Random teams I used throughout the year + miscellaneous thoughts
notes: not ordered, a couple pastes have minor changes I have made since I used them that I feel are better
vs Luthier, RBY Cup Round 5
Cloy Don team with Alakazam as the special wall rather than Chansey and Zapdos as the lead. Zap + Cloy + Don covers a ton of matchups and Alakazam is more powerful than Chansey, though you could certainly use Chansey instead like
Amaranth has done.
vs M Dragon, RBY Cup Round 6
Zap lead + Egg Zam is a solid combo I built with a few times since it's quite good and the last is flexible (the above team is also one though with Cloy Don as well). This one has Dragonite because I wanted to use it since it seemed to match fairly well into the meta. AmneLax because it pairs well with Dnite for muscling through other Lax and forcing para on the special attackers. When I played M Dragon I used Agility, but since then I swapped it for twave.
The Hypno escapades. I wanted to try out Hypno because I thought it was cool and could do something. It's similar to Jynx but it has twave in exchange for losing to Jynx and taking more from ice moves. I started with the core of Gar + Hypno + Zapdos and went from there. AmneLax to punish other Snorlax and to try and muscle through Starmie without exploding. 4 attacks Egg because it helps against Rhydon and I didn't feel like I needed a status move.
vs Eeveeto, RBY Cup Semifinals
Pretty much the exact same deal as the above team but with Cloyster instead of Exeggutor. This was the first version of the team until shortly after I also figured Egg would work pretty well too, which is the version I used against M Dragon. Against Eeveeto I chose Cloyster because of his penchant for gimmicks and cause I wanted to try it out.
vs Gastlies, RBY Summer Seasonal Round 6
Bit of a gimmicky team that just goes full in on enabling an ice-type takeover. Jynx to sleep lead Starmie. Cloyster to punish slept Starmie or to explode on it. Alakazam for special walling, Zapdos backup, and trying to force status on other Starmie. AmneLax to try and force paralysis on Starmie and to kill shit. Articuno as the ultimate end game mon for after the 3 other pokemon with ice moves have done their stuff.
vs Emma, RoAPL Week 6
Bit of an unusual variation on Mie Egg Don since I thought it would be good but I didn't want to use the standard version which I had been using all year (including multiple times earlier in the tour). Single sleep variant with Stun Rest Egg and Sing Ice Chansey to sit on things and Boom Lax to explode Tauros.
I really wanted to use Porygon because I thought it was extremely funny and Emma had been using a ton of Boom and Eq RefLax, so I did. Fairly normal Zam Egg + Big 3 core for good offense and a reliable early game. Tbolt as filler move on Pory cause never know when it might be needed for Starmie or Cloyster, and I had Rest on Lax so it didn't matter too much if I threw it into Chansey (hence why no Double-Edge). The Lax set is the real fun part. Counter deals a big blow to Tauros and other Lax without having to explode, but if needed I had boom anyways for bull as well as for Zapdos, and then Rest last for Chansey.
vs Isza, RBYPL Week 2
Zap lead + Egg Zam team featuring Articuno as the cleaner and this time with Counter PhysLax rather than Amnesia because of Tauros. Not too much special on this team asides from the Reflect on Cuno, which I want to highlight. I think it's a great option on standard Cuno that can sometimes really save your ass against an exploding Snorlax or a Tauros clicking Hyper Beam, but Ice Beam would work fine too. Using Cloyster over Cuno also works great and is sometimes better, and I have done that before. I've also used Jolt over Zap and it works fine too.
Variation of Jynx Egg Mie with Counter Chansey and BoomLax to fuck up Snorlax for Tauros and Starmie and Rest Boom Egg to sit on non-Blizz Starmie, block Rhydon for Chansey and Snorlax, and blow up other Chansey so that BB Mie can have an easy time cleaning.
vs 48, RBYPL Week 4
Similar to the Zap lead one I used against Luthier. I had built this team prior to RBYPL and I thought it was pretty cool. Gengar makes the team much better against Jynx leads and provides an extra explosion, which Alakazam likes.
Really awesome variant of Gar Egg Lap I built for 48. Essentially, the idea is that when playing against Jynx leads, you can explode your Gengar and then bring in Lapras to use Sing in case they have an Exeggutor they're sending out, with Lapras actually outspeeding their Egg unlike your own Egg. Reflect Chansey helps against Zapdos and Snorlax, the latter being especially important if you play a Jynx team since you're exploding your Gengar. Since I was using Gengar and Reflect Chansey, I figured I could get away with a cool lax set, so I want with Amnesia Lax since it could get through Reflect Lax and it would have an easier time getting paralysis onto Starmie for Egg and Lap. Lapras also helps with covering Cloyster.
