Because I've had a few reqeusts I'll do a plot summary
TLS plot Summary to this point: The overall Idea of TLS is to overthrow the smogon system and the council with it via any means necassary hence the Use of banned moves, Pokemon and even Mega's. TLS is based heavily on bad players as well as smogon Haters hence there goal is the downfall of the OU system.
Tho they have dablled in propaganda and scams There primary goal The Aquisition and cloning of legnedaries banned or not simply because legedaries according to noobs = Broken so that even there grunts can possess them and production of artifical mega stones through any means necessary. There labs, attempts to aqquire legandaries (Especially Diancie and Deity Class stuff) and stones are towards the ultimate goal known as operation bypass (to get around the councils control over banned pokemon) The Genesect Progect and the Siege to aqquire zapdos along with the earlier attack on mt dogars and sombre town are steps in the line towards there goal so to speak and what they learn here helps them later on.
Before Route 10: First seen around
Redarules Town TLS has grown from a disparate mix of anti-smogon misfits using random moody mons into a legitament threat to the region. First Trying there there hands in Orland City, they stole research on banned and overpowered pokemon as well the Beginning TLS tv the groups propaganda arm but it wasn't till Mt Dogars that TLS's aspirations began to become somewhat apparant to the wider public and the player had there first encounter. Here in almost open view was the team ripping apart an active volcano to try and locate heatran lead by the now forgetten admin gorbachello with his BP team. The shocking thing was until the player acted noboday tried to intervene. It was here TLS first declared there intentions to breakdown the OU system, a project called Bypass and heatran was the first step there none of them specified any further and much of TLS's goal remained a mystery. Through a guanlet of Grunts you battle's until They wavered and retreated but this was just the first of many encounters.
The Next came in Sombre town With Uxis the towns gym leader and eldar who later turned out to be a TLS admin and there 2nd in command working undercover to aqquire gengerite with another lower admin Nazelf. In a demonstration of just how insidous TLS's reach had become into the hearts of smogon but unbeknownst to you at that point the two orcestrated an attack to panic the town so that he could break down all the seals in soul prison with the aid of the player to successfully aqquire gengerite before himself sneaking off claiming he was gonna warn the council but instead rejoining his TLS comrade's.
With there first major success in hand and despite Constant interference from the council and player TlS managed to establish research labs and base's east of Ice mountain and expanded there Propaganda operation out of Psycrance...Until the player intervened and Uxis with his cover under-threat warned the towns gym leader of his approach before slipping east despite the risks to his team. Kidnapping 2 people Zarel and Engarde TLS in a bold bid to hook the regions PC network to uber island in a bid to speed up the aquisition of legendaries, TLS came dangourously close to an early victory over smog smog and it was only Zarels resistance in captivity that Prevented this. TLS became unravelled when Engarde escaped to tell the player of the impending danger and working through the 5 story building rescue'd Zarel, unraveled TLS tv before arresting Admin Nazelf in a major blow to the organisation and a huge setback that would see them pullback on there operations for awhile while the player journeyed through Concile and Starkstorm city.
The Genesect Lab and the Siege of the Air-pillar: Despite there now severe loss's in the north and west of the country TLS remained in a position of strengh establishing a lab under the command of New Admin lucille to clone genesect and aqquire zapdos so that everyone loyal to TLS could have them. With the Air-pillar locked due to ancient defense mechanisms the player is forced to fight through the lab first where detail's emerge of there attempts to aquire diancie (and the fact she makes mega stones naturally), a man named Verlisciel and there cloning experinments. Lucille with her Mawile try's to stop you but fails resulting in damage to some of the lab
Following defeat of admin Lucille and the freeing of a genesect you are guided towards the air-pillar that had sealed itself in response to TLS's Siege trapping those already inside within and using its raw power smash's open the seal before fleeing triggering a race to the top reach Zapdos before the man named verlisciel does. Here TLS and the very force's of the ancient futuristic tower throw everything they can at you to slow you down. The winds blow you back to bottom of the pillar if you take to long, TLS set traps and grunts come at you from all angles while even the computers seem against you. You to battle and learn the identity all 3 current admins Lucille, Denis and Off course 2nd in command Uxis who all do there best to stop you. But thats not all you see. You also battle
Karxrida a somewhat pissed trainer whom was trapped in the tower when the seige began whom offers you aid and you later learn that the Tower acted as a energy conduit, prison for the 3 legendary elemantal birds and theoretically make mega stone's
Finally tho you reach the top as an Explosion occur's revealing Zapdos and atlast the Man and TLS leader Verlisciel whom order's his admins to retreat as well as deal with the fairy gym leader in the next town whom had been causing trouble. Verlisciel picking lucarionite from 1 of 3 megastones (Lucarionite, Blazikenite and Salamancite) then battle's the player revealing his intention to overthrow smogon and create a nation where anybody can use anything but also where the strong crush the weak. Verlisciel is everybit as hard as you can imagine but despite everything lose's but unfazed picks out salamancite to finish off the now exhuasted player when luckily for you 2 grunts intervene declaring they had found Diancie buying her off a terrified lady for 300 dollars, a mens magazine and machamp. Verlisciel happy with the news declare's he has all he needs for the overthrow of smogon and orders a retreat from the tower setting the stage for the next plot.
There we go that summurise the plot up to this point. I can add more detail and clean it up if players ask and I can edit my previous posts but thats it.
I'm busy the next few days so I'm gonna ask if either
Phione Anduril or
DarkNostalgia would like to wrap up the Route 10 TLS plot and move us onto route 11. Just make sure the Genesect Lab and Air Pillar posts are seperated into there respective parts so as to avoid confusion. Thanks for everything so far guys :D