Real-world territories that will never be Pokemon regions

But what if you are part of a team of scientists who are studying mysterious trapped in the ice for ages?
As a site for strange phenomenon, Antarctica >>>>> Bermuda Triangle.

This seems more like the premise for either a spinoff or a DLC than a full game, to be honest. That being said, tying back into the idea of a Patagonia-based region, tons of Antarctic expeditions are launched out of ports in Tierra Del Fuego in southern Patagonia, as it's the closest landmass to Antarctica, so it would be a logical idea for a DLC.

Oh, so I don't derail this thread completely (if I haven't already anyways), one place that has the potential to make an interesting region but will never happen for real-world political reasons would be Cuba. Cuba is quite geographically diverse and would offer a pretty interesting layout for a region, but being the perpetual subject of a questionably legal embargo by the UN makes it pretty unlikely that it would ever happen.
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i have always wondered why gamefreaks hasn't gone for a region with known and well-researched mythology for an easier development choice, such as greece or scandinavia, but the tourist destination argument made it make sense for me (scandi is a relatively popular choice though so it might just happen in a few gens)

that argument obviously only goes so far because so much of japanese tourism is to other places in asia, and yet nobody here is exactly expecting a region based on the korean peninsula or the island of taiwan for... so many reasons (in fact, i had to google to ensure "island of taiwan" is a correct and neutral enough name for the island, imagine making media based on it)
nd yet nobody here is exactly expecting a region based on the korean peninsula or the island of taiwan for... so many reasons (in fact, i had to google to ensure "island of taiwan" is a correct and neutral enough name for the island, imagine making media based on it)

Imo this is overstated. A lot of the korean-japanese tension comes from the korean side, the average japanese person believes the japanese debt was paid, and while there is discrimination against koreans, gamefreak has included plenty of groups the average japanese person discriminates against in their games lol. Whether their inclusion is good or not depends a lot, but they were includuded.

Taiwan would just be included as part of china, because gamefreak often pulls from both neighboring countries and also countries with significant history to the region they're making. Would this cause some taiwanese people to be mad? yeah probably, but I promise most would not actually give a shit, especially with how vague and jumbled non-japanese regions are
Oh, so I don't derail this thread completely (if I haven't already anyways), one place that has the potential to make an interesting region but will never happen for real-world political reasons would be Cuba. Cuba is quite geographically diverse and would offer a pretty interesting layout for a region, but being the perpetual subject of a questionably legal embargo by the UN makes it pretty unlikely that it would ever happen.
Cuba would be interesting if we include Florida too. Another USA region would be inevitable but it depends on GF if they only include the Florida Panhadle or include the Greater Antilles too
But what if you are part of a team of scientists who are studying mysterious trapped in the ice for ages?
As a site for strange phenomenon, Antarctica >>>>> Bermuda Triangle.
I personally believe a Russia region (or regions, this country is humongous after all) can happen in the future. To anyone who believe otherwise because of politics, here's my evidence for the opposite: Sinnoh.
Okay, so my only hard proof is based on the contents of a Bulbapedia page, but while the mainland of Sinnoh is indeed based on Hokkaido, some locations, namely the Pokémon League and the Battle Zone subregion, are based on the islands of Kunashir and Sakhalin.
View attachment 568914
Kunashir is part of the Kuril Islands, an archipelago under Russian administration since 1945, near the end of WWII, but also claimed by Japan, which considers them part of its "Northern Territories".
View attachment 568916
Sakhalin meanwhile is, long story short, a Russian territory (currently a federal subject) that was claimed by Japan.
View attachment 568913(Note the shape of the bottom of the island.)
Therefore, GF can touch Russia in future mainline games.


But a Russian region would be based on the Moscow/St. Petersburg/Novgorod areas with a slice of Siberia. You know, the recognizable sections with known landmarks. Not obscure territories.
I don't think we're ever likely to see a region based on China, or any of its associated territories such as Hong Kong or Macau. Not only would there potentially be commercial concerns about the appeal of such a game to a worldwide audience, China has historically had a reputation of being quite sensitive about how it's portrayed in media. It actually had a ban on video games until fairly recently - Pokemon Go has always been banned there, and Pokemon Sun and Moon were the first set of games to be officially translated into Chinese. Given these factors, doing a China-inspired region is a potential controversy I can't see TPC wanting to create for themselves so I think it unlikely that they would want to take the risk.
I do think With the next generations. A region based off China would've been problematic If pokemon was unpopular, Not very famous, or If Even forbidden! And as I china, I know that Even here (the region With the bloodiest history related to Japan) Pokemon is very popular. Pokemon qu'est is a game that continues developping in China And china only. Sure, video games are 16+ somewhy, But Still I do think it's possible. And Even sooner than We might think With the treasures of ruin pokemon being inspired of chinese legends.
Much earlier on someone talked about the Middle East/MENA not being a viable location because land, and thus Pokemon, diversity would be lacking but I've got to disagree there. Possible inspirations include -

