Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 - Mark 2 ** Spoilers **

What dictates that Snivy's the worst? He is a great neutral attacker in my experience. Coil, Leaf Blade, and Return is all you need to fight a good majority of pokemon (especially in the E4). Granted, I also see Samurott as a very solid starter.

Emboar, on the other hand, is outclassed as a physical, special, or mixed attacker. He is too frail and slow to use his fighting typing well. Hammer Arm and Superpower are usually useful with a bulky or fast attacker. Emboar is neither. Brick Break is a PWT TM and focus blast doesn't come til later. His only advantages are Head smash and potentially heat crash.

My opinion is he is just too easy to substitute, unless you are desperate for a fire and fighting type on your team.
Snivy never did enough damage, takes for ever to get anything good and just plain drags through the majority of the game.
It is also outclassed by just about anything, especially if you're looking for a grass type. I'd argue he is more replaceable than Emboar just because of all the grass options to go up against

At least a move like Arm Thrust can be useful the entire game. (Emboar was marginally bulky in my experience with it in BW1 but maybe BW2 changed things up enough).
Snivy never did enough damage, takes for ever to get anything good and just plain drags through the majority of the game.
It is also outclassed by just about anything, especially if you're looking for a grass type. I'd argue he is more replaceable than Emboar just because of all the grass options to go up against

At least a move like Arm Thrust can be useful the entire game. (Emboar was marginally bulky in my experience with it in BW1 but maybe BW2 changed things up enough).
I gave serperior a medium tier if that helps the conversation.

I know he "never did enough damage." Before coil, he could act as a sapping tank with the use of Leech Seed, Mega Drain, and Leftovers, or go offensively with growth, return, leaf tornado. I'll admit he loses his lust late game because the rest of your pokemon are at/near their greatest potential. You're forced to "set-up" each battle, but there is set-up bait all around.

I can see why anyone can like Emboar more, because he can hit hard right off the bat. I think he is just directly outclassed unless you realize the ability to abuse Flame Charge.

Serperior has stiff competition with Leavanny and Sawsbuck, though completely outclassed by Roserade (for SpA). The first 3 all have their own merits so it's hard to compare.
Does anyone know how to get the Support Powers, like Max Recovery for half an hour? I can't find a way to get them, and Serebii isn't that helpful.
I really want to play this game, but the game stays black before the title screen..
How should I fix this problem? :(
I really want to play this game, but the game stays black before the title screen..
How should I fix this problem? :(

Buy a legit copy of the game.

If your copy of the game is legit (a proper cartride, originally bundled, bought over desk in a proper store), write to GameFreak/Nintendo of [your region], explain the bug you're experiencing, and ask for a new game. Chances are, if there's something wrong with your game, loads of other catridges will have the same problem.

If your game isn't legit: too bad, so sad.
Anyone seen this nice little easter egg yet?

Go to the north side of Humilau and talk to the rich girl. She says 'This dress is comfy and easy to wear...'
Was it at the head of your party?

Yeah it was. I've also tried it in another position, and even grabbing the other genies and nothing happened when i went to the shrine. I got the Landorus-T off pokecheck but it is one without the ribbon (done by downloading from pokegts) and it is one hundred percent legit and not used to obtain the mirror before the upload. I tried that one nothing. Then my own dream radar Landorus-T got nothing, so I did try with a normal one.
Yeah it was. I've also tried it in another position, and even grabbing the other genies and nothing happened when i went to the shrine. I got the Landorus-T off pokecheck but it is one without the ribbon (done by downloading from pokegts) and it is one hundred percent legit and not used to obtain the mirror before the upload. I tried that one nothing. Then my own dream radar Landorus-T got nothing, so I did try with a normal one.

Yeah a Landorus-T from Pokecheck will never allow you to obtain the Reveal Glass since you need to trip the flag that says it was received from the Dream Radar. Not sure why your own Dream Radar Landorus-T (assuming you got it using the Nintendo 3DS Link in the Unova Link option) wouldn't let you.
Anyone seen this nice little easter egg yet?

Go to the north side of Humilau and talk to the rich girl. She says 'This dress is comfy and easy to wear...'
IIRC a youngster in Pinwheel Forest makes a reference to "comfortable shorts"

also, i'm not sure if this was already the case, but it seems that EVs are now calculated after a pokemon is defeated and not after the battle ends: this may lead to an interesting quirk where the top screen with the battle shows that the Pokemon has lower MHP than indicated at the bottom.
It's not exactly 'every battle' per se, but every time a Pokemon is defeated.

While this has no difference on wild battles (where one generally does the bulk of EV training), it does lead to somewhat strange scenarios during trainer battles, since the battle only ends when the opponent has no more Pokemon.

Top screen shows Magnezone with 146 HP, bottom screen with 147
How in the world are you supposed to get those high scores in the Xtranceiver minigames!! 1000?!?! thought it might have meant 1000 in total, but in one game. Jesus am I doing something wrong, I can barely break 100...

This is for the medals :) btw
This is just trivia and has no real impact on the game, but I noticed something and thought it was interesting. The Dropped Item gift Pokemon hold different items based on the generation in which they were introduced. Gen 1 Pokemon hold Rare Candies, Gen 2 Pokemon hold Ragecandybars, Gen 3 Pokemon hold Lava Cookies, and Gen 4 Pokemon hold Old Gateau.
For anyone curious, the EXP gain per defeated Pokémon does cap at 100,000 EXP. White Tree Hollow is still probably the best place to level up though. My Sandile went from 23 to 100 and my Virizion went from 45 to 88 during the course of areas 1-10 (I only fought ~40% of the trainers, too...). It's a pretty easy way to get the 1,000,000 EXP in a day medal as well.
I'd like to have someone confirm this: If I transfer from my Black to Black 2 a Reshiram and Kyurem could I combine them? Is there some limit on how many Kyurem-B/W's you can have?
I'd like to have someone confirm this: If I transfer from my Black to Black 2 a Reshiram and Kyurem could I combine them? Is there some limit on how many Kyurem-B/W's you can have?

You can only have 1 of either Kyurem-B or Kyurem-W at a time, so far as I know.
The Splicer changes from the Merging version to the Splitting version
I have a question regarding Challenge Mode. My brother has it unlocked on his Black 2, and I want to start my White 2 with it activated. Should/can I do this before I actually start a new file (my game is untouched), or do I have to start a new game and quickly save/turn off to activate Challenge Mode (ala Memory Link)? I don't want to start my White 2 and send the keys over only to find out Challenge Mode doesn't work.