Facility Realgam Tower: TheEver

Team TheEver
:poke ball:=:poke ball:=:poke ball:
Field - Clear
Warrior the Kommo-o :kommo-o: @ -consumed-
HP 10 / EN 14 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 0
ATK 8 / DEF 9 / SPA 7 / SPD 8 / SPE 85 / Size 3 / Weight 4
Bulletproof / Soundproof
- - - -
+2 ATK +2 SPA (4) Turns
Anna the Gholdengo :gholdengo:
HP 90 / EN 100 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 7 / SPA 9 / SPD 7 / SPE 84
Good as Gold
- - - -
Gravity the Starmie :starmie:
HP 85 / EN 100 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 1
ATK 6 / DEF 6 / SPA 7 / SPD 6 / SPE 115
Illuminate / Natural Cure
:choice-specs: Choice Specs
:life-orb: Life Orb
:lucky-egg: Lucky Egg
:ring-target: Ring Target
:sitrus-berry: Sitrus Berry
:sticky-barb: Sticky Barb
:weakness-policy: Weakness Policy


Team Trevor
:poke ball:=:poke ball:=:poke ball:
Field - Stealth Rocks
Amarylis the Florges :florges: @ :rocky helmet: Rocky Helmet
HP: 28 | EN: 85 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 5 / SPA 8 / SPD 11 / SPE 75 / Size 2 / Weight 2
Flower Veil
- - - -
-2 DEF (2) Turns
Tyranno the Tyrantrum :tyrantrum: @ :sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
HP: 90 | EN: 86 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 1
ATK 9 / DEF 8 / SPA 5 / SPD 4 / SPE 72 / Size 5 / Weight 6
Strong Jaw
- - - -
Jumbo the Clawitzer :clawitzer:
HP: 85 | EN: 100 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 6 / SPA 9 / SPD 6 / SPE 59 / Size 3 / Weight 3
Mega Launcher
:rage candybar:Rage Candy Bar
:red card:Red Card
:rock gem:Rock Gem
:tyrantrum: @ :sitrus berry:Sitrus Berry
Slot 1: :florges: @ :rocky helmet:Rocky Helmet
Slot 2: :choice specs:Choice Specs
Slot 3: :expert belt:Expert Belt

Start of Round 2!
(:kommo-o: 85 Spe > :florges: 78 Spe)
Warrior moves first!

Rolling highs = desired effect
(d24=24=crit. d24=1=no crit)
(90% chance to hit, d10=10=hit / d10=1=no hit)
(10% chance of effect, d10=10=effect, d10=1=no effect)
Discord Rolls
:florges: -12 HP from rocks
Start of Step 1

Turn 1
Earthquake -7 EN
Vs Florges
Crit d24=4
(10 BAP +8 ATK -5 DEF) +16 STAGE(+4)
= Amaryllis takes 29 Damage!
:florges: fainted!
End of Round 3

Team TheEver
:poke ball:=:poke ball:=:poke ball:
Field - Clear
Warrior the Kommo-o :kommo-o: @ -consumed-
HP 10 / EN 7 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 0
ATK 8 / DEF 9 / SPA 7 / SPD 8 / SPE 85 / Size 3 / Weight 4
Bulletproof / Soundproof
- - - -
+2 ATK +2 SPA (3) Turns
Anna the Gholdengo :gholdengo:
HP 90 / EN 100 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 7 / SPA 9 / SPD 7 / SPE 84
Good as Gold
- - - -
Gravity the Starmie :starmie:
HP 85 / EN 100 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 1
ATK 6 / DEF 6 / SPA 7 / SPD 6 / SPE 115
Illuminate / Natural Cure
:choice-specs: Choice Specs
:life-orb: Life Orb
:lucky-egg: Lucky Egg
:ring-target: Ring Target
:sitrus-berry: Sitrus Berry
:sticky-barb: Sticky Barb
:weakness-policy: Weakness Policy


Team Trevor
:cherish ball:=:poke ball:=:poke ball:
Field - Stealth Rocks

Tyranno the Tyrantrum :tyrantrum: @ :sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
HP: 90 | EN: 86 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 1
ATK 9 / DEF 8 / SPA 5 / SPD 4 / SPE 72 / Size 5 / Weight 6
Strong Jaw
- - - -
Amarylis the Florges :florges: @ :rocky helmet: Rocky Helmet
HP: -1 | EN: 85 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 5 / SPA 8 / SPD 11 / SPE 75 / Size 2 / Weight 2
Flower Veil
- - - -
Jumbo the Clawitzer :clawitzer:
HP: 85 | EN: 100 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 6 / SPA 9 / SPD 6 / SPE 59 / Size 3 / Weight 3
Mega Launcher
:rage candybar:Rage Candy Bar
:red card:Red Card
:rock gem:Rock Gem
:tyrantrum: @ :sitrus berry:Sitrus Berry
Slot 1: :florges: @ :rocky helmet:Rocky Helmet
Slot 2: :choice specs:Choice Specs
Slot 3: :expert belt:Expert Belt

Trevor to replace and order 1st
TheEver to order 2nd

Sending out Tyranno the Tyrantrum :tyrantrum: @ :sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry

