Hope no one wanted to be approved.
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/me-vs-fish.3548034/ + 1 CC + 3 UC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/thread...me-vs-yas-1v1-self-reffed-fe-singles.3548127/ + 1 CC + 3 UC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/me-vs-smashlloyd20-1v1-fe-singles-flash.3548160/ + 1 CC + 3 UC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/ice-ageeeeeeeeeeeeeee-ragnarokalex-vs-solidgold.3548252/ + 1 CC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/me-vs-geodude-1v1-fe-self-reffed-singles.3548659/ + 1 CC + 3 UC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/me-vs-c-fp.3548674/ + 1 CC + 3 UC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/geodude6-vs-s0l1d-g0ld-flaech-maetch.3548770/ + 1 CC (3 MC is a mistake)
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/c-fp-vs-solid-numbers.3548773/ + 1 CC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/me-vs-simonsays-1v1-nfe-singles.3548782/ + 1 CC + 3 UC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/geodude6-vs-s0l1d-g0ld.3549109/ + 1 CC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/goid-v-glacier-1v1-flashers.3549155/ + 1 CC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/goid-v-simonsays-flashmatch.3549176/ + 1 CC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/me-vs-df-1v1-self-reffed-nfe-singles.3549299/ + 1 CC + 3 UC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/me-vs-c-fp-1v1-self-reffed-fe-singles.3549314/ + 1 CC + 3 UC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/me-vs-glacier-knight-1v1-self-reffed-fe-singles.3549419/ + 1 CC + 3 UC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/flash-match-between-cmfp-and-goid.3549594/ + 1 CC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/3t3rn4l-dr1ft3r.3549336/ + 1 CC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/me-vs-glacier-1v1-self-reffed-lc-singles.3549701/ + 1 CC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/1000-year-battle-1v1-gerard-and-solid-small-trophy.3549730/ + 1 CC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/s0l1d-g0ld-vs-stary02939.3549832/ + 1 CC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/me-vs-canis-1v1-self-reffed-lc-singles.3549878/ + 1 CC + 3 UC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/flash-g0ld-vs-glacier.3550120/ + 1 CC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/thread...ain-me-vs-iggy-azelea-1v1-fe-singles.3555943/ + 1 CC + 3 UC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/me-vs-iggy-azalea-1v1-fe-singles.3556550/ + 1 CC + 3 UC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/oorgoid.3556613/ + 1 CC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/me-vs-fmd-2v2-fe-singles.3556677/ + 2 CC + 6 UC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/me-vs-ooraloo-1v1-fe-singles.3557161/ + 1 CC + 3 UC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/me-vs-mamoswindle-1v1-lc-singles.3557585/ + 1 CC (Wailmer had max EC and AC as of a battle I'm claiming here, so I'm assuming it gets 4 MC instead.)
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/galcier-vs-gold-1v1-lc.3557785/ + 1 CC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/glacial-gold.3557797/ + 1 CC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/adiass-flashes-goid.3557978/ + 1 CC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/me-vs-mamoswindle-1v1-fe-singles.3558025/ + 1 CC + 3 UC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/acidphoenix-and-goid-are-at-it-yet-again.3558035/ + 1 CC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/me-vs-toon-1v1-lc-singles.3558042/ + 1 CC + 3 UC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/me-vs-toon-1v1-fe-singles.3558143/ + 1 CC + 4 UC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/megaggron-proof-golden-fmd.3558522/ + 1 CC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/me-vs-fortcolors-1v1-lc-singles.3559115/ + 1 CC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/me-vs-fortcolors-1v1-fe-singles.3559219/ + 1 CC + 3 UC
