Tournament Rands Slam IV - Playoffs (Won by MichaelderBeste2!)


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Hosted by Javi and sharpclaw
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Random Battles Slam IV Playoffs

Welcome, one and all, to the Rands Slam IV Playoffs! After a circuit of nine thrilling Opens and even a final tiebreaker, the competition has narrowed down to 32 players, each with their own skills and specialities. They’ve all made it this far—but who will emerge victorious?

The winner of the Rands Slam IV will receive a custom avatar and a Smogon banner for a full year, a month-long Room Prize Winner rank, and be inducted into the Randbats Hall of Fame.

How does the tour work?
Matchups are determined by ranked choice. Each round, competitors rank their top 5 Opens (not formats—so, for example, “Gameboy Classic” rather than “Gen 2”), then share that ranking privately with hosts (Javi and myself). From those submitted rankings, the top 3 Opens from the higher seed, and top 2 from the lower seed (as determined by best Open performance), are chosen, in alternating order, and announced; in the event of ties/repeats, the next Open on the respective player’s ranking are chosen. No repeats are allowed.

With the 5 Opens for each series have been determined, players battle. The higher seed picks from among the 5 Opens for game 1, and loser picks afterward. (For clarity: when a multi-format Open is chosen, the choosing player picks a single format from within that Open.) The first player to 3 wins advances to the next round.
Players may pick from any of the 9 opens from the Slam, which are, listed in alphabetical order:
Battle Factory Open
Battle Spot Singles Factory Open
DS Classic Open
Gameboy Classic Open
Gen 7 Open
Gen 8 Open
Gen 9 Open
Gen 9 Doubles Open
Multi Hackmons Open
To view the bracket, check out the final tab of the Rands Slam IV spreadsheet.

Please note:
1. All scheduling attempts MUST be done publicly on Smogon Walls. No other proof of communication will count for act calls regarding scheduling attempts.
2. You MUST post replays of your wins.

We strongly recommend familiarizing yourself with the Smogon Tournament Rules and General Guidelines, if you haven’t already. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact the tour hosts here on Smogon.
When spectating Rands Slam battles, ask yourself, “Would my comment reveal information that hasn’t already been explicitly revealed in this battle?” Examples of ghosting include commenting on how an unexpectedly fast Pokemon must be holding a Choice Scarf, speculating that the match will be decided by a Tera coinflip, etc.

Round 1
Trainer cards courtesy of Clementine will be edited in :)

soTsoT v JJ09LIE
Gen 7
Gen 8
Gen 9
Gen 9 Doubles
Multi Hackmons


Trade v Failbor
Battle Spot Singles Factory
DS Classic
Gameboy Classic
Gen 8
Gen 9 Doubles


MichaelderBeste2 v Wigglytuff
Battle Factory
DS Classic
Gameboy Classic
Gen 8
Gen 9


sunsets v Slikkles
Battle Factory
Battle Spot Singles Factory
DS Classic
Gameboy Classic
Gen 8


Amaranth v Drifting
Battle Factory
DS Classic
Gen 8
Gen 9
Multi Hackmons


snorlax142857 v 35Q71N
DS Classic
Gen 7
Gen 8
Gen 9
Gen 9 Doubles


teresbahji v MasterJ007
Gameboy Classic
Gen 7
Gen 8
Gen 9
Gen 9 Doubles


JustOut459 v Michielleus
Battle Factory
DS Classic
Gen 9
Gen 9 Doubles
Multi Hackmons


Nuage v satvik123
Battle Spot Singles Factory
DS Classic
Gameboy Classic
Gen 8
Multi Hackmons


drifttrick v Vitoran
Battle Factory
DS Classic
Gameboy Classic
Gen 8
Gen 9


Casual dot exe v Micaiah
Battle Spot Singles Factory
Battle Factory
DS Classic
Gen 7
Gen 8


Lady Writer v Chains of Markov
Gameboy Classic
Gen 8
Gen 9
Gen 9 Doubles
Multi Hackmons


HaunterBoy28 v jyusaan
Battle Spot Singles Factory
DS Classic
Gen 7
Gen 8
Gen 9 Doubles


