Data Pokemon ASB Mystery Dungeon General Thread

Destiny Warrior

also known as Darkwing_Duck
is a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Welcome to CAP ASB's Mystery Dungeon Roleplay! I hope you enjoy your stay.

ASB Mystery Dungeon

Basic Mechanics

Each dungeon is unique. Some dungeons are short, while others can be long. Different dungeons have different resident Pokemon. The layout of a dungeon also changes with each attempt, though its overall structure is similar over a variety of attempts. The aim of the player is to find the staircase on a floor to get to the next floor. The location of the staircase and the player on each floor are randomized. This means that a player may start right next to the staircase on a floor, or may have to search through an entire floor to find the staircase.

The player cannot bring all of his Pokemon in however. No more than four Pokemon may enter a dungeon at a time, and the sum of the Size Classes of all the Pokemon that are present on the team cannot exceed 14. Players may recruit Pokemon while they are exploring the dungeon. These Pokemon will join the player's active party only if the player has less than 4 Pokemon on their team, and the Pokemon would not break the SC cap.

Similar to the "original" PMD games and unlike the PMD2 games, for a player to be able to take a recruited Pokemon onto their mainstream ASB team, he/she must ensure that the Pokemon survives until the end of the dungeon. If the recruited Pokemon faints while in the dungeon and is not revived(discussed later), it is lost for ever from the player's party. The actual recruitment formula is given later in this thread.

Mystery Dungeon introduces a variety of new items. While the exclusive items have not been carried over to this RP, the other items such as the X-Ray Specs have. These items will be detailed later in the thread, because there are a LOT of them and they would take up several posts here.

Pokemon that appear in dungeons do not appear as they would in ASB. Their stats and other details are adjusted to suit the RP. Additionally, the concept of priority is scrapped. Instead a system of range is used. Moves have the same ranges as they do in the PMD games. While exploring dungeons, the Belly of a Pokemon goes down.


Every Pokemon has a special stat called IQ. This IQ stat is responsible for unlocking special skills known as "IQ Skills". Every Pokemon falls under an "IQ Group", which determines the IQ skills it can learn. There are 10 different IQ groups, A to J.

All Pokemon start at 0 IQ, including recruited Pokemon, even if they had a higher amount of IQ before recruitment.

The IQ stat of a Pokemon can be increased by consuming Gummis and Nectars. Gummis impact the Pokemon's IQ based on its typing. Each Gummi is associated with a type. The impact of Gummis is as follows:

Gummi type = 1 of Pokemon's types -> 5 IQ
Gummi type = Super-effective on Pokemon -> 4 IQ
Gummi type = Neutral on Pokemon -> 3 IQ
Gummi type = Not very effective on Pokemon -> 2 IQ
Pokemon is immune to Gummi type -> 1 IQ
Wonder Gummi -> +10 IQ
Nectar -> +10 IQ

But you may wonder, "At what values of IQ do I gain IQ skills? Furthermore, are any IQ skills different in ASB?" Fear not, for they are given below, along with the description of the IQ skill:

Escapist - Base Skill
Allows Pokemon to explore dungeons. This IQ skill cannot be turned off.

Item Master - Base Skill
Pokemon can use held items and items from the bag. This is necessary if you want a Pokemon to be revived by a Reviver seed.

Experienced Traveler - Base Skill
This Pokemon gains +1 Movement speed if all of its allies have fainted.

Item Catcher - Base Skill
Can catch thrown items.

Efficiency Expert - 1 IQ
In a Monster House, this Pokemon does +1 bonus damage if it is attacking the Pokemon with least HP.

Status Evader - 3 IQ
This Pokemon has a 10% chance of evading a hostile status move.

Cheerleader - 3 IQ
This Pokemon raises the Atk and SpA of nearby(within a 2 tile radius) by 1 stage.

Nontraitor - 4 IQ
This Pokemon will never hurt its allies in any circumstance due to a status condition.

Acute Sniffer - 5 IQ
On entering a floor, this Pokemon will be able to tell how many items are present at the time of entering. Buried items are included in this, though items in Sealed Chambers are not.

Energy Conserver - 6 IQ
8% chance that the Pokemon does not expend energy when using an attack.

Bodyguard - 7 IQ
This Pokemon will take hits instead of it's low HP(<=25% max HP) ally, as long as it itself is not at low HP.

Self-Curer - 7 IQ
This Pokemon cures itself of temporary status effects sooner.

Brick-Tough - 10 IQ
+10 max HP while inside a dungeon. This IQ skill can't be turned off.

Type-Advantage Master - 11 IQ
Critical hit rate doubles when using a super-effective attack.

