Been experimenting with a team since day 1 of ladder and peaked #5 on numerous occasions on the first couple days with
this team (no screenshots, sorry). However, due to the (extremely) recent Blacephalon ban, there is no longer a need to run Fini, and Luxray also does not have a safe way to set up and deal damage. Hence, with some help from
UT, a new rendition of the team was made. Currently #23 on ladder as of writing, however could push back up to even top 10 if I tried hard enough.

Ah, Luxray. The mon banished to the depths of ZU thanks to its lack of good STAB. Electric type Facade makes this no more, and with a terrifying 210bp move, Luxray can threaten OHKOs on almost every mon that doesnt resist Electric at +1. Superpower is great coverage for Luxray, as it hits walls such as Ferrothorn that would usually be a major issue for it, either to continue its sweep or allow for other mons to sweep as a result. Ice Fang hits ground types quite hard, even OHKOing offensive variants of Lando-T at +0 (guts boost + intimidate drop). Finally, Agility allows it to outspeed up to scarfed 95s, becoming nearly uncheckable in Psychic Terrain late game.

Lele is Lele. Moonblast for the most powerful Psychic coverage, while Tbolt allows for parahax for teammates to abuse. Psyshock to hit special walls hard, such as Blissey, though you won't deal over 50% without Choice Specs - an undesirable item in this team. Focus Blast hits Steel-types hard, notably threatening 2HKOs on Ferrothorn. Not much to say about this, however, it's really just your standard OU Choice Scarf Lele.

Oh boy, this thing. NMI is a menace. Despite not having a +1 boost with Ice Draco Meteor when it switches in, +0.4 more than makes up for it. Draco Meteor almost guarantees an OHKO on every non-resist, and Freeze-Dry hits Slowbro and the odd Fini hard enough to threaten an OHKO after rocks on Slowbro and guarantee a 2HKO on Fini. Earth Power hits Fire and Steel types, which would otherwise wall Kyurem.

During early building of the original BO team, I actually used this exact set - albeit with limited success, thanks to Blaceph and Polteageist. Rock-type Megahorn has 5/6 accurary and 180bp after STAB factoring, which is always nice as a Rock-type move. Fighting-type Quick Attack is nice for OHKOing Kartana at +2, though do be aware of Psychic Terrain preventing this. Close Combat is always reliable STAB, hitting pretty much every Steel-type hard (be wary of Aegislash though, this gets walled by it kinda hard). Swords Dance is always good, allowing for Terrakion to check so many more threats.

The centrepiece of the team. Light Screen and Reflect are obvious choices, Fairy-type Brave Bird allows for Koko to not be setup fodder and U-turn for pivoting. The choice of Brave Bird over Taunt may be a confusing choice, but almost every time Taunt has been of use, Brave Bird also has.
While Trick Room and other HOs can be possible issues and even losing matchups, Koko's overwhelming power along with its support value makes it more useful in my opinion.
i disconnected before i got to upload the replay against trick room so a downloadable version will have to suffice. link here.

Skarmory serves a unique niche on this team, being able to be a great backup wall and hazard setter, but also as a setup sweeper on its own with Iron Defense Body Press. Rocky Helmet allows for Skarmory to dissuade other physical attackers from harming it, allowing it to set up. Sturdy allows for Skarmory to OHKO Thundurus-Therian at +2 with Body Press, either on the switch or via Sturdy protection, and survive Marowak-A's Flare Blitz and OHKO back at +2. If you so get the chance to get to +6, there is rarely anything your opponent can do as a result.
- Aegislash. If you made a team where this isn't present, honestly congrats.
- Trick Room. Pretty much perfect play is required to win.
- Fairy Types. Koko in particular can be problematic if you dont eliminate it quickly.
- Sand
As a side note if anyone knows who theorymon'd this Luxray set please message me either here on Smogon or on Discord @ Clastia#6682, thanks! You took your post down or edited it some time between the release of Revelationmons and now.