IcyPenguin2 v Panty&Stockings
Battle Spot Singles Factory
Battle Factory
Gameboy Classic
Gen 9 Doubles
Multi Hackmons


Emboar02 v Sylveon used calm mind
Battle Spot Singles Factory
Battle Factory
Gen 7
Gen 8
Gen 9


pokeblade101 v John Dozo
Battle Spot Singles Factory
Gen 7
Gen 8
Gen 9
Gen 9 Doubles

soTsoT v JJ09LIE -
Trade v Failbor -
MichaelderBeste2 v Wigglytuff -
sunsets v Slikkles -
Amaranth v Drifting -
snorlax142857 v 35Q71N -
teresbahji v MasterJ007 -
JustOut459 v Michielleus -
Nuage v satvik123 -
drifttrick v Vitoran -
Casual dot exe v Micaiah -
Lady Writer v Chains of Markov -
HaunterBoy28 v jyusaan -
IcyPenguin2 v Panty&Stockings -
Emboar02 v Sylveon used calm mind -
pokeblade101 v John Dozo -

Note: hosts will be understanding about requests for extensions this week, as the round is going up on Wednesday rather than Monday.
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Hope you are all ready for

Insights of Fantsy
(would have worked better if I got the new name already)

soTsoT v JJ09LIE - After another dominant showing in the main season, who couldn’t bold soTsoT? Embodying Plato’s ideal of a versatile randbats player (I’ll search the exact quote in The Republic later) will force the way to a slam win wide open for soTsoT. Still, JJ09LIE is a strong and versatile player in their own right, who will definitely give the first seed a rough time!

Trade v Failbor - Checking the standings to see how Trade did this slam year, I got jumpscared by a whopping 41 points. This is even without a tournament win, showing their comfort with different randbats formats. Having just got out of a nerve wracking tiebreaker, failbor has a tough mission ahead of them. With strong showings in dubs and singles however, they should not be underestimated.

MichaelderBeste2 v Wigglytuff - What can we say about Michael that hasn’t been said before? He is very likely the best of us and will remain the top favourite to win it all. That said, he hasn’t won a tour this slam year, showing he can be vulnerable. Wigglytuff has won a tour this year, the DS open, showing they can have a brilliant performance when needed, and it will very much be need here. Michael of course has the best chance to win here, but don’t write Wigglytuff off!

sunsets v Slikkles - Battle of the under 10 letters s___s nicknames. Both having had versatile solid slam performances, sunsets has gathered 12 more points over a couple very deep runs, making them the favourite here.

Amaranth v Drifting - Talking about powerhouses, here we have Amaranth. Looking at only the past slam year, they come off a very deep HC open run, and of course have gained the most impressive slam tournament title; the Randbats Singles Champion. I Expect Amaranth to go far in these playoffs. This is sadly bad news for their opponent Drifting, who will need to rise above their already solid slam performance, to have a chance to win against Amaranth. Everyone in these playoffs has the potential to win it all, so good luck!

snorlax142857 v 35Q71N - snorlax consistently finishes high on the rands slam leaderboards, accomplished this year by winning the dubs open. This is the player you want to beat to show you have it. Does Fran have it? As long as he believes in himself, I believe he does, shown by a solid qualification this year. Still, the pressure is on 35Q71N to perform, as snorlax will remain the favourite in this matchup.

teresbahji v MasterJ007 - MasterJ007 has had a strong showing this year, deservedly qualifying for playoffs. However, their opponent is synonymous with high level consistency. Best known for not being able to stop winning room tours in all formats, teres translated their consistency to multiple deep runs. Teres might not be unbeatable, but in this case probably will be too steep a mountain to climb over.

JustOut459 v Michielleus - Being a verified Slam winner isn’t even the first reason I bold Mich here. Being the backbone of the Benelux team, one knows to never doubt Michielleus. His opponent Justout459 really made a name for himself this last year, making this an unfortunate r1 for them. Still, looking at their doubles performance, they might just know how to the distance yet.