= = =
:sv/tyrantrum: @ :sitrus berry:

Dragon Dance ~ Dragon Dance ~ Dragon Dance
= = =
if Tyrantrum is Faster than Kommo-o
order Dragon Claw

Kommo-o: Dragon Tail > Vacuum Wave > Vacuum Wave

Team TheEver
:poke ball:=:poke ball:=:poke ball:
Field - Clear
:pmd/kommo-o:Warrior the Kommo-o @ -consumed-
HP 10 / EN 7 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 0
ATK 8 / DEF 9 / SPA 7 / SPD 8 / SPE 85 / Size 3 / Weight 4
Bulletproof / Soundproof
- - - -
+2 ATK +2 SPA (3) Turns
:pmd/gholdengo:Anna the Gholdengo
HP 90 / EN 100 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 7 / SPA 9 / SPD 7 / SPE 84
Good as Gold
- - - -
:pmd/starmie:Gravity the Starmie
HP 85 / EN 100 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 1
ATK 6 / DEF 6 / SPA 7 / SPD 6 / SPE 115
Illuminate / Natural Cure
:choice-specs: Choice Specs
:life-orb: Life Orb
:lucky-egg: Lucky Egg
:ring-target: Ring Target
:sitrus-berry: Sitrus Berry
:sticky-barb: Sticky Barb
:weakness-policy: Weakness Policy


Team Trevor
:cherish ball:=:poke ball:=:poke ball:
Field - Stealth Rocks
Sitrus Berry :sitrus berry: @ Tyranno the Tyrantrum :pmd/tyrantrum:
HP: 90 | EN: 86 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 1
ATK 9 / DEF 8 / SPA 5 / SPD 4 / SPE 72 / Size 5 / Weight 6
Strong Jaw
- - - -
Rocky Helmet :rocky helmet: @ Amarylis the Florges :pmd/florges:
HP: -1 | EN: 85 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 5 / SPA 8 / SPD 11 / SPE 75 / Size 2 / Weight 2
Flower Veil
- - - -
Jumbo the Clawitzer :pmd/clawitzer:
HP: 85 | EN: 100 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 6 / SPA 9 / SPD 6 / SPE 59 / Size 3 / Weight 3
Mega Launcher
:rage candybar:Rage Candy Bar
:red card:Red Card
:rock gem:Rock Gem
:tyrantrum: @ :sitrus berry:Sitrus Berry
Slot 1: :florges: @ :rocky helmet:Rocky Helmet
Slot 2: :choice specs:Choice Specs
Slot 3: :expert belt:Expert Belt

Start of Round 2!
(:kommo-o: 85 Spe > :tyrantrum: 71 Spe)
Warrior moves first!

Rolling highs = desired effect
(d24=24=crit. d24=1=no crit)
(90% chance to hit, d10=10=hit / d10=1=no hit)
(10% chance of effect, d10=10=effect, d10=1=no effect)
Discord Rolls
:tyrantrum: -12 HP from rocks
Start of Step 1

Turn 1
Dragon Dance -7 EN
Vs Self
= Tyranno's stages are soaring
:tyrantrum: +1 ATK +1 SPE (4) Turns

Turn 2
Dragon Tail -5 EN
Vs Tyrantrum
Hit d10=4 / Crit d24=17
(6 BAP +3 STAB +8 ATK -8 DEF)*1.5 +8 STAGE(+2)
= Tyranno takes 22 Damage!
:tyrantrum: ate its :sitrus berry:Sitrus Berry
+16 HP -1 RCV
Gains a phazing marker!
End of Step 1
Start of Step 2

Turn 1
Vacuum Wave -4 EN
Vs Tyrantrum
Crit d24=9
(4 BAP +3 STAB +7 SPA -4 SPD)*1.5 +8 STAGE(+2)
= Tyranno takes 23 Damage!
:kommo-o: fainted!
:tyrantrum: had no target!
End of Round 3

Team TheEver
:cherish ball:=:poke ball:=:poke ball:
Field - Clear

:pmd/kommo-o:Warrior the Kommo-o @ -consumed-
HP 10 / EN -2 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 0
ATK 8 / DEF 9 / SPA 7 / SPD 8 / SPE 85 / Size 3 / Weight 4
Bulletproof / Soundproof
- - - -
+2 ATK +2 SPA (1) Turn
:pmd/gholdengo:Anna the Gholdengo
HP 90 / EN 100 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 7 / SPA 9 / SPD 7 / SPE 84
Good as Gold
- - - -
:pmd/starmie:Gravity the Starmie
HP 85 / EN 100 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 1
ATK 6 / DEF 6 / SPA 7 / SPD 6 / SPE 115
Illuminate / Natural Cure
:choice-specs: Choice Specs
:life-orb: Life Orb
:lucky-egg: Lucky Egg
:ring-target: Ring Target
:sitrus-berry: Sitrus Berry
:sticky-barb: Sticky Barb
:weakness-policy: Weakness Policy


