Rarelyused Ladder Challenges - [R2: Choice Team Challenge - See Post #17]

Approved by Molk

Thanks Keiran for the banner and Starships for the OP.

Bored of laddering? Looking for a challenge? You've come to the right place! Every week a new theme will be posted, and the team with which you ladder will be centered around the theme.


Every round the theme will vary and your team must be crafted to fit with that theme. For example, if the theme is "Mono-Colour" all of your Pokemon must be a certain colour according to the Pokedex (which can be found through searching Veekun). When posting the theme, we'll give you hints on how to put your team together as well as information you may need to complete the challenge. The title will always reflect the theme and the post number the theme was posted in, so checking there is the best way to make sure of what theme is going on each week.

How do I sign up?

Fill in the sign up form below, and make sure you use a brand new alt with no previous ladder history. Please be honest when signing up and participating. You will need to sign up each round as you will use a different alt name each time (use only one alt per round), as well as have different experiences. It also makes it easier for us to keep track of your progress if you use a new post. You don't have to sign up for every theme; you may sign up as often or as late as you want, as long as you do your best at completing the challenge for the round. Also don't start laddering until you sign up, please!

How do Iget into the Hall of Fame

The Hall of Fame is found in the second post. It includes anyone who has successfully completed the challenge and a screenshot of their achievement. To make it into the Hall of Fame, a Glicko2 ranking of at least 1950 with a provisional less than 80 must be attained. Once you have reached this ranking, you must update your post with a proof of your ranking. Once you have entered the hall of fame, you can keep playing see how high you can go until the time is up. At the end of the round, you can post your team if you'd like, and you're also free to post about your experiences laddering with this team in your sign-up post for that round. Even if you don't enter the Hall of Fame, you can keep everyone updated on your progress throughout the one week period.

Current theme: "Choice Team Challenge". - Until May 18th.
Hall of Fame!

#1 - Sun Challenge:

#2 - Choice Team Challenge:

Feel free to VM me when you make the Hall of Fame so that I know to look for your post again. Also, congratulations to the users who have already made the HoF!
#1 - Sun Challenge.

Our first challenge will be created a Sun team. The aim of a Sun team is taking advantage of the climatic move Sunny Day (or Drought, but this is impossible to use in RU) using strong Fire-types spamming its moves like Charizard, or with Chlorophyll sweepers like Victreebel or Exeggutor. Sun seems like a very powerful and anti-metagame strategy that can break non well-built teams and destroying easily Hail teams. Because Sun teams are pretty underated, will be interesting to see how sun abusers you will find the best, how supporting Pokemon are the best, and how function this teams in this metagame.

Once again, to complete this challenge, you must have attained a Glicko2 rating of at least 1950 with your provision under 80. The provisional is the number following the +/- under "Glicko2" in your rank.

Mack the Knife - MovieBuffer
This challenge will be over on May 5th, so do your best to finish it before then!
Lol, I would own this challenge so easily, but alas I will be MIA for 2 weeks ;(
ok i'll take a whack at it
Alt: Hot and Bothered
Alt: "Bring on the sun!"

Never used sun before besides NU, and I sucked at it there, so this'll be interesting...
Record: 9-7-0
Ranking: 1489

Battle #10

I manage to surprise the Snover lead, set up sun with Bouffalant, and with good prediction, sweep through the team until the opponent forfeited.

Note that my original spinner was Kabutops, but was replaced by Armaldo for better synergy with the rest of the team.

I will likely post the whole team after the challenge expires.
Seems apparently anyone get in the HoF and at least post it thoughts about Sun. The next challenge would start:

#2 - Choice Team Challenge.
The aim of this challenge is using a complete choiced teams; this means you're only able to use Choice Scarf, Specs or Band as item in your Pokemon. This kind of teams requires a lot of prediction and skill abilities to get success. Also, you need to be carefully at teambuilding, since those teams needs to used Pokemon that can continuesly pressure the opponent for don't leave time to set up it's strategy. Would be interesting if anyone can get success like Ginku's team got in BW1 metagame!

Once again, to complete this challenge, you must have attained a Glicko2 rating of at least 1950 with your provision under 80. The provisional is the number following the +/- under "Glicko2" in your rank.

This challenge will be over on May 18th, so do your best to finish it before then!