Nuage v satvik123 - Nuage is going too hot right now to not bold. Between a strong slam performance this year and an impressive ongoing streak in RBLT, they might become the revelation of the year. On the other side, satvik has had solid performances for a longer while, almost qualifying for playoffs last year and of course showing improvement by qualifying now. The pressure on satvik is to now translate a long solid performance to shorter busts of greatness that will be needed to beat Nuage.

drifttrick v Vitoran - Another matchup which I think will be very close. Drifttrick has a couple deeper runs this slam, giving them a slight advantage. Even with that advantage in mind, Vitoran has impressed me this last year, making this matchup close to a 50/50. Excited for this one!

Casual dot exe v Micaiah - Micaiah qualified playing less tours than most in these playoffs, which will always remain an incredible feat. An impressive run in the DS open will make no one underestimate them. Casual’s best performance may be lower this slam, but their performance is also more consistent over different formats. Add to this more experience in slams, making Casual the slight favourite.

Lady Writer v Chains of Markov - I tried justifying bolding another Benelux buddy here, but Lady Writer is too dominant at the moment. Between contributing to a WCoR win and winning the gen 7 open, one would need to play exceptionally to get past LW. Luckily for Chains, being part of a winning WCoR team is not an exclusive privilege in this matchup. Being one of the most knowledgeable people on this site, Chains might just manage an upset.

HaunterBoy28 v jyusaan - The best performance of HaunterBoy this year only being a final appearance, their form might seem worse than the previous year. It would however be foolish to underestimate them. Having personally had HaunterBoy come back from 0-2 to beat me in the dubs finals last year, it became hard for me to imagine HaunterBoy ever losing, so there are few players I would bold over him. You would need an opponent that had a champion mentality to beat them, and as fate would have it, we have the BSSF open champion on the other side of this matchup. jyusaan will need to transfer this strong performance to other tiers to stand a chance, but having proven themself a champion already, might be able to pull that off.

IcyPenguin2 v Panty&Stockings - P&S has proven themself one of the best HC players, utilizing a deep run in the open to qualify for playoffs. Their performance in HC hasn’t transferred too well to other tiers, but I trust we will see a strong outing in these playoffs. IcyPenguin has had a very strong year, even winning the BF open, but also struggled to transfer this to other deep runs. The winner of this matchup will be the one to best diversify their performance over different formats, which at this moment I believe will be IcyPenguin.

Emboar02 v Sylveon used calm mind - Another matchup that will be very close. Emboar has had 2 very strong runs in both HC and Singles open. Unfortunately for them, and fortunately for Sylveon, they also made a deep Singles run. Sylveons points have been a bit more spread out, which might give them the advantage in these playoffs. On the other hand, Emboar should have no trouble translating their strong performances to other tiers as well.

pokeblade101 v John Dozo - Still going strong in RBLT playoffs after people doubted them, Pokeblade is as difficult an opponent to beat as ever. Being as close as seeds can get, this might be the closest set we’ll see this round. Having had a dominant Singles performance and having the best name in this tour, might give John Dozo the advantage he needs however, making this mu one of the hardest to predict.
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soTsoT v JJ09LIE - tostos bc I like tostitos and because I'm tired of picking the bottom seed just for them to lose so watch me pick the top seed and they get upset smh
Trade v Failbor - someone traded me a rainbow mew on project pokemon once but it was apparently hacked according to a mod or wtv so I forced them to give me a raikou at lvl 100 as compensation a long time ago
MichaelderBeste2 v Wigglytuff - Okay honestly I'm not doing the "der beste" low hanging fruit again so I'll just say it was because wigglytuff didn't clutch up for me on the gen 4 1100s ladder smh
sunsets v Slikkes - I like the french
Amaranth v Drifting - (queue that one song that goes "and I drift away" or whatever)
snorlax142857 v 35Q71N - Fran istg you better win
teresbahji v MasterJ007 - master j and hopefully he plays this before Friday and gets extremely lucky so when I have to play him in blitz I can has him
JustOut459 v Michielleus - justout because I know damn well I did not watch his rbtt semis match at 7 am my time just for him to lose and not get his revenge
Nuage v satvik123 - Saltvik because he helped me with these stupid ass math problems because I'm a dumbass
drifttrick v Vitoran - Drampa because he DMed me about the entire brazillian actuary field once and bc he's cool for a drampa and is good at pokamons
Casual dot exe v Micaiah - knee deep in the passenger seat and you're eating me out is it casual now? Two weeks and your mom invite me to your house in Long Beach is it casual now? I know what you tell your friends! Is it casual? Is it casual now? Baby get me off again! Is it casual? Is it casual now?
Lady Writer v Chains of Markov - one of them made a cc not (my fav format bitches)
HaunterBoy28 v jyusaan - haunterflop28 was mean to me 3 hours ago I forgot what happened so I'm gonna be petty and root for his opponent even though I like both and it will be a fun series
IcyPenguin2 v Panty&Stockings - Icy you didn't use my image smh but the formats favor you imo
Emboar02 v Sylveon used calm mind - I like Sylveon more than Emboar (as Pokemon idk either as people)
pokeblade101 v John Dozo - Dozo the Bozo gonna make Blade extinct like the Dodo (bird) (I also like both players but I need the drampa to win)