Team Trevor
:cherish ball:=:poke ball:=:poke ball:
Field - Stealth Rocks
-consumed- @ Tyranno the Tyrantrum :pmd/tyrantrum:
HP: 49 | EN: 79 / Chill 5 / Rcv 1 / Combo 1
ATK 9 / DEF 8 / SPA 5 / SPD 4 / SPE 72 / Size 5 / Weight 6
Strong Jaw
- - - -
+1 ATK +1 SPE (3) Turns
- - - -
Rocky Helmet :rocky helmet: @ Amarylis the Florges :pmd/florges:
HP: -1 | EN: 85 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 5 / SPA 8 / SPD 11 / SPE 75 / Size 2 / Weight 2
Flower Veil
- - - -
Jumbo the Clawitzer :pmd/clawitzer:
HP: 85 | EN: 100 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 6 / SPA 9 / SPD 6 / SPE 59 / Size 3 / Weight 3
Mega Launcher
:rage candybar:Rage Candy Bar
:red card:Red Card
:rock gem:Rock Gem
:tyrantrum: @ :sitrus berry:Sitrus Berry
Slot 1: :florges: @ :rocky helmet:Rocky Helmet
Slot 2: :choice specs:Choice Specs
Slot 3: :expert belt:Expert Belt

TheEver to replace
Trevor to replace
TheEver to order 1st
Trevor to order 2nd

Gholdengo: Thunderbolt > Thunderbolt > Thunderbolt
** At the start of Gholdengo's turns, if Clawitzer has Protection, use Nasty Plot.
** At the start of Gholdengo's turns, if Clawitzer has a Decoy, use Night Shade.

Team TheEver
:cherish ball:=:poke ball:=:poke ball:
Field - Clear
:pmd/gholdengo:Anna the Gholdengo @ :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP 90 / EN 100 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 7 / SPA 9 / SPD 7 / SPE 84
Good as Gold
:pmd/kommo-o:Warrior the Kommo-o @ -consumed-
HP 10 / EN -2 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 0
ATK 8 / DEF 9 / SPA 7 / SPD 8 / SPE 85 / Size 3 / Weight 4
Bulletproof / Soundproof
- - - -
+2 ATK +2 SPA (1) Turn
- - - -
:pmd/starmie:Gravity the Starmie
HP 85 / EN 100 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 1
ATK 6 / DEF 6 / SPA 7 / SPD 6 / SPE 115
Illuminate / Natural Cure
:choice-specs: Choice Specs @ :gholdengo:
:life-orb: Life Orb
:lucky-egg: Lucky Egg
:ring-target: Ring Target
:sitrus-berry: Sitrus Berry
:sticky-barb: Sticky Barb
:weakness-policy: Weakness Policy


Team Trevor
:cherish ball:=:poke ball:=:poke ball:
Field - Stealth Rocks
Jumbo the Clawitzer :pmd/clawitzer:
HP: 85 | EN: 100 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 6 / SPA 9 / SPD 6 / SPE 59 / Size 3 / Weight 3
Mega Launcher
-consumed- @ Tyranno the Tyrantrum :pmd/tyrantrum:
HP: 49 | EN: 79 / Chill 5 / Rcv 1 / Combo 1
ATK 9 / DEF 8 / SPA 5 / SPD 4 / SPE 72 / Size 5 / Weight 6
Strong Jaw
- - - -
Rocky Helmet :rocky helmet: @ Amarylis the Florges :pmd/florges:
HP: -1 | EN: 85 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 5 / SPA 8 / SPD 11 / SPE 75 / Size 2 / Weight 2
Flower Veil
- - - -
:rage candybar:Rage Candy Bar
:red card:Red Card
:rock gem:Rock Gem
:tyrantrum: @ :sitrus berry:Sitrus Berry
Slot 1: :florges: @ :rocky helmet:Rocky Helmet
:clawitzer: @ :choice specs:Choice Specs
Slot 3: :expert belt:Expert Belt

Start of Round 2!
(:gholdengo: 83 Spe > :clawitzer: 59 Spe)
Warrior moves first!

Rolling highs = desired effect
(d24=24=crit. d24=1=no crit)
(90% chance to hit, d10=10=hit / d10=1=no hit)
(10% chance of effect, d10=10=effect, d10=1=no effect)
Discord Rolls
:clawitzer: -12 HP from rocks
Start of Step 1

Turn 1
Thunderbolt -7 EN
Vs Clawitzer
Crit d24=5 / Eff d10=4
(9 BAP +14 SPA -6 SPD)*1.5
= Jumbo takes 26 Damage!

