Want to bring up a proposition. 20k single buys and 45k double buys. I know I know it's almost definitely too late to bring this up but I didn't think of it until now (and I don't expect it to be implemented because of this).
Wrt GSCPL, some users like
Isa have made pretty convincing arguments for this. I am not strictly a supporter of it but I see merit in many of the arguments.
For one, each team has 130k cash. This makes a higher self-buy cost both more manageable and less of a sometimes-crazy steal to buy a manager.
Of course, the main reason to do this is that guaranteed locking yourself a player or two (who are quite likely some of the best available) before the auction even starts is arguably unfair. RBYPL also clearly is not struggling with incentive for manager signup (not like this is relevant anymore atp because managers have been chosen). There should debatably be a somewhat strict punish to being able to bypass the auction like this, especially for single buys which are proportionally significantly less punishing than a double buy.
Now, I'm not a super hard advocate of this (and of course being a manager has some effect on my opinion), but I believe it could be worth considering. The main reasons to not do this is that taking away more cash from the managers has a small negative impact on the amount of people who end up being drafted and allowed to participate, some of which almost definitely being first-timers, which to an extent goes against the goal of this tournament to bring community development and growth.
But yes, at this point it probably shouldn't happen since manager signups are already over. I encourage this for next RBYPL though at the very least.