Pokémon GO

Wonder if they'll give it some sort of unique evolution method to match the main series games. Like "catch a Dragon-type while Poipole is your buddy" or something like that. Would be quite dull if it were just a regular candy evolution (edit: oh yeah, I forgot it was datamined to cost 200 candy to evolve. That's... at least a bit unique, I suppose).
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Oh ho, very nice.
Since they have no qualms letting you ship it out, I assume that the rest of the research won't require you to evolve it.
I'm probably lucky friends with everyone here, not sure if/when we'll ever have global lucky trades in Pokemon GO, something I've most wanted forever. Lately lucky friend now with QuentinQuonce

I've very disappointed that whomever was not what we chose for the Sinnoh Tour was not guaranteed with the signature move, and to make matters worse there's still no option to use an elite charged TM last I checked.
I'm probably lucky friends with everyone here, not sure if/when we'll ever have global lucky trades in Pokemon GO, something I've most wanted forever. Lately lucky friend now with QuentinQuonce

I've very disappointed that whomever was not what we chose for the Sinnoh Tour was not guaranteed with the signature move, and to make matters worse there's still no option to use an elite charged TM last I checked.

Yup. I'm at the point where I'm almost reluctant to open gifts from people who live overseas as it feels like a waste of the lucky chance. Hopefully one day they'll see sense with the global lucky trades... they've finally implemented an option to use a lucky egg before you get your exp from levelling up with friends, so you never know!

Sadly I duoed two Shadow Raikou today (failing the first one because it had Shadow Ball but comfortably managing the second as it had Volt Switch) and am absolutely on my knees for Revives atm. I feel like I'm going to need to majorly stock up on healing items in the weeks to come since there's a few raid bosses I reckon I'll be able to duo, but you never do get enough items from the reward bundle at the end to break even.
So back when I did those Origin raids, I also found a gym to leave my Tyrantrum at and he was there for effectively a week. Surprisingly. As opposed to the 2 other times it happened, where it was mostly just a couple hours.

And let me tell you every step of discovery about this process makes me dislike the system more. At first I thought you got coins per day and if they were defeated you just got the minor pay out; up to 50 either way.
You only get the coins when it faints
Even if it was there for days, you can still only get 50 coins
You can't manually recall a Pokemon
Because of this, any time past the 8 or so hours it takes to reach 50 it's just a complete waste.

So if you're in an area that doesn't get a lot of gym traffic, the one way the game gives you to earn coins for the shop is effectively kind of worthless. And depending HOW MUCH traffic you get, it might still be worthless...and assuming you had access to gyms anyway!

I do not think there is a single system in this game that I think is good.
Yup. I'm at the point where I'm almost reluctant to open gifts from people who live overseas as it feels like a waste of the lucky chance. Hopefully one day they'll see sense with the global lucky trades... they've finally implemented an option to use a lucky egg before you get your exp from levelling up with friends, so you never know!

Sadly I duoed two Shadow Raikou today (failing the first one because it had Shadow Ball but comfortably managing the second as it had Volt Switch) and am absolutely on my knees for Revives atm. I feel like I'm going to need to majorly stock up on healing items in the weeks to come since there's a few raid bosses I reckon I'll be able to duo, but you never do get enough items from the reward bundle at the end to break even.
Does your area have a local park or such with a few gyms? Besides the stop/gym Density to spin and hopefully restock those, it's a good place to hang for event days like this Research Electric thing today, since the player density usually attracts a lot of stragglers who can help carry you on Raids to save items. Having two accounts that can Duo helps here because you're a lot more likely to attract random solo players or lower-level-but-still-helpful members, with Shadow raids especially benefitting from more bodies thanks to the Purified Gem mechanic.

Also I don't know if you played in their original run but just in case I want to heavily emphasize: Do the Primal Raid Days when those come in 2-3 weeks. I figure you'd want them anyway but I want to re-stress how important their value is after having had them for a year myself. The Primal Mega effects are massive benefits for Shortman raids since they affect the entire time they're in the party instead of on the field (even after fainting) on top of being THE strongest attackers in their very coveted types (Base or Mega) if you put their Signature moves on. For someone like your situation, getting them built on both accounts will MASSIVELY improve Duo prospects if you don't have both already.

So back when I did those Origin raids, I also found a gym to leave my Tyrantrum at and he was there for effectively a week. Surprisingly. As opposed to the 2 other times it happened, where it was mostly just a couple hours.