Turn 2
Dark Pulse -6 EN
Vs Gholdengo
Crit d24=18
(8 BAP +3 STAB +14 SPA -7 SPD)*1.5
= Anna takes 27 Damage!
End of Step 1
Start of Step 2

Turn 1
Thunderbolt -7 EN
Vs Clawitzer
Crit d24=14 / Eff d10=10 YES
(9 BAP +14 SPA -6 SPD)*1.5
= Jumbo takes 26 Damage!
:clawitzer: is Paralyzed (1) Counter

Turn 2
Dark Pulse -6 EN
Vs Gholdengo
Crit d24=20
(8 BAP +3 STAB +14 SPA -7 SPD)*1.5
= Anna takes 27 Damage!
End of Step 2
Start of Step 3

Turn 1
Thunderbolt -7 EN
Vs Clawitzer
Crit d24=11
(9 BAP +14 SPA -6 SPD)*1.5
= Jumbo takes 26 Damage!
:clawitzer: fainted!
End of Step 3
End of Round 4

Team TheEver
:cherish ball:=:poke ball:=:poke ball:
Field - Clear
:pmd/gholdengo:Anna the Gholdengo @ :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP 36 / EN 79 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 7 / SPA 9 / SPD 7 / SPE 84
Good as Gold
:pmd/kommo-o:Warrior the Kommo-o @ -consumed-
HP 10 / EN -2 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 0
ATK 8 / DEF 9 / SPA 7 / SPD 8 / SPE 85 / Size 3 / Weight 4
Bulletproof / Soundproof
- - - -
+2 ATK +2 SPA (1) Turn
- - - -
:pmd/starmie:Gravity the Starmie
HP 85 / EN 100 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 1
ATK 6 / DEF 6 / SPA 7 / SPD 6 / SPE 115
Illuminate / Natural Cure
:choice-specs: Choice Specs @ :gholdengo:
:life-orb: Life Orb
:lucky-egg: Lucky Egg
:ring-target: Ring Target
:sitrus-berry: Sitrus Berry
:sticky-barb: Sticky Barb
:weakness-policy: Weakness Policy


Team Trevor
:cherish ball:=:cherish ball:=:poke ball:
Field - Stealth Rocks

-consumed- @ Tyranno the Tyrantrum :pmd/tyrantrum:
HP: 49 | EN: 79 / Chill 5 / Rcv 1 / Combo 1
ATK 9 / DEF 8 / SPA 5 / SPD 4 / SPE 72 / Size 5 / Weight 6
Strong Jaw
- - - -
Rocky Helmet :rocky helmet: @ Amarylis the Florges :pmd/florges:
HP: -1 | EN: 85 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 5 / SPA 8 / SPD 11 / SPE 75 / Size 2 / Weight 2
Flower Veil
- - - -
Jumbo the Clawitzer :pmd/clawitzer:
HP: -5 | EN: 88 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 6 / SPA 9 / SPD 6 / SPE 59 / Size 3 / Weight 3
Mega Launcher
:rage candybar:Rage Candy Bar
:red card:Red Card
:rock gem:Rock Gem
:tyrantrum: @ :sitrus berry:Sitrus Berry
Slot 1: :florges: @ :rocky helmet:Rocky Helmet
:clawitzer: @ :choice specs:Choice Specs
Slot 3: :expert belt:Expert Belt

Trevor to replace and order 1st
TheEver to order 2nd

Sending out Tyranno the Tyrantrum @ Rage Candybar

:sv/tyrantrum: @ :rage candybar:

Earthquake ~ Earthquake ~ Earthquake

If opponent is under the effects of protection
order Dragon Dance

Team TheEver
:cherish ball:=:poke ball:=:poke ball:
Field - Clear
:pmd/gholdengo:Anna the Gholdengo @ :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP 36 / EN 79 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 7 / SPA 9 / SPD 7 / SPE 84
Good as Gold
:pmd/kommo-o:Warrior the Kommo-o @ -consumed-
HP 10 / EN -2 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 0
ATK 8 / DEF 9 / SPA 7 / SPD 8 / SPE 85 / Size 3 / Weight 4
Bulletproof / Soundproof
- - - -
+2 ATK +2 SPA (1) Turn
- - - -
:pmd/starmie:Gravity the Starmie
HP 85 / EN 100 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 1
ATK 6 / DEF 6 / SPA 7 / SPD 6 / SPE 115
Illuminate / Natural Cure
:choice-specs: Choice Specs @ :gholdengo:
:life-orb: Life Orb
:lucky-egg: Lucky Egg
:ring-target: Ring Target
:sitrus-berry: Sitrus Berry
:sticky-barb: Sticky Barb
:weakness-policy: Weakness Policy


Team Trevor
:cherish ball:=:cherish ball:=:poke ball:
Field - Stealth Rocks
-consumed- @ Tyranno the Tyrantrum :pmd/tyrantrum:
HP: 49 | EN: 79 / Chill 5 / Rcv 1 / Combo 1
ATK 9 / DEF 8 / SPA 5 / SPD 4 / SPE 72 / Size 5 / Weight 6
Strong Jaw
- - - -
Rocky Helmet :rocky helmet: @ Amarylis the Florges :pmd/florges:
HP: -1 | EN: 85 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 5 / SPA 8 / SPD 11 / SPE 75 / Size 2 / Weight 2
Flower Veil
- - - -
Jumbo the Clawitzer :pmd/clawitzer:
HP: -5 | EN: 88 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 6 / SPA 9 / SPD 6 / SPE 59 / Size 3 / Weight 3
Mega Launcher
:rage candybar:Rage Candy Bar
:red card:Red Card
:rock gem:Rock Gem
:tyrantrum: @ :sitrus berry:Sitrus Berry
Slot 1: :florges: @ :rocky helmet:Rocky Helmet
:clawitzer: @ :choice specs:Choice Specs
Slot 3: :expert belt:Expert Belt

Start of Round 2!
(:gholdengo: 83 Spe > :tyrantrum: 71 Spe)
Warrior moves first!

