Red Card

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Although the 5th generation has brought with it seemingly endless potential gamebreakers, from Shanderaa to Speed Boost Chicken, I noticed this item in the midst of all these changes. Its ability, quoted from pokejungle, is:

'Red Card: Hold item that forces opponent to switch out pokemon after holder is attacked'.

I can see several potential uses here immediately - it would seem to be a great addition to stall teams, for a start, guaranteeing them something slightly worse than a free whirlwind once per turn plus whatever move they would otherwise use, and, as a last resort method , stopping boosted opponents from sweeping. If it works with protect, then it could quickly become a hugely annoying combination against, well, anyone (first time round, anyway). Of course, on the other side of the spectrum, if it was a 1 use item it would be an almost total nerf.

Certainly I don't think that this will be as game-changing as, say, Swimming Goggles or Aiming Mark, but even so I think that it's certainly worth discussion to try and theorise some strategies and movesets.
And, more importantly, the idea of an ashen-faced Tyranitar sent scuttling to the dressing room for shoving the opponent greatly amuses me =P

So, any thoughts on Red Card?
Edit: Stupid question, I can see this being used on some stall teams to try and counteract the big offensive threats. It does seem like a gimmick though
If it is multi-use then any bulky pokemon with access to recovery is the ultimate staller. More importantly, it allows any team to be made knowing it has a gigantic weakness to Sub CM Shanderaa for example, because you can force Shanderaa to switch out and give up its sweep.

What I wonder is whether or not there is some way around this...
i hope it's multi use.
cause without it stall would be really ineffective cause of aiming mark rapid spin and the distribution of shadow tag

What I wonder is whether or not there is some way around this...

i think one solution would be to remove the item via trick or knock off.
Assuming that it wouldn't activate red card though
Would it still force an opponent out under ingrain? If so say goodbye to noob baton pass teams. I can definitely see Bronzong and Swampert using this; even many relatively strong attackers take two or three turns to actually kill them, so combine that forced switch in perts case with a roar, and you just made them take 3 X hazard damage. (One switching the initial poke in, then one on the red card, and then another on the roar). Get raped
What happens if you put a Red Card on Shadow Tag Shanderaa? Does the opponent just explode or something?
Would it still force an opponent out under ingrain? If so say goodbye to noob baton pass teams. I can definitely see Bronzong and Swampert using this; even many relatively strong attackers take two or three turns to actually kill them, so combine that forced switch in perts case with a roar, and you just made them take 3 X hazard damage. (One switching the initial poke in, then one on the red card, and then another on the roar). Get raped

Except it'd only switch twice because you can't attack and switch at the same time(unless u-turn would bring out the new pokemon and then switch them back out).
Heh, lots of these new items are Sports-based, i've noticed. I guess the Stadium is where you get them.

And i'm assuming this is a one-use only item, right? Because if not it's going to be really quite annoying.
Even if it is one use, it could be useful to prevent sweeps. You make a mistake and DDGyara gets to +2 and your check has been KO'd. Switch in your Red Card in on its attack and you've potentially saved the game. Not hugely useful but could be worse. Maybe it could see use on pokes with priority moves to ensure that whatever is carded out will have a bit less HP.
I think giving Substitute Pokemon a set-up turn is going to be awesome, if it works behind Protect then this is really going to be an issue, Stallrein, Poison healers etc. using a sub + protect strategy or such like. Also if Axeface can somehow manage to waste a turn (again, possibly protect or maybe a haban berry or yache berry or focus sash if you can pull that off) and he can get a substitute, things are going to start dying with DD, Outrage and Earthquake.
If this shit isnt a one use only item... im having something with knock-off on my team at all times.

If not one use.... give it to something with sticky hold ;)
Lol, I think this will be one-use. Still though...isn't there a pokemon who gets an ability that can do auto-recycle?
99% sure it disappears after use.

Even if it is one use, it could be useful to prevent sweeps. You make a mistake and DDGyara gets to +2 and your check has been KO'd. Switch in your Red Card in on its attack and you've potentially saved the game. Not hugely useful but could be worse. Maybe it could see use on pokes with priority moves to ensure that whatever is carded out will have a bit less HP.

Elaborating on this point... Shedinja.
Does Wonder Guard actually allow hits to land but have no effect? If so, Shedinja could make a useful Phazer on the switch-in on anything boosted but unlikely to use something that can harm it.
Of course, entry hazards and SS would render it obsolete...
Sturdy + Red Card would be a good combination as a last-resort answer to threatening sweepers. On the other hand, Protect/Substitute + Red Card + Set-up move would work well too..

Opponent switched in Flygon!
Kingdra used Dragon Dance!
Kingdra used Protect!
Flygon used Outrage!
Kingdra protected itself!
Opponent switched in something!
Kingdra used Dragon Dance!
Opponent has left the room. You win!
free focus paunch as well, but the free dragon dance seems the most viable option if it is just a one time use.

I don't believe it will necessarily be a free focus punch hit, since it seems that the attack still lands.

How exactly does this work with U-turn and if a switch-in dies due to entry hazards? Would it be initial pokemon, then U-turn-Switch-in-then Red Card -pokemon? Suppose U-turn Switch-in pokemon dies? Then what happens to the Red-Card switchin and the upon-death switch-in?
This would be good, and I thought Aiming Mark was proved that it couldnt hit ghosts?

Stall would have a field day with this. Set up Narrotei with this and sponge Neutral and NVE attacks all day, and when SE attack comes, BOOM Shandera comes in and Traps.
If its one time use, like i expect it to be, its probably not worth it on most pokemon. If it has unlimited uses, its going to be annoying as hell on anything bulky. Imagine being shuffled around by swampert/skarmory, only you're taking damage from moves as well as hazards.
It's possible that rather than being a single-use item, it has some *probability* of causing switches.
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