Project RarelyUsed Teambuilding Competition: week 26: Slowbro-Galar

:sv/Raikou:Week 15: Raikou:sv/raikou:


Last week we put Entei in the spotlight, now we will be doing the same with the middle sibling of the legendary rascals: Raikou. Raikou is a pokemon that has kind of gone underexplored in this new-ish tier. It's gotten a lot better with the banning of Thundurus-therian and it has a very nice speed tier. Cyclizar is almost as much of a problem for it as Entei was for Slowbro, but Raikou has plenty of ways of turning the table on the bike on its own. Come up with the best team to support Raikou and share your creation here

Teambuilding criteria:
Your team submission must be legal in SV RU and have a Raikou on it.

Submission deadline: Teams should be submitted by 11:59 PM (GMT-7) on Friday, June 21st, voting will then go until 11:59 PM (GMT-7) on Sunday June 23rd.


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CM Lefties Raikou Balance

:Raikou: :Jirachi: :Hippowdon: :Volcanion: :Salamence: :Cyclizar:

Used this team for RUGL, and while I didn’t win with it, I think it was more of a skill issue than a problem with the team, which seems really solid to me from the times I’ve played with it.

:Raikou: Decently standard Raikou set, running TBolt, Scald for Grounds, and Aura Sphere can catch Cyclizars off guard and deal decent damage. Tera Fighting gives you that extra kick to threaten Cyclizars, and can threaten very decent damage at +1. I ran lefties over boots just to have more chances to setup, Raikou is definitely threatening into the tier with its options for coverage, however it can feel somewhat lackluster at times in terms of sheer power, which the rest of the team attempt to make up for.

:Jirachi: Wish pass Rachi helps elongate the longevity of the rest of the team, and spreading paralysis gives more chances for the rest of the team to setup or break through key defensive walls. I ran PhysDef on my Rachi, as Cyclizar is pretty much the perfect check into most special attackers in the tier, with those that may threaten it out, like Gardevoir, being walled by even uninvested Rachi, which isn’t even true in this case, as 252 EVs are still invested into HP for more general bulk. The rest of the EVs, plus a Jolly nature allow Rachi to outspeed most Moltres and get off a U-Turn. Tera Electric provides an extra form of absorption for Paralysis in a worst case scenario.

:Hippowdon: The team’s rocks setter, nothing out of the ordinary with this set. Tera Dragon helps into Rain matchups in conjunction with Volcanion.

:Volcanion: I was maybe a little to worried about Slowbro going into the matchup, so I slotted the perfect counter to it on the team, being tera dark tera blast, which can threaten a non setup Slowbro from full. Taunt covers random T-Waves and bulky walls that may annoy my team otherwise.

:Salamence: While I do really enjoy special Mence, I figured this team already had enough Special pressure on it, and so I went for a DD Roost set instead, which can bait in Special walks expecting Dracos or Hurricanes, only to be hit with a DD and put into an iffy position. Tera Ground powers up Earthquake, and also blocks T-Waves as well.

:Cyclizar: Tera Fairy to help against stuff like Okidogi or Gapdos, along with special Mence or Noivern.


Certified Boogeyman
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I decided that, in traditional Flam fashion, I will not be building around the generic Heavy-Duty Boots / Leftovers / CM variants of Raikou and have decided that Choice Specs Raikou is the future.


:armarouge: Armarouge - HDB Armarouge with CM to take advantage of spin attempts
:cyclizar: Cyclizar - Dragon Tail for phasing but otherwise standard stuff.
:hippowdon: Hippowdon - Reliably RH mon that can rack up big damage and sit on a lot of physical attackers.
:jirachi: Jirachi - The embodiment of evil and our Wish support for the star of the show.
:raikou: Raikou - Specs Raikou is something I wanted to try for a while now as Discharge can punish the Cyclizar switch-ins early and rack up lots of nice chip damage and momentum with strong Volt Switches.
:salamence: Salamence - Mixed Salamence is a great mon in this meta and I like the spread provided to hit most of the tier hard.
CM Lefties Raikou Balance

:Raikou: :Jirachi: :Hippowdon: :Volcanion: :Salamence: :Cyclizar:

Used this team for RUGL, and while I didn’t win with it, I think it was more of a skill issue than a problem with the team, which seems really solid to me from the times I’ve played with it.