Rolling highs = desired effect
(d24=24=crit. d24=1=no crit)
(90% chance to hit, d10=10=hit / d10=1=no hit)
(10% chance of effect, d10=10=effect, d10=1=no effect)
Discord Rolls
:tyrantrum: -12 HP from rocks / Consumed its :rage candybar:Rage Candybar
Start of Step 1

Turn 1
Earthquake -14 EN
Vs Gholdengo
Crit d24=
(10 BAP +9 ATK -7 DEF)*1.5
= Anna takes 18 Damage!

Turn 1
Night Wave -24 EN
Vs Tyrantrum
= Tyranno takes 15 Damage!
:tyrantrum: is paralyzed!
End of Step 1
Start of Step 2

Turn 1
Flash Cannon -6 EN
Vs Tyrantrum
Crit d24= / Eff d10=
(8 BAP +3 STAB +14 SPA -4 SPD)*1.5
= Tyranno takes 32 Damage!
:tyrantrum: fainted!
End of Round 5

Team TheEver
:cherish ball:=:poke ball:=:poke ball:
Field - Clear
:pmd/gholdengo:Anna the Gholdengo @ :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP 18 / EN 79 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 7 / SPA 9 / SPD 7 / SPE 84
Good as Gold
:pmd/kommo-o:Warrior the Kommo-o @ -consumed-
HP 10 / EN -2 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 0
ATK 8 / DEF 9 / SPA 7 / SPD 8 / SPE 85 / Size 3 / Weight 4
Bulletproof / Soundproof
- - - -
+2 ATK +2 SPA (1) Turn
- - - -
:pmd/starmie:Gravity the Starmie
HP 85 / EN 100 / Chill 5 / Rcv 2 / Combo 1
ATK 6 / DEF 6 / SPA 7 / SPD 6 / SPE 115
Illuminate / Natural Cure
:choice-specs: Choice Specs @ :gholdengo:
:life-orb: Life Orb
:lucky-egg: Lucky Egg
:ring-target: Ring Target
:sitrus-berry: Sitrus Berry
:sticky-barb: Sticky Barb
:weakness-policy: Weakness Policy


Team Trevor
:cherish ball:=:cherish ball:=:poke ball:
Field - Stealth Rocks
-consumed- @ Tyranno the Tyrantrum :pmd/tyrantrum:
HP: -10 | EN: 79 / Chill 5 / Rcv 1 / Combo 1
ATK 9 / DEF 8 / SPA 5 / SPD 4 / SPE 72 / Size 5 / Weight 6
Strong Jaw
- - - -
Rocky Helmet :rocky helmet: @ Amarylis the Florges :pmd/florges:
HP: -1 | EN: 85 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 5 / SPA 8 / SPD 11 / SPE 75 / Size 2 / Weight 2
Flower Veil
- - - -
Jumbo the Clawitzer :pmd/clawitzer:
HP: -5 | EN: 88 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2 / Combo 1
ATK 5 / DEF 6 / SPA 9 / SPD 6 / SPE 59 / Size 3 / Weight 3
Mega Launcher
:rage candybar:Rage Candy Bar
:red card:Red Card
:rock gem:Rock Gem
:tyrantrum: @ :sitrus berry:Sitrus Berry
Slot 1: :florges: @ :rocky helmet:Rocky Helmet
:clawitzer: @ :choice specs:Choice Specs
Slot 3: :expert belt:Expert Belt

TheEver wins!
+12 EXP for :gholdengo::starmie::kommo-o:
+5 TC -7 JC

Hyjack +6 RC +11 JC
:dowsing-machine: Barometer
:black-glasses: Black Glasses
:cleanse-tag: Cleanse Tag
:expert-belt: Expert Belt
:heavy-duty-boots: Heavy-Duty Boots
:life-orb: Life Orb
:silver-powder: Silver Powder
:sticky-barb: Sticky Barb
:sticky-barb: Sticky Barb
:weakness-policy: Weakness Policy

Only (Basculegion-M)
Level: 2 | EXP: 0 / 10

"Fight, only fight
Fight, only fight."


Abilities: Swift Swim / Adaptability / Mold Breaker
Nature: Serious

HP: 105
Atk: 8
Def: 5
SpA: 6
SpD: 6
Spe: 78

Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5

Level 0:
Aqua Jet
Ice Beam
Psychic Fangs
Shadow Ball
Sleep Talk
Tail Whip
Zen Headbutt

Level 1:
Confuse Ray
Ice Fang
Night Shade
Pain Split
Rain Dance
Scary Face
Water Gun
Water Pulse

Level 2:
Head Smash
Hydro Pump
Scale Shot
Take Down
Wave Crash

Poet (Hatterene)
Level: 2 | EXP: 0 / 10

"Like a poet without pain."


