I do not fully understand this part. So far I know, this discussion IS about "When to do art?", right? I only raised a point about how art should influence competitive design.
Effectively, this PR thread does consider "When to do art" but the point behind it is that the Competitive and Flavour aspects should be split so that each can move at their own pace.
This is a great idea and is equally important from a practical angle by which the CAP project runs more smoothly AND gives a clearer message that Flavour should not influence the Competitive aspects.
In an ideal world, all Flavour aspects would be conducted after the Competitive Movepool Poll but this has been proposed before and is largely agreed to overly lengthen the process.
Given that CAP6 was half the length of CAP5, I would personally be quite happy to add another 3-4 weeks onto the process but I doubt that that is a popular view.
So, the only practical solution is running Flavour alongside Competitive aspects but making it perfectly clear that no Flavour aspects should influence competitive decisions.
This bifurcation would tie in nicely with the discussion in tennis' Regarding the CAP Server thread since there is a fairly strong antipathy toward people who vote in competitive polls and who have never been on the CAP Server before.
Splitting the process into Competitive and Flavour would make it easier to encourage those clueless about the CAP metagame to stick to voting in the Flavour threads, and only voting in the Competitive stream of the project if they can back up their decisions with server derived competitive reasoning.
This could all be viewed as ephemerata - the main thing is that darkie implemented this process in CAP6, it worked, he wants to make it official. This could lead to a clearer distinction in peoples' minds between how they should act or participate depending on whether the thread in question is competitive or flavour.
please keep the "Flavor vs. Competitive" philosophical stuff to a minimum. Yes, the OP is proposing that we split the process into two sections -- Flavor and Competitive. But, the proposal is not a question to wrangle with angst over how flavor aspects and competitive aspects interact with each other to produce a "good pokemon".
I apologise for mainly discussing Flavour vs Competitive stuff in my post but believe it's important for people to realise that this proposal does not only streamline the process and make it easier for the TL to keep the project moving, but it also makes it easier to exclude flavour based discussion and reasoning where this is necessary.