Data Prize Claiming Thread (Update 5-09-13)

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Deck Knight

Blast Off At The Speed Of Light! That's Right!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top CAP Contributor Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top CAP Contributor Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
This is an annex to the Registration Tower.

IAR EDIT: (05/09/2013): Veto powers for matches deemed as Counter-farming abolished.

ObjEDIT (03/23/2013): As per this vote, all new pokemon start with 5 egg moves and BW TMs (or tutors if applicable) and all new Tynamo start with 15 MC.

DK EDIT (03/15/2013): Have updated Event Moves to include 2013 Events, and some 2012 and 2011 moves I missed. Congrats Magikarp, Mewtwo, Celebi, Banette, and Victini owners!

DeckEDIT 10/11/2012: Have decided to add Anime Only and Manga Only moves, Rage Away.

Major Announcements

ObjEDIT: Regarding multiple claims:

If your most recent prize claim has yet to be looked over by an approver and you wish to make a new claim, edit your new claim into the post your most recent claim is in, especially if your new claim is based on prizes in your most recent claim.

Regarding refunds for B2W2 stuff:
You may only claim a refund for a Pokemon if that Pokemon had a move as an egg move prior to B2W2 that became a level-up move in B2W2. That Pokemon will gain 2 MC if the move is now learned after level 25, and 3 MC if the move is learned at or before level 25.

When you claim a prize that involves a pokemon evolving, please re-post the entire pokemon (in Hide Tags) to make sure that you adjust abilities, stats, moves and types correctly. Thanks!

NYPC Data has been added for Event Moves your Pokemon can earn.

Referees: Post your reffing links in the Referee Training Grounds.


Whenever one of your battles completes, post a link up to it and claim your prizes in items and Pokemon here. They will be approved and you can add them. Make sure to include your Pokemon's Status in the post. The same rules for new Pokemon apply from the Registration Thread: All Moves up to Level 25 from Every Generation, 5 Egg Moves from any generation, and 5 BW TMs. Evolutions and Item Purchases do not need approval, however they must be posted here.

For each of your battles, all your Pokemon complete battles as they are intially entered. However you will obtain rewards from each battle, so when your second battle completes you can claim an additional Evolution, Move, and Dream Counter as well as Trainer Counters. Should you finish three concurrent battles with the same Pokemon in them and post them all up at once, you can claim an Evolution because your Pokemon gained Three Evolution Counters over the course of those three battles (assuming your Pokemon has Three Stages. You will need to apply a KO Counter to evolve if the Pokemon only has Two Stages.)

Here's an example (this one is Dogfish44's whose stuff is approved):

Trainer said:
I finished this battle:

Current Trainer Counters: 0
After Battle: 2

I am claiming:

A Move Counter, a Dream Counter and an Evo Counter for Weedle.


Weedle [Trouser Snake] (Male) (*)
Nature: Jolly

EC: 1/5
MC: 1
DC: 1/5

I'm using the 2 earned Trainer Counters to collect this as a prize:


Electrike [Sparky] (Male)
Nature: Lonely

Electric: Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfect accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain.

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3 (+)
Def: Rank 1(-)
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Static: (Innate) This Pokemon’s body is surrounded by an electric field that has a 30% chance of paralyzing opponents that use contact moves on this Pokemon.
LightningRod: (Innate) These Pokemon naturally attract electricity to themselves and away from partners in double battles. When struck with an Electric attack, they tranfer the energy into their body, using it to increase their Special Attack by one (1) stage. This boost is maintained at the end of each round.
Minus (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon possesses a negative electrical charge, when a partner Pokemon with Plus or Minus is on the field, this Pokemon’s special attacks increase their Base Attack Power by two (2). If this Pokemon also has Plus, the boost stacks. A Pokemon can get a maximum of two boosts between Plus and Minus.

Thunder Wave
Quick Attack
Odor Sleuth

Ice Fang

Volt Change
Hidden Power (Psychic 7)

Total: 13

Note: When you claim a prize, please mention what the species of the pokemon you are claiming a prize for is. It is terribly annoying to us approvers to read "Nick is getting Ice Beam with his MC," but not let us approvers know which pokemon is "Nick," as we do not know the nicknames of each of your pokemon. Please change all of our future posts to "Articuno (Nick) is getting Ice Beam with his MC." Thanks, Kaxtar!

