The following 15 teams have been confirmed for RBYWC II, with the following captains:
Asia - Egor + 第二十五夜
Brazil - Sahki + Staraptor
Canada - Genesis7 + King Billu
Chile - Vileman + Mister McLovin
Europe - Lialiabeast
France - Frrf
Germany - Serpi
Italy - Amaranth
Mexico - Elian
Oceania - nicole7735
Spain + Portugal - Sceptross + Kenix
UK + Ireland - NotVeryCake + YBW
US Central - Enigami + royzin
US Northeast - SaDiSTiCNarwhal + emma
US West - Ctown6 + Sabelette
Teams with 1 captain are allowed to promote a second if they wish. Everyone is expected to post lineups for their team in this thread by Sunday, March 17th, 11:00PM GMT+1.
The following 15 teams have been confirmed for RBYWC II, with the following captains:
Asia - Egor + 第二十五夜
Brazil - Sahki + Staraptor
Canada - Genesis7 + King Billu
Chile - Vileman + Mister McLovin
Europe - Lialiabeast
France - Frrf
Germany - Serpi
Italy - Amaranth
Mexico - Elian
Oceania - nicole7735
Spain + Portugal - Sceptross + Kenix
UK + Ireland - NotVeryCake + YBW
US Central - Enigami + royzin
US Northeast - SaDiSTiCNarwhal + emma
US West - Ctown6 + Sabelette
Teams with 1 captain are allowed to promote a second if they wish. Everyone is expected to post lineups for their team in this thread by Sunday, March 17th, 11:00PM GMT+1.
There aren't enough players who signed up without an available national team to justify forming a full team forr Latin America.
Players who reside in nations without national teams will be allowed to join teams of geographically or culturally similar nations, within reason. If you are one of those players, please reach out to me privately to discuss what teams you will be allowed to join.
Players who reside in nations without national teams will be allowed to join teams of geographically or culturally similar nations, within reason. If you are one of those players, please reach out to me privately to discuss what teams you will be allowed to join.
Midwest and South are both struggling to reach the required numbers and have expressed desire to merge. I would prefer not to redraw region borders to redistribute South players to make geographical sense, given the possibility that Midwest and South will re-form as their own teams in the future. So it is a little silly, but for this year US Midwest and US South will merge to become US Central, and we will all pretend that Florida in US Central makes sense, with no changes to US West or US Northeast's eligibilities.
A subset of Indian players expressed desire to form, but given that their lineup would be largely made up of complete beginners to the tier, and team Asia is a little short on numbers to begin with, we believe it makes more sense to keep Indian players within team Asia.
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