Pokémon GO

To each their own. Most people here use it so they don't have to double check IVs or spend effort on the raid boss. I personally like it since it's less screenshots to worry about.

Pikachu Outbreak is now live in Japan! Apart from the information covered in the blog post, Shiny Pikachu is a possible encounter in this park as well as new raid bosses such as Houndoom, Wobbuffet, Piloswine, and Ursaring (all Tier 4s).
Never used CalcyIV or any of those - I just have always manually worked it out on Poke Assistant. It's a pain but I feel safer using it. Yeah I know the others are ok but I still prefer doing that lol

Also tonight just got a 100% Zapdos on my first throw with a critical capture and only a Nanab berry. Literally the luckiest :')

Didnt need to calculate for that haha just used legendary boss ranges... had to Google it but yeah lol Those charts imo are super useful.
Man, how do you guys get all these raid legendaries? Really, there are never enough people at those raids to even compete. Even if there are (happened twice), we're either unable to beat it (happened once) or unable to catch it (happened once).

And how is your Unown game going? The only ones showing up here are E, O, R and U.
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Man, how do you guys get all these raid legendaries? Really, there are never enough people at those raids to even compete. Even if there are (happened twice), we're either unable to beat it (happened once) or unable to catch it (happened once).

And how is your Unown game going? The only ones showing up here are E, O, R and U.
I'm in Brazil so no Unown for me. About raids, I live in a small town, but I decided to look for lures and go there to see if there were anyone under them. That ways, I found a group of around 100 people who play and organize themselves to fight raids. We talk through Whatsapp
spent loads of stardust on a Piloswine and Sudowoodo to do zapdos... woody gets last hit.. and Piloswine just spammed avalanche... then caught it first ball on first raid :/
I live in a small town, but I decided to look for lures and go there to see if there were anyone under them. That ways, I found a group of around 100 people who play and organize themselves to fight raids. We talk through Whatsapp
Wow, that's really amazing. Too bad Articuono and Moltres are unobtainable anymore... I want those legendaries so badly...
I had already gone through those, 1 Ttar 3 golems and 1 Piloswine.. Sudowoodo mopped up..

spoofer is back.. golden razz blocked him on my blissey, given up after a good half hour. lol
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Got my zapdos finally, CP 1879 which translates to 89% in IVs with a perfect stat in attack, so unless I get anything better I intend to power up this one after the zapdos week is over.

I'm speculating there will be another cycle of legendaries to raid where lugia will be replaced by ho-oh and then do a different legendary dog each week as I'm guessing it will be in the order of suicune, entei & raikou. I will definitely need zapdos for suicune and ho-oh, and will save my ground moving pokemon for the last 2.

Of course we won't know for sure until Niantic makes their announcements.
The nanab thing is super useless, especially on Zapdos. I'm currently 27/31 for catches on Zapdos and all I use are golden razz, and I'm not even super tryharding to catch it either unless its a good IV.

I got as far as 15/15 for Zapdos before I lost my first one.

My legendary catch rates:
16/28 Lugia - 57.14%
28/45 Articuno - 62.22%
26/40 Moltres - 65%
27/31 Zapdos - 87.1%

Overall 97/144 - 67.36%
Finally managed to earn enough coins for my first bag upgrade :) Doesn't sound like much but I'm F2P and have only just reached lev 26. I know there's a lot of complaints about the current gym system but without it I wouldn't have been able to do this.

Now to earn coins for raid passes; legendary raids are great but I want to participate in more which means getting better mons so Ttar raids here I come.
I'm so frustrated. Went out of my way and stayed for one hour to battle Lugia. After defeating it, I had 10 Premier Balls, 9 useful ones, so I was feeling good about my chances. I threw an Excellent, three shakes, and the game errored me out. After I got back, it was showing the Lugia again on the Gym, as if I had never won. It considered I had used my pass, but I could get back to battle, but everyone had already done it, so I wouldn't be able to. So frustrating. I still had six more useful balls. I'm so sad rn.
That's unfortunate. I couldn't event raid because nothing worthwhile.

I think Niantic should stop with all of the glitch antics!

Send a complaint to Niantic through their support website. I even got refunds for purchased coins. No shame in putting them in their place and getting back what you earned (deserve) a raid pass, etc.
That's beside the point, imo. I used a Free Raid Pass. Even if they give me 50 Coins as compensation, I still wouldn't have the opportunity to get my Lugia. She's my second favorite Pokémon and my favorite legendary. Let's hope for Monday.
I really want to say, big up to you guys for competing with those legendaries - and even catching them. It shows that you actually (and actively) play in groups to accomplish this, which really warms my heart. Must be lots of fun playing in such big groups!
I really want to say, big up to you guys for competing with those legendaries - and even catching them. It shows that you actually (and actively) play in groups to accomplish this, which really warms my heart. Must be lots of fun playing in such big groups!
It is. It took me a long time to find a group, but after deciding to monitor the lures in town and go there until I found people playing under them.
Number doesn't matter when the most important thing is optimal counters and player level (correlates with Pokemon level). The timer is incredibly generous in legendary raids, honestly, which is really good since they don't require a million players just to beat.

For Zapdos, 6-8 good players with the likes of Golem / Piloswine / Tyranitar / Dragonite should be able to kill it in the alloted time, 8-10 decent players is overkill. You're gonna need way more if you have players bringing the likes of Blissey. I've personally done Zapdos with 5 players by just spamming 1 Golem each.

For Lugia, 8-10 good players with the likes of Tyranitar / Golem / Articuno / Zapdos should be able to beat it. 12-14 decent players is overkill. Just be wary of Hydro Pump if you're facing Lugia; I recommend having Dragonite and Cloyster / Lapras in the back if that is the case. Also of note, Lugia raids will be harder to finish due to 1) diminished player interest (it's been out for 2 1/2 weeks, and Zapdos exits on Tuesday) and 2) bigger number of players required.
We had 7 for a zapdos today as we had barely 20 seconds left on the clock. Am still happy I caught my 2nd zapdos, this time on the first throw even if I didn't get the team bonus, one throw was just enough.
Do anybody know of a way to check IVs a little more in-depth than the appraisal system does, without having to install third party apps or upload screenshots? More specifically, I'm starting to fill my "box" full of Pokémon with 80+ % IVs, and I'd like to curb out the ones below, say, 90 %. It's easy to tell if your Pokémon is at exactly 100 %, but you can still have two stats of 15 IVs and one stat of 3, and it wouldn't show on the appraisal. Any manual IV calculators (I'm fine with some number punching) or other tips for this situation?
Man, I was catching so many Unown. And I was wondering... why am I not completing my 'Catch 26 Unown!' badge? Turns out that the count only goes up every unique Unown >.<