attack. Swifty can tell her opponent is ready to fall and prepares to deal the finishing blow, but she must wait for her trainer's orders.

Rock Slide - [8+(3-1)x1.5]x1.5 = [17 Damage] [6 Energy]
Detect = [11 Energy]
Rock Slide - [8+(3-1)x1.5]x1.5 = [17 Damage] [6 Energy]

Flare Blitz = [7 Energy]

Swifty (Mienfoo) (M)
HP: 90
Energy: 67
Stats: N/A
Status: HAXOR SUPREME (4 Actions)


Apollo (Growlithe) (M)
HP: 13

Energy: 39
Stats: -1 Attack
Status: N/A

rickheg, you're up.
Holey moley, that is some extreme hax, right there. Just use Rock Slide x3, and if he uses Protect, sub that action with Feint

Rock Slide > Rock Slide > Rock Slide
Sub any action with Feint if he Protects

Let's wrap up our first match with a win, boys! Also, Spiffy? She? Swifty is a he...

EDIT @below; haha alright
Swifty (Mienfoo) (M)
HP: 90
Energy: 67
Stats: N/A
Status: HAXOR SUPREME (4 Actions)
Actions: Rock Slide~Rock Slide~Rock Slide


Apollo (Growlithe) (M)
HP: 13

Energy: 39
Stats: -1 Attack
Status: N/A
Actions: Flare Blitz~Flare Blitz~Flare Blitz

Apollo finally climbs out from beneath the rubble and begins to rage over the extreme HAX. Swifty doesn't seem to even care about his opponent, as he buries him in one final Rock Slide.

Rock Slide - [8+(3-1)x1.5]x1.5 = [17 Damage] [6 Energy]
Swifty (Mienfoo) (M)
HP: 90
Energy: 61
Stats: N/A
Status: HAXOR SUPREME (3 Actions)


Apollo (Growlithe) (M)
HP: 0

Energy: 0
Stats: -1 Attack
Status: KOed

2 Trainer Counters: JBCWK, Rickheg
1 EC, MC and DC: Nidhogg, Apollo, Ziggy, Swifty
KO Counter(s): Ziggy (1), Apollo (1), Swifty (1)

And I get 3 Ref Tokens.
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