Pokemon Sun and Moon Demo Datamine + Full Game Leaks Collection (Read the OP)

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Well, Jangmo-o is most certainly 782 in the dex and the pseudo legend of this gen, so that puts Kommo-o at 784 with pretty much legendary slots sitting after.
Is it? Have we seen its number? I've honestly forgotten. I didn't see it in the datamine video, at least, was it in some rando pre-release image?

Though it's worth noting that it could be somewhere in the middle or w/e. Garchomp is 445 out of 493 when looking at gen 4.
Ah perfect, thank you.

I guess the ultra beasts are helping here, then? 4 island guardians, solgaleo, lunala, marshadow, magearna would put us at 792
a few ultra beasts, maybe a few other mythicals, i can see the 80 number then. give or take
If Ultra beasts are catchable...
I'm still clinging onto hope there are mons after Jangmo-o that were scrubbed or something. That just doesn't make sense to me.
We've had 60 new mons revealed so that means there's like 10 more we haven't seen? Nonsensical

I agree, there have been suggestions that 143 new Pokemon have been added in total, but this is of course unconfirmed. It would be a shame to have only 10 new Pokemon to discover...
I'm still clinging onto hope there are mons after Jangmo-o that were scrubbed or something. That just doesn't make sense to me.
We've had 60 new mons revealed so that means there's like 10 more we haven't seen? Nonsensical

I mean do what you want. I'm just telling you what is most certainly the case.
Hrmm...didn't that image of the starter evo sprites go around some time ago, and was proven fake? Cause I kinda remember that being the case.
I agree, there have been suggestions that 143 new Pokemon have been added in total, but this is of course unconfirmed. It would be a shame to have only 10 new Pokemon to discover...

That information was stated well before the datamining even began. There are more Alolan forms though, so there's that to look forward to.
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