Name: az
Stats: 530 BST:
HP | Atk | Def | SpA | SpD | Spe |
70 | 60 | 100 | 120 | 100 | 80 |
Signature Move: Hellfire (--- BP |
| Status | 100% Accuracy | Burns the user and target. )
Move Description: The user engulfs everything around it in supernatural flame. Inflicts a burn on the user and the target.
Signature Ability: None
Signature Item: None
Item Description: ---
az @ Leftovers
Modest Nature
Ability: Flare Boost
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpaA / 252 Spe
- Hellfire
- Hex
- Calm Mind/Nasty Plot
- Dark Pulse
az @ Leftovers
Calm/Bold Nature
Ability: Flare Boost
EVs: 200 HP / 150 Def / 150 SpD
- Hellfire
- Hex
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
az @ Leftovers
Modest Nature
Ability: Flare Boost
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpaA / 252 Spe
- Incinerate/Fire Blast
- Hex
- Hypnosis
- Dream Eater
ok i wanted to make like a supernaturally burning fire that could drain tank you to death but i don't rly know anything about pokemon so give me your c&c
I'll give this a pog outa ten, Hellfire + Hex + Flare Boost is really cool and very strong. Like, crazy strong. As in, OHKO & 2HKOs everything that isn't already pretty bulky/a normal type kinda strong. That being said, Hex + Dark Pulse is pretty bad bc Ghost and Dark hit a lot of the same targets, with the only difference being Ghost can't hit Normal-types and Dark isn't SE against Fighting. So for your first set I'd recommend switching it out for Fire Blast. Wouldn't recommend giving it Fighting coverage or anything to let it hit Fairy-types, just to keep it balanced. Also I'd give the first set Life Orb but that's just me
I think the third set is very outclassed by the other two, due to a combination of Sleep Clause meaning you can only get boosted Hex on one opponent at a time + Dream Eater being bad + Hypnosis' low accuracy + no Flare Boost activation. Incinerate is a cool move but there's no reason to use it over Fire Blast since Fire Blast is so much stronger. If you want to keep this set I'd recommend substituting Leftovers for Blunder Policy and removing Dream Eater for further coverage moves, but the other two sets are just plain better
Also, while I was adding in the EVs for some damage calcs I noticed the second set's EVs are pretty wonky. Since your sub is gonna be spreading burns which half the opponent's Attack I'd probably say make it 248 HP/8 SpA/252 SpD with Calm. Mostly because that's what the teambuilder recommends when I type in your set in lol. I'm gonna run defensive calcs with the original set's EVs though, for consistency's sake
Ok it's five minutes after running some calcs and holy
shit this thing is strong. Boosted Hex + Flare Boost just murders everything that isn't Dark- or Normal-type, and most of the stuff that isn't can still be broken through with Hex spam or team support. Getting the opponent burnt is a requirement in order to start slaughtering teams. You don't need Calm Mind or Nasty Plot at all on the first set since you're straight murdering everything in sight, replace them with more coverage. Or maybe keep Calm Mind and substitute NP for coverage.
No reliable recovery is very bad for it and it's pretty slow compared to the rest of the offensive onslaught, but I'd still recommend keeping an eye on it when it comes to play testing
Anyways in conclusion I think this shit is fire and potentially broken? But it's hard to tell with shit like this just through theorising, so we'll see how it plays. Either way I really like this sub and it's gonna be fun to play around with when this stuff gets coded in proper
Also would like to mention that I did calcs vs the OU tier, not against the other subs, because that would've taken fucking ages