Weak-Type Picker - 13 IQ
This Pokemon's attacks get a bonus +2 BAP if super-effective.

Power Pitcher - 13 IQ
Items thrown by this Pokemon do 30% more damage.

Survivalist - 14 IQ
This Pokemon's Belly is increased by 10%. It also has a 50% chance to negate the effects of a consumed Grimy Food.

Coin Watcher - 15 IQ
Cash picked up by this Pokemon has 120% of its actual value.

Nonsleeper - 16 IQ
This Pokemon is immune to all moves that induce sleep while in a dungeon.

Gap Prober - 17 IQ
This Pokemon's line-range moves and thrown items bypass allies.

Wise Healer - 18 IQ
This Pokemon's natural regeneration is boosted by 15%.

Wary Fighter - 18 IQ
If this Pokemon's attack misses, it will go one step back if there is room to do so.

Concentrator - 19 IQ
This Pokemon has a permanent +1 Accuracy stage, but also a -1 Evasion stage.

Deep Breather - 19 IQ
This Pokemon gains 6 EN each time to ascends/descends a staircase.

Practice Swinger - 20 IQ
If this Pokemon's attack misses, it will have a temporary +1 boost to both it's Attack and Special Attack.

Experienced Learner - 20 IQ
This Pokemon gains 1 extra MC for every 10 opponents that are KOed.

Agressor - 22 IQ
This Pokemon has a permanent +1 boost to its Attack and Special Attack, but suffers a permanent -1 stage Defense and Special Defense.

Defender - 23 IQ
This Pokemon has a permanent +1 boost to its Defense and Special Defense, but suffers a permanent -1 stage Attack and Special Attack.

Trap Evader - 24 IQ
This Pokemon has a 30% chance of not triggering a trap if it steps on it.

Metabolism Regulator - 25 IQ
This Pokemon's Belly reduction rate is reduced by 10%.

Sharp Shooter - 26 IQ
This Pokemon has an increase in critical hit rate of 1 stage.

Hit-And-Runner - 27 IQ
This Pokemon is immune to counterattacks.

Counter Basher - 28 IQ
This Pokemon has a 12% chance of returning the damage that it takes in full back to its foe when at <=50% HP. However, this IQ skill reduces both its Defense and Special Defense by 1 rank while in the dungeon.

Quick Healer - 29 IQ
This Pokemon naturally regenerates 1 extra HP every 20 steps.

Lava Master - 30 IQ
This Pokemon will not be burned if it steps on lava.

Multitalent - 31 IQ
This Pokemon has an extra 20 EN while exploring dungeons. This IQ skill can't be turned off.

Exp. Elite - 32 IQ
This Pokemon gains an extra MC for every 6 opponents KO'd.

Counter Hitter - 33 IQ
This Pokemon has a 10% chance of dealing 1/4th of the damage it takes when it is attacked.

Erratic Player - 34 IQ
This Pokemon increases the emphasis on types. Attacks involving this Pokemon either as a target or as an attacker change their SE and NVE multipliers to 1.8 instead of 1.5.

Haggler - 35 IQ
This Pokemon gets 20% better prices in dungeons at Kecleon shops, both for buying and selling.

Clutch Performer - 36 IQ

At low HP(<=25% max HP), this Pokemon gains a +1 stage boost in Evasion and Accuracy thjat lasts as long as it remains at those HP levels.

Collector - 37 IQ
Increases the chance of a foe dropping a box to 30%.

All-Terrain Hiker - 40 IQ
This Pokemon can walk on all non-wall ties.

Trap Buster - 42 IQ
This Pokemon has a 33% chance of destroying a trap when it triggers it.

Critical Dodger - 44 IQ
This Pokemon has a 50% chance of dodging a critical hit.

Stair Sensor - 48 IQ
On entering a floor, this Pokemon gets a compass bearing of the rough direction of the staircase.

Sure-Hit Attacker - 50 IQ
Attacks that cost 4 EN or less used by this Pokemon never miss.

Extra Striker - 52 IQ
Attacks with 6 or less BAP used by this Pokemon have a 10% chance of being used twice for 3 extra energy.

Quick Dodger - 54 IQ
This Pokemon has a 20% chance to evade any attack that targets it.

Fast Friend - 55 IQ
This Pokemon has a +10% chance of recruiting a wild Pokemon.

Intimidator - 56 IQ
This Pokemon has a 20% chance of making an adjacent foe flinch when it has to move.

No-Charger - 57 IQ
This Pokemon uses attacks that are delayed either due to a charge-up turn or an evasive turn at normal priority, at the cost of 5 extra energy.

Map Surveyor - 58 IQ
This Pokemon knows the entire map of the floor when it enters it. It still needs to explore it to find the staircase, items, etc. however.

