Howdy! I wanted to inquire and opine about a calculator implementation, so I bit the bullet and signed up for the forums after putting it off for quite some years. It may be a little bold for a first forum post, but hey, Smogonbird taught me to live fast and die hard. Speaking of Fire-types ...
I see
Embody Aspect (Hearthflame), when set as the Ability, automatically adds +1 to its Attack- not adding it to the stat boost drop-down menu, but rather planting it directly into the calculation. I can see how this could be convenient, but isn't there a lot of potential for player confusion if one (example: myself, haha) fails to notice the automatically-added +1 in the calculation and adds +1 manually, as many instinctively would for other Pokémon? In that event, their calculations would become +2 and be thrown off; I know the calculation reflects the +2, but again, if a user hasn't noticed it on account of its being different ... The point is, I personally feel it works somewhat counter-intuitively to how many players use the calculator.
Additionally, in my opinion, the fact that Ogerpon-Hearthflame-Tera can lose that +1 to battle events such as Intimidate, Haze, etc. isn't sufficiently reflected with this implementation, as a player would need to set its Attack to -1 in the dropdown in order to calculate for a +0 Attack stat. That doesn't seem especially intuitive to me, and creates further room for player error in the name of something only slightly more convenient than manually setting the +1 Attack boost, which many players would do anyways. I also recognize that changing it now could create further confusion in those who understand how the Ability currently works in the calculator, but I feel it's a fair trade-off: temporary confusion now in players who will quickly pick up the change, versus a lot of confusion over a long time in players who don't know going in that it works differently from expected.
I'm no pro, but I figured it was worth voicing my thoughts as a semi-casual player, which I'm quite sure is also true of a great many of the calculator's users. Apologies in advance if I made any oversights or for any disrespect- none is meant, and I have only gratitude for all the hard work put into maintaining the calculator.
Thank you for your time and consideration!