:Raikou: Decently standard Raikou set, running TBolt, Scald for Grounds, and Aura Sphere can catch Cyclizars off guard and deal decent damage. Tera Fighting gives you that extra kick to threaten Cyclizars, and can threaten very decent damage at +1. I ran lefties over boots just to have more chances to setup, Raikou is definitely threatening into the tier with its options for coverage, however it can feel somewhat lackluster at times in terms of sheer power, which the rest of the team attempt to make up for.

:Jirachi: Wish pass Rachi helps elongate the longevity of the rest of the team, and spreading paralysis gives more chances for the rest of the team to setup or break through key defensive walls. I ran PhysDef on my Rachi, as Cyclizar is pretty much the perfect check into most special attackers in the tier, with those that may threaten it out, like Gardevoir, being walled by even uninvested Rachi, which isn’t even true in this case, as 252 EVs are still invested into HP for more general bulk. The rest of the EVs, plus a Jolly nature allow Rachi to outspeed most Moltres and get off a U-Turn. Tera Electric provides an extra form of absorption for Paralysis in a worst case scenario.

:Hippowdon: The team’s rocks setter, nothing out of the ordinary with this set. Tera Dragon helps into Rain matchups in conjunction with Volcanion.

:Volcanion: I was maybe a little to worried about Slowbro going into the matchup, so I slotted the perfect counter to it on the team, being tera dark tera blast, which can threaten a non setup Slowbro from full. Taunt covers random T-Waves and bulky walls that may annoy my team otherwise.

:Salamence: While I do really enjoy special Mence, I figured this team already had enough Special pressure on it, and so I went for a DD Roost set instead, which can bait in Special walks expecting Dracos or Hurricanes, only to be hit with a DD and put into an iffy position. Tera Ground powers up Earthquake, and also blocks T-Waves as well.

:Cyclizar: Tera Fairy to help against stuff like Okidogi or Gapdos, along with special Mence or Noivern.
I decided that, in traditional Flam fashion, I will not be building around the generic Heavy-Duty Boots / Leftovers / CM variants of Raikou and have decided that Choice Specs Raikou is the future.


:armarouge: Armarouge - HDB Armarouge with CM to take advantage of spin attempts
:cyclizar: Cyclizar - Dragon Tail for phasing but otherwise standard stuff.
:hippowdon: Hippowdon - Reliably RH mon that can rack up big damage and sit on a lot of physical attackers.
:jirachi: Jirachi - The embodiment of evil and our Wish support for the star of the show.
:raikou: Raikou - Specs Raikou is something I wanted to try for a while now as Discharge can punish the Cyclizar switch-ins early and rack up lots of nice chip damage and momentum with strong Volt Switches.
:salamence: Salamence - Mixed Salamence is a great mon in this meta and I like the spread provided to hit most of the tier hard.
literally the same teams posted at the same time, you can't make this up


"Wait!" he says, do I look like a waiter?
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Hey everyone, we're so back with another submission. Last week was Entei, this week is one of its two brethren; Raikou!

:sv/raikou: :sv/armarouge: :sv/amoonguss: :sv/hippowdon: :sv/cyclizar: :sv/zapdos-galar:

Double CM Raikou + Armarouge BO

:raikou: The start of the team. I was considering Specs here, but I felt CM had more potential to be dangerous and I didn't want to be stuck in TBolt and allow a sweeper to come in for free. Standard Scald and Aura Sphere for coverage. Also considered going Tera Ice with Tera Blast but hesitated lol.

:armarouge: One Calm Mind mon is good, two, is better.........and more dangerous fwiw. I noticed some of the issues that Raikou faces (Amoonguss, Water-neutral Grounds like Quag, Swamp, Gastro, etc) as well as Grasses in general and Arma seemed perfect esp. with EBall coverage to go with Tera Grass.

:amoonguss: Once again, typical Fighting check just like in my Entei submission. Nothing changed here and why should it? Rocky Helmet mon with Regen. It works and it works very well!

:hippowdon: Rocker with Rock coverage and recovery and a mon to force Okidogis into mind games with Amoonguss despite Psychic Fangs being midground.

:cyclizar: Again, no shocker here for hazard removal. Double-Edge is nice here for STAB, but given the team "can" struggle vs. Dragons, Draco might be the better play here. I probably encourage it more.

:zapdos-galar: The speed control for the team aside from Stun Spore Amoonguss. Could go Tera Fighting over Flying but Flying seemed better for some extra oomph with Brave Bird and eliminate the Psychic/Fairy weakness.

