Pokemon Legends - Arceus - 28th Jan 2022 *Official Content Only*

Additionally, their names are likely derived from “adamant”* and “iridescent” (loose synonym of “lustrous”).

*Adamant is likely used for the orb name due to its similarity to “adamantine” (unbreakable), which is a pun on how 金剛 (kongou, the Japanese word for “diamond”) can also be used to mean adamantine and the fact that the Adamant Orb is called こんごうだま (Kongoudama, Diamond Orb) in Japanese.

Actually "adamant" also has other ties to diamonds. Adamant used to be a word used for diamonds and are in fact derived from the same source, the Greek word Adamas. It also was generally associated with any hard material and diamond became the more common word for the gems in particular.
You know, something that boggles me so far is that the game is Legends: Arceus, but we haven't actually heard much of anything of Arceus at all.

Like sure we're exploring old sinnoh, pewpewing ancient pokemon and also getting straight up murdered by them, but where exactly does Arceus come into play?
Well really we hadn't hearda nything about the story. We have the set up, and that some things like the Alphas and Nobles going berserk are probably tied to it (iirc, at least its hinted as such) but that's it
Which I guess isnt new for the series, for the most part we didn't know anything about the actual plot of XY (Flare wanted money, everything else? nadda), SM or SWSH.
So I'm late to the party it would seem, mainly because I was busy this morning with an exam, but hey, looks like more news drops while I was out.

So it seems some of the Wardens are part of two different clans, the Diamond Clan and the Pearl Clan. Seems like they may each be noble to one of the two space-time deities (Dialga or Palkia), and they each have leaders. It seems like Volkner and Cynthia each have ancestors of their own too, so we finally saw that.

This is gonna be interesting. I wonder how the two factions will come into play in this game. The more that comes out the more interesting this game gets.

You know, something that boggles me so far is that the game is Legends: Arceus, but we haven't actually heard much of anything of Arceus at all.

It'd probably supposed to be a huge mystery all in all, or in other words, it's an important part of the story that's likely meant to be a big surprise to the player. You wouldn't want your players to have such an important piece of the experience be completely spoiled before they actually get around the playing it, right? Arceus is on the title, but its involvement is likely a secret and not one we should be knowing about beforehand.

It helps keep the suspense until we all get to actually experience the game beforehand.
It'd probably supposed to be a huge mystery all in all, or in other words, it's an important part of the story that's likely meant to be a big surprise to the player. You wouldn't want your players to have such an important piece of the experience be completely spoiled before they actually get around the playing it, right? Arceus is on the title, but its involvement is likely a secret and not one we should be knowing about beforehand.

It helps keep the suspense until we all get to actually experience the game beforehand.
Not going to disagree with you, but it's pretty rare for game advertising nowadays to actually not reveal anything of the plot or antagonists (all that we know is these "noble pokemon" or something).

Not that's a bad thing eh...
>Legends Arceus has two central characters with a Leafeon & Glaceon duo
>Meanwhile in BDSP you can't even get Eevee before postgame b/c DP base and it isn't in Underground for some ungodly reason
Good to know there was no coordination between the two dev teams at all
They probably did not even remotely care about aligning on something like this (or at all, but much less something like this)
Adaman and Irida can be seen wearing the Adamant Orb and Lustrous Orb, respectively.
Additionally, their names are likely derived from “adamant”* and “iridescent” (loose synonym of “lustrous”).

*Adamant is likely used for the orb name due to its similarity to “adamantine” (unbreakable), which is a pun on how 金剛 (kongou, the Japanese word for “diamond”) can also be used to mean adamantine and the fact that the Adamant Orb is called こんごうだま (Kongoudama, Diamond Orb) in Japanese. Nvm I’m dumb see Mad Ram’s reply

As for their Japanese names, my best guess is that セキ (Seki, Adaman) is derived from 宝石 (ほうせき, houseki), meaning gem/jewel/precious stone, and that カイ (Kai, Irida) is derived from 石灰岩 (せっかいがい, sekkaigai), meaning lime limestone—perhaps in reference to cave pearls, which form in limestone caves. I’m much more certain about Seki than Kai, but my Japanese isn’t good enough to figure out any other potential origins—this is the closest to a pearl reference I could find.

Dawg, that's a Prism Sphere and a Pale Sphere respectively. They're found in every corner of the Sinnoh Underground.

Yeah, especially considering that the final form of one of the Gen 6 starters is literally THE MOST POPULAR POKEMON OF ALL TIME. I'm honestly surprised Greninja wasn't in either of the SWSH DLCs, but I digress.
Greninja was also voted the most popular Pokemon in that Japanese only popularity poll from the ORAS era, so I think it's safe to say that it's the most popular Pokemon currently. "All time" may have been an exaggeration, but it's definitely the most popular Pokemon in the modern era of Pokemon.

I have a kind of visceral reaction to this narrative. I sincerely cannot wrap my head around it.

