Dialga @ Leftovers
Trait: Presssure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
- Substitute
- Draco Meteor
- Dragon Tail / Roar
- Fire Blast
This is basically a Dialga that screws over stall teams IF hazards are present. The idea is kind of simple. Get a substitute up and spam Dragon Tail or Roar, hitting foes that you feel might get OHKOed or 2HKOed by Fire Blast or Draco Meteor (you can afford to stay in for two turns thanks to Sub). With lots of hazards this Dialga can actually quite easily wear a team down. Its not like Giratina-a either that gets threatened by Forry, seeing as it can just fry the thing with Fire Blast. Not much will avoid getting 2HKOed or OHKOed by the listed moves, and the things that don't get 2HKOed (Chansey) generally fail to break the Substitute. Its possible to remove a lot of Special Attack investment and throw it into Speed to outspeed certain mons (you can actually invest to outspeed no investment Lugia and the difference won't be that large lol), since Dialga can generally afford the power loss thanks to the additional damage entry hazards can provide. Its generally not recommended though since max Special Attack investment gives you the best chance to OHKO Ho-Oh after Rocks, but what's funny is that you wall that mon if rain is up and it lacks Earthquake. You can pp stall its Sacred Fires out since it takes two of them to break a Sub, but you might get pp stalled back too if your using Dragon Tail so...
This is pretty nice for both stall and offensive teams. On stall, its one of the best ways to point and laugh at Ferrothorn / stall breaker Heatran lacking Substitute (if using Dragon Tail) / Genesect. On offense, the shuffling and stall breaking helps other mons sweep. Against extremely offensive teams, a mon will generally be forced to go down or get weakened to break Dialga's substitute.