Oh derp. I knew I'd seen it recently... though I could've sworn the other website was in english. O.O
Edit: Nvm, googling it came up with the english version. That was easy! Thanks dude.
My efforts bear fruit!!!!!
Mooo made this using my faq:
Nicely done mooo. Now use it to replace that demented cow avatar
Alright, this is going to be a bit of a random question, but I'm hoping it goes under the simple question heading... does anyone know a good website for poses/anatomy?
I used to visit a website like that early last year, it had a bunch of (iirc) computer generated models (sans skin) in different poses and had options for things like 30 second speed sketches, where they'd show you a model and you had 30 seconds to get the general pose down before automatically switching to another. It was really useful but, of course, being the idiot that I am, I forgot to write the website down and lost it after reformatting multiple times last year. Anyone know a site like that?
paint shop pro has a shareware version which is available for download here at no charge
i dont think anyone here uses microsoft paint for serious artwork, try googling for paint tutorials but it's probably not worth it
alternatively, in the first post there is an art with microsoft word tutorial from kevin garrett
So you are saying there is a free paint shop pro i can download????
1. TECHNICAL SKILL: This is the most important thing. Most artists start off thinking that imagination is the most important. It's not. If you can't express that imagination of yours accurately, your art will look bad. How do you develop it? Draw from life. Seriously. Don't stylize your drawing in anime/manga style (I know most artists start this way, but the best move back to life drawing for improvement). Study perspective (ugh), lights and shadows, and anatomy. Learn how bones connect to muscles and how they appear under skin. It's a long, tedious process, and it will take you years of practice
Use Pentool, it's super good for making Pokes!
I might make a tutorial some time for it
Use Pentool, it's super good for making Pokes!