SPOILERS! Pokemon Sword and Shield Datamine Thread

It's like I've been saying that this entire time...

GF: btw we can't release gen 9 until 2024
Nintendo: How long are you going to delay it?
GF: A few months, a year at most.
Alright, just keep us updated on progress. The Pokemon Company has stuff on the backburner they've been wanting to get too. Man, it's a good thing as major companies of a major franchise we have multiple back-up plans at the ready in case delays have to happen.

GF: Hey, Pokemon Company we owe a third of, we kind of hit a hiccup and need some more money to make the next Pokemon games.
TPC: How much?
GF: A few million.
*Reaches under desk and throws them a sack of cash filled with a few million* Here, you can have that, we were just using it as a footrest. Afterall it's only like 1% of the total earnings we get each year. BTW Nintendo told us the game had to go through some delays, like them keep us updated so we know when we can launch the new merch, infact since we got them early we're thinking of maybe releasing some early to build up hype for the game, that way when the games come out we can release the full line soon after and that'll sell even more merch had we waited until release. So you make sure to make those teaser trailers enticing and new Pokemon looking good.

Ugh, we don't want to be spoiled? We'll discuss the new mons when the games are officially released and we get to witness them for the first time ourselves.
With all due respect, you don't want to be spoiled ? In the datamining thread ? Come on.
With all due respect, you don't want to be spoiled ? In the datamining thread ? Come on.

This is a datamine thread for a game that came out a little over two years ago. Sword and Shield is very much old news now. If you're looking for the one for the upcoming Legends: Arceus, that's in the Legends: Arceus subforum of this forum and it's called the leaks thread there.
This is a datamine thread for a game that came out a little over two years ago. Sword and Shield is very much old news now. If you're looking for the one for the upcoming Legends: Arceus, that's in the Legends: Arceus subforum of this forum and it's called the leaks thread there.
I kindly thank you sir for your informative answer. Was more useful than the one above. Thanks a lot for redirecting me :bloblul:
Guessing it won't be anything special, probably just quirky raids of some sort. Something as significant as dex expansion or whatever would feel way meatier than *checks notes* May + Latias in Masters or whatever random nonsense comes to Cafe or Unite.

LA & BDSP are kind of absent here so I'm guessing their news (BDSP is still due an expansio nto its online and both games need Home compatability) might be detailed on the Day itself alongside whatever else.

e: Cute, they're doign this again
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The SwSh day is likely just announcing some raid event or something on these lines.

If there's any actually important announcement coming, it'll be on a dedicated direct on the last day.
(I fully expect a teaser of gen 9 games since if they're on schedule, they'll be coming out on the end of the year)
The SwSh day is likely just announcing some raid event or something on these lines.

If there's any actually important announcement coming, it'll be on a dedicated direct on the last day.
(I fully expect a teaser of gen 9 games since if they're on schedule, they'll be coming out on the end of the year)
I'm choosing to believe Riddler & that it'll be DLC for LA and gen 9 is next year.
I'd like to believe, at least.
(I fully expect a teaser of gen 9 games since if they're on schedule, they'll be coming out on the end of the year)

Do we particularly have any reason to believe this though? We just got Legends with 20+ new forms/mons, I feel it'd be way too early to release a full gen this year still while announcing even more new mons. Would be really odd to release Legends and almost immediately after overshadow it by announcing a new generation
Do we particularly have any reason to believe this though? We just got Legends with 20+ new forms/mons, I feel it'd be way too early to release a full gen this year still while announcing even more new mons. Would be really odd to release Legends and almost immediately after overshadow it by announcing a new generation
To be fair though, GF has been fairly consistent in their "every 3 years" release schedule for new generations (as bad as it is for everyone involved). The last time there was a 4 year gap was DP to BW. Since then, it's been 3 years: BW = 2010, XY = 2013, SM = 2016, SwSh = 2019. Nor is a spin-off title/remake within a generation anything remarkable, since they've all had at least 1-2 releases that were developed by GF. By that logic, Gen 9 is coming very soon.

However, there was a global pandemic (idk if you heard about it, most people seem to have missed it :P) which may have delayed production schedules. So speculation is of course just that.
Do we particularly have any reason to believe this though? We just got Legends with 20+ new forms/mons, I feel it'd be way too early to release a full gen this year still while announcing even more new mons. Would be really odd to release Legends and almost immediately after overshadow it by announcing a new generation
To be fair though, GF has been fairly consistent in their "every 3 years" release schedule for new generations (as bad as it is for everyone involved). The last time there was a 4 year gap was DP to BW. Since then, it's been 3 years: BW = 2010, XY = 2013, SM = 2016, SwSh = 2019. Nor is a spin-off title/remake within a generation anything remarkable, since they've all had at least 1-2 releases that were developed by GF. By that logic, Gen 9 is coming very soon.
Pretty much what BlizzardHero said, we're perfectly on pace for the gen 9 release.

