Tournaments RBYPL IV - Week Seven

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Artwork by Mintly

Hosted by Hiro', Vertigo, and Sificon
Tournament Rules and General Guidelines
Commencement Thread
  • Schedule via Smogon VMs. It's easier for us to make decisions for activity calls when we can actually see what went down with scheduling.
  • If you are unable to schedule with your opponent, please let your managers know ASAP so they can communicate that to us or the other team's managers for a potential substitute.
  • When making a substitution, please tag myself, the managers of the opposing team, and all of the players affected by the substitute to ensure that everyone is made aware. Players who have already played in the week or were subbed out in the same week cannot be subbed back in.
  • If a match remains incomplete by the time of the deadline, it will be subject to an activity call.
  • Replays are mandatory. Not only are they useful for confirming wins, they contribute to usage stats and allow the people who couldn't watch the games live to watch them later.
  • To managers: Please send us your lineups in the same format that we used to post pairings. It makes it much easier to post future rounds more quickly.
  • All slots are Bo3 by default, barring the first RBY OU slot that is Bo5 and Random Battles which is also Bo5.

:Hypno: Hipster Hypnos (4) vs (6) Glacial Articunos :articuno:
OU Bo5: Serpi vs shiloh
OU: kjdaas vs Isza
OU: emma vs Frrf
OU: 16bit vs Tuthur
OU: Deezcastforms vs avarice
Ubers: CollectorEly vs Sabelette
UU: Melbelle vs Tree69420
NU: royzin vs nicole7735
PU: Hayburner vs TehTayTeh
Random Battles Bo5: YBW vs Lady Writer

:dewgong: Ding Dang Dewgongs (1) vs (7) Viridian Victreebels :victreebel:
OU Bo5: Green on fire vs SaDiSTiCNarwhal
OU: Laroxyl vs Kenix
OU: BlazingDark vs RaiZen1704
OU: Quarante8 vs oakdeon
OU: chub vs snaga
Ubers: corvere vs King Billu
UU: stunner047 vs Inder
NU: Monai vs Khaetis
PU: Volk vs BeatsBlack
Random Battles Bo5: Luchik vs Rage

Hipster Hypnos (0) vs (0) Glacial Articunos
OU: Serpi vs shiloh
OU: kjdaas vs Isza
OU: emma vs Frrf
OU: 16bit vs Tuthur
OU: Deezcastforms vs avarice
Ubers: CollectorEly vs Sabelette
UU: Melbelle vs Tree69420
NU: royzin vs nicole7735
PU: Hayburner vs TehTayTeh
Rands: YBW vs Lady Writer

Ding Dang Dewgongs (0) vs (0) Viridian Victreebels
OU: Green on fire vs SaDiSTiCNarwhal
OU: Laroxyl vs Kenix
OU: BlazingDark vs RaiZen1704
OU: Quarante8 vs oakdeon
OU: chub vs snaga
Ubers: corvere vs King Billu
UU: stunner047 vs Inder
NU: Monai vs Khaetis
PU: Volk vs BeatsBlack
Rands: Luchik vs Rage

Deadline for this round is Sunday, November 12th at 11:59 PM GMT-4.
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Ding Dang Dewgongs (6) vs (4) Viridian Victreebels
OU: Green on fire vs SaDiSTiCNarwhal - I just want the other guy to lose
OU: Laroxyl vs Kenix - player diff
OU: BlazingDark vs RaiZen1704 - idk any of these people just going with my gut
OU: Quarante8 vs oakdeon - 48's play has been a lot more impressive this season.
OU: chub vs snaga - the gods still whisper in his ear
Ubers: corvere vs King Billu - the stats don't lie
UU: stunner047 vs Inder - coinflip tier so going off with the name i think has more exp
NU: Monai vs Khaetis - idk
PU: Volk vs BeatsBlack - i think volk is secretly goated af at the tier
Rands: Luchik vs Rage - the stats dont lie
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Ding Dang Dewgongs (7) vs (3) Viridian Victreebels
OU Bo5: Green on fire vs SaDiSTiCNarwhal - Definitely the highlight match here, both players have been really good in this tour. I feel like Narwhal has an edge so I'll pick him.
OU: Laroxyl vs Kenix - Kenix is good I think he has the advantage here.
OU: BlazingDark vs RaiZen1704 - Idk these players that much but it looks like blazingdark has been beating a lot of ppl.
OU: Quarante8 vs oakdeon - 48 has some solid ou lines.
OU: chub vs snaga - Both have been good but chub is the goat.
Ubers: corvere vs King Billu - She told ely to go f himself so that's enough for me to pick her lmao.
UU: stunner047 vs Inder - Stunner has a lot more rby experience I've played him in rands and he's played some UU too lol. Inder mainly plays the later gens I think.
NU: Monai vs Khaetis - Khaetis has been good this tour so I'll pick him.
PU: Volk vs BeatsBlack - I liked some of Volk's teams last week so that's enough for me to pick him.
Random Battles Bo5: Luchik vs Rage - Luchik has more rby rands experience so yeah.
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tranquilo hombre, es sólo que juegas de una forma exageradamente defensiva. Me sorprendiste en ese aspecto. Sin embargo, te aconsejo que superes el miedo y juegues RBY OU más agresivamente. GGs a todos mis oponentes.
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