Facility Realgam Tower: Fort Colorcastle

Shuckle @ Kelpsy Berry
:pmd/shuckle::kelpsy berry:
Meteor Beam ~ Meteor Beam ~ Meteor Beam
IF protective move, THEN use sticky webs.
IF stealth rock, THEN use stealth rock.
IF variable-hit move, THEN use Earth Power.
:ss/garganacl: Garganacl :red card: Red Card

Stealth Rock - Rock Blast - Rock Blast

Fort Colorcastle's Team
Boasts: Attack Limit, No Combos
:wepear berry:Wepear Berry
:bluk berry:Bluk Berry
:pomeg berry:Pomeg Berry
:hondew Berry:Hondew Berry
:Sticky Barb:Sticky Barb
:colbur berry:Colbur Berry
:kelpsy berry:Kelpsy Berry
:choice scarf:Choice Scarf
:heavy-duty boots:Heavy-Duty Boots
:shuckle: Shuckle :kelpsy berry: Kelpsy Berry
Sturdy / Gluttony / Contrary
HP: 70/70
EN: 100/100
1/15/1/15/5 S1 W2
Chill 5 Recovery 2 Combo 0
Arven's Team

Hondew Berry
Jaboca Berry
Pomeg Berry
Rage Candy Bar
Red Card
Rowap Berry
Sitrus Berry
Starf Berry
Sticky Barb
:garganacl: Garganacl :red card: Red Card
Purifying Salt / Sturdy / Clear Body
HP: 95/95
EN: 100/100
7/9/4/7/35 S4 W6
Chill 5 Recovery 2 Combo 1​


:schuckle: ate its Kelpsy Berry and had its ATK raised to 11 8
:shuckle:'s Gluttony overhealed it for +10 HP

Step 1
:garganacl: used Stealth Rock
-12 EN
:garganacl: created Stealthy Rocks on the opposing side

:shuckle: used Stealth Rock
-12 EN
:shuckle: created Stealthy Rocks on the opposing side

Step 2
:garganacl: used Rock Blast
-7 EN
Hit: Yes (591)
Hit Count: 3 (282)
Crit: No (563)
(3+3+7-15-1)*1.5=1 DMG
Crit: No (214), No (295)
3*1.5=5 DMG, 3*1.5=5 DMG

:shuckle: used Earth Power
-7 EN
Crit: No (384)
(9+1-7-1)*1.5=3 DMG
:shuckle: was Red Carded and gained Phazing

Step 3
:garganacl: used Rock Blast
-7 EN
Hit: Yes (477)
Hit Count: 3 (281)
Crit: No (593)
(3+3+7-15-1)*1.5=1 DMG
Crit: No (483), No (151)
3*1.5=5 DMG, 3*1.5=5 DMG

:shuckle: used Earth Power
-7 EN
Crit: No (124)
(9+1-7-1)*1.5=3 DMG
Fort Colorcastle's Team
Boasts: Attack Limit, No Combos
Stealth Rocks
:wepear berry:Wepear Berry
:bluk berry:Bluk Berry
:pomeg berry:Pomeg Berry
:hondew Berry:Hondew Berry
:Sticky Barb:Sticky Barb
:colbur berry:Colbur Berry
:kelpsy berry:Kelpsy Berry
:choice scarf:Choice Scarf
:heavy-duty boots:Heavy-Duty Boots
:shuckle: Shuckle
Sturdy / Gluttony / Contrary
HP: 58/70
EN: 74/100
1/15/1/15/5 S1 W2
Chill 5 Recovery 2 Combo 0
Gluttony Used
Arven's Team
Stealth Rocks

Hondew Berry
Jaboca Berry
Pomeg Berry
Rage Candy Bar
Red Card
Rowap Berry
Sitrus Berry
Starf Berry
Sticky Barb
:garganacl: Garganacl
Purifying Salt / Sturdy / Clear Body
HP: 89/95
EN: 74/100
7/9/4/7/35 S4 W6
Chill 5 Recovery 2 Combo 1​
Fort Colorcastle to replace :shuckle:
Prismaticism to order
FortColorcastle to order​
:ss/houndstone: :pomeg berry:

Poltergeist - Poltergeist - Poltergeist

Start of step, if Dusknoir is to use Pain Split and Dusknoir has recoveries remaining, use Protect the first time and Substitute each subsequent time
Once, at start of turn, if Dusknoir is to use Night Shade, use Disable (Night Shade)
Start of turn, if Dusknoir does not have a Decoy and Dusknoir is not Asleep, use Will-O-Wisp the first time and Yawn the second time
Start of turn, if able, use Night Shade
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I'm not sure if prismat's orders stand but if they do then I will order now.