Display Rules (taken from Battle Tower):


Each of your starting Pokemon begins with every level-up move they learn from every generation up to Level 25. Veekun is the best repository for this information, just search for the Pokemon. For CAP specific information, go here. Then select three of their Egg Moves and three Fifth Generation TMs to round out their starting attack list. Mark your starting Pokemon and moves with an asterisk (*). Legendary Pokemon cannot be captured in the ASB.

Event Pokemon New Move Database:
Event Moves cost 3 MC.

Venusaur – Ancientpower, Rock Throw
Charizard – Crunch
Blastoise – Zap Cannon
Fearow – Sonicboom
Raichu – Dizzy Punch, Petal Dance, Scary Face, Sing
Nidoqueen – Lovely Kiss, Moonlight, Sweet Kiss,
Nidoking – Lovely Kiss, Sweet Kiss, Morning Sun
Clefable – Petal Dance, Scary Face, Swift
Wigglytuff – Scary Face
Golbat – Flail
Vileplume – Leech Seed
Parasect – Synthesis
Golduck – Petal Dance, Tri Attack
Poliwrath – Growth, Lovely Kiss, Sweet Kiss
Alakazam – Foresight
Machamp – False Swipe, Thrash
Victreebel – Lovely Kiss, Sweet Kiss
Tentacruel – Confuse Ray
Golem – Rapid Spin
Rapidash – Low Kick
Magneton – Agility
Farfetch’d – Fury Cutter
Dodrio – Low Kick
Dewgong – Flail
Onix – Sharpen
Hypno – Amnesia
Kingler – Metal Claw
Electrode – Agility
Exeggutor – Sweet Scent
Marowak – Fury Attack
Hitmonlee – Dizzy Punch
Hitmonchan – Dizzy Punch
Lickitung – DoubleSlap
Chansey – Sweet Scent
Tangela – Synthesis
Kangaskhan – Faint Attack
Seadra – Haze
Seaking – Swords Dance
Starmie – Twister
Mr. Mime – Mind Reader
Scyther – Sonicboom
Jynx – Petal Dance
Electabuzz – Dizzy Punch(can be obtained via Odd Egg as well), Pursuit
Magmar – Faint Attack
Pinsir – Rock Throw, Sweet Kiss
Tauros – Quick Attack
Magikarp – Bubble, Reversal
Lapras – Bite, Future Sight
Flareon – Growth
Vaporeon – Growth
Jolteon – Growth
Porygon – Barrier
Omastar – Rock Throw
Kabutops – Rock Throw
Aerodactyl – Rock Throw
Snorlax – Lovely Kiss, Splash, Sweet Kiss
Dragonite – Hydro Pump
Chikorita - Petal Dance
Bayleef - Petal Dance
Meganium - Petal Dance
Cyndaquil - Double-Edge
Quilava - Double-Edge
Typhlosion - Double-Edge
Totodile - Submission
Croconaw - Submission
Feraligatr - Submission
Sentret - Dizzy Punch
Furret - Dizzy Punch
Hoothoot - Night Shade
Noctowl - Night Shade
Ledyba - Barrier
Ledian - Barrier
Spinarak - Growth
Ariados - Growth
Crobat - Flail
Chinchou - Light Screen
Lanturn - Light Screen
Pichu - Dizzy Punch, Petal Dance, Scary Face, Sing
Cleffa - Dizzy Punch, Petal Dance, Scary Face, Swift
Igglybuff - Dizzy Punch, Mimic, Petal Dance, Scary Face
Togepi - Dizzy Punch
Togetic - Dizzy Punch
Natu - Safeguard
Xatu - Safeguard
Mareep - N/A
Flaaffy - N/A
Ampharos - N/A
Bellossom - Leech Seed
Marill - Dizzy Punch, Hydro Pump, Scary Face
Azumarill - Dizzy Punch, Hydro Pump, Scary Face
Sudowoodo - Substitute
Politoed - Growth, Lovely Kiss, Sweet Kiss
Hoppip - Agility
Skiploom - Agility
Jumpluff - Agility
Aipom - Mimic
Sunkern - Splash
Sunflora - Splash
Yanma - Steel Wing, Sweet Kiss
Wooper - Belly Drum, Scary Face
Quagsire - Belly Drum, Scary Face
Espeon - Growth
Umbreon - Growth
Murkrow - Beat Up
Slowking - N/A
Misdreavus - Hypnosis
Unown - N/A
Wobbuffet - N/A
Girafarig - N/A
Pineco - Substitute
Forretress - Substitute
Dunsparce - Fury Attack, Horn Drill
Gligar - N/A (Earthquake through Stadium 2)
Steelix - Sharpen
Snubbull - Lovely Kiss
Granbull - Lovely Kiss
Qwilfish - Double-Edge
Scizor - Sonicboom
Shuckle - N/A
Heracross - Rock Throw, Seismic Toss
Sneasel - Moonlight
Teddiursa - Sweet Scent
Ursaring - Sweet Scent
Slugma - N/A
Magcargo - N/A
Swinub - Whirlwind
Piloswine - Whirlwind
Corsola - N/A
Remoraid - Amnesia, Mist
Octillery - Amnesia, Mist
Delibird - Pay Day, Spikes
Mantine - Gust
Skarmory - Fury Cutter
Houndour - N/A