It's bewildering that Greninja won at all in 2014. I remember back when the XY starters leaked just ahead of the international release. We had a "meh" fox mage, an okay soldier boy, and a pencil-thin almost-frog with a chaotic jumble of polygons for a head. On arrival, it was proto-Inteleon except with even more tongue. If you had told me in 2013 that Greninja would be the most popular Pokémon of Gen 6, let alone the whole series, I would have gratuitously insulted your mother.

But oh well. It could be chalked up to current relevance. It's like calling Joe Biden the most popular American president of all time because (1) he got more votes than any of his predecessors and (2) he dominates the news cycle at the time of this post. He's also yucky, much like a certain frog humanoid. No one would earnestly argue he is the G.O.A.T., right?

That makes it all the more bewildering that Greninja is still winning polls in 2020 instead of more recent additions like Dragapult and Cinderace. I mention those two in particular because Dragapult shares the same alien design choices as Greninja and Cinderace is being pushed on TV like Greninja before it. What does Greninja have that those two don't? Is there something it did first that no later addition has matched? Does Greninja-Ash alone somehow make up the difference? What am I missing?

I can only rationalize it in terms of demographic nuance. For one, I never seem to hear about these polls until after the fact, and surely I am not alone in this. At the same time, I imagine XYZ-consumers adore the frog on a level unrivaled anywhere else in the fandom and flock to these polls in droves. Greninja has a supremely dedicated fan club—I'll grant it that—but I do not see it being a universal fan favorite.

Also, it seems like the Diamond/Pearl clan are using Sinnoh as the name of the creator deity of Hisui? Plot is thickening....
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This is some interesting info. So Sinnohwas the name of an entitiy (Or entities?) and the region was named after that. From the way Iririda and Adaman speak, Sinnoh is some sort of deity. What I'm curious about iswhether Sinnoh is meant to be Arceus or the respective legendary dragons of each clan, or the creation trio as a whole.

Finally. Finally.

One of my biggest pet peeves in this entire Pokémon world (that most will agree is a never-ending font of pet peeves) is the misuse of the name Arceus. I do not mean that it's sacred or never to be uttered in vain. I mean that it should be unknown to practically every living person in the series. To see fan labors get by with lazy oaths like "Oh my Arceus" and "Giratina take me" and get praised for their quality of writing drives me up a wall. Those are not household names. They are not used by the people of Sinnoh. They sure as hell are not used by the people of Kanto Route 2.

I, for one, welcome the mysterious "almighty Sinnoh." Whether it refers to Arceus itself or the conflated image of Dialga and Palkia, I welcome a name that underscores just how obscure those entities are and just how incomplete the region's mythology is meant to be. It's ironic... that I, at last, should buy into "Sinnoh confirmed."

...Wait. Oh God. They wouldn't actually give them a fusion for this game, would they?
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If we really want to split hairs Arceus is kind of both of them to begin with to the point where I wonder if there's a third clan that just outright worships Sinnoh (which is to say, in this case, Arceus) from that perspective

Giratina who
Giratina in kind of a sad spot in general.
Even if it gets a lot of exposure in this game, and sympathy for that matter, it's destined to be forgotten again like it seemingly is in Hisui: its lake kept secret, its presence basically excluded from most texts, its name all but forgotten and the world it belongs to spoken infrequently.
That makes it all the more bewildering that Greninja is still winning polls in 2020 instead of more recent additions like Dragapult and Cinderace. I mention those two in particular because Dragapult shares the same alien design choices as Greninja and Cinderace is being pushed on TV like Greninja before it. What does Greninja have that those two don't? Is there something did it first that no later addition has matched? Does Greninja-Ash alone somehow make up the difference? What am I missing?
Maybe - and just hear me out here - it could be because it's... popular?

It's honestly not that hard to wrap your head around when it's had constant media appearances since 2014; being a big part of Ash's team for a while, getting in Smash, getting a whole new form in Gen 7... it's strange for sure that anything but Pikachu or Charizard won, but sometimes it's good to realise that the corners of the internet you interact with are ultimately just a small aspect of the fanbase (especially fanbases where the majority are made up of pre-teens who aren't posting #BringBackNatDex on Twitter). It's just a popular Pokémon, as multiple polls have now shown with no real evidence to the contrary
I have a kind of visceral reaction to this narrative. I sincerely cannot wrap my head around it.

It's bewildering that Greninja won at all in 2014. I remember back when the XY starters leaked just ahead of the international release. We had a "meh" fox mage, an okay soldier boy, and a pencil-thin almost-frog with a chaotic jumble of polygons for a head. On arrival, it was proto-Inteleon except with even more tongue. If you had told me in 2013 that Greninja would be the most popular Pokémon of Gen 6, let alone the whole series, I would have gratuitously insulted your mother.

But oh well. It could be chalked up to current relevance. It's like calling Joe Biden the most popular American president of all time because (1) he got more votes than any of his predecessors and (2) he dominates the news cycle at the time of this post. He's also yucky, much like a certain frog humanoid. No one would earnestly argue he is the G.O.A.T., right?

