So on this point, I have info to share that may or may not be of interest for both possibilities.Extra, Misc Predictions:
-For Pokemon Go specifically, I think they'll announce Koraidon & Miraidon coming. They're the only box legends left, even Galar had the wolves for their little "preview" a while back. I could also see a Galar announcement proper happening...the Galar pokemon in the game right now are pretty scatter shot and its not had a "proper" debut in the game and they have to do it EVENTUALLY, so a relative lull year that might focus on other games could work. But they did just start doing Paldea stuff not 6 months ago so who knows.
This prediction brought to you by Home Dex Madness Gang
Ah that's right, I forgot they pushed a bunch of things around that time. They also added a bunch of things around the Paldea drop that I assume was prep work too (the raidons, various paradoxes, stretchy tatsugiri, palafin off the top of my head)So on this point, I have info to share that may or may not be of interest for both possibilities.
On one hand, Koraidon and Miraidon were among a Datamine that was added last month with some other miscellaneous stuff (most of the base-Paldea Legendaries plus the missing Ultra Beasts) that got pushed alongside Annihilape's finalized moveset for the Go Battle Week event. This could suggest they are gearing up for them to hit the game soon. This might also tie into Miraidon's upcoming reveal/release on Unite. On the other hand, stuff has been mined in advance before and not pointed to an immediate/timely addition to the game either, especially if they want to have a lull in the new stuff on the heels of Go Tour.
Speaking of Go Tour this makes me think they might be doing Galar stuff soonish alongside something else. Some of the biggest points of sale for Gen 9 DLC were the new Evolutions on Galar lines, which Go has yet to debut. I could see them doing a Galar run event for the purposes of adding those base forms like Applin and Duraludon (the latter probably gonna be raid exclusive) so that they're ready in game to premiere Dipplin and Archaludon later. If the event is Galar themed then the Hero duo are overdue for a rerun of some kind (last seen in August 2022 I believe), whether in their base forms (with Shinies added) or debuting the Crowned forms. I definitely think with how strong Origin Palkia and Dialga look for PvP, Niantic would sell a lot of passes to both seldom-seen Legendaries and ones that match-up very well into them (Zacian Hero and both Crowned forms)
Speaking of Go Tour this makes me think they might be doing Galar stuff soonish alongside something else. Some of the biggest points of sale for Gen 9 DLC were the new Evolutions on Galar lines, which Go has yet to debut. I could see them doing a Galar run event for the purposes of adding those base forms like Applin and Duraludon (the latter probably gonna be raid exclusive) so that they're ready in game to premiere Dipplin and Archaludon later. If the event is Galar themed then the Hero duo are overdue for a rerun of some kind (last seen in August 2022 I believe), whether in their base forms (with Shinies added) or debuting the Crowned forms. I definitely think with how strong Origin Palkia and Dialga look for PvP, Niantic would sell a lot of passes to both seldom-seen Legendaries and ones that match-up very well into them (Zacian Hero and both Crowned forms)
I would agree with this logic for Enamorus, but Zacian and Zamazenta I'm more shaky on because the shinies DO ultimately exist already in the main series through legal means. Shiny Mew is even rarer but you can transfer the one from last Year's special research if you got it (and some people did to get the Mightiest Mark on it during the SV Mewtwo raid). Crowned forms would let them put that off a bit, but that is with the caveat that barring very bad movepools, they would strictly outclass the Hero forms in almost all content where the two are relevant, and given their story significance they feel like they'd be saved to tie into Eternatus appearing for obvious reasons. There's also the argument this would make them more likely to do it since Raid content is a form of monetization in this game, rather than freely catchable wild encounters as is the case with Meltan (who has only been shiny possible in a few events) or Gimmighoul (Shiny as yet unreleased in Go). It might incline people to spend more in hunting for Shinies that the main series doesn't offer easily, especially if they skipped SwSh where the code was an option. I know a couple people including myself who play the game's Daily Adventure Incense for the sake of getting the Galarian Birds without SwSh DLC as well.I also strongly doubt we'll get shiny Zacian and Zamazenta in Go any time soon. The event pair that were distributed a while back are still "current", so to speak - giving players the possibility of limitless shinies from Go would strongly dilute their value. They still can't even be traded over Home. So it's more likely they debut the Crowned forms, but honestly the Hero forms would likely be popular enough that they don't need to - they've not been in raids for ages, people will want them. There's a similar logic re Enamorus - the earliest I see it returning to Go (either in Elite Raids or regular raids) is this summer, but it won't be shiny-eligible for a long time to come. It's shiny-locked in the main series and it likely they'll do a shiny distribution to the main series at some point, but having it be shiny-eligible in Go would dilute the value of that too. If Enamorus were to be distributed in shiny form this year, I wouldn't expect shiny Enamorus to be released into Go for a couple of years at least.