... i have no idea if these would use old rules for any of them. I have leftovers, sitrus, and starf berries frisked from old declare-at-start-of-match frisk

Toxic ~ Sleep Talk
Team Fort Colorcastle:
Boasts: Attack Limit, No Combos
:wepear berry:Wepear Berry
:bluk berry:Bluk Berry
:pomeg berry:Pomeg Berry
:hondew Berry:Hondew Berry
:Sticky Barb:Sticky Barb
:colbur berry:Colbur Berry
:choice scarf:Choice Scarf
:heavy-duty boots:Heavy-Duty Boots
HP: 80/80 | EN: 100/100
SC/WC: 4/5 | R/C: 2/5
Pressure, Frisk

HP: 58/70 | EN: 74/100
SC/WC: 1/2 | R/C: 2/5
Sturdy, Gluttony (used), Contrary


HP: 80/80 | EN: 100/100
SC/WC: 1/2 | R/C: 2/5
Vital Spirit, Hustle, Insomnia

Field ~
<-- Stealth Rocks -->

Team Rival Arven:

:hondew berry: Hondew Berry
:jaboca berry: Jaboca Berry
:rage candybar: Rage Candy Bar
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:starf berry: Starf Berry
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:leftovers: Leftovers
:pomeg berry:
HP: 85/85 | EN: 100/100
SC/WC: 4/2 | R/C: 2/5
Sand Rush, Fluffy

HP: 89/95 | EN: 74/100
SC/WC: 4/6 | R/C: 2/5
Purifying Salt, Sturdy, Clear Body


HP: 85/85 | EN: 100/100
SC/WC: 3/3 | R/C: 2/5
Pressure, Unnerve
Fort Colorcastle to confirm game state
Round 2:
Team Fort Colorcastle:
Boasts: Attack Limit, No Combos
:wepear berry:Wepear Berry
:bluk berry:Bluk Berry
:pomeg berry:Pomeg Berry
:hondew Berry:Hondew Berry
:Sticky Barb:Sticky Barb
:colbur berry:Colbur Berry
:choice scarf:Choice Scarf
:heavy-duty boots:Heavy-Duty Boots
HP: 80/80 | EN: 100/100
SC/WC: 4/5 | R/C: 2/5
Pressure, Frisk

HP: 58/70 | EN: 74/100
SC/WC: 1/2 | R/C: 2/5
Sturdy, Gluttony (used), Contrary


HP: 80/80 | EN: 100/100
SC/WC: 1/2 | R/C: 2/5
Vital Spirit, Hustle, Insomnia

Field ~
<-- Stealth Rocks -->

Team Rival Arven:

:hondew berry: Hondew Berry
:jaboca berry: Jaboca Berry
:rage candybar: Rage Candy Bar
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:starf berry: Starf Berry
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:leftovers: Leftovers
:pomeg berry:
HP: 85/85 | EN: 100/100
SC/WC: 4/2 | R/C: 2/5
Sand Rush, Fluffy

HP: 89/95 | EN: 74/100
SC/WC: 4/6 | R/C: 2/5
Purifying Salt, Sturdy, Clear Body


HP: 85/85 | EN: 100/100
SC/WC: 3/3 | R/C: 2/5
Pressure, Unnerve


Both the mons were hurt by stealth rock ! (-12 HP)
:houndstone: consumed the :pomeg berry: !
+10 HP

Step 1:

:houndstone: used Will-o-wisp !
Hit (<=540) = yes (205)
:dusknoir: was burned !