Replays (both from roomtour):

lost, but winnable matchup

W in Swiss against gulch (Melt Gibson):

The team can struggle with Psychics with the only resist being Armarouge. However, the combined effort of at least scarf Zapdos and Tera Steel AV Cyclizar should be enough to keep the team around. You just need to play very carefully.

The team also lacks a Steel and therefore a Dragon switch-in. All the more reason to go Draco Meteor on Lizard to pressure them right back and prevent them from running rampant.

Other than that, nothing else presents a problem. Have fun!​
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I wasnt initially sure what to pair with raikou and went through a bunch of different ideas untill i settled on thundurus. I think the two pokes help break down eachothers checks quite well, with thund being able to knock cyclizars and psychic amoongs and chesnaughts so raikou can have an easier time. With two volt switch users i couldnt help but put them on a spikes team to take advantage of the pivoting core so i ended up building spikestack again... oops!

:raikou: I just went for a regular pivot raikou set to pair well with thund, nothing really of note here

:thundurus: Also a pretty standard thundurus, i gave it psychic instead of something like focus blast so it can beat down amoonguss and chesnaught which are otherwise problematic for raikou and basculegion. It also has knock off so it can knock cyclizar for those three and also remove your opponents boots. i made it tera fairy instead of ground because i think on this team some extra insurance vs salamence is more important than extra help vs opposing thund given the rest of the team being quite solid into it.

:basculegion-f: Basculegion is some decent speed control and something to make the team a bit more comfortable into rain teams. It also benefits from thund and raikou beating down some pokes that it has a hard time with. Basc also provides some decent defensive utility into mons like entei who otherwise has a really good matchup into this 6, and it can soft check some fightings and spinblock in a pinch.

:torterra: I have been really liking using this pokemon, its a really solid physical wall and electric check and one of the best opposing ground type answers. I dont normally run wood hammer because then you get walled completely by pokes like moltres and salamence, bopping them with a stone edge instead is much better in my opinion. Im running tera fairy so you can dodge poisons from okidogi and fezandipiti. The evs live a choice band tera water rain boosted barraskewda liquidation from full.

:klefki: Raikou thundurus and basculegion all do a wonderful job of drawing in cyclizar and i think the perfect pokemon to abuse that is klefki. It gets spikes for pretty much free and cyclizar cannot really spin on you for fear of a thunder wave or 80% damage from a play rough. Klefki is also quite a decent salamence check, especially to the common mixed set. You can set up a magnet rise and not really be threatened at all. Magnet rise also allows you to set up spikes on pokes like hippowdon and krookodile who also cannot really threaten you very well.

:cyclizar: Regular good cyclizar, im running dragon tail so i have a better time into calm mind slowbro and reuni.

Thankyou oathkeeper i stole your formatting :3
Pivot Spam Raikou Team
:raikou: :fezandipiti: :flygon: :volcanion: :chesnaught: :azelf:
So this team was conceived around the core of raikou and fezandipiti, who can check a lot of top mons, by making a vortex in order to chip down the opponents for a raikou sweep. This team can rack up the hazard layers and pivot in and out of battle constantly.

:pmd/raikou: The subject of the teambuilding comp this week, I decided to not go the setup route for this one. Instead, this is a volt switch set that aims to chip down opponents before cleaning up. Volt switch allows raikou to switch out easily, scald punishes the ground types that can block volt switch, t-bolt is a good stab option and aura sphere can hit cyclizar for big damage. Intially I had tera fighting to boost the power of aura sphere to suprise kill cyclizar, but I found tera electric to be more reliable. This makes sure raikou can squeeze out kills it usually needs to volt switch to get chip, but now it can cleanly ko them.

:pmd/fezandipiti: The second member of the initial core, fezandipiti gives a nice defensive backbone to the team by handling a lot of threats. This is just the standard set that works well. Mooblast for good stab damage, u-turn to pivot out, taunt to deny recovery (something which is big on this team) and roost to keep itself healthy.

:pmd/flygon: The speed control of the team and third pivot mon, flygon can be quite the devestating mon. The moves are standard, e-quake and outrage for stabs, stone edge to hit flyers hard and u-turn to pivot out. Tera dragon was chosen to resist water moves (which helps against rain) while also super charging outrage to do obscene numbers to targets.

:pmd/volcanion: The rain check (I had to play a 1600s player while testing, which was not fun) of the team, volcanion can abuse the hazards laid down by its allies and be a dangerous threat. Tera fairy and stabs are of course standard, while earth power helps deal with opposing volcanion and fezandipiti. Finally, roar can help rack up hazard chip on targets in order to make them weaker to teammates

:pmd/chesnaught: The spiker of the team, chesnaught provides a good defensive mon to the team. This is the standard set, with spikes to punish switching, body press to do good stab damage, knock off to remove items and deal with ghost types and synthesis to keep itself healthy. Tera steel is good defensively and allows it to stonewall most gengar sets.