Pokemon discourse would not leave such a bad taste in my mouth if the people who threatened to leave the series after Let's Go, and then SWSH, and then BDSP, and then SV just actually did what they said they wouldMe over the next 6 months when you are unable to do that and I see your roller coaster of coping/actually this is pretty good lmao/rage posting
I would agree with this logic for Enamorus, but Zacian and Zamazenta I'm more shaky on because the shinies DO ultimately exist already in the main series through legal means. Shiny Mew is even rarer but you can transfer the one from last Year's special research if you got it (and some people did to get the Mightiest Mark on it during the SV Mewtwo raid).
Enamorus is different since it does not have any form of legally available Shiny right now, plus they have other excuses to rerun it without its Shiny available (Elite -> Normal level raid, and an unreleased Signature move) whereas it would be much more arbitrary with Zacian/Zamazenta Hero.
At the end of the day this is just "Pokemon fans throw patterns at each other" as a topic, but it is hard for me to break that perspective myself.
ah, but remakes this year would break another pattern:
gen 2 remakes: gen 4
gen 3 remakes: gen 6
gen 4 remakes: gen 8
Here's a collective list of things we might see at the Pokémon Presents separate from my own predictions, ranked in tiers by how likely we'd be to see it and how hot of a take wanting to see this would be. Let me know if I forgot anything, I may edit this tomorrow![]()
- "Refuses to Try Hot Sauce" Tier: The most likely picks
- Pokémon Go content and/or raid update
- Pokémon Unite Miraidon reveal
- Pokémon Masters EX 4.5 anniversary details
- Something Pokémon Horizons related
- A segment about Worlds
- "Prefers Mild Peppers" Tier: Very possible but not guaranteed
- Pokémon Concierge Season 2 trailer (would be higher, but it's possible that episode recording/filming hasn't started yet)
- A new Johto game in some capacity
- "Spicy Barbecue Enjoyer" Tier: Starting to become less plausible
- A new Unova game in some capacity
- Generations 1 and 2 on Nintendo Switch, more than likely via Switch Online if this happens
- A Mystery Dungeon: Explorers remake
- "My Eyes Are Watering" Tier: Probably won't happen, for better or worse
- A new Mystery Dungeon game (not Explorers)
- Extra content for an existing spinoff, such as New Snap or Detective Pikachu
- "Crispin Would Be Proud" Tier: The spiciest takes of all
- A new Pokémon Ranger game
- Generation 10 games revealed, release date 2025-2026
Except not really?
Gen 3: FRLG (Remakes of Red & Green)
Gen 4: HGSS (Remakes of Gold & Silver)
Gen 5: Only Gen without a remake
Gen 6: ORAS (Remakes of Ruby & Sapphire)
Gen 7: Let's Go (Remakes of Yellow)
Gen 8: BDSP (Remakes of Diamond and Pearl)
So while the pattern of games being remade in the gen you get when you multiply their initial Gen by 2 would break (plus, that would not really be sustainable as we get later into the franchise), the pattern of a mainline remake almost every Gen since Gen 3 would still hold true. And funnily enough Gen 5 itself is the only Gen to not have a remake in it.
Throw in how much Unova we've gotten as of late (including the DLC that takes place right off the coast of it, also Koraidon and Miraidon's shiny's being BLACK AND WHITE RESPECTIVLY) and I feel like Unova remakes in some form are on their way. Only question is whether or not ILCA is involved.
Anyways, predictions:
Scarlet & Violet: New Update, with bug fixes, tweaks (namely a boost to the BP obtained from BBQ's and lowering the cost of things you can buy with them, especially the Biodiversity boosts and Coach invites), as well as Perrin now being able to show up (once you beat the Bloodmoon beast quest in Kitakami) and interact with people (I JUST WANT PERRIN AND RIKA TO INTERACT OK!) as well as a new mythical to release in March. Also new Raid Event, 7 Star Shiny Raidons to celebrate the Year of the Dragon, Tera Electric Koraidon with Fusion Bolt, and Tera Fire Miraidon with Fusion Flare. (Also as a reminder, Bolt is physical, Flare is special, hence why it's not the other way around.)
