Tournament Random Battles Mayhem Gauntlet (won by longhiep341 - see post #228!)

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(From Round 1)

*Edit: the giove97 vs raf game shouldn't have been coinflipped; that's my mistake

Activity wins:
Far too complex  vs  Annika
El Cadaver
 vs  Shreet

Round 2 Matchups:

The Number Man  vs  Mammaluu
 vs  gorilaa
Colteor  vs  manu 11
oreo salad  vs  Vertigo06
longhiep341  vs  Annika
Irpachuza  vs  not a racist
Young Killer
 vs  yzyszn3
neycwang  vs  snorlax142857
 vs  raf
Cheese5555  vs  PedroLindoUnico
PokaPK  vs  El Cadaver
euFeatured  vs  TL The Legend
Don Vascus  vs  Jacked
SectoniaServant  vs  Milkshook
gali  vs  Aurodian
PokeZeep  vs  Celever
 vs  lvl100Blaziken
karloco  vs  Andy Snype
Mr.Bossaru  vs  Mossy Sandwich
 vs  Fc
Roxiee  vs  Betathunder
Arkeis  vs  Rach
ssss@defrrvdd  vs  Best Gal
PokeArt2004♥  vs  Full House

You have until Sunday, March 28 to schedule, play, and post your matches.
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I did a second win ggs! Got hella matchupped in g1 (Lilligant vs a team of 5 grass weaknesses and a Liepard) but the next two battles were p neat. Especially Hackmons Cup imo, but g3 I won a Flying vs Ground mu (me being flying).

Zeep was concerned that because we played when he was under an alt the host might think the battles were fake so we did this lol
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won against manu11 in 2 ggs

Forgot to save the other replay because I'm bad, here's a log and image for proof.
Battle Options
☆Colteor and ☆manu 11 joined
[Gen 8] Random Battle
Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokémon
HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages
Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep
OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned
Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned
Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned
Dynamax Clause: You cannot dynamax
Inverse Mod: Weaknesses become resistances, while resistances and immunities become weaknesses.
Scalemons Mod: Every Pokemon's stats, barring HP, are scaled to come as close to a BST of 600 as possible
Colteor's team:Glastrier / Kartana / Musharna / Conkeldurr / Roserade / Rapidash
manu 11's team:Swampert / Heatmor / Chandelure / Drapion / Cobalion / Conkeldurr
☆manu 11: glhf
☆Colteor: gl hf

Battle started between Colteor and manu 11!

Go! Conkeldurr!

manu 11 sent out Drapion!

Turn 1

The opposing Drapion used Knock Off!
It's super effective!
(Conkeldurr lost 55% of its health!)
The opposing Drapion knocked off Conkeldurr's Flame Orb!
The opposing Drapion lost some of its HP!

Conkeldurr used Knock Off!
(The opposing Drapion lost 28% of its health!)
Conkeldurr knocked off the opposing Drapion's Life Orb!

Turn 2

The opposing Drapion used Knock Off!
It's super effective!
(Conkeldurr lost 28% of its health!)

Conkeldurr used Close Combat!
(The opposing Drapion lost 49% of its health!)
Conkeldurr's Defense fell!
Conkeldurr's Sp. Def fell!

Turn 3

manu 11 withdrew Drapion!
manu 11 sent out Conkeldurr!

Conkeldurr used Mach Punch!
It's not very effective...
(The opposing Conkeldurr lost 8% of its health!)

The opposing Conkeldurr was burned!

Turn 4

The opposing Conkeldurr used Mach Punch!
(Conkeldurr lost 17% of its health!)

Conkeldurr fainted!

The opposing Conkeldurr was hurt by its burn!

Go! Glastrier!

Turn 5

The opposing Conkeldurr used Facade!
(Glastrier lost 77% of its health!)

Glastrier used High Horsepower!
(The opposing Conkeldurr lost 39% of its health!)

The opposing Conkeldurr was hurt by its burn!

Turn 6

The opposing Conkeldurr used Facade!
(Glastrier lost 23% of its health!)

Glastrier fainted!

The opposing Conkeldurr was hurt by its burn!

Go! Kartana!

Turn 7

manu 11 withdrew Conkeldurr!
manu 11 sent out Swampert!

Kartana used Smart Strike!
It's super effective!
(The opposing Swampert lost 61% of its health!)
Kartana lost some of its HP!

Turn 8

Kartana used Smart Strike!
It's super effective!
(The opposing Swampert lost 39% of its health!)
Kartana lost some of its HP!

The opposing Swampert fainted!
[Kartana's Beast Boost]
Kartana's Attack rose!
[Kartana's Chilling Neigh]
Kartana's Attack rose!

manu 11 sent out Cobalion!

Turn 9

The opposing Cobalion used Iron Head!
(Kartana lost 16% of its health!)

Kartana used Leaf Blade!
(The opposing Cobalion lost 100% of its health!)
Kartana lost some of its HP!

The opposing Cobalion fainted!
[Kartana's Chilling Neigh]
Kartana's Attack rose!
[Kartana's Beast Boost]
Kartana's Attack rose!

manu 11 sent out Conkeldurr!

Turn 10

The opposing Conkeldurr used Mach Punch!
It's not very effective...
A critical hit!
(Kartana lost 33% of its health!)

Kartana used Leaf Blade!
(The opposing Conkeldurr lost 34% of its health!)
Kartana lost some of its HP!

The opposing Conkeldurr fainted!
[Kartana's Chilling Neigh]
Kartana's Attack rose!
[Kartana's Beast Boost]
Kartana's Attack rose!

manu 11 sent out Heatmor!

Turn 11

The opposing Heatmor used Sucker Punch!
(Kartana lost 12% of its health!)

Kartana fainted!

Go! Rapidash!

Turn 12

Rapidash used Swords Dance!
Rapidash's Attack rose sharply!

The opposing Heatmor used Giga Drain!
(Rapidash lost 39% of its health!)

Turn 13

The opposing Heatmor used Sucker Punch!
But it failed!

Rapidash used Morning Sun!
Rapidash had its HP restored.

Turn 14

The opposing Heatmor used Sucker Punch!
(Rapidash lost 26% of its health!)

Rapidash used Wild Charge!
It's super effective!
(The opposing Heatmor lost 100% of its health!)
Rapidash was damaged by the recoil!

The opposing Heatmor fainted!
[Rapidash's Beast Boost]
Rapidash's Speed rose!
[Rapidash's Chilling Neigh]
Rapidash's Attack rose!
☆manu 11: lol
☆manu 11: unwinnable
☆manu 11: gg
☆Colteor: gg

manu 11 forfeited.

Colteor won the battle!
☆manu 11 left
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