Abilities: Healer / Anticipation / Magic Bounce
Nature: Serious

HP: 80
Atk: 7
Def: 7
SpA: 10
SpD: 7
Spe: 29

Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 1

Level 0:
Calm Mind
Dark Pulse
Dazzling Gleam
Light Screen
Play Rough
Psycho Cut
Shadow Ball
Shadow Claw
Sleep Talk
Swords Dance
Thunder Wave

Level 1:
Aromatic Mist
Brutal Swing
Disarming Voice
Heal Pulse
Helping Hand
Life Dew
Magical Leaf
Misty Terrain
Pain Split
Play Nice
Psychic Terrain

Level 2:
After You
Expanding Force
Misty Explosion
Power Whip

Brynn (Miasmaw)
Level: 2 | EXP: 0 / 10

"There's something inside you that isn't right
There's something that haunts your dreams at night."


Abilities: Neutralizing Gas / Hyper Cutter / Compound Eyes
Nature: Serious

HP: 90
Atk: 10
Def: 5
SpA: 6
SpD: 8
Spe: 99

Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4

Level 0:
Bug Bite
Bug Buzz
Dark Pulse
Dragon Claw
Dragon Hammer
Dragon Pulse
Dragon Tail
Earth Power
Fire Fang
Flash Cannon
Focus Blast
Iron Head
Nasty Plot
Poison Fang
Poison Gas
Poison Jab
Sleep Talk
Swords Dance
Thunder Fang
Wild Charge
Work Up

Level 1:
Brutal Swing
Dragon Breath
Dual Wingbeat
High Horsepower
Ice Fang
Rain Dance
Scary Face
Sludge Bomb
Sunny Day

Level 2:
Close Combat
Corrosive Gas
Dragon Rush
First Impression
Gunk Shot
Iron Tail
Pin Missile
Scale Shot

Diamound (Saharaja)
Level: 2 | EXP: 0 / 10

"It should have been me!"


Abilities: Water Absorb / Serene Grace / Sand Spit
Nature: Serious

HP: 85
Atk: 8
Def: 8
SpA: 5
SpD: 9
Spe: 78

Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 7

Level 0:
Dazzling Gleam
Earth Power
Flash Cannon
Heal Bell
Power Gem
Sleep Talk
Swords Dance

Level 1:
Ancient Power
High Horsepower
Pain Split
Rapid Spin
Sand Attack
Sand Tomb
Stealth Rock
Water Gun
Water Pulse

Level 2:
Mega Kick
Spit Up
Stone Edge

Rival Arven (Level 2)


Challenge Type: Normal Singles

Battle Info
Match Type:
Bring 4, Send 3v3 Singles
DQ Time: 48 hours for challenger, 72 hours for ref
Battle Level: 2
Substitution Count: 4
Recovery Count: 2
Chill Count: 5
Switching Method: On
Half-Start Rule: Off
Ability Count: All
Advanced Techniques: None
Backpack Size: 10
Arena: Poco Path Lighthouse

The lighthouse at the end of Poco Path shines far and wide, only beaten out by Amphy's lighthouse in Olivine City. Arven spent much of his childhood in and around this lighthouse, and has invited you for a battle picnic! When you arrive, you notice that Arven has prepared with a backpack full of berries, that he both knows how to use to their fullest in battle and knows how to cook to perfection afterward. You prepare your team for the fight, but win or lose you know you'll get a great meal out of it!
  • All of Arven's Pokemon, except for his Arboliva, have the ability Cheek Pouch.
  • Arven's Daschbun has the ability Strong Jaw and knows the move Belch. While Arven's Daschbun is attacking with Belch, if their Attack rank is higher than their Special Attack rank: Belch is Physical.
  • Camouflage turns the user into an Electric type
  • Secret Power may cause paralysis
  • Nature Power becomes Thunderbolt

Slot 1: [Tatsugiri/Scovillain/Vespiquen]
Slot 2: [Sirfetch'd/Arboliva/Garganacl]
Slot 3: [Mabosstiff/Houndstone/Daschbun]



Hondew Berry
Jaboca Berry
Rowap Berry
Pomeg Berry
Sitrus Berry
Starf Berry
Rage Candy Bar
Red Card
Sticky Barb

Level 2

Type: Grass/Fire
Abilities: Chlorophyll, Insomnia, Moody

Nature: Serious
HP: 85
Atk: 8
Def: 5
SpA: 8
SpD: 5
Spe: 75
Size: 2
Weight: 2

Level 0:
Bullet Seed
Energy Ball
Fire Fang
Sleep Talk
Zen Headbutt

Level 1:
Grassy Terrain
Helping Hand
Magical Leaf
Razor Leaf
Scary Face
Seed Bomb
Sunny Day

Level 2:
Burning Jealousy
Fire Blast
Grass Knot
Grassy Glide
Leech Seed
Solar Beam
Spicy Extract
Take Down

Level 2

Type: Fighting
Abilities: Steadfast, Scrappy

Nature: Serious
HP: 85
Atk: 10
Def: 7
SpA: 5
SpD: 6
Spe: 65
Size: 2
Weight: 5

Level 0:
Brave Bird
Brick Break
Leaf Blade
Night Slash
Poison Jab
Quick Attack
Sleep Talk
Swords Dance
Work Up