Masters gets anniversary stuff, as well as the announcement of 3 new Sync Pairs, Arven & Mabosstiff, Rika & Clodsire, and Larry & Flamigo / Staraptor, maybe also throw in Sada & Roaring Moon, and Turo & Iron Valiant.
Insert Cafe Remix, GO, UNITE, and other announcements here, maybe also Horizons & Concierge, and an NSO announcement
End with the announcement of Black and White remakes, maybe Legends Kyurem, and an additional Tera Raid event, focusing on Hidden Ability Unova Starters with special moves they normally don't learn, Tera Dragon Serperior with Draco Meteor, Tera Electric Emboar with Supercell Slam, and Tera Normal Samurott with Shell Smash.
also Koraidon and Miraidon's shiny's being BLACK AND WHITE RESPECTIVLY.
They were available on the Wii U virtual console .Ah I do so miss ranger but I just don’t think it can work anywhere but the DS.
They were available on the Wii U virtual console .
Throw in how much Unova we've gotten as of late (including the DLC that takes place right off the coast of it, also Koraidon and Miraidon's shiny's being BLACK AND WHITE RESPECTIVLY) and I feel like Unova remakes in some form are on their way. Only question is whether or not ILCA is involved.
Frankly, regardless of whether Johto or Unova deserves a revisit more, I would be far less enthusiastic about Let's Go Johto or vanilla BW remakes than I would for a new Legends game in the "wrong" region.
Unless those nods to Unova were meant to be the "Gen V tribute" we get in lieu of an actual remake. You never quite know with Game Freak.Throw in how much Unova we've gotten as of late (including the DLC that takes place right off the coast of it, also Koraidon and Miraidon's shiny's being BLACK AND WHITE RESPECTIVLY) and I feel like Unova remakes in some form are on their way.
Just to make a bonkers prediction with no basis whatsoever, c'mon Game Freak let me see a new main series Colloseum-esque game or even a remake with a bunch of the newer mons, particularly those cut from SV. Build on the shadow mon concept, tie in to Pokemon GO which has been using Team Rocket with shadow mons. Just do it. I'll stop here to not venture too far into wishlisting :P
As a Ranger fan who has all three games on his Wii U, I would much rather play any of them on the DS. Confession time: I was actually considering making a Guardian Signs Let's Play thread using the Wii U version of the game, but I never actually got around to this since I didn't think it was worth it with how old my GamePad is and the fact that I don't feel like deleting my DS cartridge save file. DS games on the Wii U can be organized into two categories, and the Ranger games fall into the one where the GamePad is required for gameplay, instead of just needing to be on but letting you use certain other controllers. That said, they're not the worst of the games that require the GamePad, at least in my opinion. IMO you're better off trying to find a copy of the game via online retail since A. the Wii U eShop isn't open anymore, and B. even if it was, the combination of a refurbished DS to play on and a copy of one of the games is probably a better deal anyways, especially with how expensive the GamePad itself is (for context, I've seen GamePads sell for much more than these games).And how did they play? (never had a Wii U) I just can’t see it working with the Switch screen personally.
By that I meant going to Johto when expecting to go to Unova, or vice versa. Or for that matter, going to a different region entirely instead of either of those regions.Dumb question, what would constitute the wrong region? Not sure I understood this.
I've seen some people toss around the idea of one region between Johto and Unova getting a faithful remake this year and the other getting a new Game Freak project next year, so for instance ILCA Johto 2024 and BW3 in 2025, something like that. I dunno about anyone else but to me this would be so hilarious in the worst way possible. "Alright Unova fans, get hyped, we're a successor to Legends in your favorite region with bundles of new characters, Pokemon, locations and styles of play to explore! Oh and uh, Johtobros get a worse version of the game they played in 2009 I guess lol lol lmao lol"
Just in general, I think the idea of trying to split the difference between Johto and Unova in the same stroke is pretty unrealistic. Why would GF not just… pick one, and do the other later? Conceptually speaking, doing only one at a time gives them a roadmap that is a lot tidier and more concentrated. Think about like, the marketing and stuff. Two simultaneous nostalgiafests for two very different regions, and all their attendant characters, Pokémon, themes, and highlights, just sounds like a confused, unfocused juggling act that would probably only short-change both regions in the process.
(I also remain flabbergasted that “Let’s Go, Johto!” is still a present concept in the overall fandom conversation. They’ve already integrated most of the universally-liked stuff from LGPE into the mainline series! The only things that only another Let’s Go game could offer while still being a Let’s Go game are the catching mechanics and the candy-boosted stats!)