Pokémon GO

Double dust event + eggs finally let me power up one of each my 100% legends, nice to finally have that done.

I'm curious as to why you named it Blue T-Tar... wouldn't feraligstr be more like it?

Anyways this event is defineteley needed, it seems like double is stik n
Seems like the game is down for a lot of people? This is one of my first days off in a while, wanted to go on a PoGo trip... Guess not...
Seems like the game is down for a lot of people? This is one of my first days off in a while, wanted to go on a PoGo trip... Guess not...

Same here! Seriously, the one time it goes down... -_- well, like it loads up, but you get errors if I click anything so it’s basically unplayable right now.
Omg! Just when I was thinking I didn't have a perfect IV one, it hatched just now on my lunch break


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Hopefully they'll extend this event one more day to accomodate the issues going on today, it's happened similarly before in other events.
Little delayed, but A new wave of warnings has been sent out. Hitting multiple people, spoofers and legits alike (not everyone) have been warned for violating the Terms of Service. Hope too many of us don't get hit with bans in the future
a 3rd wave of Ex-raid passes for Saturday, September 30 at noon have been sent out, this time to a place I raided the legendary birds a few times but not in the past month so I didn't get an invite once again. I am getting very frustrated with how these invite passes get distributed, seems so unfair.
They were probably sent to even smaller cities
Remember, they are still testing it
But why tf cant they use data from normal raids to tell how many people can take on a Mewtwo in specific areas?

I know, Ive got a warning as well

And sorry OM! for not noticing it
Do you think it's possible that the GPS having trouble accurately locating players who are at indoor stops and gyms could be a factor for false flag warnings?
Detecting GPS abnormalities is null since drift happens so much, it would look like i'm teleporting around my block very suspiciously. I also don't think that only catching rare pokemon works, since users can technically choose not to capture commons.

If I were to give a guess, i'd throw a combination of softbans+history of "long distance travel", which would impact legits because softbanning isn't incredibly rare, and certain people might be traveling to another state for their work, etc. It would also bop spoofers who spoof outside of local territories, but not so much affect those inside.
Lucky! I still don’t have any perfect Pokémon! Don’t know what to do :(
I would collect as many eggs, now that the event has been confirmed to extend an entire day due to the sever issues- www.serebii.net confirmed.

If you can get a specialized 2 KM for Chansey, or a 10 KM one which has Dratini, Lapras, you could end up a 100%!

They were probably sent to even smaller cities
Remember, they are still testing it
But why tf cant they use data from normal raids to tell how many people can take on a Mewtwo in specific areas?

I know, Ive got a warning as well

And sorry OM! for not noticing it
It's okay, I appreciate you letting me know, for a second I thought it wasn't working. Plus I had an idea.

In the future, when trading becomes available I will be willing to help anyone here who might need a rare Pokemon, that I don't use.

No, some like the Dratini I hatched are legitimate. But I just thought that oftentimes it takes forever to have enough candy and stardust to turn something ideal into its final form and then to level 39. It would serve a greater purpose with someone else who saved their candy and stardust.

These days I am spending rare candies on Mewtwo, and stardust on Lugia so I can max it out, so other Pokémon that are non-legends are a lesser priority.

For example, I have a 97% level 1 magicarp and 375 magicarp candy. But I will end up using the candy, likely, on my Shiny Magicarp at 75% IVs. Some would call it a long - term waste, while others would call spending all the candy and stardust to make my level 1 Magicarp up to even just level 30 a waste, as I could have used it on better Pokémon species (stardust), or candies on stronger Magicarp (Higher level).

I have so many Dragonite that I won't be able to level up because Stardust goes by so quickly... seriously, 9000 stardust and 12 candies to boost 1/2 a level...
I encourage other higher level players to do the same. A maxed Snorlax to us is like a Blissey for them. Afterall, they can catch legends, but they cannot be used in Gyms for defense...
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I would collect as many eggs, now that the event has been confirmed to extend an entire day due to the sever issues- www.serebii.net confirmed.

