art by May!
Welcome to the first iteration of the RBY NU Open! Whether you're an experienced player looking to prove yourself or someone that just wants to try something new, good luck!
Tournament Rules:
- Matches will be best-of-three in every round (defined as the first player to win two games, i.e. ties are not counted)
- All tournament games must be played on Pokemon Showdown!, and all replays of all tournament games must be posted
- The matches will always be played in the [Gen 1] NU format
- This tournament will be single elimination, meaning that a win advances a player to the next round and a loss means a player is out of the tournament
- Each round will last at most one week
- RBY NU rules/clauses can be found here
- All standard Smogon tournament rules apply, and can be found here
- General RBY Grand Slam information can be found here
Oathkeeper vs
ArcticBreeze vs Crokodil13
RextheNoname vs
juoean vs
ForgottenOnes vs
Ctown6 vs
Torchic vs
martinvtran vs
Serpi vs
InfernoDragon vs Bye 2
jeffdaboss vs
SaDiSTiCNarwhal vs Bye 4
Yuri_z9 vs Bye 5
Ara vs giove97
julian113 vs Bye 7
King Billu vs Bye 8
y-roc? vs Bye 9
iKiQ vs
D-Awsumnes vs Bye 11
S1nn0hC0nfirm3d vs SOMALIA
jojorobo vs KaiserKaiba
VTMagno vs Bye 14
txitxas vs Bye 15
Deadline for Round 1 is: July 10th 11:59pm GMT -4.
If you want to sub please post "in" and I'll roll for a sub
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