:pmd/azelf: The final pivot mon of the team and stealth rocker, azelf nicely cleans up the team by providing fire power and utility in one nice package. With stealth rock, azelf can help chip down opponents in order for teammates to clean up. Knock off removes items and with tera dark can do massive damage to slowbro. U-turn helps it pivot out and get chip, while zen headbutt is a good stab option. Leftovers can help azelf stay on the battlefield in order to set up rocks multiple times and annoy the opponent.

This is an offense centered around the supremely strong Raikou/Volcanion core that I’ve used before in a past team building comp submission.

Raikou typically threatens offensive mons that are slower and can’t take its hits, while volcanion bullies fat mons, as water types that resist its stabs struggle to deal with it. Volcanion trades with Cyclizar to open up Raikou, and with Explosion, can remove Gastrodon.

0 Atk Volcanion Explosion vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Gastrodon: 266-314 (62.4 - 73.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Body press into explosion just needs about 10% in chip damage to remove gastro with body press+boom, which is great for not only Raikou but Gardevoir as well. Explosion is also able to hit Chansey after a body press and can do significant damage even if it clicks Tera fairy, though watch out for Tera Ghost.

This Raikou set is one I’ve wanted to try for a while now, Tera blast ice provides coverage for grounds, Cyclizar, and grass types that typically wall Raikou like amoongus all in one move slot. BoltBeam allows us to drops Scald and run volt switch instead, getting the best of Raikou’s pivot and CM sets in one neat little package. Boots CM Raikou is a bit harder to keep healthy if you want to CM and trade with something early in the game, but volt switch lets you use Kou earlygame without worrying about taking as much chip damage.

Gardevoir provides assistance vs rain, speed control, anti-setup, and healing wish in case Raikou gets weakened switching into Jirachi or Slowbro.

Krook is just the best fast offensive rocker right now and gives us a much need psychic immunity, Krook also appreciates Amoongus and Chesnaught being baited and destroyed by Raikou’s Tera ice.

Moltres checks physical attackers and provides a nice pivot. It’s exploitable with a 4x rock weakness, but because this is an offensive team we need its role compression and offensive threat while being a defensive wall.

Klefki is my steel of choice, with a bit of a weird set, trick toxic orb allows it to disrupt ground types that want to switch in freely and dodge twave, while giving it a way to cripple Thundurus, otherwise a big threat here. Saving the toxic orb switcheroo can also be game changing vs a Tera ground or electric setup sweeper trying to take advantage of it. Spikes are obvious and we use foul play over play rough to avoid giving bisharp an attack boost and for Blastoise, while cyclizar is handled very well by the rest of the team.

Major threats include the ghost types like basculegion, which Klefki may need to pivot into shadow ball, thankfully volcanion disincentives it from clicking flip turn. Hazards are also an issue, but we try to stack enough SR resists and boots to mitigate it. Klefki is not a great knock absorber, and is very threatened by Krookodile, so Magnet Rise is a great option as well over switcheroo. Hyper Offense is always difficult for offensive teams to deal with, but we pack some bulk on volcanion, Moltres, and dual status Klefki to help vs setup sweepers. In a pinch, Raikou and Klefki at full health eat a hit from Blastoise aside from Tera ground EQ.
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ARCH + Twave 3A Raikou
click the sprites for paste!

I didn't forget to submit, you did!

Since I was a little pressed by time, I took my home-made ARCH structure (Amoonguss+Reuniclus+Cyclizar+Hippowdon, expect to see it a LOT from me from now on), slapped Raikou in there, and rounded things up with a little speed control courtesy of Scarf Gapdos. The gameplan is simple: Lead Raikou, paralyze everything, win the endurance battle with your super fat defensive core, and clean up with broken Reuniclus and Gapdos. Extremely simple to understand. Tera is key, don't be stupid with it. Never Tera Raikou/Gapdos/Hippo.
Kookoo voltturn

