Tournament Random Battles Team Tournament 5 - SIGNUPS (Open until January 8)

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Smogon Username: Maktig
PS Username: Maktig
Preferred Formats: Gen 7 Random, Gen 8 Random Doubles, Gen 5 Random
Timezone: GMT-6
Foreseeable Inactivity: I'm in grad school so things come up. I'll be able to do my battles though
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Smogan username: HuskDragonheart
ps username: Huskdragonheart
Prefered formats: gen 8 random battle
Timezone: gmt -8
Forseeable inactivety: no

Lets go Team darkrai
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Smogon Username: denomigator
PS Username: commondenomigator
Preferred Formats: Most experience in anything Gen 5-8 besides Hackmons and Challenge Cup. The more recent the better. But down for anything.
Timezone: GMT -08:00
Foreseeable Inactivity: Nope
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Smogon Username: Neromakefun
PS Username: Neromakefun
Preferred Formats: everything besides hackmons.
Timezone: GMT +1
Foreseeable Inactivity: idk propably in school
Btw its my first tournament so... i will propably be bad.
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Smogon Username: purphaze
PS Username: cryptos are dumb
Preferred Formats: Gen8, Gen7
Timezone: GMT +1
Foreseeable Inactivity: no
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Smogon username: Spindau Ballet
Ps username: Stakeoutenthusiast
Preferred formats: Gen 8, Gen 3, Gen 1 random battles. Can play Gen 7 randoms too at a push.
Timezone: GMT +0
Foreseeable inactivity: Nothing springs to mind.
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Smogon Username:dracokidYT
PS Username:dracokidYT
Preferred Formats:Gen 3/4/6/7/8 RB
Timezone:GMT +1
Foreseable Inactivity:Will show up on schedules times,but may not be always available online
Smogon Username: Maxbop
PS Username: Maxbop
Preferred Formats: Gen7 Random Battle, Gen7 Battle Factory, Gen3 Random Battle
Timezone: EST
Foreseeable Inactivity: None
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Smogon Username: blce
PS Username: blce
Preferred Formats: Gen 8 Random Battle, Gen 8 Hackmons Cup, Gen 7 Battle Factory, Gen 8 Challenge Cup, Gen 7 Hackmons Cup
Timezone: gmt-8
Foreseeable Inactivity: school sometimes

i've been laddering a lot of hackmons cup and have a good feel of it, but would prefer a sub position and am super open to help the team out with practice and such

100%GXE i signed up
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Smogon Username:KeshBa45
PS Username:KeshBa45
Preferred Formats:gen8 randbats
Foreseeable Inactivity:none
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