Normal - Pretty easy to envision
Fire - Blistering suns, nomadic campfires, ifrit demons (great Dark/Ghost crosstyping potential)
Water - Oases, Gulfs
Grass - more shrubbery than trees, lean into grass-type livestock to reflect agriculture. Also plants signature exports like pistachios and coffee beans.
Electric - Not a lot, but there aren't really electric mice in the woods either (looking at you Pikachu)
Fighting - Nomadic warriors / more stuff pulled from lore
Ice - Deserts are notoriously cold overnight and there are actually famous ski resorts in places like Iran and Lebanon. It's not all deserts, they have mountains too.
Poison - We've dipped into scorpions already, but Muk 2.0 is right there with the oil fields
Ground - Desert. Done.
Flying - birds.
Psychic - Playing into seers, maybe stars of the desert sky
Bug - Scarabs basically have a mythology of their own
Rock - Mountains like everywhere else, but maybe with some mythological flair. Toss in some history with the Rosetta Stone.
Ghost - Every culture has ghost stories
Dragon - Middle East has traditional dragons of their own, but I'd love to see a new flavor come out based on the Chimera based out of Turkey and the Sphinx in Egypt.
Dark - Again, back to mythology
Steel - Damascus steel, scimitars, etc...
Fairy - aaaand mythology again

You've got desert climates, mountainous regions, metropolises, historical ruins in places like Persepolis and Petra, gulf and ocean access, and areas of lush, green growth alongside in-land rivers. You've got unique architectural styles, from millennia-old mosques and Chefchaouen, Morocco's Blue City to Dubai's artificial Palm Islands. Honestly, if you replaced Fortree city and the greenery of the hike through it from Mauville to Lilycove while also scaling down the grass and trees to shrubbery, you could easily place the Hoenn region in the Persian Gulf pretty effortlessly. I'd lowkey love to see that forest stretch switched with a semi-nomadic tribe (and gym leader) rotating through several sites (in a hypothetical reworking of Hoenn).
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I dont think GF will ever touch Texas for inspiration for a region, way too deep south and I think GF would rather pick a safer (aswell as more interesting) state when they eventually decide to do another part of the US.
I dont think GF will ever touch Texas for inspiration for a region, way too deep south and I think GF would rather pick a safer (aswell as more interesting) state when they eventually decide to do another part of the US.
The fact that GF is Japanese really can't be overstated enough in this thread. I was going to respond to this with a joking agreement to the effect of "As a texan, if I was going to set a game in the US, I'd definitely put it near me: in Louisiana" because swamps, very distinct culture, ghosts, etc, which are all easier to include and make relevant than anything Texan.

But I started thinking about what an actual region would look like if you did one in Louisiana and realized the obvious thing to do would be make it a Mississippi River based game, with Chicago and the Great Lakes at one end and New Orleans at the other, and I was like 3 levels deep into planning that out when I realized that literally no one outside the US would know any of the cultural references, why those bodies of water matter so much, etc.

So honestly I do think Texas is on the list of possibilities, just because Japanese devs would know about it. Something like the Great Lakes might be a far better fit, but won't happen just because GF didn't hear The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald while growing up.
The fact that GF is Japanese really can't be overstated enough in this thread. I was going to respond to this with a joking agreement to the effect of "As a texan, if I was going to set a game in the US, I'd definitely put it near me: in Louisiana" because swamps, very distinct culture, ghosts, etc, which are all easier to include and make relevant than anything Texan.

But I started thinking about what an actual region would look like if you did one in Louisiana and realized the obvious thing to do would be make it a Mississippi River based game, with Chicago and the Great Lakes at one end and New Orleans at the other, and I was like 3 levels deep into planning that out when I realized that literally no one outside the US would know any of the cultural references, why those bodies of water matter so much, etc.

So honestly I do think Texas is on the list of possibilities, just because Japanese devs would know about it. Something like the Great Lakes might be a far better fit, but won't happen just because GF didn't hear The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald while growing up.