:dusknoir: used Toxic !
Hit (<=540) = yes (246)
:houndstone: was poisoned ! (Dosage = 1)

:dusknoir: healed some HP ! (+6 HP)
:houndstone: was hurt by the poison ! (-1 HP)
:dusknoir: was hurt by the burn ! (-2 HP)
:houndstone:'s poisoning worsened ! (+1 dosage)

Step 2:

:houndstone: used Yawn !
:dusknoir: is drowsy !

:dusnkoir: used Sleep Talk !
:dusknoir: unlocked sleep walking ! (3 turns)

:dusknoir: healed a bit of HP ! (+2 HP)
:houndstone: was hurt by the poison ! (-2 HP)
:dusknoir: was hurt by the burn ! (-2 HP)
:houndstone:'s poisoning worsened ! (+1 dosage)

Step 3:

:houndstone: used Night Shade !
Damage: 13

:dusknoir: struggled !
Crit (<=25) = no (256)
Damage: (5-5) = 1
:dusknoir: was hurt by recoil ! (-8 HP)

:dusknoir: healed a bit of HP ! (+2 HP)
:houndstone: was hurt by the poison ! (-3 HP)
:dusknoir: was hurt by the burn ! (-2 HP)
:houndstone:'s poisoning worsened ! (+1 dosage)
Team Fort Colorcastle:
Boasts: Attack Limit, No Combos
:wepear berry:Wepear Berry
:bluk berry:Bluk Berry
:pomeg berry:Pomeg Berry
:hondew Berry:Hondew Berry
:Sticky Barb:Sticky Barb
:colbur berry:Colbur Berry
:choice scarf:Choice Scarf
:heavy-duty boots:Heavy-Duty Boots
HP: 51/80 | EN: 85/100
SC/WC: 4/5 | R/C: 2/5
Pressure, Frisk
Drowsy, Sleep Talk (2t), Burned


HP: 58/70 | EN: 74/100
SC/WC: 1/2 | R/C: 2/5
Sturdy, Gluttony (used), Contrary


HP: 80/80 | EN: 100/100
SC/WC: 1/2 | R/C: 2/5
Vital Spirit, Hustle, Insomnia

Field ~
<-- Stealth Rocks -->

Team Rival Arven:

:hondew berry: Hondew Berry
:jaboca berry: Jaboca Berry
:rage candybar: Rage Candy Bar
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:starf berry: Starf Berry
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:leftovers: Leftovers

HP: 76/85 | EN: 78/100
SC/WC: 4/2 | R/C: 2/5
Sand Rush, Fluffy
Poisoned (Dosage=4), Toxin


HP: 89/95 | EN: 74/100
SC/WC: 4/6 | R/C: 2/5
Purifying Salt, Sturdy, Clear Body


HP: 85/85 | EN: 100/100
SC/WC: 3/3 | R/C: 2/5
Pressure, Unnerve
Fort Colorcastle to order
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Round 3:
Team Fort Colorcastle:
Boasts: Attack Limit, No Combos
:wepear berry:Wepear Berry
:bluk berry:Bluk Berry
:pomeg berry:Pomeg Berry
:hondew Berry:Hondew Berry
:Sticky Barb:Sticky Barb
:colbur berry:Colbur Berry
:choice scarf:Choice Scarf
:heavy-duty boots:Heavy-Duty Boots
HP: 51/80 | EN: 85/100
SC/WC: 4/5 | R/C: 2/5
Pressure, Frisk
Drowsy, Sleep Talk (2t), Burned


HP: 58/70 | EN: 74/100
SC/WC: 1/2 | R/C: 2/5
Sturdy, Gluttony (used), Contrary


HP: 80/80 | EN: 100/100
SC/WC: 1/2 | R/C: 2/5
Vital Spirit, Hustle, Insomnia

Field ~
<-- Stealth Rocks -->

Team Rival Arven:

:hondew berry: Hondew Berry
:jaboca berry: Jaboca Berry
:rage candybar: Rage Candy Bar
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:starf berry: Starf Berry
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:leftovers: Leftovers

HP: 76/85 | EN: 78/100
SC/WC: 4/2 | R/C: 2/5
Sand Rush, Fluffy
Poisoned (Dosage=4), Toxin


HP: 89/95 | EN: 74/100
SC/WC: 4/6 | R/C: 2/5
Purifying Salt, Sturdy, Clear Body


HP: 85/85 | EN: 100/100
SC/WC: 3/3 | R/C: 2/5
Pressure, Unnerve

Step 1:

:houndstone: used Disable !
:dusknoir:'s Hex was disabled !