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/battle-hall-challenge-s0l1d-g0ld.3493449/page-3 (claiming from my second run) + 6 CC
Heracross spends 4 MC plus 1 UC as KOC as MC to learn Detect (Past-Gen TM) and Giga Impact. (XY/ORAS a Tutor)
Mr. Mime spends 24 MC plus 2 KOC plus12 UC as KOC as MC to learn Follow Me, (Anime/Event/Manga) Recycle, (XY/ORAS Lvl Up) Helping Hand, (ORAS Tutor) Magic Coat, (ORAS Tutor) Metronome, (ORAS Tutor) Shock Wave, (ORAS Tutor) Signal Beam, (ORAS Tutor) Sntach, (ORAS Tutor) Hypnosis, (XY/ORAS Egg) Zap Cannon, (Past-Gen TM) Teleport, (Past-Gen TM) and Focus Blast. (XY/ORAS TM)
Dusknoir spends 4 MC plus 1 UC as KOC as MC to learn Mean Look, (XY/ORAS Lvl Up) Spite, (ORAS Tutor) and Wonder Room. (ORAS Tutor)
Slaking spends 12 (3 MC in one claim is due to an old AC error, and incorrect) MC plus 4 KOC as MC to learn Block, (ORAS Tutor) Mega Kick, (Past-Gen Tutor) Mega Punch, (Past-Gen Tutor)Mud-Slap, (ORAS Tutor)Shock Wave, (ORAS Tutor) Water Pulse, (ORAS Tutor) Quash. (XY/ORAS TM) and Retaliate, (XY/ORAS TM)
Embirch spends 6 KOC to learn Aromatherapy, (XY/ORAS Egg) and, Sand Tomb. (XY/ORAS Egg). Embirch stockpiles its remaining rewards. Embirch evolves. Flarelm spends 6 MC plus 2 KOC as MC to learn Synthesis, (XY/ORAS Lvl Up) Iron Tail, (ORAS Tutor) Low Kick, (ORAS Tutor) and Endure. (Past-Gen TM/Tutor)
Flarelm (Kaliso) (M)
Nature: Brave
Type: Fire/Grass
Fire: Fire STAB; immune to burn status. Brighten Command.
Brighten Command: For the next six (6) actions, all this Pokemon's attacks with have their accuracy increased by one stage. Type Exclusive commands can only be used by Pokemon that are naturally that type, and are still available if the Pokemon changes type.
Command Type: Type Exclusive | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Priority: 0 | CT: None
Grass: Grass STAB; immunity to Leech Seed, Worry Seed, and all "Powder" based attacks (Poisonpowder, Powder, Rage Powder, Sleep Powder, Spore, Stun Spore). Unable to have Petal Dance disrupted by oncoming damage. Ignores Arena restrictions on Grass attacks requiring an external grass source. Bloom Command.
Bloom Command: For the next six (6) actions, this Pokemon's "Grass," "Powder," and "Seed" status-moves will have fifteen (15) added points to their Base Accuracy (e.g. Grasswhistle goes from 55 Base Acc to 70 Base Acc). Type Exclusive commands can only be used by Pokemon that are naturally that type, and are still available if the Pokemon changes type.
Command Type: Type Exclusive | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Priority: 0 | CT: None
Rock Head
Battle Armor
Chlorophyll (HA Locked)
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3 (+)
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 34 (-15% speed, -10% evasion)
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 16
EC: 4/9
MC: 0
DC: 4/5
Moves (28/???):
Bullet Seed (*)
Sweet Scent (*)
Absorb (*)
Growth (*)
Ember (*)
Leech Seed (*)
Flame Wheel (*)
Giga Drain (*)
Fire Spin (*)
Lava Plume
Blaze Kick (*)
Counter (*)
Earth Power (*)
Revenge (*)
Sand Tomb
Seed Bomb (*)
Iron Tail
Low Kick
Protect (*)
Solar Beam
Fire Blast (*)
Will-O-Wisp (*)
Rest (*)
Rock Slide (*)
Flash Cannon
Croconaw spends 6 MC plus 2 UC as KOC as MC to learn Aerial Ace, (XY/ORAS TM) Rest, (XY/ORAS TM) Sleep Talk, (XY/ORAS TM) and Dive. (ORAS TM/HM) Croconaw unlocks it's Hidden Ability, Sheer Force.