Level 1:
Brutal Swing
Dual Wingbeat
Helping Hand
Iron Defense
Quick Guard
Rock Smash
Sand Attack
Simple Beam
Steel Wing
Sunny Day

Level 2:
Close Combat
First Impression
Focus Energy
Grassy Glide
Sky Attack
Solar Blade

Level 2

Type: Ghost
Abilities: Sand Rush, Fluffy

Nature: Serious
HP: 85
Atk: 7
Def: 7
SpA: 4
SpD: 7
Spe: 68
Size: 4
Weight: 2

Level 0:
Fire Fang
Play Rough
Psychic Fangs
Shadow Ball
Shadow Sneak
Sleep Talk
Tail Whip
Thunder Fang

Level 1:
Confuse Ray
Helping Hand
Ice Fang
Night Shade
Pain Split
Rain Dance
Scary Face
Sunny Day

Level 2:
Take Down
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Sending out Only the :basculegion: Basculegion-M @ :sticky-barb: Sticky Barb.

Basculegion: Night Shade > Night Shade > Night Shade
** At the start of each step, if Houndstone is to use Pain Split and is not to use Pain Split in any other step this round, use Protect.
** At the start of each step, if Houndstone is to use a Burn-Inflicting move and is not to use Pain Split in the next step this round, use Protect.
** At the start of each step, if Houndstone is to use a Confusion-Inflicting move and is not to use Pain Split in the next step this round, use Protect.
** At the start of Basculegion's turns, if Houndstone does not have Protection and Houndstone does not have a Decoy, use Crunch on the first instance, use Shadow Ball otherwise.
:ss/houndstone: :red card:

Confuse Ray - Will-O-Wisp - Confuse Ray

TheEver's Team
:dowsing-machine: Barometer
:black-glasses: Black Glasses
:cleanse-tag: Cleanse Tag
:expert-belt: Expert Belt
:heavy-duty-boots: Heavy-Duty Boots
:life-orb: Life Orb
:silver-powder: Silver Powder
:sticky-barb: Sticky Barb
:sticky-barb: Sticky Barb
:weakness-policy: Weakness Policy
:basculegion: Basculegion-M :sticky barb: Sticky Barb
Swift Swim / Adaptability / Mold Breaker
HP: 105/105
EN: 100/100
8/5/6/6/78 S3 W5
Chill 5 Recovery 2 Combo 1
Arven's Team

Hondew Berry
Jaboca Berry
Rowap Berry
Pomeg Berry
Sitrus Berry
Starf Berry
Rage Candy Bar
Red Card
Sticky Barb
:houndstone: Houndstone :red card: Red Card
Sand Rush / Fluffy
HP: 85/85
EN: 100/100
7/7/4/7/68 S4 W2
Chill 5 Recovery 2 Combo 1​

(forgot crunch effect roll)
Step 1
:basculegion: used Protect
-12 EN
:basculegion: Protected itself

:houndstone: used Confuse Ray
-5 EN
:basculegion: was Protected

Step 2
:basculegion: used Crunch
-6 EN
Crit: No (162)
(8+8-7)*1.5=14 DMG
Effect: No (211)
:basculegion: was Red Carded and received Phazing
:houndstone: was Barbsd

:houndstone: used Will-O-Wisp
-7 EN
Hit: Yes (403)
:basculegion: was Burned

:basculegion: took 2 Burn DMG

Step 3
:basculegion: used Protect
-12 EN
:basculegion: Protected itself

:houndstone: used Confuse Ray
-5 EN
:basculegion: was Protected

:basculegion: took 2 Burn DMG


:scovillain:'s Mood shifted to favor SPE and disfavor DEF
TheEver's Team
:dowsing-machine: Barometer
:black-glasses: Black Glasses
:cleanse-tag: Cleanse Tag
:expert-belt: Expert Belt
:heavy-duty-boots: Heavy-Duty Boots
:life-orb: Life Orb
:silver-powder: Silver Powder
:sticky-barb: Sticky Barb
:sticky-barb: Sticky Barb
:weakness-policy: Weakness Policy
:basculegion: Basculegion-M
Swift Swim / Adaptability / Mold Breaker
HP: 101/105
EN: 70/100
8/5/6/6/78 S3 W5
Chill 5 Recovery 2 Combo 1
Arven's Team

Hondew Berry
Jaboca Berry
Rowap Berry
Pomeg Berry
Sitrus Berry
Starf Berry
Rage Candy Bar
Red Card
Sticky Barb
:houndstone: Houndstone
Sand Rush / Fluffy
HP: 71/85
EN: 83/100
7/7/4/7/68 S4 W2
Chill 5 Recovery 2 Combo 1
TheEver to replace :basculegion:
Prismaticism to order
TheEver to order​
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Counterswitching to Poet the :hatterene: Hatterene @ :heavy-duty-boots: Heavy-Duty Boots.