:gardevoir::raikou: This is a remix of a team I used when Zarude was still legal. The core of the team is Raikou and Gardevoir; Raikou being a strong pivot that can volt switch pretty freely thanks to also learning scald and gardevoir being something that can threaten the 3! pain in the ass for raikou: cyclizar. In a post-Jirachi world raikou makes for an even better partner for garde because it switches in vs jirachi really well. In the past I have preached about the strength of this raikou set with twave instead of tbolt, but this team really doesn't need any more cyclizar hate pieces. Life is short, live a little and use a normal STAB move.
:cyclizar: cyclizar

:krookodile: krook is the other big end point to the volt-turn chain. It does damage but more importantly it just annoys the hell out of your opponent if you catch them on the switch. You threaten them, they have to choose what to switch into knock, you get rocks up and something really fun is watching krook rack up leftovers recovery as it gets a free switch in and they are forced to switch out.
:empoleon:I needed a bulky steel to help vs HO bullshit from the likes of maushold and yanmega. This empo is built to live population bomb most of the time and it just puts in work. I went with an offensive 3 attacks empo because this team needed some real damage, I love grass knotting other waters with it and this team was so close to being 100% slowbro hate pieces so I might as well commit to the bit.

:gardevoir::raikou::cyclizar::cobalion::moltres::hippowdon: this is another remix of the team, it's also fun and I recommend it for all the goat fans out there.
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Explanation coming in a bit (two hours holy)

Wow more ShaoKou cores!!!! I have been on the ShaoKou train for months with a prime example being my week 1 RUGL team. This team abuses the fact that Mienshao and Raikou r both naturally fast, strong and GREAT partners. Raikou invites Cyclizar for Mienshao while Mienshao invites Moltres and other flyers/ physical tanks for Raikou. So let's begin with the introduction of this weeks star.

:pmd/raikou: What I would KILL to have it rise to RU. Its such a nice Mon. Its a great early game Pivot as well as an excellent check to the rather broken Thundurus-Incarnate. Tbolt and Volt Switch for STAB and Scald and Aura Sphere for coverage. Pretty simple. Tera Water bcoz Scald is broken.
:pmd/mienshao: Another excellent Mon that LOVES partnering with any strong electric. A pretty simple scarf set with Tera Fire Ice Spinner for the icy heat.
:pmd/slowbro: It's broken use it more. Checks so much in one slot. Regen Shao + Regen bro is tons of fun.
:pmd/Fezandipiti: Fezandipiti gives me Another fighting check and a very valuable dragon immune and Fairy resist. U-Turn ofc makes ur oppo more annoyed especially since both Kou and Shao do fine vs the steels.
:pmd/umbreon: This is the not cheap Umbreon set. Taunt + Toxic is great at whittling down opposing fat also good check to the (broken) psychics.
:pmd/torterra: REALLY cool Mon. Thanks QoB, I love it. Defensive torterra is cool, Another thundy check, electric immune, ground resist.

It's weak to Krookodile and maybe Gapdos but u should be able to dance around the former with tort, bro and umbreon and.....u don't need to really dance around the later, just let it kill itself ROFL
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It's time for voting, thanks to everyone who submitted a team.
:Raikou::Jirachi::Hippowdon::Volcanion::Salamence::Cyclizar: CM Lefties Raikou Balance by HoopsspooH
:armarouge::cyclizar::hippowdon::jirachi::raikou::salamence: Not like the other Raikous by FlamingoPokeman
:raikou::armarouge::amoonguss::hippowdon::cyclizar::zapdos-galar: double CM Raikou+Armarouge by Oathkeeper
:raikou::thundurus::basculegion-f::torterra::klefki::cyclizar: double electric voltturn by Queen of Bean
:raikou::fezandipiti::flygon::volcanion::chesnaught::azelf: scarf Flygon voltturn by Heatranator
:Raikou::Volcanion::Gardevoir::Krookodile::Moltres::Klefki: sabertooth tera ice by THE_CHUNGLER
:raikou::cyclizar::hippowdon::amoonguss::reuniclus::zapdos-galar: ARCH+Raikou by fluff!!
:gardevoir::raikou::cyclizar::slither-wing::krookodile::empoleon: garde volt turn by Sneakyplanner
:raikou::mienshao::torterra::umbreon::slowbro::fezandipiti: fat voltturn by Forest Guardian
My vote goes to heatranator, scarf Flygon is cool, I love the Volcanion set and I also considered Azelf at one point. Also why do we have multiple bulky torterras this week?


Comfortably Numb
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I'm a bit torn between chungler's and fp's teams there, both use very cool Raikou sets which I will for sure try out. I'm going to go fp in the end I think because I can see myself play this team very easily. Great work chungler and everyone who posted a team nonetheless, that was a hell of a week.

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