Houndoom - N/A
Kingdra - Haze
Phanpy - Absorb
Donphan - Absorb
Porygon2 - Barrier
Stantler - Safeguard
Smeargle - N/A
Tyrogue - Rage
Hitmontop - Rage
Smoochum - Metronome, Petal Dance
Elekid - Dizzy Punch, Pursuit
Magby - Dizzy Punch, Faint Attack
Miltank - Mega Kick
Blissey - Sweet Scent
Raikou - N/A
Entei - N/A
Suicune - N/A
Larvitar - Rage
Pupitar - Rage
Tyranitar - Rage
Lugia - N/A
Ho-oh - N/A
Celebi - Present
Pichu: Teeter Dance, Wish
Ralts: Wish
Absol: Wish
Bagon: Iron Defense, Wish
Bellsprout: Teeter Dance
Meowth: Petal Dance
Oddish: Leech Seed
Poliwag: Sweet Kiss
Chansey: Sweet Scent, Wish
Drowzee: Belly Drum, Wish
Exeggcute: Sweet Scent, Wish
Farfetch'd: Wish, Yawn
Kangaskhan: Wish, Yawn
Lickitung: Heal Bell, Wish
Pikachu: Fly, Surf
Magikarp: Dragon Rage
Psyduck: Mud Sport
Pichu: Follow Me
Igglybuff: Tickle
Corsola: Mud Sport
Taillow: Featherdance
Surskit: Mud Sport
Whismur: Teeter Dance
Skitty: Rollout
Plusle: Water Sport
Minun: Mud Sport
Spoink: Uproar
Spinda: Sing
Cacnea: Encore
Corphish: Water Sport
Wynaut: Tickle
Darkrai: Roar of Time, Spacial Rend
Arceus: Roar of Time, Shadow Force, Spacial Rend
Jirachi: Draco Meteor
Deoxys: Detect, Meteor Mash
Pikachu: Fly, Sing, Teeter Dance
Mewtwo: Electro Ball
Entei: Crush Claw, Extremespeed, Flare Blitz, Howl
Raikou: Aura Sphere, Extremespeed, Weather Ball
Suicune: Air Slash, Aqua Ring, Extremespeed, Sheer Cold
Celebi: Nasty Plot
Banette: Cotton Guard
Victini: Fusion Bolt, Fusion Flare, V-Create
Reshiram: Mist
Zekrom: Haze
Bulbasaur: Block, False Swipe, Weather Ball
Charmander: Acrobatics, Block, False Swipe
Squirtle: Block, False Swipe, Follow Me
Pikachu: Extremespeed
Rayquaza: V-Create
Deoxys: Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot
Piplup: Sing
Victini: Blue Flare, Bolt Strike, Glaciate
Magikarp: Hydro Pump
Mewtwo: Heal Pulse, Hurricane
Butterfree : Morning Sun
Beedrill : Baton Pass
Pidgeotto : Refresh
Raticate : Refresh
Spearow : Baton Pass
Arbok : Refresh
Vulpix : Charm
Paras : Refresh
Venomoth : Refresh
Dugtrio : Charm, Sandstorm
Meowth : Sing
Golduck : Charm
Primeape : Helping Hand
Growlithe : Charm
Poliwrath : Helping Hand
Weepinbell : Morning Sun
Rapidash : Baton Pass
Magneton : Refresh
Farfetch'd : Baton Pass
Dodrio : Baton Pass
Seel : Helping Hand
Grimer : Helping Hand
Shellder : Refresh, Take Down
Hypno : Baton Pass
Voltorb : Refresh
Exeggutor : Refresh
Marowak : Sing
Hitmonlee : Refresh
Hitmonchan : Helping Hand
Lickitung : Helping Hand
Rhydon : Helping Hand
Chansey : Sweet Kiss
Tangela : Morning Sun
Starmie : Refresh
Mr. Mime : Follow Me
Scyther : Morning Sun
Electabuzz : Follow Me
Magmar : Follow Me
Pinsir : Helping Hand
Tauros : Refresh
Lapras : Heal Bell
Snorlax : Refresh, Fissure
Articuno : Haze, Heal Bell, Extrasensory
Zapdos : Baton Pass, Metal Sound, Extrasensory
Moltres : Morning Sun, Will-O-Wisp, Extrasensory
Dragonite : Heal Bell
Ledyba : Refresh
Spinarak : Refresh
Togepi : Tri Attack, Helping Hand
Natu : Baton Pass
Mareep : Heal Bell
Pineco : Refresh
Teddiursa : Refresh
Magcargo : Refresh, Heat Wave
Swinub : Charm
Houndour : Charm
Lugia : FeatherDance ,Psycho Boost
Poochyena : Heal Bell
Seedot : Refresh
Swellow : Baton Pass
Ralts : Sing
Shroomish : Refresh
Makuhita : Refresh
Nosepass : Helping Hand
Delcatty : Sweet Kiss
Sableye : Helping Hand
Mawile : Sing
Manectric : Refresh
Roselia : Sweet Kiss
Gulpin : Sing
Carvanha : Refresh
Numel : Charm
Altaria : Heal Bell
Zangoose : Refresh
Lunatone : Baton Pass
Solrock : Baton Pass
Baltoy : Refresh
Banette : Helping Hand
Duskull : Helping Hand
Snorunt : Sing
Spheal : Charm
Salamence : Refresh
Nidoran(F): Sucker Punch
Gastly: Sludge Wave
Koffing: Sludge Wave
Misdreavus: Inferno
Spinda: Superpower
Lunatone: Moonlight
Solrock: Morning Sun
Kecleon: Reflect Type
Banette: Cotton Guard