(Yes I didn't bold yes you probably have to read to figure out who I picked yes you can read (my condolences to those who can't))
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soTsoT v JJ09LIE - soTsoT
Trade v Failbor - Trade
MichaelderBeste2 v Wigglytuff - Wigglytuff (upset prediction)
sunsets v Slikkes - sunsets (I love u slikkles but sunsets form has been quite good)
Amaranth v Drifting - aramanth
snorlax142857 v 35Q71N - 35Q71N (if fran doesn't think too much)
teresbahji v MasterJ007 - teresbahji (close but slight edge for teres)
JustOut459 v Michielleus - JustOut459 (upset prediction)
Nuage v satvik123 - satvik123
drifttrick v Vitoran - toss-up idk whoever hax more
Casual dot exe v Micaiah - CDE
Lady Writer v Chains of Markov - Chains of Markov
HaunterBoy28 v jyusaan - HB28 (in good form atm)
IcyPenguin2 v Panty&Stockings - P & S, but maybe icy finds his golden form again...
Emboar02 v Sylveon used calm mind - Sylveon used CM
pokeblade101 v John Dozo - lowkey a toss up but slight edge to pokeblade101
soTsoT v JJ09LIE
Trade v Failbor
MichaelderBeste2 v Wigglytuff
sunsets v Slikkles
Amaranth v Drifting
snorlax142857 v 35Q71N
teresbahji v MasterJ007
JustOut459 v Michielleus
v satvik123
drifttrick v Vitoran
Casual dot exe
v Micaiah
Lady Writer v Chains of Markov
HaunterBoy28 v jyusaan
IcyPenguin2 v Panty&Stockings
Emboar02 v Sylveon used calm mind
v John Dozo

soTsoT v JJ09LIE - Deeper runs, highest seed, consistent performance, won an open

Trade v Failbor - More familiar with them via WCoR/room tours, much more consistent

MichaelderBeste2 v Wigglytuff - Highest ladder peak, first in RBLT Cycle 1, good in tiers/VGC too, higher seed of course

sunsets v Slikkles - Honestly a close one for me but sunsets worst performance is Slikkles' second best performance so purely in a Slam context, sunsets is the favoured one here

Amaranth v Drifting - WCOR clean sweep, highest points in fantasy, won arguably the most competitive open, incredibly strong year (also Sandiles manager :3)

snorlax142857 v 35Q71N - Lax more consistent and out of their 5 opens, only DS perhaps I would argue is in Frans favour

teresbahji v MasterJ007 - Teres is a bit of an enigma to me and I'm more familiar with MasterJ, having had a decent record this year, but Teres just has that unpredictability factor that makes it hard to vote against him

JustOut459 v Michielleus - Rooting for Justin but Michi is last years Slam winner, went 12-0 across the most recent RBTT/WCOR, and is arguably one of the best rands players - a definite favourite

Nuage v satvik123 - Both good friends of mine, but Nuage is more consistent in tours (WCOR, Slam runs, and most recently RBLT) - salt is no slouch though, having barely missed playoffs last year and being around for many years

drifttrick v Vitoran - One of the closer matchups and could go either way, but giving it to Vito since he has more experience and I've played him more (hoping the 98% accuracy translates into this matchup)