Hatterene: Psychic > Psychic > Psychic
** At the start of Hatterene's turns, if Sirfetch'd has Protection, use Aromatherapy on the first instance, use Reflect on the second instance, use Calm Mind otherwise.
** At the start of Hatterene's turns, if Sirfetch'd has a Decoy, use Power Whip.
TheEver's Team
:dowsing-machine: Barometer
:black-glasses: Black Glasses
:cleanse-tag: Cleanse Tag
:expert-belt: Expert Belt
:heavy-duty-boots: Heavy-Duty Boots

:life-orb: Life Orb
:silver-powder: Silver Powder
:sticky-barb: Sticky Barb
:sticky-barb: Sticky Barb
:weakness-policy: Weakness Policy
:hatterene: Hatterene :heavy duty boots: Heavy-Duty Boots
Healer / Anticipation / Magic Bounce
HP: 80/80
EN: 100/100
7/7/10/7/29 S4 W1
Chill 5 Recovery 2 Combo 1
:basculegion: Basculegion-M
Swift Swim / Adaptability / Mold Breaker
HP: 101/105
EN: 70/100
8/5/6/6/78 S3 W5
Chill 5 Recovery 2 Combo 1
:miasmaw: Miasmaw :expert belt: Expert Belt
Neutralizing Gas / Hyper Cutter / Compound Eyes
HP: 90/90
EN: 100/100
10/5/6/8/99 S2 W4
Chill 5 Recovery 2 Combo 1
Arven's Team

Hondew Berry
Jaboca Berry
Rowap Berry
Pomeg Berry

Sitrus Berry
Starf Berry
Rage Candy Bar
Red Card
Sticky Barb
:sirfetchd: Sirfetchd :pomeg berry: Pomeg Berry :rowap berry: Rowap Berry
Steadfast / Scrappy
HP: 85/85
EN: 100/100
10/7/5/6/65 S2 W5
Chill 5 Recovery 2 Combo 1
:houndstone: Houndstone
Sand Rush / Fluffy
HP: 71/85
EN: 83/100
7/7/4/7/68 S4 W2
Chill 5 Recovery 2 Combo 1

Low Roll=Random Effect
:sirfetchd: ate its Pomeg Berry and had its max HP increased to 95

Step 1
:sirfetchd: began charging Solar Blade

:hatterene: used Psychic
-7 EN
Crit: No (529)
(9+3+10-6)*1.5=24 DMG
:sirfetchd: ate its Rowap Berry, :hatterene:'s Boots prevented the DMG
Effect: Yes (16)

:sirfetchd: used Solar Blade
-9 EN
Crit: No (535)
13+10-7=16 DMG

Step 2
:sirfetchd: began charging Solar Blade

:hatterene: used Psychic
-7 EN
Crit: No (514)
(9+3+10-6)*1.5+4=28 DMG
Effect: No (171)

:sirfetchd: used Solar Blade
-9 EN
Crit: No (145)
13+3+10-7=16 DMG

Step 3
:sirfetchd: began charging Solar Blade

:hatterene: used Psychic
-7 EN
Crit: No (265)
(9+3+10-6)*1.5=28 DMG
Effect: No (345)

:sirfetchd: used Solar Blade
-9 EN
Crit: No (473)
13+3+10-7=16 DMG


:scovillain:'s Mood shifted to favor ATK and disfavor SPA
TheEver's Team
:dowsing-machine: Barometer
:black-glasses: Black Glasses
:cleanse-tag: Cleanse Tag
:expert-belt: Expert Belt
:heavy-duty-boots: Heavy-Duty Boots

:life-orb: Life Orb
:silver-powder: Silver Powder
:sticky-barb: Sticky Barb
:sticky-barb: Sticky Barb
:weakness-policy: Weakness Policy
:hatterene: Hatterene :heavy duty boots: Heavy-Duty Boots
Healer / Anticipation / Magic Bounce
HP: 32/80
EN: 79/100
7/7/10/7/29 S4 W1
Chill 5 Recovery 2 Combo 1
:basculegion: Basculegion-M
Swift Swim / Adaptability / Mold Breaker
HP: 101/105
EN: 70/100
8/5/6/6/78 S3 W5
Chill 5 Recovery 2 Combo 1
:miasmaw: Miasmaw :expert belt: Expert Belt
Neutralizing Gas / Hyper Cutter / Compound Eyes
HP: 90/90
EN: 100/100
10/5/6/8/99 S2 W4
Chill 5 Recovery 2 Combo 1
Arven's Team

Hondew Berry
Jaboca Berry
Rowap Berry
Pomeg Berry

Sitrus Berry
Starf Berry
Rage Candy Bar
Red Card
Sticky Barb
:sirfetchd: Sirfetchd
Steadfast / Scrappy
HP: 15/85
EN: 73/100
10/7/5/6/65 S2 W5
Chill 5 Recovery 2 Combo 1
:houndstone: Houndstone
Sand Rush / Fluffy
HP: 71/85
EN: 83/100
7/7/4/7/68 S4 W2
Chill 5 Recovery 2 Combo 1
Prismaticism to order
TheEver to order​
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:ss/scovillain: :rage candybar:

Seed Bomb - Seed Bomb - Seed Bomb

Start of step, if Hatterene is to use Pain Split, use Substitute
Start of step, if Hatterene is to use Protect in a combination, use Spicy Extract
Start of turn, if Hatterene is under the effect of Protection, use Sunny Day the first time and Chill the second time
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