yeah happened to meapparently we may have had some tag issues? so here's another round of them, in case you're one of the approx 100 people who still haven't scheduled yet because you didn't get a tag previously
Mannuraj vs TheNonofficial
NissBatista vs neycwang
bhkg vs RedS_18
Sificon vs MichaelderBeste2
hammy3581 vs havocknight
Vaictador vs chiefbeef1234
OnlyAntagonist47 vs Irene
Petros vs Realblazing
zenjin215 vs Ghostilex
narek02 vs TVList
Allan2004 vs Cestario
ThePoisonSteel vs RainLiquidation
SlimSanity vs Nemosse
Panty&Stockings vs clance2x
Tji69 vs Emboar02
Dodger01 vs RichBMS1
Chains of Markov vs ZXMF
Zygarde12 vs bannedcuzwhynot
GugaDasMemes vs DarkPine
MarcoTocca vs Paxerion
Woodwood617 vs Snoof
Ejracer1 vs FalseFighter
Manan999 vs bnm
Tails72 vs Carrotman01
Spance vs PTKmoekyuun
AndresnHarold vs lihj
VigilanteVigoroth vs Fabiocrak
SEROO vs Sylveesnom
someone random vs Kinetic
SirSquishi vs BooterBoons
AmoghOp vs sillyballer
Memoriazero vs Gyarikkuho
buchlo vs Huston
adfluffy vs Ninja Mob
Haruno vs Lrogue
Chris Chien Pao vs vindingmachine
Xinc vs Rowlet69420
platinumCheesecake vs ringlord
Yelou vs PrinceOfAllTacos
Cilantro38 vs Poipole is so cute
teamo vs BaitWiz
Champion Snagem vs SaltyShrimps
Arpitraj0 vs gudwbs
jking55 vs Pinecoishot
22SavageHut vs paysa
deskeede vs cicepece11
luisin vs AncientFr33z
Amaranth vs artnelas
thatonenoob12345 vs chuggachuggachooo
aromaticbeach vs RoyalReloaded
newkraverz vs Trade
IceBroMage vs Ryus0ken
Psycho782 vs Thunderpunch127
Test Rex vs mosseemeta
maxhooij vs booghostie12
Nova_Striekor vs Kyraku
ajhockeystar vs mets3569
TNTDestroyer vs srvoltmike
Drifting vs Infinite Misery
DivineMadness vs Fluore
dcx vs sierradawn
chokokurumi17 vs ckspoff
Booth4837 vs sleid
MEBBAR vs Uk Drako
cpinalli1 vs powerthepower
Will I Am vs Alive Toaster
Mr.Pato97 vs Seo.
Celever vs bodi
CaibSasquatch(pi9) vs Ev_Evan
Havens vs Mxuncusmoo
ChronicIronic vs Awawkee
reshiramdanerdd vs Sleepyuwu1
Leland Tyler Wayne vs John Dozo
JuliánRR vs yovan33321
Snipergaming vs IcyPenguin2
Wiesellord vs Demonburster
MoronicLunatic vs sunsets
Xiri vs zaydapoketrainer
Irpachuza vs Ivar57
Killware vs gomdol2
ionnss vs Betathunder
yone vs Tselios
The Squash vs Dybala jr
ThyBomb vs ForestfireV2
AL vs gavsuxx
ichigo___444 vs Bounty429
gorex vs ruktrs
Sylveon used calm mind vs Wubben
TheAdrienC vs EttoBuce
AllHailDudunsparce vs MrSoup
KinkyViper vs TheHungryBidoof
olaf79 vs Sherlock4580
papiloco vs snorlax142857
RoyFan334 vs SableyePog
drowsy69 vs Kirbo111
Melbelle vs vikvik33
PzKitty vs sprasle
Seyhura vs Poyo006
Mcthelegit vs haxlolo
Dragonillis vs davidelbello
Dracovish Fan vs NAMAN07
Archlord379 vs Razorang
b4b4t4 vs Wwwhehe
Lechen vs Pranjalsingh
zeroq vs Wesleyy
Bluefreaked vs metaxcrosss
Xanderper vs satvik123
TKman vs lucouk
Drookez vs JoeUX9
emforbes vs Alverick99
XYZ15 vs Skirmish
binary search vs TheBoyWithTheBugz
nuttherealface vs Baromether
Impeckable vs LoSconosciuto
Hairoll vs Nashrock
adorluigi vs monkeydjt
Bigwubben vs DerpySuX
Piapia vs ggbbyx
JustOut459 vs westyy33
Dorklyshuckle vs Lake Effect
nd_ vs Prwell_world
RealRedGod. vs SANKE CARP
RaisedByChaos vs Zethire
GTNDA vs baltap310
HIT69 vs Guard Spec
RejctedDuck vs joakopro666
Vaporeonds vs rammus20xx
35Q71N vs Found it to
koopa003 vs Vitoran
inkzera vs Qui-Gon the Flygon
MDLDK 08 vs 2turntdeezy
Hubriz vs ArcticFoxe23
Unstoppable1 vs Jordy004
OsoreMS vs MadameChaosQueen
Pla vs PA
shoodudeprince vs Spinox
Spenceair vs Aldrich
Le Dieunnotor vs R1C3M4N
lemonademaker vs Mok3s
Lasen vs Luchik
MarcusRagz vs soTsoT
GBD777 vs bloccked
Failbor vs Miss Novelist
Career Ended vs Portrait or Ruin
O1V7O2X9O vs children game pro
TwentyTwan vs Dobesito
the FIN-isher vs Giornfwi
Miojo vs Samdex777
Casual dot exe vs Blazene
Nuage vs Tarah204
crow crumbs vs HeyYa!_Forte
drifttrick vs flameingpigey2
Shiny_Raptorch vs Silver Jay#2240
Angelsoft_23 vs LongRat
Rhik vs Geysers
Jahkem vs HaunterBoy28
Slikkles vs MultiAmmiratore
Antwork vs King Griffin
velvet vs Avocado_Catnip
na-kanon69 vs SouthernCavern
swinubfan44 vs Marbs_1
Tyohunkin vs meamPearl
livid washed vs mdill97
Pippoqp vs Valteyek
pedrocini vs aMantis
WinterKnightVGC vs Wigglytuff
nemoauditur vs dxeadlydre
UiPokehero69 vs Michielleus
Isen3 vs HarryOtter69
Monki vs YBW