Metagame Revelationmons

Were the restricted moves intended to also weaken existing Pokémon? My favourite physical fighting types now can't use Close Combat as a fighting move unless they put something else in the fighting slot, either forcing them to have a status move, or forcing that they double-up on their fighting coverage. Was this intentional? If not, could it be fixed so that existing fighting types can still use it in their appropriate slot?
Were the restricted moves intended to also weaken existing Pokémon? My favourite physical fighting types now can't use Close Combat as a fighting move unless they put something else in the fighting slot, either forcing them to have a status move, or forcing that they double-up on their fighting coverage. Was this intentional? If not, could it be fixed so that existing fighting types can still use it in their appropriate slot?
Restricted moves were not intended to nerf Pokemon, no, but are a side-effect of preventing them from being used as type-changed moves. It's also not inherently a problem if an OM's premise nerfs some Pokemon, it happens all the time, like Cinderace losing access to Libero in AAA.

However, we are looking at changing how restricted moves work to avoid this problem. No promises, but we agree it's undesirable, and if we are able to fix it, we will.
F to my rain kingdra, it was truly legendary doing 60% to water resists in rain.

Also, out of interest, why was Thundy-T banned but regular Thundy still allowed? The speed tier seems to make it more dangerous after a plot, was the +20 Sp.atk that much of a problem?
F to my rain kingdra, it was truly legendary doing 60% to water resists in rain.

Also, out of interest, why was Thundy-T banned but regular Thundy still allowed? The speed tier seems to make it more dangerous after a plot, was the +20 Sp.atk that much of a problem?

Regular Thundurus on paper should be really good similar to Thund-T, but we have not seen enough of it to make any judgement. The +20 SpAtk did play a role, allowing it to run choiced sets, as well as boosting sets. This created a mind game where you weren't immediately sure what the set was. Electric-types are also very powerful in this tier, so it had great offensive MU's into a lot of the tier. Though having Volt Absorb meant it had an immunity to those strong electric-types, making it it a lot harder to kill than regular Thundurus.
Regular Thundurus on paper should be really good similar to Thund-T, but we have not seen enough of it to make any judgement. The +20 SpAtk did play a role, allowing it to run choiced sets, as well as boosting sets. This created a mind game where you weren't immediately sure what the set was. Electric-types are also very powerful in this tier, so it had great offensive MU's into a lot of the tier. Though having Volt Absorb meant it had an immunity to those strong electric-types, making it it a lot harder to kill than regular Thundurus.

Ty for the explanation!
I think Extreme Speed should also be forbidden from being put into the first two slots. It may not be as widespread as Close Combat, but it still gives Pokemon like Lucario, Entei, and Zygarde-10% access to a 80 BP STAB +2 priority move. It's a very braindead and spammable move that makes revenge killing and sweeping way too easy.
I think Extreme Speed should also be forbidden from being put into the first two slots. It may not be as widespread as Close Combat, but it still gives Pokemon like Lucario, Entei, and Zygarde-10% access to a 80 BP STAB +2 priority move. It's a very braindead and spammable move that makes revenge killing and sweeping way too easy.
we are keeping an eye on extreme speed, but I would love to hear what specifically you think makes it broken
its definitely a very good move, but it isn’t that strong, Tapu Lele is very common, and most espeed users are checked by slowbro
What do you guys think of my team?
Misty Terrain is an interesting tech to remove terrain for your opponent, but I think there are more viable ways of trying to deal with them. You could slot in Buzzwole as a Rillaboom counter + E-Speed check. Terrakion should have Megahorn instead of Stone Edge. It's 120BP with 85% accuracy, meaning it's stronger and more accurate. I think you can slot in Toxic instead of Iron Head as well since it looks like Slowbro gives your team a hard time. I think you should switch the slots for Volt Switch with Thunder-Wave that way you can paralyze stuff like Lando-T. I also think Cobalion should have some form of offense like a Steel STAB or something in place of Taunt. Lucario should have E-Speed on it. You could replace Bullet Punch and put E-Speed in the Steel slot and then add Crunch for coverage. I'm not quite sure what you could do for the Koko or Alolan Raichu MU though. I do not think slotting Misty Terrain onto Gallade is enough of a solution since they could simply switch out and reset it. I think that's just gonna have to be a MU you're going to have to accept should you run into it. You could try slotting in more priority on your team as a means of dealing with it though (SD Terrakion + Rock/Fighting Quick Attack for instance).
What do you think about Outrage band tytar?
I think all mons who run Outrage/Thrash STABs run the same problem where they'll nuke whatever is immediately in front of them, but they'll also very likely get revenge killed the following turns while they're locked in. I personally don't find Outrage/Thrash worthwhile because of that.
Hi, I know that I didn't make it to the top ladder of this meta but I wanted to share a web team that I built very quickly, here it is:
- as I explain in the pokepast itself The team doesn't have much but in the end,
Slurpuff sets up the web and prevents the opposing hazards from being knocked down. Thundurus prevents our web from being taken down with Defiant. Lele serves as a stallbreaker and keeps the use of priority moves to a minimum. Cloyster, Salamence and Lucario abuse the web.