I've always wanted a region based on my home state of Maryland, but it's just a bit too suburban and, while Washington and Baltimore are great places with a lot of stories to tell, I do think there are a lot of better places in the US to use. It's probably a little improbable, and I'd say the most likely next American location is probably somewhere on the West Coast.
Yeah it'll Never get a region. I mean, Why Even use the US when a whole lot countries (almost all) Have got an older history, more culture, lotta diversité, originality, And havent yet had 2 regions already. Not Even speaking about the fact that It's Not very interesting to visit anywherr in the US
So there's plenty of countries with a longer history than the USA, but the USA isn't the end-all be-all of North America. There's centuries of history predating colonization. In fact, conflict between a new nation and indigenous populations found in all regions (like the mainland Native Americans, Alaskan Inuits, and the Polynesian people in Hawaii) could make for an interesting story and provide a natural motivation for a new bad guy faction (thinking a two sided conflict like RSE between ultra-conservationists and hyper-capitalists).

I do agree there are better options, but North America is definitely doable (without even talking about the Mexican pyramids). I would love it though because they could throw a little shade and have a pair of Kaiju legendaries that you've got to find by visiting the in-game analogues for the nuclear waste disposal site in Nevada and the Bikini Atoll out in the Pacific (not dissimilar to the Legendary Birds of Gold and Silver).
I do agree there are better options, but North America is definitely doable (without even talking about the Mexican pyramids). I would love it though because they could throw a little shade and have a pair of Kaiju legendaries that you've got to find by visiting the in-game analogues for the nuclear waste disposal site in Nevada and the Bikini Atoll out in the Pacific (not dissimilar to the Legendary Birds of Gold and Silver).
Why specifically nuclear? There are plenty of other ecological problems, especially compared to how tight nuclear waste disposal is. Why not someplace like the Salton 'Sea'?
Why specifically nuclear? There are plenty of other ecological problems, especially compared to how tight nuclear waste disposal is. Why not someplace like the Salton 'Sea'?

I mean, depending on how you interpret the storyline of Sw/Sh, it's arguable that TPC has a history of fearmongering about nuclear power, which is possibly somewhat understandable from a country that's had to deal with the aftermath of two nuclear bombs and the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl.

That being said, people get conspiratorial about it. Even Sw/Sh's story could be interpreted not as a parable about nuclear power specifically (although the super-powered Poison/Dragon legendary that emits mutative particles being used to power a steam turbine only leaves so much open to interpetation) but rather about fucking around with any power outside of our control being a bad idea, and the shit about the Regi caves or the towers in Johto representing nuclear sites is just a massive reach.
Why specifically nuclear? There are plenty of other ecological problems, especially compared to how tight nuclear waste disposal is. Why not someplace like the Salton 'Sea'?

I'd be more than fine if it were something else. It's just that it's the easy opportunity to inject Godzilla into the franchise, with Godzilla originally being a huge allegory for the horrors of nuclear warfare after Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
So there's plenty of countries with a longer history than the USA, but the USA isn't the end-all be-all of North America. There's centuries of history predating colonization. In fact, conflict between a new nation and indigenous populations found in all regions (like the mainland Native Americans, Alaskan Inuits, and the Polynesian people in Hawaii) could make for an interesting story and provide a natural motivation for a new bad guy faction (thinking a two sided conflict like RSE between ultra-conservationists and hyper-capitalists).
Yeah the odds for gamefreak to do a game with a scenario based on real world conflicts are so High! RSE had two dudes that wanted to do smthing good for humans/pokemon And But because they were unable to think straight more that 5 seconds they messed up.
I do agree there are better options, but North America is definitely doable (without even talking about the Mexican pyramids). I would love it though because they could throw a little shade and have a pair of Kaiju legendaries that you've got to find by visiting the in-game analogues for the nuclear waste disposal site in Nevada and the Bikini Atoll out in the Pacific (not dissimilar to the Legendary Birds of Gold and Silver).
Yeah. A region about north america. havent you thought that univers being new york kinda nukes this idea?
How much do you wanna bet that Nintendo will veto this Idea? I can bet anything. Bikini atoll in the Pacific will most likely be called alola or smthing like that.
I mean, depending on how you interpret the storyline of Sw/Sh, it's arguable that TPC has a history of fearmongering about nuclear power, which is possibly somewhat understandable from a country that's had to deal with the aftermath of two nuclear bombs and the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl.
totally right. I think Not only Nintendo will veto nuclear, But Also THE STAGE OF JAPAN AND GAMEFREAK ITSELF.
That being said, people get conspiratorial about it. Even Sw/Sh's story could be interpreted not as a parable about nuclear power specifically (although the super-powered Poison/Dragon legendary that emits mutative particles being used to power a steam turbine only leaves so much open to interpetation) but rather about fucking around with any power outside of our control being a bad idea, and the shit about the Regi caves or the towers in Johto representing nuclear sites is just a massive reach
Listen i'm not that blind (am I?) And really the galar energy being nuclear Never struck me since Well the game Is for KIDS. yeah, one think y'all here havs to consider While posting here Is that 8yo kids will tend to be inflenced into or a destructive mois, or a bad mois, or any mood you can put a kid in with a bomb or two. Towers in Johto imo are traditional temples And it would be bold from gamefreak to turn it into a very very, let's say, not good thing.