Anime Only Move Database:
Anime Only Moves cost 3 MC.
Charmander: Tackle
Beedrill: Tackle
Raticate: Jump Kick
Spearow: Gust
Pikachu: Tackle
Nidoran(M): Bite, Fury Swipes
Arbok: Tackle
Parasect: Sleep Powder
Poliwhirl: Tackle
Bellsprout: Absorb
Victreebel: Tackle
Gengar: Confusion
Onix: Wrap
Lickitung: Tackle
Pinsir: Tackle
Dragonite: Whirlwind
Cyndaquil: Agility
Totodile: Tackle
Ariados: Shadow Ball
Crobat: Sonicboom
Unown: Psychic
Girafarig: Bite
Wobbuffett: Bide
Umbreon: Agility
Teddiursa: Pound
Larvitar: Harden
Dustox: Stun Spore
Tailow: Gust
Skitty: Fury Swipes
Sableye: Lick
Baltoy / Claydol: Shock Wave
Chingling / Chimecho: Sing
Uxie: Teleport
Mesprit: Teleport
Jirachi: Teleport
Kricketot: Sing
Kricketune: Bullet Seed
Mothim: Supersonic
Starly: Gust
Munchlax: Giga Impact
Froslass: Slash
Dusknoir: Rapid Spin
Regigigas: Hammer Arm
Tranquil: Wing Attack
Swanna: Blizzard
Zweilous: Wing Attack

Manga Only Move Database:
Manga Only Moves cost 3 MC.
Charmander: Tackle
Fearow: Pay Day
Nidoran(M): Flamethrower
Golbat: Lick
Machamp: Slam
Kadabra: Hypnosis, Slash
Persian: Roar
Onix: Constrict
Rapidash: Pay Day
Empoleon: Vacuum Wave
Gliscor: Bite
Lucario: Bonemerang
Phione: Heart Swap

Pokemon without Egg Moves and Move Selection: If your starting Pokemon has no Egg Moves to select from, you may select any 5 attacks from Move Tutors and Special Giveaways from any generation. If this Pokemon also does not have any Move Tutors or Special giveaways, you may select any 5 TM moves from any generation.