Ps : I've changed Salamence for Krookodile, i order to be a bigger threat for the numerous Slowbro that you can face.

Here's the set :

Krookodile @ Life Orb
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Superpower
- Close Combat
- Bulk Up
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Hi, I know that I didn't make it to the top ladder of this meta but I wanted to share a web team that I built very quickly, here it is:
as I explain in the pokepast itself The team doesn't have much but in the end,
Slurpuff sets up the web and prevents the opposing hazards from being knocked down.

Thundurus prevents our web from being taken down with Defiant.

Lele serves as a stallbreaker and keeps the use of priority moves to a minimum.

Cloyster, Salamence and Lucario abuse the web.
Don't let not topping the ladder discourage you from sharing; we appreciate ideas here.

This is a cool looking team though. Ideas or suggestions from me: If there was a change I really suggested be made, it'd be replace Psychic Terrain (move) on Tapu Lele. It's very redundant on it I feel, and I can't imagine getting too much value out of spending a turn to use it. I think you could slot on another STAB option there. Other than the replacement of Psychic Terrain, the team is fine as is. If you find yourself struggling with Skarmory or Ferrothorn, you can swap Fire Fang with Fire Blast (Life Orb over Lum also). Intimidate could also help you set-up more easily, but Moxie gives you incredible snowball potential. Taunt is also a passable alternative over Bulk Up to further deter Defogging, as well as any other attempts to use a status move. You can also slot in High Jump Kick over Meteor Mash for Lucario, but missing HJK can be complete pain. You could swap Icicle Spear and Explosion's placement to improve the Slowbro MU as well. Ice Explosion nukes just about everything, but Normal does have the merit of blowing up Slowbro.
Don't let not topping the ladder discourage you from sharing; we appreciate ideas here.

This is a cool looking team though. Ideas or suggestions from me: If there was a change I really suggested be made, it'd be replace Psychic Terrain (move) on Tapu Lele. It's very redundant on it I feel, and I can't imagine getting too much value out of spending a turn to use it. I think you could slot on another STAB option there. Other than the replacement of Psychic Terrain, the team is fine as is. If you find yourself struggling with Skarmory or Ferrothorn, you can swap Fire Fang with Fire Blast (Life Orb over Lum also). Intimidate could also help you set-up more easily, but Moxie gives you incredible snowball potential. Taunt is also a passable alternative over Bulk Up to further deter Defogging, as well as any other attempts to use a status move. You can also slot in High Jump Kick over Meteor Mash for Lucario, but missing HJK can be complete pain. You could swap Icicle Spear and Explosion's placement to improve the Slowbro MU as well. Ice Explosion nukes just about everything, but Normal does have the merit of blowing up Slowbro.

Thank you for your review of the team, you've brought plenty of good suggestions
Don't let not topping the ladder discourage you from sharing; we appreciate ideas here.

This is a cool looking team though. Ideas or suggestions from me: If there was a change I really suggested be made, it'd be replace Psychic Terrain (move) on Tapu Lele. It's very redundant on it I feel, and I can't imagine getting too much value out of spending a turn to use it. I think you could slot on another STAB option there. Other than the replacement of Psychic Terrain, the team is fine as is. If you find yourself struggling with Skarmory or Ferrothorn, you can swap Fire Fang with Fire Blast (Life Orb over Lum also). Intimidate could also help you set-up more easily, but Moxie gives you incredible snowball potential. Taunt is also a passable alternative over Bulk Up to further deter Defogging, as well as any other attempts to use a status move. You can also slot in High Jump Kick over Meteor Mash for Lucario, but missing HJK can be complete pain. You could swap Icicle Spear and Explosion's placement to improve the Slowbro MU as well. Ice Explosion nukes just about everything, but Normal does have the merit of blowing up Slowbro.
I've put psychic terrain because i was fearfull of the other terrain but at the end that was very useless in fact
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Regieleki @ Magnet
Ability: Transistor
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Ancient Power
- Thunder Cage
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt

I felt like Regieleki doesn't have quite enough STAB coverage, so this meta really helps him out by offering more Electric options for him to abuse with Transistor and Magnet.