Trap Seer - 60 IQ
This Pokemon reveals an invisible trap when it steps on it.

Quick Striker - 75 IQ
Attacks with 6 or less BAP used by this Pokemon are used twice for 6 extra energy.

House Sensor - 80 IQ
This Pokemon can sense a Monster House, and can alert others about it before they enter the room.

Pierce Hurler - 85 IQ
Items thrown by this Pokemon travel through Pokemon and walls till they disappear from the map. It affects all Pokemon that it passes through.

Nature Gifter - 90 IQ
Berries and Seeds eaten by this Pokemon affect everyone on the team.

Time Tripper - 95 IQ
This Pokemon has a permanent +1 Movement speed.

Absolute Mover - 99 IQ
This Pokemon can walk on any terrain, and can break down walls when it wants to walk through them.

Item Master
Item Catcher
Experienced Traveler
Status Evader
Acute Sniffer
Energy Conserver
Type-Advantage Master
Coin Watcher
Lava Master
All-Terrain Hiker
Trap Buster
Stair Sensor
Map Surveyor
House Sensor
Pierce Hurler

Item Master
Item Catcher
Experienced Traveler
Status Evader
Type-Advantage Master
Coin Watcher
Gap Prober
Wise Healer
Deep Breather
Lava Master
Trap Buster
Fast Friend
Trap Seer
House Sensor
Pierce Hurler
Nature Gifter

Item Master
Item Catcher
Status Evader
Type-Advantage Master
Power Pitcher
Practice Swinger
Experienced Learner
Counter Basher
Lava Master
Erratic Player
Clutch Performer
Extra Striker
Pierce Hurler

Item Master
Item Catcher
Experienced Traveler
Status Evader
Energy Conserver
Gap Prober
Practice Swinger
Trap Evader
Sharp Shooter
Lava Master
Counter Hitter
Clutch Performer
Critical Dodger
Stair Sensor
Extra Striker
Quick Dodger
Trap Seer
Quick Striker

Item Master
Item Catcher
Efficiency Expert
Status Evader
Power Pitcher
Wise Healer
Wary Fighter
Deep Breather
Energy Saver
Quick Healer
Lava Master
Counter Hitter
Sure-Hit Attacker
House Sensor

Item Master
Item Catcher
Status Evader
Energy Conserver
Type-Advantage Master
Weak-Type Picker
Gap Prober
Wary Fighter
Sharp Shooter
Lava Master
Exp. Elite
All-Terrain Hiker
Trap Buster
Stair Sensor
Hosue Avoider
Pierce Hurler

Item Master
Item Catcher
Status Evader
Acute Sniffer
Energy Conserver
Practice Swinger
Experienced Learner
Trap Evader
Quick Healer
Lava Master
Exp. Elite
Erratic Player
Critical Dodger
Stair Sensor
Quick Dodger
Map Surveyor
Trap Seer
Quick Striker

Item Master
Item Catcher
Efficiency Expert
Status Evader
Coin Watcher
Wise Healer
Wary Fighter
Deep Breather
Quick Healer
Lava Master
All-Terrain Hiker
Trap Buster
Critical Dodger
Quick Dodger
Fast Friend
House Sensor
Nature Gifter

Item Master
Item Catcher
Status Checker
Energy Conserver
Power Pitcher
Deep Breather
Practice Swinger
Experienced Learner
Sharp Shooter
Quick Healer
Lava Master
All-Terrain Hiker
Extra Striker
Quick Dodger
House Sensor
Time Tripper

Item Master
Item Catcher
Status Evader
Energy Conserver
Weak-Type Picker
Gap Prober
Wary Fighter
Practice Swinger
Energy Saver
Lava Master
Stair Sensor
Sure-Hit Attacker
Map Surveyor
House Sensor
Absolute Mover

Pokemon from Generations 1-4 use the same IQ groups as they do In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/the Sky. A full list will eventually be edited into this post.

"I want to use CAPs and Generation 5 Pokemon in dungeons! What IQ groups do they come under?"