Pokemon without TMs and Move Selection: If your starting Pokemon does not have any TMs to choose from (e.g. cannot, not refuses to. [Magikarp, Beldum, Wynaut, etc.]), it can instead select up to 5 attacks from Move Tutors and Special Giveaways from any generation.

Tynamo: Tynamo only has Level-Up moves and the Tutor Magnet Rise. It starts with all of these moves and begins with fifteen (15) MC to use after it evolves. A new Tynamo's MC Counter should look like MC: 15

For the ease of the approval staff (e.g. expediting approval), Please list Level-Up Moves Learned in Numerical order first, then Egg Moves, Then TMs in a Single Line Item List.

Prize Approval Team:

Prize Compensation:

1 Universal Counter for every 10 posts checked. Sufficiently large posts may count as 2 or more posts. You may approve your own posts, but if you do so, you must also approve any unchecked posts above you. Self-approvals also do not count towards additional UC.

Head Approvers:
Deck Knight
Seven Deadly Sins

Assistant Approvers:
Elevator Music
Engineer Pikachu
Glacier Knight
Texas Cloverleaf
I assume the mew moves and/or dw abilities you get aren't transferred to pokemon who are currently in battle, but only battles after you boost them?
I assume the mew moves and/or dw abilities you get aren't transferred to pokemon who are currently in battle, but only battles after you boost them?

That is correct. All Pokemon complete battles as they are intially entered. However you will obtain rewards from each battle, so when your second battle completes you can claim an additional Evolution, Move, and Dream Counter as well as Trainer Counters.


Approved. The match I just won with Fire Moth

I'm using the KO bonus towards the Evolution counter, and I am spending the move counter on the move Bug Buzz. With the trainer points I earned, I am also claiming a new Pokemon:

Monozu [Onyx] (Female)
Nature: Mild (Special Attack increased by *, Defense lowered by *)

Dark / Dragon
Dark: Dark STAB; Immunity to all telepathic and telekinetic attacks, better performance in all darkened and especially twilight conditions. Can use more devious Dark-type attacks while attracted. Revenge and Vengeance have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Dragon: Dragon STAB; Roar has have Energy Cost reduced by one (1). (Dragonite line can breathe underwater.)

HP: 90
Atk: ***
Def: * (-1)
SpA: *** (+1)
SpD: **
Spe: 38

Special Attack increased by *, Defense lowered by *

EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Ability: Hustle: (Can be Enabled) This Pokemon puts immense force and speed in its physical attacks, increasing the base damage of all its physical attacks by three (3), but the haste lowers their accuracy to 80% of normal.


Tackle *
Dragon Rage *
Focus Energy *
Bite *
Headbutt *
DragonBreath *
Roar *
Crunch *
Dark Pulse *
Earth Power *
Thunder Fang *
Thunder Wave *
Dragon Tail *
Work Up *
Claiming the prizes from my battle against Kaxtar:

Rosemary (my Chikorita) receives one EC, one MC and one DC.
I also receive 2 Trainer Points, which I'll spend on a new Pokémon:


Tentacool [Dimitri] (M)
Nature: Modest (adds * to SpA, subtracts * from Atk)

Water: Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious. Splash and Ice Moves have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Poison: Poison STAB; immunity to Poison/Toxic, see and breath through smog/smokescreens uninhibited. Dasutodasu, Muk, and Weezing inflict Toxic Poisoning with Solid/Liquid/Gaseous Poison attacks (respectively), Wrap, Haze, and Glare have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).

