You've been very emphatic about everyone but you being wrong because this is a kids game, but I think you're definitely overestimating how much that matters.
> Yeah the odds for gamefreak to do a game with a scenario based on real world conflicts are so High! RSE had two dudes that wanted to do smthing good for humans/pokemon
So you think GF can thread the needle of evil teams seeking to control titanic monsters and ravage the world/decimate humanity for their ill-thought out altruistic environmental hopes, but they can't possibly do the same on a debate between conservation and industry? You think a company that anchored their first two releases with a straight up pokemon mafia with no compunction to do good can't find their way back?
> Yeah. A region about north america. havent you thought that univers being new york kinda nukes this idea
I never posited a strictly New York-based region. That's your own issue.
> NUCLEAR WASTES IN NEVADA??? How much do you wanna bet that Nintendo will veto this Idea? I can bet anything.
Why? They don't have to do anything to get that nod other than a kaiju legendary and maybe a cave full of poison Pokemon. There wouldn't need to be flashing red signs saying "FUCK YOU AMERICA! THIS IS REVENGE FOR NAGASAKI!"
> Bikini atoll in the Pacific will most likely be called alola or smthing like that.
Right, because no Pokemon game outside of the Alola region never had something like the Seafoam Islands, Cinnabar, Whirl Islands, Cianwood, Sevii Islands, Orange Islands, half of RSE being oceanic, a ferry shuttle to Iron Island, etc... could ever hope to include island locations in a region based on a country that includes Hawaii and several other nearby islands in the Pacific and Atlantic.
> I think Not only Nintendo will veto nuclear, but Game Freak and Japan as well
Why? None of what's been hypothetically proposed would result in any described horrors or tragedies, it would literally all be conjecture based on Pokemon and their locations on a map. Also Japan doesn't have any kind of history from shying away from this kind of idea and Game Freak and Nintendo being Japanese isn't going to lend them to censoring content to protect American sensibilities.
> Not mentioning that It's technically plagiarism And all. And because again POKEMON IS FOR KIDS
... hence why I've been saying Kaiju and not Godzilla until I was giving a specific example. Also Kaiju exist in several other kids products (including Reptar from the Rugrats for crying out loud) without being busted for plagiarism.
Beyond all this, people are only spitballing ideas. No need to get all bent out of shape.