:dusknoir: tried use Hex but it failed !

:dusknoir: healed a bit from the leftovers ! (+6 HP)
:houndstone: was hurt by the poison ! (-4 HP)
:dusknoir: was hurt by the burn ! (-2 HP)
:houndstone:'s poisoning worsened ! (+1 dosage)
:dusknoir: fell asleep !

Step 2:

:houndstone: used Rest !
:houndstone: went to sleep ! (2 turns)
:houndstone: was no longer poisoned !
+20HP, 15EN

:dusknoir: used Night Shade !
Damage: 11

:dusknoir: healed a bit from the Leftovers (+2 HP)
:Dusknoir: was hurt by the burn ! (-2 HP)

Step 3:

:houndstone: used Sleep Talk !
:houndstone: unlocked sleep walking ! (3 turns)

:dusknoir: is fast asleep !
:dusknoir: healed a bit from the Leftovers (+2 HP)
:Dusknoir: was hurt by the burn ! (-2 HP)

:dusknoir: woke up !
Team Fort Colorcastle:
Boasts: Attack Limit, No Combos
:wepear berry:Wepear Berry
:bluk berry:Bluk Berry
:pomeg berry:Pomeg Berry
:hondew Berry:Hondew Berry
:Sticky Barb:Sticky Barb
:colbur berry:Colbur Berry
:choice scarf:Choice Scarf
:heavy-duty boots:Heavy-Duty Boots
HP: 55/80 | EN: 69/100
SC/WC: 4/5 | R/C: 2/5
Pressure, Frisk
Burned, Sealed (Hex)


HP: 58/70 | EN: 74/100
SC/WC: 1/2 | R/C: 2/5
Sturdy, Gluttony (used), Contrary


HP: 80/80 | EN: 100/100
SC/WC: 1/2 | R/C: 2/5
Vital Spirit, Hustle, Insomnia

Field ~
<-- Stealth Rocks -->

Team Rival Arven:

:hondew berry: Hondew Berry
:jaboca berry: Jaboca Berry
:rage candybar: Rage Candy Bar
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:starf berry: Starf Berry
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:leftovers: Leftovers

HP: 81/85 | EN: 53/100
SC/WC: 4/2 | R/C: 2/5
Sand Rush, Fluffy
Sleep, Sleep Talk (3t)


HP: 89/95 | EN: 74/100
SC/WC: 4/6 | R/C: 2/5
Purifying Salt, Sturdy, Clear Body


HP: 85/85 | EN: 100/100
SC/WC: 3/3 | R/C: 2/5
Pressure, Unnerve

Salt Cure ~ Sandstorm ~ Rock Blast

IF Dusknoir is under the effects of Protection THEN Iron Defense the first instance and Chill the 2nd instance, pushing back
Check at start of step, IF Dusknoir is to use Pain Split AND Dusknoir is not to use Pain Split on upcoming steps THEN use Protect pushing back
IF Dusknoir has a decoy THEN use Earthquake pushing back
IF Dusknoir is to use a physical returning move THEN use Meteor Beam pushing back
Round 4:
Team Fort Colorcastle:
Boasts: Attack Limit, No Combos
:wepear berry:Wepear Berry
:bluk berry:Bluk Berry
:pomeg berry:Pomeg Berry
:hondew Berry:Hondew Berry
:Sticky Barb:Sticky Barb
:colbur berry:Colbur Berry
:choice scarf:Choice Scarf
:heavy-duty boots:Heavy-Duty Boots
HP: 55/80 | EN: 69/100
SC/WC: 4/5 | R/C: 2/5
Pressure, Frisk
Burned, Sealed (Hex)