(although the super-powered Poison/Dragon legendary that emits mutative particles being used to power a steam turbine only leaves so much open to interpetation)
Skeptical about the use of "mutative" here.
Fun fact: dragalge is a varech pokemon and is dragon poison. Also, why specify dragon? I mean if it was nuclear And all it surely would be weak to water (yes it Is dark humor) Also because there arent radiations under 4m of water.
I'd be more than fine if it were something else. It's just that it's the easy opportunity to inject Godzilla into the franchise, with Godzilla originally being a huge allegory for the horrors of nuclear warfare after Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
when TTAR exists, It's kinda useless. Not mentioning that It's technically plagiarism And all. And because again POKEMON IS FOR KIDS
So there's plenty of countries with a longer history than the USA, but the USA isn't the end-all be-all of North America. There's centuries of history predating colonization. In fact, conflict between a new nation and indigenous populations found in all regions (like the mainland Native Americans, Alaskan Inuits, and the Polynesian people in Hawaii) could make for an interesting story and provide a natural motivation for a new bad guy faction (thinking a two sided conflict like RSE between ultra-conservationists and hyper-capitalists).

I do agree there are better options, but North America is definitely doable (without even talking about the Mexican pyramids). I would love it though because they could throw a little shade and have a pair of Kaiju legendaries that you've got to find by visiting the in-game analogues for the nuclear waste disposal site in Nevada and the Bikini Atoll out in the Pacific (not dissimilar to the Legendary Birds of Gold and Silver).
Interestingly given the topic of this thread, 2 parts of the Americas that I would expect to see get a region at some point were taken off the table for now because of Paldea. The Amazon Rainforest and Mexico are both areas with a lot of diverse landscapes, ancient ruins, interesting interactions between humans and the environment, very fun culture, all of which is ideal for a Pokemon region. And they were both settled by Iberian Peninsula countries, which makes me think that GF will avoid them until Paldea is well in their rearview mirror. And to a certain degree it makes sense, they likely used up a lot of their Spanish/Portugese ideas and will want to wait rather than rely purely on the Americas part of the culture for concepts, but those would be very fun regions and we're probably never seeing them.
You've been very emphatic about everyone but you being wrong because this is a kids game, but I think you're definitely overestimating how much that matters.

> Yeah the odds for gamefreak to do a game with a scenario based on real world conflicts are so High! RSE had two dudes that wanted to do smthing good for humans/pokemon

So you think GF can thread the needle of evil teams seeking to control titanic monsters and ravage the world/decimate humanity for their ill-thought out altruistic environmental hopes, but they can't possibly do the same on a debate between conservation and industry? You think a company that anchored their first two releases with a straight up pokemon mafia with no compunction to do good can't find their way back?

> Yeah. A region about north america. havent you thought that univers being new york kinda nukes this idea

I never posited a strictly New York-based region. That's your own issue.

> NUCLEAR WASTES IN NEVADA??? How much do you wanna bet that Nintendo will veto this Idea? I can bet anything.

Why? They don't have to do anything to get that nod other than a kaiju legendary and maybe a cave full of poison Pokemon. There wouldn't need to be flashing red signs saying "FUCK YOU AMERICA! THIS IS REVENGE FOR NAGASAKI!"

> Bikini atoll in the Pacific will most likely be called alola or smthing like that.

Right, because no Pokemon game outside of the Alola region never had something like the Seafoam Islands, Cinnabar, Whirl Islands, Cianwood, Sevii Islands, Orange Islands, half of RSE being oceanic, a ferry shuttle to Iron Island, etc... could ever hope to include island locations in a region based on a country that includes Hawaii and several other nearby islands in the Pacific and Atlantic.

> I think Not only Nintendo will veto nuclear, but Game Freak and Japan as well

Why? None of what's been hypothetically proposed would result in any described horrors or tragedies, it would literally all be conjecture based on Pokemon and their locations on a map. Also Japan doesn't have any kind of history from shying away from this kind of idea and Game Freak and Nintendo being Japanese isn't going to lend them to censoring content to protect American sensibilities.

> Not mentioning that It's technically plagiarism And all. And because again POKEMON IS FOR KIDS

... hence why I've been saying Kaiju and not Godzilla until I was giving a specific example. Also Kaiju exist in several other kids products (including Reptar from the Rugrats for crying out loud) without being busted for plagiarism.