That makes it all the more bewildering that Greninja is still winning polls in 2020 instead of more recent additions like Dragapult and Cinderace. I mention those two in particular because Dragapult shares the same alien design choices as Greninja and Cinderace is being pushed on TV like Greninja before it. What does Greninja have that those two don't? Is there something did it first that no later addition has matched? Does Greninja-Ash alone somehow make up the difference? What am I missing?

I can only rationalize it in terms of demographic nuance. For one, I never seem to hear about these polls until after the fact, and surely I am not alone in this. At the same time, I imagine XYZ-consumers adore the frog on a level unrivaled anywhere else in the fandom and flock to these polls in droves. Greninja has a supremely dedicated fan club—I'll grant it that—but I do not see it being a universal fan favorite.

Greninja was at the peak of competitive popularity back in 2014, not just in Smogon metagames but even in VGC metagames. Protean is an absolutely god-tier ability and Greninja getting STAB in everything and messing with its types for defensive purposes was amazing, not to mention its super high Speed and good offenses helped make it a force in the competitive Pokemon sphere. Not only that, but the year of 2014 was also when Smash for 3DS and Wii U came out, and Greninja was also at high popularity back then because of Smash, being a Pokemon who made it in as a playable character. It was a huge deal in gaming back then because of both its competitive stardom, being a powerful and fast mon with an ability that effectively gave it STAB on everything, making it a powerful OU staple and VGC staple as well, as well as being a main Smash character. The stars aligned for it to become as popular as it was that year: it had a god-tier Hidden Ability that made it a competitive superstar, Sakurai loved Greninja so much that he wanted to make it a character in Smash and thus it made it in as a playable character. That pretty much gave Greninja a ton of spotlight in 2014 that has persisted ever since.

Ash's Greninja having the Ash-Greninja super form in 2016 reinforced the popularity for sure, especially with it being a special mon you could get in Sun and Moon, but its initial popularity took off with how much a competitive powerhouse it was and being in Smash, and the XYZ anime with Ash-Greninja only served to reinforce its already existing popularity back then. As I said, Smash was a big, big factor beforehand. It's still in Smash Ultimate, it made it into Pokemon Unite last year as a playable character, and it's continued to be in the limelight in the mainstream media.

Keep in mind the 2020 Pokemon of the Year Poll was in early 2020, when Sword and Shield was only a few months old. Cinderace and Dragapult did take off and become immensely popular, but they had only existed for a few months at that time of February 2020 while Greninja had existed for years and had many things boosting its popularity beforehand. Competitive Pokemon and Greninja being a competitive superstar, Greninja making it into Smash, and Ash-Greninja combined all contributed to its popularity.
I keep reading Adaman as AdamMan.

I hope the plot is not paper thin, I feel like with all these moving parts we could have something interesting and engaging. Can someone remind me again if Team Galaxy are foreigners stationed in Hisui for research?

The clans thinking their respective legend is PokeGod/Sinnoh when it's actually the arc phone Arceus(?) is intriguing. What does it all mean? Big Arceus reveal? Realization that Dialga & Palkia built this country on friendship so the clans make peace?

GIRATINA WHERE. They better put some respect on my boy. Legends Giratina winter 2022.
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I keep reading Adaman as AdamMan.

I hope the plot is paper thin, I feel like with all these moving parts we could have something interesting and engaging. Can someone remind me again if Team Galaxy are foreigners stationed in Hisui for research?

The clans thinking their respective legend is PokeGod/Sinnoh when it's actually the arc phone Arceus(?) is intriguing. What does it all mean? Big Arceus reveal? Realization that Dialga & Palkia built this country on friendship so the clans make peace?

GIRATINA WHERE. They better put some respect on my boy. Legends Giratina winter 2022.
You...hope the plot is paper thin?

Galactic are a mix of Hisuians and foreigners. It's being lead by Rowan's ancestor specifically, Laventon is from another region, and the wardens that work with the team are presumably Hisui native, but I don't think we know where Cyllene is from.
What the fuck is a Ginkgo

Galaxy Team -> Team Galactic
Diamond Clan -> People who played Diamond version
Pearl Clan -> People who played Pearl version
Ginkgo Guild -> ?????????

Are they supposed to represent Giratina? Their logo vaguely resembles Giratina's head.

Unrelated but I hate how Adaman's face looks.
What the fuck is a Ginkgo

Galaxy Team -> Team Galactic
Diamond Clan -> People who played Diamond version
Pearl Clan -> People who played Pearl version
Ginkgo Guild -> ?????????

Are they supposed to represent Giratina? Their logo vaguely resembles Giratina's head.

Unrelated but I hate how Adaman's face looks.
They sell plants
Ginkgo is a plant

I don't think it's meant to be a proper guild tied to anything, I think it's just meant to be.....a plant.


Same vibe. Your eyes are too damn big, Adaman.