And let me tell you every step of discovery about this process makes me dislike the system more. At first I thought you got coins per day and if they were defeated you just got the minor pay out; up to 50 either way.
You only get the coins when it faints
Even if it was there for days, you can still only get 50 coins
You can't manually recall a Pokemon
Because of this, any time past the 8 or so hours it takes to reach 50 it's just a complete waste.

So if you're in an area that doesn't get a lot of gym traffic, the one way the game gives you to earn coins for the shop is effectively kind of worthless. And depending HOW MUCH traffic you get, it might still be worthless...and assuming you had access to gyms anyway!

I do not think there is a single system in this game that I think is good.
I sympathize. Between Eggs, the Gift limit, the 3 Research slots, and the Gym Coin system, this game is full of mechanics/QoL that are woefully out of date.
Does your area have a local park or such with a few gyms? Besides the stop/gym Density to spin and hopefully restock those, it's a good place to hang for event days like this Research Electric thing today, since the player density usually attracts a lot of stragglers who can help carry you on Raids to save items. Having two accounts that can Duo helps here because you're a lot more likely to attract random solo players or lower-level-but-still-helpful members, with Shadow raids especially benefitting from more bodies thanks to the Purified Gem mechanic.

Also I don't know if you played in their original run but just in case I want to heavily emphasize: Do the Primal Raid Days when those come in 2-3 weeks. I figure you'd want them anyway but I want to re-stress how important their value is after having had them for a year myself. The Primal Mega effects are massive benefits for Shortman raids since they affect the entire time they're in the party instead of on the field (even after fainting) on top of being THE strongest attackers in their very coveted types (Base or Mega) if you put their Signature moves on. For someone like your situation, getting them built on both accounts will MASSIVELY improve Duo prospects if you don't have both already.

My area has loads of gyms but not a lot of players - there's very rarely a spontaneous group nearby. The best chance of a spontaneous group appearing is right after a raid egg pops - not never, but very rare. Luckily today I met up with a friend for an hour and we did, in fact, do a couple of Raikou raids: with my two accounts and her one it was much easier. Even then, since both raids were about 20 minutes in when we started, no-one joined us (and this was in central London!)

I shall indeed be doing the primal raid days, though - there is a group on Discord planning a raid train which I will definitely be joining. Already got a very powerful Primal Kyogre (and a mid-range 14-14-14 shiny Primal Groudon) on the main account but the baby account could use one too.

Managed to do about twenty or thirty tasks while I was in town during the event today. The only one of the species in question I'm missing in shiny form is Joltik so, naturally...

Managed to do about twenty or thirty tasks while I was in town during the event today. The only one of the species in question I'm missing in shiny form is Joltik so, naturally...

View attachment 610979
Ironically I got 2 Joltik and 3 Blitzle, none of the other 3 I was hunting (since I had a Joltik from Go Fest wilds). Note to self, trade if I ever see this Internet stranger in person.
Wonder how Marshadow's gonna play. I like to grab the Mythicals but not really used any so far.
God they really cannot do ANYTHING without some sort of initial first-few-days glitch, can they.
I believe the very first few days Poipole couldn't be transferred at all so it's fun we have multiple avenues for who messed up what and when.

Wonder how Marshadow's gonna play. I like to grab the Mythicals but not really used any so far.
To be fair it seems really hard to even use the Mythics. You get so little candy out of the ordeal & you only get 1 candy per 20 km & the majority of mythics dont go into raids from what I can tell.
I think I heard Zarude is like one of the best attackers of its type but the sheer amount of time required to make that work seems absurd

Honestly walking should give you 3 candies per cycle. Make it fully equivalent for catching a Pokemon (technically still worse; you get an extra if you transfer after all...). Even at that point it doesn't fully eliminate the need to catch, especially for the 10-20 KM Pokemon, but it at least makes it more feasible to evolve or power up a Pokemon in a timely manner.
I believe the very first few days Poipole couldn't be transferred at all so it's fun we have multiple avenues for who messed up what and when.

To be fair it seems really hard to even use the Mythics. You get so little candy out of the ordeal & you only get 1 candy per 20 km & the majority of mythics dont go into raids from what I can tell.
I think I heard Zarude is like one of the best attackers of its type but the sheer amount of time required to make that work seems absurd

Honestly walking should give you 3 candies per cycle. Make it fully equivalent for catching a Pokemon (technically still worse; you get an extra if you transfer after all...). Even at that point it doesn't fully eliminate the need to catch, especially for the 10-20 KM Pokemon, but it at least makes it more feasible to evolve or power up a Pokemon in a timely manner.