Casual dot exe v Micaiah - Not too familiar with either, only played one of them once (CDE in DS), I don't feel that strongly about either though

Lady Writer v Chains of Markov - Rooting for Chains but LW is very established and won Gen 7 Open this year

HaunterBoy28 v jyusaan - Another matchup against 2 friends, Haunter unlocks an additional 50IQ everytime he plays in a tour, hard to bet against someone that consistently does well in high level settings (as much as I want to), though jyusaan has also done well in both WCOR and snagged an Open win so if anyone's putting up a fight, it's them

IcyPenguin2 v Panty&Stockings - I think this is legitimately the closest matchup of them all + they both chose the most non-vanilla wacky formats they could, will give it to Icy since I'm more familiar with their skill but it's like a 51:49

Emboar02 v Sylveon used calm mind - Haven't seen either play too much, Sylveon's more reputable but don't feel strongly about either

pokeblade101 v John Dozo - Based off the formats and their performances this year, it's closer than people may think; however, I think the inclusion of Doubles favours pokeblade101
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Predictions based on player skill are silly; lets do predictions based on trainer card characters (huge shoutouts to Clem for yet another wonderful gallery).
Please bear in mind that I don't know like half of these characters, and plan to do zero research into them.

soTsoT v JJ09LIE - Anya gets a rare anime character win from me, mainly because there's a cooler Haunter card later on.
Trade v Failbor - That doesn't seem like a very practical firefighter's outfit.
MichaelderBeste2 v Wigglytuff - The penguin has come equipped with anti-anime countermeasures, so Mashle doesn't stand a chance.
sunsets v Slikkles - Unfortunately, Tatsugiri got cooked by an up-and-coming chef in a later card, so strange scaly woman wins for now.
Amaranth v Drifting - I don't know either of these characters but they both scare me. Purple guy (!!) looks more elegant though, so I guess they take it.
snorlax142857 v 35Q71N - In general, I think Rest Snorlax probably wins the rands 1v1 against Empoleon, despite the penguin's best attempt to look like they are resting as well.
teresbahji v MasterJ007 - The pig gets an act win because their opponent didn't show up. I didn't think this was possible in a battle of literal images - crazy work, really.
JustOut459 v Michielleus - I must remain unbiased in this very important matter.
Nuage v satvik123 - Megumin looks sad and afraid; I would be too if I were facing Garganacci. And the worst of all is that she is a Konosuba character...
drifttrick v Vitoran - In the wake of Nidoran-M's poor performance in WCoR (Relevartemit, 2024), I have no choice but to bold the antisocial detective, even if they are a literal walking L.
Casual dot exe v Micaiah - Mail Carrier Dragonite is adorable in every sense. I hope they bring good news.
Lady Writer v Chains of Markov - I Fear™ that Greedent loses to Lvl 1 Shell Bell Sturdy Aron w/ Endeavour. No nut nut today.
HaunterBoy28 v jyusaan - Idk where they found this picture of HaunterBoy28 with paysa at the pub but it goes hard.
IcyPenguin2 v Panty&Stockings - I love characters getting turned into marketable plushies, what can I say?
Emboar02 v Sylveon used calm mind - Lvl 84 84 Atk Choice Band Reckless Emboar Flare Blitz vs. Lvl 91 84 HP / 84 Def Arboliva: 458-540 (157.9 - 186.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO. Daily Dolliv is lucky that they don't exist in the Rands calc, but something tells me they would fare even worse.
pokeblade101 v John Dozo - Mona Lisa. The Starry Night. The Birth of Venus. All of these are very famous artworks, and rightfully so. However, all of these pale in comparison to the sheer amount of cooking on display here, both literally and figuratively. Hang it up in the Louvre.
drifttrick v Vitoran - In the wake of Nidoran-M's poor performance in WCoR (Relevartemit, 2024), I have no choice but to bold the antisocial detective, even if they are a literal walking L.
was about to comment how that was nidorino, not nidoran-m then i looked at the full data set.......nidoran-m has one more win than nidorino with an impressive 3-7 performance lmao still this has to do better than the walking L right??? right????????