
Regigigas has Knock off. It can be a bulky status platform, it doesn't need to focus on sweeping or stalling out slow start.

Regigigas @ Leftovers
252 HP/252 Def(SPDef)/4 SpDef(Def)
Bold/Calm / Slow Start

Knock Off
Swagger/Thunder Wave/Confuse Ray
filler attack
Regigigas has Knock off. It can be a bulky status platform, it doesn't need to focus on sweeping or stalling out slow start.

Regigigas @ Leftovers
252 HP/252 Def(SPDef)/4 SpDef(Def)
Bold/Calm / Slow Start

Knock Off
Swagger/Thunder Wave/Confuse Ray
filler attack

Gigas is one of the best Knock Off users around. I use a mixed defensive spread with Thunder Wave, Confuse Ray, Knock Off, and Return and it works wonderfully.

Mold Breaker doesn't remove Slow Start.
That doesn't even make sense. go jump off a cliff.

Don't tell others to jump off cliffs, that's irrelevant to the topic.

Anyway Mold Breaker doesn't remove Slow Start, although a friend of mine did manage to troll NU by using Thunder Wave + Confuse Ray to stall out Slow Start. They really should've given Regigigas Protect. I mean, it's quite unreliable and chances are it's impossible that it would succeed for 5 turns consecutively.
I used an annoying team with Regi, jirachi and togekiss it was something like this
252 hp 252atk
- twave
- confuse ray
- stomp

- twave
- air slash
- roost

- body slam
- iron head
- wish
Regigigas can learn Headbutt (which is more powerful than Stomp). To boot, it has Foresight.

I've been using Regigigas along side Snorlax in doubles and if all goes well, you're almost unstoppable.

move 1: Belly Drum
move 2: Stockpile
move 3: Rest
move 4: Last Resort
item: Leftovers
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

move 1: Foresight
move 2: Psych Up
move 3: Return
move 4: Drain Punch
item: Leftovers
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 172 Def / 84 SpD
I used an annoying team with Regi, jirachi and togekiss it was something like this
252 hp 252atk
- twave
- confuse ray
- stomp

- twave
- air slash
- roost

- body slam
- iron head
- wish

If you are running only 3 moves on each Pokemon, you are doing it wrong. The only mon who should be doing it is Weedle, and it has a good excuse to do so anyway(it's his entire moveset, lol).
If you are running only 3 moves on each Pokemon, you are doing it wrong. The only mon who should be doing it is Weedle, and it has a good excuse to do so anyway(it's his entire moveset, lol).
theres a 3 move Crobat phazer that I use that works well I wont go into it here as this is no a Crobat discussion
Don't forget about:

Aero@Swimming Googles
-Sleep Talk

How long until someone replies with "swimming googles don't exist?"
Don't forget about:

Aero@Swimming Googles
-Sleep Talk

How long until someone replies with "swimming googles don't exist?"

Swimming Googles Don't Exist.

Back On Topic, Why Has Nobody Suggested Zen Headbutt? In My Opinion, Its A Good Fighting Counter Once Whimsicott Or Cofagrigus Has Done Its Job. Also Payback Can Be Good For Waiting Out Slow Start, Or Revenge.
One post! (If you don't know what I'm talking about, highlight my previous post)

On Topic: Zen Headbutt barely outdamages return (7 base power more, less than 5% difference) so it isn't really worth the move slot.
One post! (If you don't know what I'm talking about, highlight my previous post)

On Topic: Zen Headbutt barely outdamages return (7 base power more, less than 5% difference) so it isn't really worth the move slot.

Return, with STAB, reaches 153 BP, which outdamages Zen Headbutt, which I believe is 80 BP.
If you are running only 3 moves on each Pokemon, you are doing it wrong. The only mon who should be doing it is Weedle, and it has a good excuse to do so anyway(it's his entire moveset, lol).
you are such an idiot. I said looks SOMETHING like this. Meaning I was just making a quick preview of my team! god. according to your theory I was also only using 3 people with NO nature.
If you use White Herb on Regigigas, wouldn't that take away the attack being halved? If not, you can still utilize Regigigas with Trick Room, making use of Slow Start.

Maybe if you go first (with Trick Room, set up with Uxie and U-Turned) you can sub stall or possibly use wide guard to avoid damage. Maybe even use confuse ray/t-wave like suggested ealier with high speeds. If you go first, both rock slide and zen headbut have a chance of flinch. Maybe if you give Regigigas the sitrius berry combined with substitute (thats always goes first) you can survive enough turns in single matches to sweep. If the white herb works, thats even better. No attack loss combined with Trick Room is unstoppable. Or maybe you can use trick room with regigigas on muscle band, and keep zen headbut going. Possible Flinch with attack benefits? Im going to try this set out.
If you use White Herb on Regigigas, wouldn't that take away the attack being halved? If not, you can still utilize Regigigas with Trick Room, making use of Slow Start.