There are routinely reports of people using level 50 legendaries in PvP barely hours after they're first released which is nuts but I guess if you're a hardcore spender who does ~20 raids a day or whatever you'll have buckets of Rare Candy and Rare XL Candy which you can just plow into the mythics/legendaries.

Meanwhile I'm out here with Kyogre as my buddy for months, averaging a couple of candy a week from walking it and chucking pretty much every spare Rare XL Candy I get at it and I've still not broken 200 Kyogre XL candies yet. At least the raid day next week should get me ~20 closer. Holding off waiting to catch Poipole until community day next week so I can get double the candy for it too.
There are routinely reports of people using level 50 legendaries in PvP barely hours after they're first released which is nuts but I guess if you're a hardcore spender who does ~20 raids a day or whatever you'll have buckets of Rare Candy and Rare XL Candy which you can just plow into the mythics/legendaries.

Meanwhile I'm out here with Kyogre as my buddy for months, averaging a couple of candy a week from walking it and chucking pretty much every spare Rare XL Candy I get at it and I've still not broken 200 Kyogre XL candies yet. At least the raid day next week should get me ~20 closer. Holding off waiting to catch Poipole until community day next week so I can get double the candy for it too.
Can't speak for XL, but regular Rare Candy does pile up very fast if you're just regularly doing stuff with the game (Walking Routes, playing PvP, rare Sponsored tasks, and of course Raids), which can get even Mythicals up to raid-usage very quickly. I'd say if you do your Daily Raid on a 3* or better plus play all 5 of your PvP sets, you're probably looking at 5-10 Rare candy depending on how good your win and drops are, which adds up since regular candy is in greater quantity already and thus Rare Candy is mostly reserved for stuff like Mythicals which you can't hunt to catch more.

Level 50 for PvP is definitely from whales or people with massive stockpiles for a favorite.
Go fest locations announced:


Sendai, Japan May 30- June 2
Madrid, Spain June 14 - 16
NYC July 5 - 7

NYC works for me. It was a bit hot last year and there wasn't a lot of cloud cover, so hopefully being earlier in summer will help.

Edit: also, as datamined yesterday the free global event is July 13-14, free but Marshadow research is a $15 ticket. Unfortunately they're not pulling a Shaymin and allowing you to double up on Marshadow if you get one from the in-person research.
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Go fest locations announced:


Sendai, Japan May 30- June 2
Madrid, Spain June 14 - 16
NYC July 5 - 7

NYC works for me. It was a bit hot last year and there wasn't a lot of cloud cover, so hopefully being earlier in summer will help.

Edit: also, as datamined yesterday the free global event is July 13-14, free but Marshadow research is a $15 ticket. Unfortunately they're not pulling a Shaymin and allowing you to double up on Marshadow if you get one from the in-person research.

Yeaaaahhhh, looking at the bonuses here... I'm not impressed. I passed on the ticket last year and I think I will again this year because nothing here is making me desperate to buy. As much as I want to go to NYC again, it's too short notice to arrange that. I assume Solgaleo/Lunala will be in raids (possibly shiny) but that's presumably something you can get without a ticket.
Yeaaaahhhh, looking at the bonuses here... I'm not impressed. I passed on the ticket last year and I think I will again this year because nothing here is making me desperate to buy. As much as I want to go to NYC again, it's too short notice to arrange that. I assume Solgaleo/Lunala will be in raids (possibly shiny) but that's presumably something you can get without a ticket.
I wonder if they'd pull the same Legacy Move nonsense they did with Palkia/Dialga for these two and what Adventure Effect they'd have to reach for to justify not letting it be TM'd.
I wonder if they'd pull the same Legacy Move nonsense they did with Palkia/Dialga for these two and what Adventure Effect they'd have to reach for to justify not letting it be TM'd.
I can't imagine they leave it to just those two so...Go does have time of day based spawns right? Like the few times I pull out go at night I do see stuff like Lunatone or Duskull more often.

So that seems like the easiest thing. Lunala (/Dawn Wings necrozma?) with Moongeist Beam causes night spawns for the next 20 minutes, Solgaleo (/Dusk Mane) with Sunsteel Strike

Honestly a downgrade if they go with that but also they kind of really blew their load on the most obvious and useful ones right out of the gate.
The Charcadet event sucked. I've got 2 eggs left (both 10 KM at least) but the odds aren't good. I hatched as many as I could, but couldn't stock pile a lot because I was full of 7 KM eggs and they had an egg focused event with no half-distance....
Even checking around it seems like it was just a pain to get in general, the actual % to get one from any of the eggs (even 10 KM) was really low and some people went dozens of eggs without a single one.