The IQ groups of the CAP families(only the final evolutions are listed) are given below:

Syclant: Group C
Revenankh: Group E
Pyroak: Group A
Fidgit: Group H
Arghonaut: Group E
Stratagem: Group G
Kitsunoh: Group D
Cyclohm: Group C
Colossoil: Group B
Krilowatt: Group E
Voodoom: Group B
Tomohawk: Group H
Necturna: Group G
Mollux: Group E

The IQ groups of the Generation 5 Pokemon families(only the first stages are listed) are given below:

Snivy: Group E
Tepig: Group C
Oshawott: Group F
Patrat: Group G
Lillipup: Group D
Purrloin: Group B
Pansage: Group D
Pansear: Group D
Panpour: Group D
Munna: Group H
Pidove: Group A
Blitzle: Group C
Rogenrolla: Group B
Woobat: Group F
Drilbur: Group C
Audino: Group B
Timburr: Group D
Tympole: Group A
Throh: Group E
Sawk: Group C
Sewaddle: Group A
Venipide: Group G
Cottonee: Group H
Petitlil: Group D
Basculin: Group C
Sandile: Group C
Darumaka: Group C
Maractus: Group A
Dwebble: Group B
Scraggy: Group E
Sigilyph: Group F
Yamask: Group E
Tirtouga: Group A
Archen: Group C
Trubbish: Group F
Zorua: Group B
Minccino: Group G
Gothita: Group A
Solosis: Group E
Ducklett: Group D
Vanillite: Group D
Deerling: Group F
Emolga: Group A
Karrablast: Group G
Foongus: H
Frillish: Group E
Alomomola: Group H
Joltik: Group C
Ferroseed: Group B
Klink: Group H
Tynamo: Group F
Elgyem: Group E
Litwick: Group C
Axew: Group C
Cubchoo: Group B
Cryogonal: Group F
Shelmet: Group G
Stunfisk: Group A
Mienfoo: Group B
Druddigon: Group D
Golett: Group D
Pawniard: Group E
Bouffalant: Group F
Rufflet: Group D
Vullaby: Group E
Heatmor: Group G
Durant: Group G
Deino: Group C
Larvesta: Group F

Linking Moves

If the player has a Link Box in their bag, they can use it to link and delink moves. Linked moves are used one after the other(not simultaneously as in a combo). A link is one-way, and if the player loses the Link Box, is permanent until the end of the dungeon(unless the player somehow obtains another Link Box). Linked moves have a penalty of 5 Belly each time they are used, and cost (EC1 + EC2 + 5) EN. The Belly penalty cannot be circumvented by a Tight Belt.


One of the most important elements of Mystery Dungeon games is recruitment. If a wild Pokemon is impressed with you, and there is room for it on the party, it will make an offer to join you, which you can accept or decline. If a recruited Pokemon faints and is not revived while still in the dungeon, that Pokemon will permanently leave the team. If you manage to successfully take a recruited Pokemon with you to the end of the dungeon, it becomes a member of your mainstream ASB party, which you can claim in the prize claiming thread.

Recruitment can only occur after a Pokemon has been KO'd, with the KOing blow being landed by the chosen leader of the party. The exact recruitment formula is given below:-

Recruitment Chance=[{C/255)+M}*I*F*K*E]%

C = Capture Rate of Pokemon in the normal games
M = MIN[10, FLOOR(No. of moves the Pokemon knows)/10]
I = Item Boost(1.1 for Friend Bow, 2 for Golden Mask/Amber Tear, else 1)
F = Fast Friend Factor(1.1 is Fast Friend is active on leader, else 1)
K = Kecleon Factor(if Pokemon is Kecleon, K = 0.1)
E = Exploration Factor(If player is on a Solitary Exploration, 1.2, else if in Co-Op, 1)

Kecleon Shops

In dungeons, you will occasionally run into Kecleon shops. Kecleon shops stock items on their floors that you can buy using money that you find in dungeons. You can buy items from these shops, or sell any items that you have. Kecleon will also charge a higher price for items than they accept for them, because they need to make a profit(they have families to feed!). A Kecleon is scrupulous in a transanction however, and you can be sure they will not cheat you. However, they are also intolerant of thieves.

If you take an item from a Kecleon shop and refuse to pay, Kecleon will raise a red alert! All further Pokemon that spawn in the dungeon will be Kecleon, all out to avenge their brother. Kecleon come down on you in a storm, and it can be difficult to fight your way to safety. To make matters worse, if you steal from a Kecleon, your Escape Orbs will fail to work till you reach the next floor. Additionally, if you are KO'd, all Seeds in your bags will turn to Plain Seeds, as an additional punishment to your normal losing punishment.

If you do successfully steal from a Kecleon and live to tell the tale however, it is said a great treasure awaits you...

Fainting in a Dungeon

Dungeons are tough. If an exploration team faint while inside a dungeon, they are kicked out, they lose 1/4th of their items rounded down, selected randomly. This means that you could lose that all important Stamina Band, so be careful! There is one way to avoid this however, which is detailed later in the post. An exploration team is considered to have fainted if its appointed leader is knocked out, and cannot be revived.