HP: 90
Atk: *(-)
Def: **
SpA: ***(+)
SpD: ****
Spe: 70

EC: 0/4
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Clear Body: (Innate) This Pokemon’s body structure makes it immune to status lowering moves used by opponents. (e.g. Intimidate, Growl, Screech etc.)
Liquid Ooze: (Innate) This Pokemon’s body is covered in a slimy poison that when drained by Leech Seed or another draining move, damages the opposing Pokemon for the amount that would have been healed.
Rain Dish (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon collects water in the rain and absorbs it into its body, healing two (2) HP/action.

Poison Sting
Water Gun
Toxic Spikes
Mirror Coat
Muddy Water
Ice Beam
Venom Shock

You don't need asterisks on new Pokemon, those are just for your starters since Smeargle pulls moves from them. Please remove them so as not to get confused.

Just finished, my Pokemon Equinox the Larvesta and Bushido the Shroomish both receive 1 EC, 1MC, and 1 DC, and Equinox also received a KO bonus which I'm putting into her EC. I'm using a Move Counter to buy Shroomish Spore, and I'm saving Larvesta's.

Also using my two trainer points to buy this


Nohface (F) (Bella Luna)
Nature: Adamant (*) increase to Attack, (*) decrease to Special Attack
Type: Steel/Ghost
Steel: Steel STAB; Immune to Sandstorm, highly insusceptible to toxic attacks, but can be corroded specifically by Acid and Acid Bomb, can be magnetized.
Ghost: Ghost STAB; brief intangibility that nullifies Normal and Fighting-type attacks, Pain Split, Psychic, Sucker Punch, Telekinesis, Trick, and Will-o-Wisp have Energy Cost reduced by one (1). (Gengar line and pure Ghosts only: moving through walls.)

HP: 100
Atk: ***(+*)
Def: ***
SpA: *(-1)
SpD: ***
Spe: 10

EC: 0/4
MC: 0
DC: 0/5
Levitate: (Innate) This Pokemon naturally floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading Ground moves like Earthquake, Level Ground, and Magnitude. Other Ground moves can still hit.
Levitate (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon naturally floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading Ground moves like Earthquake, Level Ground, and Magnitude. Other Ground moves can still hit.

Iron Defense(*)
Odor Sleuth(*)
Shadow Sneak(*)
Faint Attack(*)
Meteor Mash(*)
Psycho Shift(*)
Rock Slide(*)
Solstice: Nohface approved.

Tortferngatr: Yeah, this is a good as place as any for Ref Token redemptions.
Tim the Cranidos got one EC, one MC and one DC, as well as a KO counter. I'm putting its KO counter and my two trainer counters into unlocking its DW ability. I'm teaching it Zen Headbutt with my Move Counter.
Unless I'm mistaken, Trainer Counters can't be used towards DC, EC or MC, only Items and new Pokemon.
On trainer counters, should there be a rewards of 1 or more trainer counters from being the winner of a battle? As far as I know, besides KO counters which either player can get, there is no actual bonus for being the winner.

I've receive one MC, one EC, and one DC for my Salmon from this win. I also received one KO counter and applied it to my MC count and bought the TM for Thunder Wave.

I've kept the two Trainer counters.


Slowpoke [Salmon] (F)
Nature: Bold (Adds * to Defense. Subtracts * from Attack.)

Type: Psychic / Water
Psychic: Psychic STAB; less susceptible to blinding, more susceptible to sound-based assaults as far as locking on with Psychic attacks, can lift and throw opponents with Psychic attacks regardless of weight difference, Disable, Focus Blast and Recover have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Water: Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious. Splash and Ice Moves have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).


HP: 100
Atk: **(-)
Def: **** (+)
SpA: **
SpD: **
Spe: 15

EC: 1 / 4
MC: 0
DC: 1 / 5

Oblivious: (Innate)This Pokemon is incapable of being effected by Attract or Cute Charm.
Own Tempo: (Innate) This Pokemon moves at its own pace and cannot be confused by any method.
Regeneration (DW): (Innate) When this Pokemon is switched out during a switch battle, it reacts to the energy in the Pokeball and 10 HP is restored.