HP: 58/70 | EN: 74/100
SC/WC: 1/2 | R/C: 2/5
Sturdy, Gluttony (used), Contrary


HP: 80/80 | EN: 100/100
SC/WC: 1/2 | R/C: 2/5
Vital Spirit, Hustle, Insomnia

Field ~
<-- Stealth Rocks -->

Team Rival Arven:

:hondew berry: Hondew Berry
:jaboca berry: Jaboca Berry
:rage candybar: Rage Candy Bar
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:starf berry: Starf Berry
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb:
HP: 89/95 | EN: 74/100
SC/WC: 4/6 | R/C: 2/5
Purifying Salt, Sturdy, Clear Body

HP: 81/85 | EN: 53/100
SC/WC: 4/2 | R/C: 2/5
Sand Rush, Fluffy
Sleep, Sleep Talk (3t)


HP: 85/85 | EN: 100/100
SC/WC: 3/3 | R/C: 2/5
Pressure, Unnerve
:garganacl: was hurt by the rocks ! (-9 HP)

Step 1:

:DUSKnoir: used Disable !
Salt Cure was sealed ! :(

:Garganacl: tried to use Salt Cure
But it failed !

:dusknoir: healed a bit of HP ! (+3 HP)
:dusknoir: was hurt by the burn ! (-2 HP)

Step 2:

:dusknoir: used Curse !
:dusknoir: cut down its own HP and laid a curse on :garganacl: ! (5 steps)
-30HP, 6EN

:garganacl: used Sandstorm !
A sandstorm brewed ! (5 rounds)

:dusknoir: healed a bit of HP ! (+1 HP)
:garganacl: was hurt by the curse !
:dusknoir: was hurt by the burn ! (-2 HP)
:dusknoir: was hurt by the sandstorm ! (-2 HP)

Step 3:

:dusknoir: used Night Shade !
Damage: 11

:garganacl: used Rock Blast !
Hit (<=540) = yes (239)
No of hits = 5 (511)
Crit (<=25) = yes (200|32|59|17|119)
Damage: (3+3-3+1) + (3*4) = 16

:dusknoir: healed a bit of HP ! (+1 HP)
:garganacl: was hurt by the curse !
:dusknoir: was hurt by the burn ! (-2 HP)
:dusknoir: was hurt by the sandstorm ! (-2 HP)
Team Fort Colorcastle:
Boasts: Attack Limit, No Combos
:wepear berry:Wepear Berry
:bluk berry:Bluk Berry
:pomeg berry:Pomeg Berry
:hondew Berry:Hondew Berry
:Sticky Barb:Sticky Barb
:colbur berry:Colbur Berry
:choice scarf:Choice Scarf
:heavy-duty boots:Heavy-Duty Boots
HP: 4/80 | EN: 48/100
SC/WC: 4/5 | R/C: 2/5
Pressure, Frisk
Burned, Sealed (Hex)


HP: 58/70 | EN: 74/100
SC/WC: 1/2 | R/C: 2/5
Sturdy, Gluttony (used), Contrary


HP: 80/80 | EN: 100/100
SC/WC: 1/2 | R/C: 2/5
Vital Spirit, Hustle, Insomnia

Field ~
<-- Stealth Rocks -->
Sandstorm (4R)

Team Rival Arven:

:hondew berry: Hondew Berry
:jaboca berry: Jaboca Berry
:rage candybar: Rage Candy Bar
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:starf berry: Starf Berry
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb:
HP: 49/95 | EN: 48/100
SC/WC: 4/6 | R/C: 2/5
Purifying Salt, Sturdy, Clear Body
Sealed (Salt Cure), Cursed (3s)