Regieleki @ Magnet
Ability: Transistor
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Ancient Power
- Thunder Cage
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt

I felt like Regieleki doesn't have quite enough STAB coverage, so this meta really helps him out by offering more Electric options for him to abuse with Transistor and Magnet.
I do not really understand how Electric Anciant Power could help Regieleki. I think it would benefit more from Extreme Speed, even without Atk investment. Though, I'm not sure if Timid is necessary with that Speed stat.
Conversion 2 can change Pory's type, and your first slot is the same type as the mon's so the Pory line can use every single move type in a game, theoretically. Also good for stall

Shapeshifter (Porygon2) @ Eviolite
Ability: Analytic
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Facade
- Recover
- Conversion 2
- Curse

Regieleki @ Magnet
Ability: Transistor
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Ancient Power
- Thunder Cage
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt

I felt like Regieleki doesn't have quite enough STAB coverage, so this meta really helps him out by offering more Electric options for him to abuse with Transistor and Magnet.
The issue with this set lies in the fact that Regieleki lacks coverage of really any kind - shortening that list makes it really problematic. More often than not you'd rather just run standard Regieleki or even Extreme Speed Regieleki (which runs a weird spread tbf). It's a cool idea, but not practical.
Special Attacker (Regieleki) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Transistor
EVs: 56 HP / 24 Def / 252 SpA / 176 Spe
Timid Nature
- Electro Ball
- Rapid Spin
- Volt Switch
- Ancient Power
176 Speed EVs and a Timid nature allow Regieleki to outpace up to +1 Thundurus. The defensive investment is enough to live one Life Orb Bisharp Sucker Punch from full and OHKO back.

Extreme Speed (Regieleki) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Transistor
EVs: 188 Atk / 20 Def / 140 SpA / 160 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Extreme Speed
- Electro Ball
- Rapid Spin
- Volt Switch
160 Speed EVs are used to outspeed +1 base 95 Pokemon. 20 Defense EVs allow Regieleki to live one Life Orb Lucario Extreme Speed. 140 Special Attack EVs are used to allow Regieleki to 3HKO non-Leftovers Ferrothorn with Electro Ball 57% of the time. A Naughty nature is used to maximize Extreme Speed's effectiveness.
Sample submissions are open!

Technically, they are always open, but they are very open currently. We have had several metagame shifts since they were last updated en mass, and we would love to see new teams.

Thanks again, and keep enjoying Revelationmons! We love to see all the high-quality posts!
Bumping this because some people might have not seen this. We love seeing what teams people come up with and there's no better way than to show off this than sample teams! While it would be preferred if you'd give a small description on how to use the team and what each Pokemon does, this is not needed and we'd rather you just submit the teams.
:luxray::urshifu-rapid-strike::tapu-lele::heatran::landorus-therian::rotom-wash: Luxray FS-Lele Anti-Tran BO
Description in pokepaste

Alternatively you can use the spoiler function for the description, right below the paste
I've been running some hyper offense and really have been enjoying some of the weird stuff you can get away with. (Shoutouts to that belly drum g-slowbro set, it's actually fire)

Moltres-Galar @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Berserk
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fiery Wrath
- Hyper Voice
- Agility
- Nasty Plot

Pretty much the same set that was normally run on veil offense without the pesky hurricane misses. Flying STAB that can hit through sub also proves useful sometimes.
Azelf @ Focus Sash
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Explosion
- Taunt
- Stealth Rock
- Flamethrower

This set is a beast as a lead. STAB explosion coming off of a base 115 attack stat just nukes everything.
Landorus-Therian (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Explosion
- U-turn
- Stone Edge

Speaking of explosion, I think it's a pretty good move in this meta lol. I've been running this set as a glue on hyper offense and it's a great way to deal with a threat that's getting out of hand. STAB explosion kills just about every offensive mon in the tier and has no immunities.
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The issue with this set lies in the fact that Regieleki lacks coverage of really any kind - shortening that list makes it really problematic. More often than not you'd rather just run standard Regieleki or even Extreme Speed Regieleki (which runs a weird spread tbf). It's a cool idea, but not practical.

I do not really understand how Electric Anciant Power could help Regieleki. I think it would benefit more from Extreme Speed, even without Atk investment. Though, I'm not sure if Timid is necessary with that Speed stat.

The joke is that Regieleki exclusively has strong electric STAB options and nothing else.

I felt like Regieleki doesn't have quite enough STAB coverage, so this meta really helps him out by offering more Electric options for him to abuse with Transistor and Magnet.
This meta was so funny, I loved it. My preference on these other metagames is to create teams then climbing the ladder. So, I tried to elaborate the four weather teams. I really liked rain and sun, it was really funny to play. But I had some hard times with hail and sandstorm. Here they are (descriptions on the link), let me know what you think of them:

Toxtricity can be really strong with Boomurst in the first or second slot, no?
It is strong, but it's worth noting that two of the most popular Pokemon in the tier, Landorus-Therian and Ferrothorn, respectively are immune to and resist both Tox's STABs, so you need big team support in order to properly leverage Toxtricity.
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