If you can get a specialized 2 KM for Chansey, or a 10 KM one which has Dratini, Lapras, you could end up a 100%!

It's okay, I appreciate you letting me know, for a second I thought it wasn't working. Plus I had an idea.

In the future, when trading becomes available I will be willing to help anyone here who might need a rare Pokemon, that I don't use.

No, some like the Dratini I hatched are legitimate. But I just thought that oftentimes it takes forever to have enough candy and stardust to turn something ideal into its final form and then to level 39. It would serve a greater purpose with someone else who saved their candy and stardust.

These days I am spending rare candies on Mewtwo, and stardust on Lugia so I can max it out, so other Pokémon that are non-legends are a lesser priority.

For example, I have a 97% level 1 magicarp and 375 magicarp candy. But I will end up using the candy, likely, on my Shiny Magicarp at 75% IVs. Some would call it a long - term waste, while others would call spending all the candy and stardust to make my level 1 Magicarp up to even just level 30 a waste, as I could have used it on better Pokémon species (stardust), or candies on stronger Magicarp (Higher level).

I have so many Dragonite that I won't be able to level up because Stardust goes by so quickly... seriously, 9000 stardust and 12 candies to boost 1/2 a level...
I encourage other higher level players to do the same. A maxed Snorlax to us is like a Blissey for them. Afterall, they can catch legends, but they cannot be used in Gyms for defense...

I’ll try! But I’m not getting any 2 Km eggs for whatever reason. I have a couple 10 km eggs that I’m still incubating. I REALLY want some 2 km eggs because I need some chance to get Chansey and Lapras. I can’t find them for the life of me! 100% would be a bonus!
I’ll try! But I’m not getting any 2 Km eggs for whatever reason. I have a couple 10 km eggs that I’m still incubating. I REALLY want some 2 km eggs because I need some chance to get Chansey and Lapras. I can’t find them for the life of me! 100% would be a bonus!
I've been getting more 10km and 5km eggs than usual as well. Not sure if it's just bad luck or if they changed the rates a little bit for the event. Been trying to hatch more Larvitars for candy to level up my Tyranitar (which isn't 100% but I'm impatient) since I live in the countryside and only walk about 3.4km a day total to and from work.
I've been getting more 10km and 5km eggs than usual as well. Not sure if it's just bad luck or if they changed the rates a little bit for the event. Been trying to hatch more Larvitars for candy to level up my Tyranitar (which isn't 100% but I'm impatient) since I live in the countryside and only walk about 3.4km a day total to and from work.

Same situation! I wouldn’t mind Larvitar and Dratini as well. I’ve only hatched like 2 each and they haven’t been good :/ I have too many 5 km eggs and now two 10 km eggs so getting rid of them all is hard unless I buy super incubators from the box deals to clear them all. But I don’t have enough coins :/ I really want some 2 km eggs though. Such a dilemma.
Besides not getting any Ex Raid invites to date which I'm so frustrated about, I'm doing very well with the stardust accumulation and have at least hatched 3 chanseys, a few mareeps and even a larvitar and a couple of tyrogues. I've also received lots of 10k eggs which I've been using the new egg incubators for. In addition I have also reached level 38 and have vowed not to use any stardust until after the event is over though am very tempted to power up my best raikou only if the next raid pokemon legendary happens to be suicune though I'm sure my zapdos, exeggutors & dragonites can do very well against it as well.
Same situation! I wouldn’t mind Larvitar and Dratini as well. I’ve only hatched like 2 each and they haven’t been good :/ I have too many 5 km eggs and now two 10 km eggs so getting rid of them all is hard unless I buy super incubators from the box deals to clear them all. But I don’t have enough coins :/ I really want some 2 km eggs though. Such a dilemma.
I wouldn't mind a Dratini or two, either. I caught two Dragonites last summer (one 47 CP, one 48 CP) and it took me a year to finally gather enough candy to max one of them (88.9%) out. Even though I bought some super incubators to hatch all my eggs, being in the countryside with just 4 Poke Stops en route to work doesn't quite allow me to replenish them. Hopefully I get some over the weekend when I head out to the city...