vs Aliss, RBYPL Week 7 & vs Cake, RBY Circuit Champs Round 1
Heavily inspired by the team
Serpi used against me during week 6. I wanted to try out Cloy Don again since Aliss was using a ton of Zapdos, but with BlizzBolt mie for her relatively low Chansey use. Threw Tauros in lead cause I wanted to save Starmie and Chansey for the back, and Tauros lead is something I've never used before and matches well into sleep leads and Alakazam.
vs Aliss, RBYPL Week 7
Inspired by a different team Serpi used against me in week 6. Very similar to the one above but with Slowbro rather than Cloyster and with Chansey in the lead and Tauros in the back. Slowbro can be a really potent cleaner or it can be an enabler of BlizzBolt Mie by forcing Lax to attack it and breaking through Chansey. Didn’t actually get to use this one though cause I had this slated for game 3 and I won in 2.
vs Torchic, RBY Summer Seasonal Round 4
Team that hits really hard with special attacks and Hyper Lax. Counter Chansey is great here and the team makes very effective use of it. Zam can clean well after Chansey gets exploded, frozen, or other and it helps vs Zapdos.
vs Nicole, RoAPL Week 5 & vs Sceptross, RBYPL Round 1 Tiebreakers
I ripped this from a replay where I saw Yazu using it to demolish a Mie Egg Don because it did it pretty effortlessly, and it turns out it's also pretty good against Mie Egg Zap too. Both Nicole and Sceptross are fairly notorious for using these two teams a ton, so I used it against both when I played them. It's pretty cool, and the team overall enables Articuno very well and it feels like a great use for the mon.
Miscellaneous - Ctown/Ctown-inspired teams that I've used a lot and really like
One of my favorite teams and imo the best variation of Gar Egg Cloy. Quad boom is an extremely threatening chain to deal with and the team naturally screws over most things Rhydon. The booms also help a ton against Zapdos. The real sauce here is the Sing Chansey. It helps a ton in the opening lines so that you don't get destroyed by any slightly lucky PsyBlizz Starmie or Alakazam. In other lead matchups where you can safely get sleep off with Gar or Egg, Sing can put in huge work late game when they've let their sleep sack (and ideally Chansey too) die because they don't think you have another sleep move after Gar and Egg die or get slept.
第二十五夜 built this one for Ctown (who had only ever used Jynx Mie Zam if he brought Jynx) and showed it to me cause he thought it was good. He was right. The standard version with BBChans RefLax is also fine but this one really brings out the offense. Very classic combo of Cloyster and RefChans (that I believe was popular around 2020-2021 or so?) which work really well together and PhysLax is like a beautiful bowtie that really makes for a great core of 3. Jynx is also great to enable Cloyster if you land into a Starmie lead, and Zapdos is a very strong late game powerhouse against most teams that are more resilient against Cloyster.
Now, of course, we can't have Ctown without his signature version of Zam Egg Zap, Reflect Chansey + PhysLax. This team just works so great and so cohesively, and I've used it a shitload. Zam Egg Zap + Big 3 is probably the best 6 in the meta, or at least was shortly ago. Zam starts it off by spamming paralysis and even threatening to break through Chansey, and then Reflect Chansey carries on the twave spamming duties. Reflect Chansey's also great here for forcing out Snorlax and/or Rhydon, and it can force paralysis on and rests from the former too, which is great for Zapdos and your own Snorlax. It can also give Egg chances to get into the game, and with smart play you can force Sleep on something or snipe a kill with Hyper Beam, or you can just explode. Zapdos + Snorlax + Tauros is also just a really powerful combo for late in the game when you've spread paralysis and it's a ton of fun.
Miscellaneous - 2 other teams I want to talk about shortly
I have a few versions of Jynx Egg Zap in my builder but this is by far the one I've brought the most and maybe even the only one I've actually used in tour? Unsure. Anyways, I'm a big fan of Counter Chansey on Jynx teams since Snorlax is a mild and inescapable issue, and it works great to help Eq Lax actually do things (and Tauros) in Rhydon matchups where Zapdos struggles. Drain Egg helps provide a threat to back Mie and is good against Rhydon matchups.
Great hybrid build between Jynx Cloy and Egg Cloy, complete with Ctown-style RefChans PhysLax. Not too much to say that I haven't already about the other similarly built teams, but unfortunately, I've barely used this in tour. Think it's an awesome team though.
A couple final random thoughts:
- Gengar should be BoltShade unless you have a really good reason not to. Egg is too important and Tbolt makes Gar a real mon for later in the game if it doesn't get slept or die right away in the lead
- BBMie is pretty great rn which I wasn't expecting since I used to hate it
- Properly built Cloy Don teams are quite cool and good
- Egg is fantastic and I think I used it like 85-90% of the time roughly
- Reflect and Counter Chansey are underused
- Cloyster on big 3 is definitely good and should be used
- Mie Egg Don is the only reliably good Don + Big 3 team
- Zapdos is amazing
- Back Zam gets too much hate
final s/o's to
Amaranth and
第二十五夜 once again.