HP: 81/85 | EN: 53/100
SC/WC: 4/2 | R/C: 2/5
Sand Rush, Fluffy


HP: 85/85 | EN: 100/100
SC/WC: 3/3 | R/C: 2/5
Pressure, Unnerve
Fort Colorcastle to order
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Protect ~ Pain Split ~ Night Shade
[step 1] IF hp recovery move, THEN begin action chain taunt ~ Pain Split ~ Night Shade
[step 1] IF substitute, THEN begin action chain Pain Split ~ Taunt ~ Snore.
[step 1] IF speed-increasing move, THEN begin action chain taunt ~ pain split ~ Night Shade
[step 1] IF hp recovery move on any step at least twice, THEN begin action chain protect ~ Pain Split ~ Taunt
Round 5:
Team Fort Colorcastle:
Boasts: Attack Limit, No Combos
:wepear berry:Wepear Berry
:bluk berry:Bluk Berry
:pomeg berry:Pomeg Berry
:hondew Berry:Hondew Berry
:Sticky Barb:Sticky Barb
:colbur berry:Colbur Berry
:choice scarf:Choice Scarf
:heavy-duty boots:Heavy-Duty Boots
HP: 4/80 | EN: 48/100
SC/WC: 4/5 | R/C: 2/5
Pressure, Frisk
Burned, Sealed (Hex)


HP: 58/70 | EN: 74/100
SC/WC: 1/2 | R/C: 2/5
Sturdy, Gluttony (used), Contrary


HP: 80/80 | EN: 100/100
SC/WC: 1/2 | R/C: 2/5
Vital Spirit, Hustle, Insomnia

Field ~
<-- Stealth Rocks -->
Sandstorm (4R)

Team Rival Arven:

:hondew berry: Hondew Berry
:jaboca berry: Jaboca Berry
:rage candybar: Rage Candy Bar
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:starf berry: Starf Berry
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb:
HP: 49/95 | EN: 48/100
SC/WC: 4/6 | R/C: 2/5
Purifying Salt, Sturdy, Clear Body
Sealed (Salt Cure), Cursed (3s)


HP: 81/85 | EN: 53/100
SC/WC: 4/2 | R/C: 2/5
Sand Rush, Fluffy


HP: 85/85 | EN: 100/100
SC/WC: 3/3 | R/C: 2/5
Pressure, Unnerve
Step 1:

:potion: was sprayed on :garganacl: !
+20 HP

:DUSKNOIR: used Protect !
:dusknoir: protected itself !

:dusknoir: healed a bit of HP ! (+3 HP)
:dusknoir: was hurt by the burn ! (-2 HP)
:dusknoir: was hurt by the sandstorm ! (-2 HP)
:garganacl: was hurt by the curse ! (-10 HP)

Step 2:

:garganacl: used Protect !
:garganacl: protected itself !

:dusknoir: used Pain Split !
:garganacl: protected itself !

:dusknoir: healed a bit of HP ! (+1 HP)
:dusknoir: was hurt by the burn ! (-2 HP)
:dusknoir: was hurt by the sandstorm ! (-2 HP)
:dusknoir: was KO'ed !
:garganacl: was hurt by the curse ! (-10 HP)
Team Fort Colorcastle:
Boasts: Attack Limit, No Combos
:wepear berry:Wepear Berry
:bluk berry:Bluk Berry
:pomeg berry:Pomeg Berry
:hondew Berry:Hondew Berry
:Sticky Barb:Sticky Barb
:colbur berry:Colbur Berry
:choice scarf:Choice Scarf
:heavy-duty boots:Heavy-Duty Boots
HP: KO/80 | EN: 0/100
SC/WC: 4/5 | R/C: 2/5
Pressure, Frisk

HP: 58/70 | EN: 74/100
SC/WC: 1/2 | R/C: 2/5
Sturdy, Gluttony (used), Contrary


HP: 80/80 | EN: 100/100
SC/WC: 1/2 | R/C: 2/5
Vital Spirit, Hustle, Insomnia

Field ~
<-- Stealth Rocks -->
Sandstorm (3R)

Team Rival Arven:
:hondew berry: Hondew Berry
:jaboca berry: Jaboca Berry
:rage candybar: Rage Candy Bar
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:starf berry: Starf Berry
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb:
HP: 49/95 | EN: 36/100
SC/WC: 4/6 | R/C: 2/5
Purifying Salt, Sturdy, Clear Body
Sealed (Salt Cure), Cursed (1s)


HP: 81/85 | EN: 53/100
SC/WC: 4/2 | R/C: 2/5
Sand Rush, Fluffy


HP: 85/85 | EN: 100/100
SC/WC: 3/3 | R/C: 2/5
Pressure, Unnerve
Fort Colorcastle to replace :dusknoir: