Probopass (LV 2 Sturdy Abuse)

Very interesting. I can see this thing stopping set up sweepers potently just by abusing Pain Split.
My only problem is the substitute. And some people say Probopass can't learn Magic Coat.
It is fun, but requires perfect prediction, which is a shame. This looked like such a potent counter against all sweepers.
lvl 2 Probopass Mirror Match. At least you don't lose! Unless the other guy runs 252 Speed EVs, in switch case you struggle faster OH MY GOD
Only 100% counter to this set = lvl 2 Probopass 252 Def 252 Spe
Yeah this is only really countered by sub users. I love the concept, especially in this very offensive metagame, this will cut some pokes down to size. It might need a team centralized around it, but it could wreak some stuff.
For the record I think it DOES get Magic Coat, but Serebii also told me Vaporeon could Swagger Subsitutes and retain the +2 Attack AND THEN IT DIDN'T WORK so I don't really trust them more than I can throw an intangible website.
Also bulbapedia says otherwise!
But they say Infernape can learn Magic Coat... which is very wrong
I'm going to test if I can teach my Probopass in HG, i really hope this gets Magic Coat in Shoddy regardless of actual game mechanics, because it would be totally awesome
This Set is an offensive team's worst nightmare. With all those hard-hitting Gen V Pokes surely running around, this set could be a staple of sand stall teams. I really like this set! ^_^
Maybe this is the Pokemon that makes Hail stall teams actually viable (to counter Probopass, of course). I can see this set be beaten by the likes of SubSeeder Abomasnow. I can't wait to see what happens!
Serebii does list both Magic Coat and Role Play, so I don't think they mixed 1 up over the other. Links are in Original Post.

Another Strategy that is MUCH WORSE but still viable with perfect support:

Level 1 Skarmory: @ Leftovers
Set HP 0 IVs, Set HP 0 EVs (So it is at 12 HP).

Protect [TM]
Taunt [TM]
Whirlwind / Toxic [Egg Move / TM]

Baton Pass Skarmory Aqua Ring, and Ingrain. Skarmory is Immune to Toxic Spikes and and Sandstorm (Ingrain negates Spikes Immunity). If it switches into Stealth Rock, it will heal the 12.5% damage off with Aqua Ring and Ingrain, and even with Hail Leftovers will negate the weather damage.

How does this Skarmory work? It takes a hit to 1 HP, it Roosts to heal 6 HP taking it to 7, then Heals 1 HP from Leftovers, 1 HP from Ingrain, and 1 HP from Aqua Ring leaving it at 10 HP. Protect the next turn and then Skarmory is at full HP healing another 3 HP from Ingrain, Aqua Ring, and Leftovers.

This works well with Whirlwind and Toxic because the turn your foe thinks you will Protect (after doing it several times and they see a pattern), is an opportunity to use Whirlwind, Toxic, or Taunt. This set loses to Leech Seed, Burn, and Taunt, and requires much more help than Probopass, but it can be used.
Serebii does list both Magic Coat and Role Play, so I don't think they mixed 1 up over the other. Links are in Original Post.

Another Strategy that is MUCH WORSE but still viable with perfect support:

Level 1 Skarmary: @ Leftovers
Set HP 0 IVs, Set HP 0 EVs (So it is at 12 HP).

Protect [TM]
Taunt [TM]
Whirlwind / Toxic [Egg Move / TM]

Baton Pass Skarmary Aqua Ring, and Ingrain. Skarmary is Immune to Toxic Spikes and and Sandstorm (Ingrain negates Spikes Immunity). If it switches into Stealth Rock, it will heal the 12.5% damage off with Aqua Ring and Ingrain, and even with Hail Leftovers will negate the weather damage.

How does this Skarmary work? It takes a hit to 1 HP, it Roosts to heal 6 HP taking it to 7, then Heals 1 HP from Leftovers, 1 HP from Ingrain, and 1 HP from Aqua Ring leaving it at 10 HP. Protect the next turn and then Skarmary is at full HP healing another 3 HP from Ingrain, Aqua Ring, and Leftovers. This works well with Whirlwind and Toxic because the turn your foe thinks you will Protect (after doing it several times and they see a pattern), is an opportunity to use Whirlwind, Toxic, or Taunt. This set loses to Leech Seed, Burn, and Taunt, and requires much more help than Probopass, but it can be used.
What's a Sky Mary?
One of Whirlwind\Roar's little known tidbits is that its success chance drops with level disadvantage. At L1, that Skarmory's Whirlwind will almost always fail against L100 opponents.

That Skarmory is a lot less foolproof than the Probopass anyway.
Really? I've never heard of that. I don't think it's true because I've had several PokeRadar chains ended by a Lv10 or lower using Roar/Whirlwind on my Lv50+ lead, and not one of them failed.
Really? I've never heard of that. I don't think it's true because I've had several PokeRadar chains ended by a Lv10 or lower using Roar/Whirlwind on my Lv50+ lead, and not one of them failed.

The gap between L10 and L50 is a lot less than L1 and L100; you might have just gotten unlucky.

This has actually been Whirlwind\Roar's behavior since RBY. It's just that most people don't realize it because they tend to play with Pokemon all the same level.
Really? I've never heard of that. I don't think it's true because I've had several PokeRadar chains ended by a Lv10 or lower using Roar/Whirlwind on my Lv50+ lead, and not one of them failed.

It has different mechanics against wild pokemon. For one, it ends the battle rather than switching your pokemon around :p
Actually the chance of lvl 1 whirlwind working on a lvl 100 is slightly more likely to happen than the REST of his strategy, hilariously

that skarmory is dependent on impossible circumstances and only has 32 turns of invincibility to whirlwind an entire team of pokemon, whirlwind itself depending on MORE impossible circumstances: obscene prediction, no choice users, your opponent attempting to set up MORE THAN ONCE, plus for some reason taunt is on there which really screws you over more than anything (replace it with sub)
Plus it can't beat last the last pokemon if it's a steel type, which if everything works how he hopes it would (which is impossible) he still needs to switch out. I guess you could use a celebi with perish song but heatran and scizor...
I frankly can't see a situation where this skymary ever works
Don't you loose your Focus Sash after its first use?

Please don't post if you're illiterate, go to your local community center and drag yourself out of the minority

Aside from that, yes, you do lose your focus sash when it activates!

I hope one day you'll be able to read my answer to your question...
Please don't post if you're illiterate, go to your local community center and drag yourself out of the minority

Aside from that, yes, you do lose your focus sash when it activates!

I hope one day you'll be able to read my answer to your question...

Don't worry, a lot of people have been mistaking L's for F's recently.

I guess I can kind of see it. The L is just missing the small middle line and its flipped upside down.. lol...

Anyways... back on topic I think this set could do well in a Sandstorm team with a layer of Toxic Spikes or 2 due to Stalling and Pain Split putting foes in KO range.

It has Taunt to outstall Blissey's Wish/Aromatherapy, and even Magic Coat can surpass Priority attacks (including Fake-out since Magic Coat has a +4 Priority), which is another bonus for this set.

I also learned that Magic Coat forces reflects back more moves than generation 4: Magic Coat can now reflect on the opponent's field Stealth Rock, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, while also sending back Whirlwind, Roar so the foe targets themselves.

This means you can have a potential anti-entry hazard, staller, and phazer in one! Keep in mind Magic Coat also reflects Leech Seed, which is another bonus to preventing indirect damage.

I am not sure if Magic Coat reflects Taunt or Torment, or Disable, or Encore.

Here is the set again for reference:

Set Name: Pain Stall
Probopass: @ Leftovers [Hail / Stealth Rock negation]
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: A # divisible by 4 for a Leftovers number
Nature: (+ SpA, -Spe) [Trick Room ulities]

~Magic Coat [Reflects: Leech Seed, W-o-w, Swagger, etc.]
~Pain Split [Hurts foes, heals user through Taunt; keeps Sturdy active]
~Toxic [Causes damage and switches]
~Taunt [Anti-Heal, Whirlwind, Roar, Trick Room, etc.]
At the bottom, Magic Coat IS listed. When you go to the link you provided do:

Ctrl + F. Then a Find box will appear, type in Magic Coat; it will locate on the page where Magic Coat is.

Your own link proves Probopass DOES learn Magic Coat; unless Serebii is also wrong.
Pardon my ignorance, but how does Sturdy react to multi-hit moves? Judging by the reactions here, I'd presume it prevents the knockout, but I'm asking for clarity's sake.

Also, would it be a bad idea to use a move for Shedinja coverage? I know Sandstorm handles it, but I don't think any weather is guaranteed now.
Toxic is on Probopass... Magic Coat also sends back any attempts by Shedinja to use W-o-w.
But why wouldn't Shedinja just attack, knowing that you can't Pain Split it? You can kill Shedinja with Toxic, but after it hits you, the jig is up.

So does Sturdy prevent Arm Thrust from KOing Probopass or not?
At the bottom, Magic Coat IS listed. When you go to the link you provided do:

Ctrl + F. Then a Find box will appear, type in Magic Coat; it will locate on the page where Magic Coat is.

Your own link proves Probopass DOES learn Magic Coat; unless Serebii is also wrong.

I don't know... I've known that someone in showed the past that Serebii (or was it Smogon?) was wrong about Magic Coat being tutorable to Hitmonchan, and probably about a lot of other Pokemon as well. Give me a few minutes to test it.

EDIT: Yup, Probopass gets Magic Coat.
Has anyone managed to test Ononokusu's / Rampardos' / Pinsir's Earthquake (well any attack will do against Lv2 lol) against this set yet? Should OHKO by common logic, but you can't account for Gamefreak's logic sometimes.