Excluding 2015, since when they moved to worldwide release we've always had a yearly release of either a new mainline game or a remake toward the end of November.
2020 we didn't get one BUT we got SwSh dlcs for it which in my book basically count as a game release, with the Crown Tundra releasing on October 22nd so just 1 month earlier than a regular game would have released otherwise. Also as you know, Covid happened anyway that year.
It is a little iffy to fully apply The Pattern (TM) to this generation, wherein Legends Arceus is released in January 2022.
Like even accounting for Covid, so having BDSP &/or LA delayed a few months, that'd still have BDSP & LA release in the same year in all likelihood.

So already it's going to be a very different situation. If Gen 9 happens it happens, oh well the pokemon engine continues ever onward and we shall never break its wheels, but gen 8's already thrown some curve balls (DLC instead of Third Version, farming out a remake to ILCA, doing their own kind of weird main entry that comes 2 months later, etc) ; it could very well be that they use LA DLC this year as a "game" in the same way SWSH's DLC was, and then gen 9 is next year.

New gens start development around the time the first game is done. That'd be plenty of time to plan ahead the next X years and decide on a 4 year dev cycle for Gen 9 instead of 3, if they felt that after theeeeeeeeeee..............interesting.....state of SWSH maybe something SHOULD change.
It is a little iffy to fully apply The Pattern (TM) to this generation, wherein Legends Arceus is released in January 2022.
Like even accounting for Covid, so having BDSP &/or LA delayed a few months, that'd still have BDSP & LA release in the same year in all likelihood.
I dont quite think so. In fact, Legend Arceus release shouldn't matter in the slightest because last I checked, GF is supposed to have 2 teams actively working on development/releases of 2 games at any given time, and BDSP was outsourced, so the other team was free to work on gen 9 games.

Let's be honest they're not changing the release schedule. We all wish they would cause we know how many problems the games have due to being rushed out asap to meet deadlines, whenever these are TPCI or self-imposed by GF, but if they wanted to, they would have already done it for SwSh.
I dont quite think so. In fact, Legend Arceus release shouldn't matter in the slightest because last I checked, GF is supposed to have 2 teams actively working on development/releases of 2 games at any given time, and BDSP was outsourced, so the other team was free to work on gen 9 games.

Let's be honest they're not changing the release schedule. We all wish they would cause we know how many problems the games have due to being rushed out asap to meet deadlines, whenever these are TPCI or self-imposed by GF, but if they wanted to, they would have already done it for SwSh.
Did I deny them working on Gen 9? In all liklihood that started as soon as SWSH were "done".
I'm merely stating that the pattern is already different.
The Wild Area Event has now shifted in Pokémon Sword & Shield for a new Extra Event. With this, for the next few days, Gigantamax Venusaur, Charizard & Blastoise are available as Raid Bosses . We're currently compiling all details of the event so be sure to keep checking back.

The twitter hasn't acknowledge it yet, but this is the Pokemon Day raid event. The low rank Pokemon include Ditto, the Orbeetle line, the Corviknight line, the Centiskorch line, the Drednaw line and the Dubwool line alongside an assortment of berry and rare cand yand bottle caps and so on.
The twitter hasn't acknowledge it yet, but this is the Pokemon Day raid event. The low rank Pokemon include Ditto, the Orbeetle line, the Corviknight line, the Centiskorch line, the Drednaw line and the Dubwool line alongside an assortment of berry and rare cand yand bottle caps and so on.
Guess its important to note that this is a way for non dlc holders to snag those special starters. Though at this point, i wonder how many of that number are even left?
Let's be honest they're not changing the release schedule. We all wish they would cause we know how many problems the games have due to being rushed out asap to meet deadlines, whenever these are TPCI or self-imposed by GF, but if they wanted to, they would have already done it for SwSh.
They should though. Not for our sake or the games, but for their employees. Even with two teams working on separate projects, I imagine there is a still of lot of crunch and overtime for the employees, especially with a strict schedule. Their poor employees are probably overworked, and considering the Japanese culture, there is probably not extra pay.
They should though. Not for our sake or the games, but for their employees. Even with two teams working on separate projects, I imagine there is a still of lot of crunch and overtime for the employees, especially with a strict schedule. Their poor employees are probably overworked, and considering the Japanese culture, there is probably not extra pay.
You're not wrong, but sadly from what I know, this isn't exactly a uncommon situation when it comes to japanese companies... heck, worldwide companyes if we have to look at certain other bigger names in the videogame industry :\

Since R_N only posted up to Gen III here are the others:

Very nice art, though curious why they chose to depict certain ones (like Dawn being chased by Gastly, not really something I remember Gen VI for, Rotom jumping from the TV I feel would have made more sense).

So do you think the misterious Victini encounter will somehow trigger at some point?

My guess it was just a leftover idea before they thought of having the Swords of Justice appear in the wild of Crowned Tundra thus used Keldeo instead.
I could see a situation where they just drop the Home update alongside SV and don't bother updating SWSH in any capacity (so all the pokeballs just display as....pokeballs, gotta delete the moves in LA, just displays no mark, etc)

the scrapped victini event will just always be there, standing there, unused, intriguingly incomplete