Monster Houses

Monster Houses are traps set by a multitude of Pokemon in a dungeon. An unsuspecting explorer wanders into a room, and the Monster House pounces on him! Monster Houses are often tough to negotiate, as they involve several Pokemon attempting to attack you at once. Monster Houses are also laden with traps, which is another problem. Sometimes, however, there is no way but to take a deep breath and enter one, since the staircase to the next floor is there...

Secret Bazaar

Occasionally while exploring dungeons, you will uncover a hidden staircase. You can either follow this staircase to the Secret Bazaar, or ignore it and continue your dungeon exploration.

In the Bazaar, there are 4 Pokemon, who can assist you in the dungeon:

Shedinja: For the price of a mere 100 Poke, Shedinja will show you an escape route from the dungeon, allowing you to leave it without losing any of your items!

Mime Jr.: For just 100 Poke, Mime Jr. will restore all your Pokemon to full health, energy and Belly!

Lickilicky: For the small cost of a 100 Poke, Lickilicky will clean your items, and any sticky ones become usable.

Swalot: For 100 Poke, you can participate in the Swalot Lottery! You always win an item, but what exactly will it be?

Challenge Types

Players can explore dungeons in 2 different ways:

Solitary Exploration: The player explores a dungeon by himself. In a Solitary Exploration, players have a better chance of recruiting wild Pokemon.

Co-Operative Exploration: Two teams enter a dungeon simultaneously. If one team faints, the other team can attempt to rescue them on the same floor provided they have not already reached the staircase. However, the site of the first team will house a Monster House bent upon trapping the second team. If a team fights through the MH and successfully revives the first team, the first team's members who were alive at the time the leader fainted will revive with 80% of their max HP and 75% of their maximum EN each. A team can only be rescued in this manner 10 times in a dungeon.


Challengers get 0.1 CC for each room that they enter during the exploration(this includes the room they spawn in).

Challengers get 1 KOC for every 5 Pokemon the team KOes, which can be given to any of the Pokemon on their team, or converted to CC at the end of the challenge.

Challengers' Pokemon get 1EC/1 MC/1DC for every 5 Pokemon that they KO. They are permitted to learn moves "on the fly" in certain dungeons.

Refs are paid 1.5 UC for generating a floor, and 1.5 UC for each round they then ref. A round consists of 20 "actions"(an action can be a move, usage of an item, or simply moving to another tile).


None as of now.
Items – Equippable

These items can be equipped to a dungeon explorer.


Bounce Band: Thrown items bounce harmlessly off the holder, and land in front of him/her.


Curve Band: Items thrown by the holder that fly in a straight line turn to the side when encountering a wall, and keep doing so until they strike an enemy, or they enter an infinite loop. If the latter case occurs, then the thrown item stops at the first wall of the loop.


Def. Scarf: Boosts the Defense stat of the holder by one(1).


Detect Band: Holder has a 25% chance of evading an attack that strikes it.


Diet Band: Doubles movement speed of the holder, but increases the rate of Belly drop to 150%.


Dodge Scarf: Holder evades all thrown items. Items that fly in an arc land behind the holder, while those that fly in a straight line act as if the holder doesn't exist, and follow their normal behaviour.


Friend Bow: Boosts recruitment rate by 10%.


Heal Ribbon: Holder's natural regeneration increases to 150%, but Belly reduction rate is increased to 125%.


Joy Ribbon: Holder receives 0.1 extra MC each time it is hit.


Mobile Scarf: Allows holder to walk on any terrain, and walk through walls, but the latter doubles(2x) its Belly reduction rate while it is in the wall.


Munch Band: Boosts holder's attacking stats by one(1) rank each, but increases Belly consumption rate to 150%.


No-Stick Cap: Holder reveals Sticky Traps when he/she steps on them, but never triggers their effect.


Pass Scarf: Passes on the effects of moves classified "Other" to a random adjacent Pokemon(except for the user of the move), but increases Belly consumption rate to 125%.


Patsy Band: Doubles the chance of being hit by a critical hit.


Pecha Scarf: Prevents the holder from being poisoned.


Persim Band: Prevents holder from becoming confused.


Pierce Band: Items thrown by the holder that travel in a straight line do not stop until they strike a wall, and affect all Pokemon that they pass through.


Plain Ribbon: No effect.


Power Band: Raises the Attack stat of the holder by one(1).


Racket Band: Holder wakes up any sleeping Pokemon in a room when it enters it.


Sneak Scarf: Allows holder to sneak past sleeping Pokemon without waking them up.


Special Band: Raises the Special Attack stat by one(1).


Stamina Band: Reduces Belly reduction rate of holder to 50%.


Tight Belt: Reduces Belly reduction rate of holder to 0%, except when walking through walls, where it is 75%.


Trap Scarf: Holder can reveal traps by stepping on them, but does not trigger their effect.