Mawile spends 12 MC plus 2 KOC as MC to learn Body Slam, (Past-Gen Tutor) Dynamic Punch, (Past-Gen Tutor) Icy Wind, (ORAS Tutor) Snore, (ORAS Tutor) Rock Smash, (XY/ORAS TM) and Power-Up-Punch. (XY/ORAS TM)
Lampent spends 3 MC plus 2 KOC as MC to learn Memento, (XY/ORAS Lvl Up) Double Team, (XY/ORAS TM) and Substitute. (XY/ORAS TM)
Cranidos spends 12 MC plus 1 KOC plus 1 UC as KOC as MC to learn Zen Headbutt, (XY/ORAS Lvl Up) Head Smash, (XY/ORAS Lvl Up) Endeavor, (ORAS Tutor) Fire Punch, (ORAS Tutor) Stealth Rock, (ORAS Tutor) Superpower, (ORAS Tutor) Thunder Punch, (ORAS Tutor) and Dig. (XY/ORAS Tutor)
Tyrunt spends 2 MC plus 1 KOC as MC to learn Dragon Tail, (XY/ORAS Lvl Up) Earthquake, (XY/ORAS Lvl Up) and Horn Drill. (XY/ORAS Lvl Up)
Muk spends 40 MC plus 6 UC as KOC plus 3 KOC as MC to learn Belch, (XY/ORAS Lvl Up) Memento, (XY/ORAS Lvl Up) Lick, (XY/ORAS Egg) Mean Look, (XY/ORAS Egg) Shadow Punch, (XY/ORAS Egg) Spit Up, (XY/ORAS Egg) Swallow, (XY/ORAS Egg) Fire Punch, (ORAS Tutor) Thunder Punch, (ORAS Tutor) Dynamic Punch, (Past-Gen TM/Tutor) Zap Cannon, (Past-Gen TM) Sunny Day, (XY/ORAS TM) Rain Dance, (XY/ORAS TM) Thunder, (XY/ORAS TM) Shadow Ball, (XY/ORAS TM) Facade, (XY/ORAS TM) Focus Blast, (XY/ORAS TM) Incinerate, (XY/ORAS TM) Explosion, (XY/ORAS TM) Poison Jab, (XY/ORAS TM) Rock Smash, (XY/ORAS TM) and Power-Up-Punch. (XY/ORAS TM)
Wailmer spends 11 MC plus 2 UC as KOC plus 1 KOC as MC to learn Hidden Power [Fire], (XY/ORAS TM) Sleep Talk, (XY/ORAS TM) Rock Smash, (XY/ORAS TM) Waterfall, (XY/ORAS TM/HM) Avalanche, (Past-Gen TM) and Mimic. (Past-Gen Tutor)
Floatoy spends 8 MC plus 2 UC as KOC as MC to learn Drill Peck, (XY/ORAS Lvl Up) Slack Off, (XY/ORAS Lvl Up) Brine, (XY/ORAS Lvl Up) Icicle Crash, (XY/ORAS Lvl Up) Protect, (XY/ORAS Lvl Up) Iron Head, (XY/ORAS Lvl Up) Toxic, (XY/ORAS TM) and Hail. (XY/ORAS TM)
Metagross spends 4 MC to learn Miracle Eye, (XY/ORAS Lvl Up) and, Dynamic Punch. (Past-Gen Tutor)
Edit: c/p from my second post:
Alright, so to my chagrin, I don't have time to check all my cc's and uc's at this point. However, I'm going to try to clear up some of the other issues.
Mime will just take an extra UC; no skin off my back. I am aware that Mawile was awarded 3 MC on a few occasions. If this is why our numbers differ, please note that As of here, Mawile has had its AC maxed, so it should be receiving 4 MC in every fight. As for Croconaw, here and here are two battles involving it, both taking place after my last meaningful claim. Lampent got the extra KOC from tricking a heart scale. I believe that this is the match for Embirch/Flarelm that I forgot.
Summary (wip):
+ 45 CC, + 58 UC
Mime will just take an extra UC; no skin off my back. I am aware that Mawile was awarded 3 MC on a few occasions. If this is why our numbers differ, please note that As of here, Mawile has had its AC maxed, so it should be receiving 4 MC in every fight. As for Croconaw, here and here are two battles involving it, both taking place after my last meaningful claim. Lampent got the extra KOC from tricking a heart scale. I believe that this is the match for Embirch/Flarelm that I forgot.
Reposting my last claim + post where I corrected + fixed it. You have my permission to scream at me if I fucked it up again.
Super late edit: fixed.
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