Programming Pokémon Showdown Damage Calculator

Would it be possible to add a "boost" button next to a boosting move so that you don't need to manually increase each stat? This would be helpful for moves such as Calm Mind, Quiver Dance, and Dragon Dance which boost multiple stats at a time, so clicking it once or twice or etc would make all the applicable stats +1 +2 etc

Not a huge deal and idk how much work it would be in a technical capacity but it would be a nice quality of life improvement :)
there's an issue with the way the calc and the extension for the random battle tooltip interact with each other. As soon as I added the extension to my firefox browser, this happened :
Capture d’écran (3).png

No matter what pokemon I chose, the attacks will still be the ones for the first pokemon available (here abomasnow). It doesn't work in the One vs One tab either. The issue stopped occuring as soon as I deleted the extension. This was on the latest version of firefox and I'm on a windows 10 computer.
Hello! I believe there is a discrepancy between damage calculator in /calc page and actual showdown play damage for generation 3 games. Below is the link to replay to which I will refer.

In this game, Latios is EVed to live a shadow ball from any deoxys-attack that is not holding a choice band. The exact EVs of latios can be seen at the end of replay through !showteam function. Deoxys-attack is holding spell tag, which should boost ghost moves by 10%. Here is what the damage calculator shows:

252+ Atk Spell Tag Deoxys-Attack Shadow Ball vs. 244 HP / 48 Def Latios: 306-360 (84.5 - 99.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

However, in turn 8 and turn 13 of this replay, it is showing that there is a chance for 100% damage on latios. Would you kindly review this calculation, please? As always, thank you for keeping this amazing website running!
Hi, pretty small request here, but Voodoom (CAP) was somewhat recently buffed and now has base 130 SpA. Additionally, the set in the damage calc does not match the smogon dex set, it should be max SpA not max HP.
there are calculators like the Pikalytics calc which have a dark mode which is quite eye-friendly (yes I just said that) for a person like me who is used to having Dark Mode on basically everywhere he goes. the PS! calc however, doesn't have a dark mode which is one out of the only few inconveniences I encounter. I'm surprised no one has talked about this before. hope this can be implemented, thanks
Hey mods, I think there is a bug in the ranbats calculator. I ran a +1 Def Gurdurr against a moxie scarf Krook, and CC (120bp no stab) is showing 13%, EQ (100+50 stab) is showing 8% and Knock ((65+32.5)/2) is showing 7%.

Pretty sure EQ is missing it's stab bones here
During this match, Flareon got OHKO. He used Rock Blast, which according to the calculation, it can not OHKO Flareon.
Even with Choice Band and Adamant nature Cincino.

But the fact that, he did.
I think there is a problem here.
The calculation had given the Berry for every single hits.
During this match, Flareon got OHKO. He used Rock Blast, which according to the calculation, it can not OHKO Flareon.
Even with Choice Band and Adamant nature Cincino.

But the fact that, he did.
I think there is a problem here.
The calculation had given the Berry for every single hits.View attachment 360650
it's because the calc is incorrectly counting the charti berry for all hits. if you remove charti berry you'll notice the damage just becomes double. this seems to be the case in all applicable gens
While Unaware ignores stat boosts just fine in the calculator,but there's a bit of an oversight.Doing,say,Melmetal Superpower twice on Quagsire is said to be not a KO,but in reality it has a good chance to KO because Unaware ignores the Superpower Attack drop.
i'd like to request a "copy to clipboard" feature where users can copy calcs to their clipboard. something like a pressable button can work.

i thought about this feature when i saw a user post screenshots of damage calcs using mobile. ideally, this feature would work for both desktop and mobile users (and i guess other compatible systems). desktop users can comfortably ctrl + c with minimal effort, but mobile users would appreciate this feature a lot... see this screenshot to understand what i mean.

yea, this seems like it would get tedious for the mobile user each time they reference calcs.

consider this small feature. take care.
Not sure if these have been discussed before, but I thought I'd drop in.

Is it possible to have RBY and GSC allow modification of Stat Exp? While it's not the most relevant thing in the world, Confusion damage among other bits are. Mewtwo in RBY Ubers also uses very specific Stat Exp distributions to prevent rollovers in the event its Special is dropped post-Amnesia. It's also somewhat relevant in a few side formats (eg. Hackmons with L255s to avoid rollovers, level-limited formats where getting Stat Exp isn't really possible).

On a side note, is it possible to add calculation for potential Confusion damage as well?

Hi ! Can we adress that ? n_n

Been told that PS Suggestions wasn't the right place to post about that, and also that Plague von Karma 's suggestion here never met an answer, which is pretty sad given how foundamental it was.