Maybe if you go first (with Trick Room, set up with Uxie and U-Turned) you can sub stall or possibly use wide guard to avoid damage. Maybe even use confuse ray/t-wave like suggested ealier with high speeds. If you go first, both rock slide and zen headbut have a chance of flinch. Maybe if you give Regigigas the sitrius berry combined with substitute (thats always goes first) you can survive enough turns in single matches to sweep. If the white herb works, thats even better. No attack loss combined with Trick Room is unstoppable. Or maybe you can use trick room with regigigas on muscle band, and keep zen headbut going. Possible Flinch with attack benefits? Im going to try this set out.

First, White Herb doesn't work like that. It's a different stat mechanic. And if White Herb did fix Slow Start, then Regigigas would be used a whole lot more than it is.

Second, Substitute does not always go first, I'm not sure what you're referring to.

Regigigas is amazing when used correctly. 110/110/110 is incredible natural bulk, and he can pull of a very annoying support Pokemon with Thunder Wave/Knock Off/Confuse Ray/Headbutt.
If you use White Herb on Regigigas, wouldn't that take away the attack being halved? If not, you can still utilize Regigigas with Trick Room, making use of Slow Start.
I'm pretty sure the stats have to actually drop in battle for the White Herb to kick in. Slow Start applies to the battle as soon as you're sent out iirc, and doesn't actually have it's own stat lowering animations in the DS games (Best way I'm able to explain what I mean, but I think you get it).

Edit - Welp, I got ninja'd hard. Regi's thread is apparently where it's at right now.
I honestly think that Regigigas can only work with Thunder Wave + Confuse Ray or Double Team (illegal) and that's using the term "work" loosely. Otherwise you would have to Baton Pass to it for it to work well (which would be a stupid choice of a Baton Pass recipient) or somehow remove its ability (in Doubles or Triples)
When I said that sub. always goes first, I was reffering to Trick Room utilizing slow start and its poor speed stat to usually go first (so substitute should always goes first, added with its bulk and it should withstand one normally effective attack) I wasn't sure about White Herb but thanks.

I think I Regigigas like this can work best (On a Trick Room Team)

Reggigigas @ Sitruis Berry
Nature: Adamant/Brave
EV: 252 Def/252 Sp.Def/4 Hp

~ Substitute
~ Zen Headbutt/Headbutt
~ Confuse Ray
~ Rock Slide/Wide Guard

If combined with Trick Room, substitute should always go first (when you add slow starts effects) Being bulky (and ev'd to wall) it should stay stable (stalling the first round). Zen Headbutt is used for type coverage and provides a chance of flinch, which could stall your sub and slow start. Headbutt provides STAB and provides flinch, but walled by ghost (Chandulure/Gengar) Rock Slide is for coverage and flinch while wide guard works better if you predict your opponent and block an attack for that round. Od course confuse ray tops it off giveing you the slim chance of excaping an attack for that round

Well, please let me know what you guys think, thanks for telling me White Herb didn't work. Btw, Whismicott can use Trick Room and U-Turn, so it can be used in both singles and doubles using prankster to use worry seed and TR faster.

Hope This Helps
When I said that sub. always goes first, I was reffering to Trick Room utilizing slow start and its poor speed stat to usually go first (so substitute should always goes first, added with its bulk and it should withstand one normally effective attack) I wasn't sure about White Herb but thanks.

I think I Regigigas like this can work best (On a Trick Room Team)

Reggigigas @ Sitruis Berry
Nature: Adamant/Brave
EV: 252 Def/252 Sp.Def/4 Hp

~ Substitute
~ Zen Headbutt/Headbutt
~ Confuse Ray
~ Rock Slide/Wide Guard

If combined with Trick Room, substitute should always go first (when you add slow starts effects) Being bulky (and ev'd to wall) it should stay stable (stalling the first round). Zen Headbutt is used for type coverage and provides a chance of flinch, which could stall your sub and slow start. Headbutt provides STAB and provides flinch, but walled by ghost (Chandulure/Gengar) Rock Slide is for coverage and flinch while wide guard works better if you predict your opponent and block an attack for that round. Od course confuse ray tops it off giveing you the slim chance of excaping an attack for that round

Well, please let me know what you guys think, thanks for telling me White Herb didn't work. Btw, Whismicott can use Trick Room and U-Turn, so it can be used in both singles and doubles using prankster to use worry seed and TR faster.

Hope This Helps

Just a small nitpick. Prankster doesn't give Whimsicott Trick Room at +1 Priority, it only raises the priority by one bracket from -7 to -6 (the priority of the four phazing moves roar, whirlwind, dragon tail, and circle throw).
I knew that, sorry for not making that clear. I think that set works best in both singles and doubles, unless anyone else has a better set?