Twist Band: Prevent attacks that lower a Pokemon's Attack and Special Attack stat from working.


Warp Scarf: Holder has a 5% chance when he/she moves to warp to a random location on the floor.


Weather Band: This Pokemon is immune to the effects of weather in the dungeon.


Zinc Band: Raises the Special Defense stat of the holder by one(1).

Goggle Specs: Reveals hidden traps and Invisible Pokemon


Insomniscope: Prevents holder from falling asleep.


Lock-On Specs: Ensures that thrown items cannot be dodged or caught.


No-Aim Specs: Thrown items will fly in a random direction.


Whiff Specs: Thrown items never hit.


X-Ray Specs: Holder is alerted to spawning of Pokemon, locations of enemies, and locations of items(buried items do not appear).
Items – Usable
There are 2 kinds of throwing items; those that fly in an arc, and those that travel in a straight line.

Throwing items that fly in an arc do not require the target to be in line with the thrower. These items fly high and strike the target. They can fly over walls, and cut corners. However, they require the target to be visible. They can also be thrown over allies, so as to strike an opponent that is behind a party using the Pokemon in front. If there is no opponent in range of the item, it will travel a short distance forward and then land.

Throwing items that fly in a straight line require that the target not be behind any obstacles in order to successfully strike. These items fly at a medium hight. They cannot pass through walls, and cannot cut corners(unless the thrower is equipped with a Curve Band). They do not need the target to be visible. They cannot be thrown through allies, except under certain conditions. These items travel in a straight line until they hit a wall, or a target.


Cacnea Spike: Flies in a straight line. Does 30 damage to the Pokemon it strikes.


Corsola Twig: Flies in a straight line. Does 30 damage to the Pokemon it strikes.


Gold Fang: Flies in a straight line. Does 30 damage to the Pokemon it strikes.


Gold Thorn: Flies in a straight line. Does 35 damage to the Pokemon it strikes.


Iron Thorn: Flies in a straight line. Does 20 damage to the Pokemon it strikes.


Ancient Fossil: Flies in an arc. Does 35 damage to the Pokemon it strikes.


Silver Spike: Flies in a straight line. Does 25 damage to the Pokemon it strikes.


Stick: Flies in a straight line. Does 10 damage to the Pokemon it strikes.


Geo Pebble: Flies in an arc. Does 10 damage to the Pokemon it strikes.


Gravelerock: Flies in an arc. Does 20 damage to the Pokemon it strikes.

All-Hit Orb: Gives all Pokemon in the room on the team of the user a Focus Energy status for the next 3 rounds.


All-Mach Orb: Ups movement speed of all friendly Pokemon in the room and the user by 1 level.


Blowback Orb: Sends a target along a straight line flying back till it either strikes a wall or another Pokemon. Does 15 damage to the target, and 5 damage to any Pokemon that was struck.


Cleanse Orb: Cleans up all items, and removes stickiness if any.


Decoy Orb: Target becomes a decoy, and is the target of all the attacks of its allies.


Drought Orb: Evaporates all water and removes all magma from the floor.


Escape Orb: Warps all Pokemon on the team out of the dungeon. Fails if user has stolen from a Kecleon on that floor.


Evasion Orb: Raises Evasion stage of the user by 1.


Fill-In Orb: Fills a water/magma tile in front of the user with land.


Foe-Fear Orb: Frightens all foes in the room, sending them into a Terrified status condition.


Foe-Hold Orb: Petrifies all foes on the floor, preventing them from moving until they have been attacked.


Foe-Seal Orb: Prevents all foes on the room from doing anything for six(6) rounds.


Hail Orb: Summons permanent hail.


Hurl Orb: Hurls target backwards till it strikes a wall or another Pokemon. Does 15 damage to the target, and 5 damage to any Pokemon that was struck.


Identify Orb: Reveals the location of all Pokemon on the floor that are holding items.


Invisify Orb: User becomes invisible.


Itemizer Orb: Turns the target into a random item in the dungeon.


Lob Orb: Inflicts 15 damage on a target a short distance away.


Longtoss Orb: Gives user Longtoss status. Any item the user throws will fly till it hits a wall or Pokemon.


Luminous Orb: Reveals the entire floor map.


Mobile Orb: Allows user to walk on lava, water and on air.


Mug Orb: Inflicts 10 damage on target and steals its item if it has one and the user does not.


Observer Orb: Gives the target a Paused status condition, preventing it from doing anything for 6 rounds.


One-Room Orb: Destroys all walls on the floor, making it one large room.


One-Shot Orb: 30% chance of instantly KOing target.


Petrify Orb: Inflicts target with Petrified status condition.