None showed up on Home, even asking for legends....I put up a trade post but unless you're dealing with legends or aprimons you're not likely to get a response as niche as this one. Egg Pokemon: they're bad!

e: That is to say, if anyone does somehow get a spare (?!) Charcadet, i am begging you to trade it to me.
The Charcadet event sucked. I've got 2 eggs left (both 10 KM at least) but the odds aren't good. I hatched as many as I could, but couldn't stock pile a lot because I was full of 7 KM eggs and they had an egg focused event with no half-distance....
Even checking around it seems like it was just a pain to get in general, the actual % to get one from any of the eggs (even 10 KM) was really low and some people went dozens of eggs without a single one.

None showed up on Home, even asking for legends....I put up a trade post but unless you're dealing with legends or aprimons you're not likely to get a response as niche as this one. Egg Pokemon: they're bad!

e: That is to say, if anyone does somehow get a spare (?!) Charcadet, i am begging you to trade it to me.

lmao I literally forgot this thing was released last week, only seen one since it debuted and that was in a gym today.

Just wait about 6 months, they'll have made it slightly more accessible by then.
The Charcadet event sucked. I've got 2 eggs left (both 10 KM at least) but the odds aren't good. I hatched as many as I could, but couldn't stock pile a lot because I was full of 7 KM eggs and they had an egg focused event with no half-distance....
Even checking around it seems like it was just a pain to get in general, the actual % to get one from any of the eggs (even 10 KM) was really low and some people went dozens of eggs without a single one.

None showed up on Home, even asking for legends....I put up a trade post but unless you're dealing with legends or aprimons you're not likely to get a response as niche as this one. Egg Pokemon: they're bad!

e: That is to say, if anyone does somehow get a spare (?!) Charcadet, i am begging you to trade it to me.
Will bear in mind. Charcadet should still be in post-event 10KM eggs but yeah event was obviously the time to hatch them. The thing I notice is they never do Hatch-distance reduction for actual Egg focused events, probably to drain/sell Incubators. I went through about 20 eggs of various rarities and only have hatched 1 so far (with 3 Event eggs and then 2 regular 10ks left to get to). I also hate that eggs can't be thrown away because I am so sick of having to clear out 5k's knowing they'll just be Lickitung or Pawmi again.

Don't break your metaphorical Bank trying to find one. Knowing how Egg luck works people will hatch dozens of them trying to get Dusk Rockruff or Frigibax.
lmao I literally forgot this thing was released last week, only seen one since it debuted and that was in a gym today.

Just wait about 6 months, they'll have made it slightly more accessible by then.
That's the ideal, though hard to say what the follow-through will be. Frigibax is still pretty rare (i was very lucky to get mine off the GTS) and Larvesta's shtick remains being the 5* egg (I wound up hatching my own lol; i've never seen one on the GTS)

I could see the evolutions landing in raids at some point at least.

Will bear in mind. Charcadet should still be in post-event 10KM eggs but yeah event was obviously the time to hatch them. The thing I notice is they never do Hatch-distance reduction for actual Egg focused events, probably to drain/sell Incubators. I went through about 20 eggs of various rarities and only have hatched 1 so far (with 3 Event eggs and then 2 regular 10ks left to get to). I also hate that eggs can't be thrown away because I am so sick of having to clear out 5k's knowing they'll just be Lickitung or Pawmi again.

Don't break your metaphorical Bank trying to find one. Knowing how Egg luck works people will hatch dozens of them trying to get Dusk Rockruff or Frigibax.
Yes the fact you can't turn down eggs and can't throw eggs away is...very frustrating.
Even the main lines, while I dont believe you can trash eggs, at least lets you turn them down.

The only bright spot of it being in a 10k is that it's in the 1* Rarity unlike Larvesta (forever 5*) and Frigibax (4*, I believe)

e: While i'm kvetching here can I just say it is so frustrating when adventure synch doesn't pick up the walking you did while not in the game. It gets it most of the time! But then sometimes you walk 4 miles and none of that got picked up.
The only bright spot of it being in a 10k is that it's in the 1* Rarity unlike Larvesta (forever 5*) and Frigibax (4*, I believe)
So about that... Post-Event 10ks are in the 3* Rarity alongside Jangmo-o. A bit rarer than the event 10ks at least