Curse (*)
Yawn (*)
Tackle (*)
Growl (*)
Water Gun (*)
Confusion (*)
Disable (*)
Headbutt (*)
Future Sight (*)
Block (*)
Mud Sport (*)
Calm Mind (*)
Surf (*)
Ice Beam (*)
Thunder Wave
Unless I'm mistaken, Trainer Counters can't be used towards DC, EC or MC, only Items and new Pokemon.
On trainer counters, should there be a rewards of 1 or more trainer counters from being the winner of a battle? As far as I know, besides KO counters which either player can get, there is no actual bonus for being the winner.

The winner always gets at least one more KO counter. That and just a better record I guess.
Unless I'm mistaken, Trainer Counters can't be used towards DC, EC or MC, only Items and new Pokemon.
On trainer counters, should there be a rewards of 1 or more trainer counters from being the winner of a battle? As far as I know, besides KO counters which either player can get, there is no actual bonus for being the winner.

Huh. Really? Damn.
Just finished this battle:

My Gligar earned one MC, one EC, and one DC. I'm saving the MC.

I earned 2 Trainer Counters. This brings my total to 2. I'm going to spend these to claim this guy:


Privatyke - Underwood (M)
Brave (Attack increased by *, Speed decreased by 15% and opponent's attacks get a flat 5% increase.)

Water: Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious. Splash and Ice Moves have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Fighting: Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions of throwing/grappling moves, Meditate and Cheer Up have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).

HP: 100
Atk: ****(+)
Def: ***
SpA: **
SpD: **
Spe: 30 (-)

EC: 0/4
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Unaware: (Innate) When this Pokemon is released, a light aura enshrouds the opponent, nullifying all stat boosts or reductions other than Speed, it remains while this Pokemon is active.
Klutz (DW): (Can be Disabled) The Pokemon moves in a rare style of battling that uses an unpredictable, clumsy looking manner. The accuracy of its attacks are increased by 10% (flat). While engaging in this style it cannot use a hold item, however an item is necessary to pull it off.

Arm Thrust

Bulk Up
Drain Punch
Ice Punch

Scald (Boiling Water)

Pay close attention to the speed. Base is 35, I got 30 with the nature reduction, is this right? I was confused as to whether you round down the result or the amount to be deducted from the base.
Just finished this battle:

My Gligar earned one MC, one EC, and one DC. I'm saving the MC.

I earned 2 Trainer Counters. This brings my total to 2. I'm going to spend these to claim this guy:


Privatyke - Underwood (M)
Brave (Attack increased by *, Speed decreased by 15% and opponent's attacks get a flat 5% increase.)

Water: Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious. Splash and Ice Moves have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Fighting: Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions of throwing/grappling moves, Meditate and Cheer Up have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).

HP: 100
Atk: ****(+)
Def: ***
SpA: **
SpD: **
Spe: 30 (-)

EC: 0/4
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Unaware: (Innate) When this Pokemon is released, a light aura enshrouds the opponent, nullifying all stat boosts or reductions other than Speed, it remains while this Pokemon is active.
Klutz (DW): (Can be Disabled) The Pokemon moves in a rare style of battling that uses an unpredictable, clumsy looking manner. The accuracy of its attacks are increased by 10% (flat). While engaging in this style it cannot use a hold item, however an item is necessary to pull it off.

Arm Thrust

Bulk Up
Drain Punch
Ice Punch

Scald (Boiling Water)

Pay close attention to the speed. Base is 35, I got 30 with the nature reduction, is this right? I was confused as to whether you round down the result or the amount to be deducted from the base.

You take the number you receive and round it down to the next whole number, so 35 / 1.15 = 30.434~ which rounds down to 30.


For everyone else, if you're just updating a movepool you don't need to post the whole thing. The only things that really need approving are new Pokemon, not changes to existing ones.
Dark Slay said:
Golden Knight receives 2 Trainer counters. Peter receives 1 Move Counter, 1 Evolution Counter, and 1 Dream Counter.
I'll save the move counter



Monohm [Niles] (M)
Nature: Sassy. Adds * to SpD; A 15% decrease (rounded down) in Base Speed and a +5% increase in accuracy (e.g. 85 becomes 90) on an opponent's attacks.

Type: Electric/Dragon
Electric: Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfect accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain.
Dragon: Dragon STAB; Roar has Energy Cost reduced by one (1). (Dragonite line can breathe underwater.)