Pierce Orb: User gains Pierce Status. Items thrown by user will pass through walls and Pokemon without stopping till it leaves the floor.


Pounce Orb: User pounces to the first foe in front along the line it is facing or the wall, whichever comes first.


Quick Orb: Boosts Movement Speed of all Pokemon the user's team by 1 level.


Radar Orb: Reveals the locations of all enemies on the floor.


Rainy Orb: Summons rain.


Rebound Orb: User rebounds 1/4th of all physical damage done to it.


Rocky Orb: Inflicts 10 damage and reduces target's Movement Speed by 1 level.


Rollcall Orb: Summons all of user's teammates to it.


Sandy Orb: Summons a sandstorm.


Scanner Orb: Reveals location of all items that are lying on the floor.


See-Trap Orb: Reveals all traps in the room.


Shocker Orb: Target's attacks go in the opposite direction as intended.


Silence Orb: Prevents target from using sound-based attacks.


Sizebust Orb: Inflicts 6*SC damage on target.


Slow Orb: Reduces movement speed of target by 1 level.


Slumber Orb: Puts all foes in the room to sleep for 5 rounds.


Snatch Orb: Puts the user in a Snatch state.


Spurn Orb: Warps all foes in the room to a different place on the floor.


Stairs Orb: Reveals the location of the staircase on the floor.


Stayaway Orb: Petrifies target and sends it to the stairs.


Sunny Orb: Summons sunny weather.


Switcher Orb: User switches places with the target.


Totter Orb: Confuses all foes in the room.


Transfer Orb: Transforms target into a different Pokemon found on that floor.


Trapbust Orb: Destroys all traps in the room.


Trapper Orb: Sets a random trap on the tile the user is standing on. Cannot be using in a passage.


Trawl Orb: Brings all items on the floor to the user.


Two-Edge Orb: Reduces the HP of all Pokemon on the floor(foes, allies and the user) to 1. Can only be used by a dungeon explorer.


Warp Orb: Warps target to a random location on the floor.
Items – Food, Lookalike, Miscellaneous

Apple: Restores 50 Belly when eaten. If Belly is full when consumed, It increases total Belly size by 10 for the remaining time in the dungeon.


Big Apple: Restores 100 Belly when eaten. If Belly is full when consumed, it increases total Belly size by 20 for the remaining time in the dungeon.


Huge Apple: Restores Belly to maximum when eaten, and increases total Belly size by 15 for the remaining time in the dungeon.


Golden Apple: Restores Belly to maximum when eaten, and increases total Belly size by 50 for the remaining time in the dungeon.


Grimy Food: Restores 40 Belly when eaten. Inflicts a random status effect(burn, paralysis, confusion, poison, sleep) on the consumer.

Black Gummi: Fills Belly slightly and raises IQ.


Blue Gummi: Fills Belly slightly and raises IQ.


Brown Gummi: Fills Belly slightly and raises IQ.


Clear Gummi: Fills Belly slightly and raises IQ.


Gold Gummi: Fills Belly slightly and raises IQ.


Grass Gummi: Fills Belly slightly and raises IQ.


Grey Gummi: Fills Belly slightly and raises IQ.


Green Gummi: Fills Belly slightly and raises IQ.


Orange Gummi: Fills Belly slightly and raises IQ.


Pink Gummi: Fills Belly slightly and raises IQ.


Purple Gummi: Fills Belly slightly and raises IQ.


Red Gummi: Fills Belly slightly and raises IQ.


Royal Gummi: Fills Belly slightly and raises IQ.


Silver Gummi: Fills Belly slightly and raises IQ.


Sky Gummi: Fills Belly slightly and raises IQ.


White Gummi: Fills Belly slightly and raises IQ.


Wonder Gummi: Fills Belly and raises IQ greatly.


Yellow Gummi: Fills Belly slightly and raises IQ.
All Seeds restore 5 Belly. If thrown, the Pokemon they affect is considered to have eaten them, with the exception of the Blast Seed, which instead does 15 damage. All these items have the same overworld sprite, so till a player picks one up, he/she will not know what it is.


Blast Seed: Does 20 damage to the Pokemon in front of the consumer.


Blinker Seed: Blinds the Pokemon that eats it for 5 rounds(accuracy is halved, and they cannot observe where their enemies are).


Doom Seed: Reduces the DC of the consumer by 1. If the consumer had unlocked their DW ability, then it locks itself.


Eyedrop Seed: Reveals Invisible Pokemon and traps to the consumer.


Golden Seed: Increases the EC, MC and DC of the consumer by 3, 6, and 3.


Heal Seed: Heals all status afflictions of the consumer.


Hunger Seed: Reduces consumer's Belly size by 10, and gives them the Hungry(attacks do 5 less damage) status.


