SPOILERS! Pokemon Sword & Shield Pre-Release SPOILERS - Check Post 2!

I wouldn't spoil myself I said. Keep it secret I said.

Nah but here are thoughts.

I actually think starters look good, and am sufficiently still #ScorbunnySquad. Cinderace is hard to judge right now due to image but it feels mailman esque and I like it. Intelleion also looks good, although gex jokes will be made for years to come. Rilaboom is actually least favorite rn, mostly due to drum placement.

Hatterene and Giga are fine, although I much prefer Giga. Guessing Psychic since we already have plenty of Fairies in Galar. Can't wait to drop some Paladin SMITE.

Eternatus (?) I've never played kingdom hearts and its blurry so idk.

Centiskorch: Actually interesting design wise, feels different from Scolipede which is good. Giga is also great.

Apple worm is too blurry to say.

Snake mons are interesting, not too much to say honestly.

Kingler's underrated even among gen 1 mons so it getting love is great. Also funny G-Max.

We did it bois, the single most overhated gen 5 mon got some love with Giga Garbodor, lets hope we get at least a few more from Gen 5.

Machamp is meh. Lapras is much more interesting.

Purrzerker is dumb lol.
Rillaboom: I really feel it was a missed opportunity that its drum is separate and not part of its body. They could have given it a drum-chest that it beats like an actual gorilla. Ah well, still probably my favourite of the starter designs, though none of them astound me.

Cinderace: Lucario, except its a rabbit. This has to be one of the most shounen-protagonist mons ever, no wonder they gave the new anime protag a Scorbunny. Just feels like its trying too hard to be cool.

Intelleon: Annoying bird, I am the great (Intel)Leon! I really wish they hadn't deviated so much from Sobble's chameleon origins, since chameleons are just so rad and would have been perfect for the spy theme with their colour shifting and crazy spy-eyes and such. And it would have been nice to have an actual good chameleon mon instead of Kecleon.

Overall looking forward to seeing how they're animated, hopefully their personality shines through more when we see them in action.

Gigantamax mons: Kingler rules, Lapras is nice, Machamp rules, Garbodor is great. Good previous gen picks all around.

Hatterne: Looks like its at least part-Fairy given the image of its Max move, which matches the Fairy type Max moves we've seen in the trailers. Reminds me a lot of Mismagius in a good way, and I like the Gigantamax form's creepy hair-tendrils.

Centiskorch: Nice to see a rad new bug! Makes picking this over Scorbunny for my Fire type of choice easy.

Rolycoly evo?: Giant furnace volcano? Sure. Probably part Fire-type, which means yet another reason to dumpster Scorbunny.

Berserker-Meowth is funny, new snakes are cute, elephant is cute, the Guy Fawkes fox is pretty cool (and probably also another better-than-Cinderace Fire type).

I can’t tell if that’s hatterne or a pre-evo
Oh yeah, Impidimp too, I had a brainfart. Three confirmed Fairy-types isn't so much that we can assume Pokémon not to be Fairy though. Hatterene could very well be Psychic/Fairy if you ask me.
Those are the new fairies. Then we have King Clefable, Togekiss, Gardevoir and Sylveon as main returning fairies. The former two looking strong after all the meta steels are gone.
Looking at it a couple times more... That's not normal Eternatus. It's Gigamax Eternatus. You can see the arrow on the left side and a box showing off the Gmax move in the upper right corner.

I really hope it's a BST 680 mon, especially if we're losing almost all previous box legendaries. Ubers needs the representation.
I hate to dampen the excitement, but I gotta admit that the feeling that all of this might be a hoax still hasn't gone away for me. The inconsistencies I mentioned earlier are still present, and there's even some new ones. For example, why would the guidebook leaker want to maintain some form of secrecy when they've already shown more than enough to get themselves in serious trouble should they be caught? In addition, I swear that the guidebook pictures for Intelleon and Rillaboom look more like in-game models whereas Cinderace's is more like Sugimori-style concept art. And while it's not exactly a huge point against this leak, I still find the utter lack of any Galarian form leaks aside from Meowth to be really weird.

Would it be somehow possible to do some investigation/questioning to see if the guidebook leaker and the pokedex leaker(s) are in any way related? Maybe they live close by, or have been in contact in the past? What about checking their IP addresses?
I hate to dampen the excitement, but I gotta admit that the feeling that all of this might be a hoax still hasn't gone away for me. The inconsistencies I mentioned earlier are still present, and there's even some new ones. For example, why would the guidebook leaker want to maintain some form of secrecy when they've already shown more than enough to get themselves in serious trouble should they be caught?
I seriously doubt this much effort was put into this guidebook for a hoax. I can't really offer anything concrete for the leaker's demeanor other than leakers like to be cheeky little shits and tease people endlessly.
Since it’s pretty much confirmed from the image up thread that Hat Malamar is a psychic I’m really hoping it’s psychic/ice based on the color scheme since the only fully evolved psychic/ice we have is Jynx which is...Jynx.
Here, it says a 4chan user took this photo as proof that a Carrefour in Spain started selling the game early. They said they'll start leaking things there soon.

Relevant thread:

I feel like this is just an ad, no other proof is given and people will be thirsty for any news. Maybe if they showed a box or something, but it doesn't seem very convincing to me.
So I've seen this leak circulate around a bit, and people on Twitter think it's real. It's almost certainly a fake leak, given that the Galarian Meowth they're advertising doesn't match up with the main leak. This "leak" is also probably a joke, given the alleged Rolycoly evo as well as the dong elephant
no nut november.PNG
That fake bird looks really cute tho