I hope this is seen this time ! Have a nice day.
It was already asked in post #404 but Aura Wheel still doesn't change if set to Dark. I took Keldeo as an example because it is weak against Electric and resists Dark
Can we add Flower Gift as another option to toggle? We already have a bunch of Doubles-related boosts from abilities, one more wouldn't hurt (and it's particularly relevant for VGC rn too)
It would be nice if we could have levels beyond 100 because in generation 1 it is possible to have pokemon of level up to 255 (and if the math works for higher numbers, seems like an unnecessary restriction, it could just show a warning at top that level is not a standard one, or have an option to allow those levels).
Might not be totally necessary, but Bolt Beak and Fishious Rend do not have their damage doubled when the "Switching Out" option is selected for the opponent like they should be. This makes calcing switches a tad annoying because you have to change the base speed stat of, say, Dracozolt in order to calc Bolt Beak correctly on a Dragapult switching in. It'd be nice if they were implemented with that option, thanks!
I noticed a weird discrepancy between the calculator and actual damage hits on Showdown.

I was testing Freeze-Dry's interaction with Tinted Lens on a Water/Steel type in, and I got this damage roll (this Kyurem doesn't have Tinted Lens, not that that should affect the damage roll anyways):

The opposing Kyurem used Freeze-Dry!
(Naviathan lost 31.5% of its health!)

However, putting in the same Pokemon into the calc, I get this:

0 SpA Kyurem Freeze-Dry vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Naviathan: 135-159 (38.9 - 45.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

Both Pokemon were 31 IV, 0 EV, neutral nature, and level 100 in both the calc and on Showdown, so I don't understand where the discrepancy is coming from.
I noticed a weird discrepancy between the calculator and actual damage hits on Showdown.

I was testing Freeze-Dry's interaction with Tinted Lens on a Water/Steel type in, and I got this damage roll (this Kyurem doesn't have Tinted Lens, not that that should affect the damage roll anyways):

The opposing Kyurem used Freeze-Dry!
(Naviathan lost 31.5% of its health!)

However, putting in the same Pokemon into the calc, I get this:

0 SpA Kyurem Freeze-Dry vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Naviathan: 135-159 (38.9 - 45.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

Both Pokemon were 31 IV, 0 EV, neutral nature, and level 100 in both the calc and on Showdown, so I don't understand where the discrepancy is coming from.

Showdown autosets your EVs to 252 in everything in Custom Game and related formats if they are all 0. You can confirm this using the !showteam command or checking in battle stats.

252 SpA Kyurem Freeze-Dry vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Naviathan: 118-141 (28.7 - 34.3%) -- 4% chance to 3HKO
This is very minor as Psywave is a very rare move to see competitive use, but I've noticed it doesn't actually function in the damage calculator at all, unlike Seismic Toss and Night Shade. As far as I know, the only Pokemon to use Psywave are a few mediocre RBY Pokemon like Butterfree and (I think) Bronzor in newgen lower-tiers, so I understand why, but it would be nice to have for damage comparison.

For example;

Psywave is currently programmed as what seems to be a 1 Base Power move. The correct appearance would be 0 - ~41.2% I think?

Again I know this is very minor and the amount of changes Psywave has seen over the years imply it'd be more trouble than it's worth. Regardless I thought I'd put something here.
Hello my name is Bob.
Bob just found something that he believes there is something wrong with this.

252 Atk Choice Band Urshifu-Rapid-Strike Surging Strikes (3 hits) vs. 240 HP / 180+ Def Shuckle on a critical hit: 222-270 (92.1 - 112%) -- approx. 43.8% chance to OHKO

252 Atk Choice Band Urshifu-Rapid-Strike Surging Strikes (3 hits) vs. 236 HP / 180+ Def Shuckle on a critical hit: 222-270 (92.5 - 112.5%) -- approx. 81.3% chance to OHKO

As you can see, unless Bob missing something, there is no way 4 EVs can make huge difference in approximate chance to OHKO.

Bob only want to report that, thank you have a good day.
Hello my name is Bob.
Bob just found something that he believes there is something wrong with this.

252 Atk Choice Band Urshifu-Rapid-Strike Surging Strikes (3 hits) vs. 240 HP / 180+ Def Shuckle on a critical hit: 222-270 (92.1 - 112%) -- approx. 43.8% chance to OHKO

252 Atk Choice Band Urshifu-Rapid-Strike Surging Strikes (3 hits) vs. 236 HP / 180+ Def Shuckle on a critical hit: 222-270 (92.5 - 112.5%) -- approx. 81.3% chance to OHKO

As you can see, unless Bob missing something, there is no way 4 EVs can make huge difference in approximate chance to OHKO.

Bob only want to report that, thank you have a good day.
Well at 236 EVs , Shuckle has 240 HP, and at 240 EVs, Shuckle has 241.
And here is the Possible damage amounts (for each individual hit).
Possible damage amounts: (74, 74, 78, 78, 78, 80, 80, 80, 80, 84, 84, 84, 86, 86, 86, 90)
Since 240 divided by 3 is exactly 80. For Surging Strikes to not KO that Shuckle, it will need a combinations 74/74/(any number), 74/78/78, 78/78/78, 78/78/80, 78/80/80, 74/80/84, and 74/78/86.
Meanwhile, 241 does not divide evenly by 3. This greatly increases the chances of failing to KO since the triple 80s no longer KOs and along with other combinations that KOd at exactly 240.
I can’t do out the entire math as I should be grading papers, but hopefully you’ll get the idea.