Joy Seed: Increases the EC, MC and DC of the consumer by 1, 2, 1.


Life Seed: Raises Maximum HP of the consumer by 5 for the duration of the dungeon.


Plain Seed: The leftovers of a Reviver Seed. No effect.


Pure Seed: Warps consumer to the stairs leading to the next floor.


Quick Seed: Raises Movement speed by 1.


Reviver Seed: Revives a fainted Pokemon. Only works if the Pokemon has activated the Item Master IQ skill.


Sleep Seed: Consumer is put to sleep for four(4) actions.


Stun Seed: Consumer is put in Petrified Status.


Totter Seed: Consumer enters Confused status.


Vanish Seed: Consumer becomes invisible.


Vile Seed: Reduces Defense and Special Defense ranks of consumer to 0 for the duration of the floor exploration.


Violent Seed: Increases Attack and Special Attack ranks of consumer by two(2) each for the duration of the floor exploration.


Warp Seed: Warps consumer to a random location on the floor.


X-Eye Seed: Gives the consumer X-Eye status. Enemies are all invisible, all items appear to be the same(a flower), and all allies appear to be Substitutes.

Calcium: Raises Special Attack of consumer by one(1) rank for the duration of the dungeon.


Ginseng: Raises BAP of any 1 selected move of the consumer by two(2) for the duration of the dungeon.


Iron: Raises Defense of consumer by one(1) rank for the duration of the dungeon.


Nectar: Raises IQ of the consumer by 10.


Protein: Raises Attack of consumer by one(1) rank for the duration of the dungeon.


Zinc: Raises Special Defense of consumer by one(1) rank for the duration of the dungeon.
Lookalike items appear like ordinary items. Their true nature is revealed to the player only when he goes up a staircase to the next floor. Until then, a Slip Seed will appear to be Sleep Seed in their bag etc. All of them fill 10 Belly.


Oren Berry: Reduces HP of consumer by 10.


Reviser Seed: When a Pokemon faints, it revives them, and then KOes them again.


Via Seed: Warps consumer to a random location on the floor.


Slip Seed: Allows consumer to walk on water on that floor.


Dough Seed: Doubles the money present on the next floor(explained in item generation).


Dropeye Seed: Blinds the user for 5 rounds(accuracy is halved, and they cannot see where their enemies are).


Mix Elixir: Restores 50 EN if consumer is Linoone, else only fills Belly.


Gone Pebble: User enters Endure state for the next 2 rounds.


Gravelyrock: If consumer is Bonsyly/Sudowoodo, IQ is increased by 10, else only fills Belly.


Wander Gummi: Blinds the user for 5 rounds(accuracy is halved, and they cannot see where their enemies are).


No-Slip Cap: 1 random item in the bag becomes sticky every 5 rounds as long as the item is equipped.


Gaggle Specs: Reduces evasion of holder by a flat 15%.


Y-Ray Specs: Items and enemies become invisible to the holder.

Link Box: Allows linking and delinking of moves.


Key: Can be used to unlock a door in a dungeon.


IQ Booster: Increases IQ by 1 every time the holder ascends/descends a staircase.
Players can explore dungeons in 2 different ways:

Solitary Exploration: The player explores a dungeon by himself. In a Solitary Exploration, players have a better chance of recruiting wild Pokemon.

Co-Operative Exploration: Two teams enter a dungeon simultaneously. If one team faints, the other team can attempt to rescue them on the same floor provided they have not already reached the staircase. However, the site of the first team will house a Monster House bent upon trapping the second team. If a team fights through the MH and successfully revives the first team, the first team's members who were alive at the time the leader fainted will revive with 80% of their max HP and 75% of their maximum EN each. A team can only be rescued in this manner 10 times in a dungeon.
Challenge Format
Signups for a Dungeon Exploration should follow the following format:
Note: Remember to include details of IQ(the IQ value and the known IQ skills).
Destiny Warrior said:
I would like to explore Apple Woods Solo/Co-Op(with X)!
1 x Sitrus Berry
1 x X-Ray Specs
3 x Insomniscope[/HIDE]
Post also reserved in case of future necessity.

Posts here are now permitted. Use this thread to ask questions, and to claim Dungeon-specific prizes!
This is a bit of a nitpick, but Group I lists PP Saver instead of Energy Conserver.

Also, is there a reason why Exp. Elite is basically worse than Experienced Learner, despite requiring more IQ to use it? On a related note, how do those two function together in Group G?

EDIT: Cool, thanks!
I didn't cross check with the other IQ skills when I made that list, hence that error. I'll fix it by swapping what they do.

Those 2 both work in Group G, so if you unlock both skills, you get the effects of both!