HP: 90
Atk: **
Def: ***
SpA: ***
SpD: ***(+)
Spe: 52(-)

EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Shield Dust: (Innate) This pokemon has dust covering the outside of its body that prevents opponents secondary effects from taking place (eg burn from Flamethrower). It does not block direct status moves (such as Thunder Wave.)
Static: (Innate) This pokemon’s body is surrounded by an electric field that has a 30% chance of paralyzing opponents that use contact moves on this pokemon.
Sheer Force (DW): (Can be Enabled) This Pokemon can energize all its attacks with secondary effect chances less than 100%. When Enabled, the Base Attack Power of every move with an effect chance less than 100% increases by two (2), but they will never have a secondary effect.

Dragon Rage
Rain Dance
Hydro Pump
Heal Bell
Magnet Rise
Dragon Pulse

Niles Approved. But where is Frasier?

I'm also claiming my own spoils:

I'll use my KO Counter to get Hi Jack! Another Move Counter.

I'll then use my two Move Counters on Slack Off and Gale.

With my Shellos MC I'll be getting Recover for Aqua Velva.

I'll be keeping my 2 Trainer Counters in reserve.


EC: 1/4
MC: 0
DC: 1/5


EC: 1/4
MC: 0
DC: 1/5
Wooo, time for some big shopping:

Scraped a win via the RNG on both the above. Earning:

Boltair gains 2 Dream Counters, 2 Move Counters, and 1 KO counter.
GRUMPus gains 2 Dream Counters, 2 Move Counters, 2 Evolution Counters and 3 KO counters.

Boltair converts the KO counter to a 3rd Dream Counter, whilst GRUMPus switches 3 KO counters into 3 Evolution counters, giving him 5/6.

I''ll also be purchasing a Rattata and a Spheal using the 4 TC (Not fully formatted yet):


Spheal (Snooker - Female)
Nature: Quiet

HP: 100
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: *** (+)
SpD: **
Spe: 21 (-)

EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0


Thick Fat
Ice Body
Oblivious (DW - NOT Activated)

Defense Curl
Powder Snow
Defense Curl
Water Gun
Ice Ball
Body Slam
Aurora Beam

Signal Beam
Rock Slide

Ice Beam


Nature: Adamant

HP: 90
Atk: **** (+)
Def: **
SpA: * (-)
SpD: **
Spe: 72

EC: 0/4
MC: 0
DC: 0


Run Away
Hustle (DW Only - NOT ACTIVE)

Tail Whip
Quick Attack
Focus Energy
Hyper Fang
Focus Energy
Sucker Punch

Flame Wheel

Wild Charge

Remaining TC = 0
Yay for a win!
Acklow V. GoldenKnight

So I get 2 Trainer Counters

Finn Receives 1 Move Counter, 1 Evo Counter, 1 Dream Counter, and 1 KO Counter.
The KO counter will be allotted to the Evo Counter Slot.
The Move counter will be spent to receive the Level Up move, Confuse Ray

2/4 EC
0 MC
1/5 DC

New Move: Confuse Ray

I will also be purchasing a nice Trapinch

Firefly the Trapinch said:

Trapinch (Female)
Nature: Mild (Adds * to Special Attack, and subtracts * from Defense)

Ground: Ground STAB; Immune to all electrical attacks, Evasive Digging reduced from 3 per action Energy Cost to 2 per action, superior senses in darkened cave surroundings. Knock Down, Rock Slide, Sandstorm, and Stealth Rock have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).


HP: 90
Atk: ****
Def: *(-)
SpA: ***(+)
SpD: **
Spe: 10

EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Hyper Cutter:
This Pokemon always keeps its claws/teeth/pincers extremely sharp, and thus cannot have its attack reduced.
Arena Trap:This Pokemon has great knowledge of the field and can always remain close to an earthbound foe no matter where it runs, flying opponents and levitating Pokemon are unaffected.
Sheer Force (DW):This Pokemon can energize all its attacks with secondary effect chances less than 100%. When Enabled, the Base Attack Power of every move with an effect chance less than 100% increases by two (2), but they will never have a secondary effect.

Faint Attack(*)
Sand Tomb(*)
Focus Energy(*)
Quick Attack(*)
Earth Power(*)
Rock Slide(*)

And that means I have 0 Trainer Counters remaining.
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