Beyond all this, people are only spitballing ideas. No need to get all bent out of shape.
Beyond all this, people are only spitballing ideas. No need to get all bent out of shape.

There's been a real uptick in people using ALLCAPS and exclamation marks around here of late. I try never to use the phrase "calm down", it's one of the most patronising things you can possibly say, but... people need to calm down.

Friendly suggestion btw, the quote function makes posts like your last one much easier to read.
You've been very emphatic about everyone but you being wrong because this is a kids game, but I think you're definitely overestimating how much that matters.

> Yeah the odds for gamefreak to do a game with a scenario based on real world conflicts are so High! RSE had two dudes that wanted to do smthing good for humans/pokemon

So you think GF can thread the needle of evil teams seeking to control titanic monsters and ravage the world/decimate humanity for their ill-thought out altruistic environmental hopes, but they can't possibly do the same on a debate between conservation and industry? You think a company that anchored their first two releases with a straight up pokemon mafia with no compunction to do good can't find their way back?

> Yeah. A region about north america. havent you thought that univers being new york kinda nukes this idea

I never posited a strictly New York-based region. That's your own issue.

> NUCLEAR WASTES IN NEVADA??? How much do you wanna bet that Nintendo will veto this Idea? I can bet anything.

Why? They don't have to do anything to get that nod other than a kaiju legendary and maybe a cave full of poison Pokemon. There wouldn't need to be flashing red signs saying "FUCK YOU AMERICA! THIS IS REVENGE FOR NAGASAKI!"

> Bikini atoll in the Pacific will most likely be called alola or smthing like that.

Right, because no Pokemon game outside of the Alola region never had something like the Seafoam Islands, Cinnabar, Whirl Islands, Cianwood, Sevii Islands, Orange Islands, half of RSE being oceanic, a ferry shuttle to Iron Island, etc... could ever hope to include island locations in a region based on a country that includes Hawaii and several other nearby islands in the Pacific and Atlantic.

> I think Not only Nintendo will veto nuclear, but Game Freak and Japan as well

Why? None of what's been hypothetically proposed would result in any described horrors or tragedies, it would literally all be conjecture based on Pokemon and their locations on a map. Also Japan doesn't have any kind of history from shying away from this kind of idea and Game Freak and Nintendo being Japanese isn't going to lend them to censoring content to protect American sensibilities.

> Not mentioning that It's technically plagiarism And all. And because again POKEMON IS FOR KIDS

... hence why I've been saying Kaiju and not Godzilla until I was giving a specific example. Also Kaiju exist in several other kids products (including Reptar from the Rugrats for crying out loud) without being busted for plagiarism.

Beyond all this, people are only spitballing ideas. No need to get all bent out of shape.
remember when Nintendo said that their games were family friendly? Not exactly the case of nuclear wastes. Well UNOVA Is a New-York based region And do a region that would incluse two Other regions Is unrealistic imo.
Have you ever played to RSE? The leaders [whatevertheirnameIsinenglish], Once out of The cave, realized what they had done wrong And didn't disturb The player afterwards.
remember when Nintendo said that their games were family friendly? Not exactly the case of nuclear wastes. Well UNOVA Is a New-York based region And do a region that would incluse two Other regions Is unrealistic imo.
Have you ever played to RSE? The leaders [whatevertheirnameIsinenglish], Once out of The cave, realized what they had done wrong And didn't disturb The player afterwards.

For the last time, the nuclear locations don't have to be mentioned or acknowledged in any way. If you're familiar with it, then you get it, if you aren't then you just see two cool legendaries found in the exact same manor of Ho-oh and Lugia, in a manmade structure in the middle of the map and in some uninhabited islands out in the middle of nowhere. It's just an easter egg that perfectly fits the culture of Japanese media being critical of nuclear power.

Also I never talked about Unova, and Japan's developed multiple games about their own nation and a region based on an area as small as the UK. It's not at all unrealistic to wonder about a second region in a nation as geographically massive as the US.

Also my point about the factions is that it can be treated in the exact same way as Aqua/Magma, with teams pursuing distorted versions of pro-conservation and pro-development before realizing a balance through the struggle. Saving the environment and sensibly developing for civilization is just a much a balance as Aqua/Magma's land vs sea.
There's been a real uptick in people using ALLCAPS and exclamation marks around here of late. I try never to use the phrase "calm down", it's one of the most patronising things you can possibly say, but... people need to calm down.

Friendly suggestion btw, the quote function makes posts like your last one much easier to read.

I was trying to avoid "calm down" myself. And thanks for the tip, I'll try to get to incorporating that.