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Tournament PMPL III - Week Four


shit the world
is a Social Media Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Dedicated Tournament Host

Art by Albatross

Commencement | Spreadsheet | Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5
Tournament Rules

:tropius:Tropius Incorporated (5) vs (3) Fast and Furret:furret:
Megas for All OU: Tempo di anguria vs TPP
Hoenn Gaiden OU: JeoZ vs LustfulLice
Fusion Evolution SV OU: Orangesodapop vs Lasen
Fakemon Frontier OU: Irene vs TTTech
Megas Revisited OU: Exotic64 vs Tanny89k
Multiverse OU: Taka vs Hats
Vaporemons OU: Fragments vs Gravity Monkey
Teramax OU: Gekokeso vs sasha

:dachsbun:Dave's Dachsbuns (6) vs (2) Gensokyo Gourgeists:gourgeist:
Megas for All OU: hidin vs Runo
Hoenn Gaiden OU: SEA vs TyCarter
Fusion Evolution SV OU: clean vs anaconja
Fakemon Frontier OU: Monai vs zxgzxg
Megas Revisited OU: Lostmemories vs Smudge
Multiverse OU: hellom vs justdrew
Vaporemons OU: Xrn vs Beaf Cultist
Teramax OU: scionicle vs Clas

:slugma:Slugma Haxballs (4) vs (4) Close Combat Comrades:urshifu:
Megas for All OU: dex vs IsoCon
Hoenn Gaiden OU: goldmason vs Rezzo
Fusion Evolution SV OU: seth vs Paulluxx
Fakemon Frontier OU: Copen vs Mossy Sandwich
Megas Revisited OU: Zpice vs bynum
Multiverse OU: TDNT vs feen
Vaporemons OU: Nashrock vs Baloor
Teramax OU: Baddy vs EeveeGirl1380

The deadline for this round is Sunday, August 12th at 11:59 PM GMT-7.

:tropius:Tropius Incorporated (0) vs (0) Fast and Furret:furret:
Megas for All OU: tempo di anguria vs TPP
Hoenn Gaiden OU: violet river vs Hydreigonthechild
Fusion Evolution SV OU: Orangesodapop vs Lasen
Fakemon Frontier OU: Irene vs TTTech
Megas Revisited OU: Exotic64 vs Tanny89k
Multiverse OU: Taka vs Hats
Vaporemons OU: Fragments vs Gravity Monkey
Teramax OU: Gekokeso vs RoFnA

:dachsbun:Dave's Dachsbuns (0) vs (0) Gensokyo Gourgeists:gourgeist:
Megas for All OU: hidin vs Runo
Hoenn Gaiden OU: SEA vs TyCarter
Fusion Evolution SV OU: clean vs anaconja
Fakemon Frontier OU: Monai vs zxgzxg
Megas Revisited OU: Lostmemories vs Smudge
Multiverse OU: hellom vs justdrew
Vaporemons OU: Xrn vs Beaf Cultist
Teramax OU: scionicle vs Clas

:slugma:Slugma Haxballs (0) vs (0) Close Combat Comrades:urshifu:
Megas for All OU: dex vs IsoCon
Hoenn Gaiden OU: goldmason vs Rezzo
Fusion Evolution SV OU: seth vs Paulluxx
Fakemon Frontier OU: Copen vs Mossy Sandwich
Megas Revisited OU: tier vs bynum
Multiverse OU: TDNT vs feen
Vaporemons OU: Nashrock vs Baloor
Teramax OU: Baddy vs EeveeGirl1380
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:tropius:Tropius Incorporated (6) vs (2) Fast and Furret:furret:
Megas for All OU: tempo di anguria vs TPP - Probably gonna be a closer match than you'd expect, but TPP sweep.
Hoenn Gaiden OU: violet river vs HydreigonTheChild - I have never seen Hydrei play Gen 3.
Fusion Evolution SV OU: Orangesodapop vs Lasen - Ok this matchup is insane, but OSP literally can't lose so it doesn't matter.
Fakemon Frontier OU: Irene vs TTTech - Irene beat Mossy last week, so they get major plus points.
Megas Revisited OU: Exotic64 vs Tanny89k - Tanny losing to Gourgs was inevitable, but they will sweep from this point on.
Multiverse OU: Taka vs Hats - Both of these squads are floundering in this slot, but I'm gonna give it to Hats.
Vaporemons OU: Fragments vs Gravity Monkey - Fragments is coming off a strong win while GM is coming off a bad loss. Easy choice (please put Hydrei back in this slot FaF I beg).
Teramax OU: Gekokeso vs RoFnA - Geko has more hax points (this is a mu fish meta).

:slugma:Slugma Haxballs (2) vs (6) Close Combat Comrades:urshifu:
Megas for All OU: dex vs IsoCon - Iso has done very well so far, and I expect that streak to continue.
Hoenn Gaiden OU: goldmason vs Rezzo - goldmason's got that dog in him.
Fusion Evolution SV OU: seth vs earl Paulluxx - gone but not forgotten
Fakemon Frontier OU: Copen vs Mossy Sandwich - Game of the week right here. This could easily go either way, but I'm gonna give it to Mossy because I'm pretty sure he knows how to prep for TR (lol).
Megas Revisited OU: tier vs bynum - Tough call, but bynum has better support I think.
Multiverse OU: TDNT vs feen - If Copen v Mossy wasn't this week, this game would be my #1 must-watch. Both of these guys are undefeated so it's hard to call, but TDNT has more impressive wins overall imo.
Vaporemons OU: Nashrock vs Baloor - This'll be a fun one. Really a coinflip on who wins but my bet is Nash brings something funny and loses.
Teramax OU: Baddy vs EeveeGirl1380 - Bolding Eevee (the Paul brainwashing worked).

Shoutouts to Fast and Furret actively shooting themselves in the foot with these dogwater lineup shuffles. Definitely some fun games this week, but I'm curious to hear folks' thoughts on the metas now that we're pretty far in, because a lot of these mods have been really hard to call. Also Gourgs will be following up our 7-1 last week with an 8-0 this week so say gg
Wow. The results get wilder and wilder. So, to account for this, I decided to rely on a randomnizer this time, just to see if I get a better or a worse result. In any case, I'm very impressed with Gekokeso's and Anaconja and Beef's team performances last week. Chapeau!
:tropius:Tropius Incorporated (4) vs (4) Fast and Furret:furret:
Megas for All OU: tempo di anguria vs TPP
Hoenn Gaiden OU: violet river vs Hydreigonthechild
Fusion Evolution SV OU: Orangesodapop vs Lasen
Fakemon Frontier OU: Irene vs TTTech
Megas Revisited OU: Exotic64 vs Tanny
Multiverse OU: Taka vs Hats
Vaporemons OU: Fragments vs Gravity Monkey
Teramax OU: Gekokeso vs RoFnA

Comment: So far, tempo has brought pretty dangerous team compositions and has shown to have good taste in their selection of Mega Pokémon. I like what I've seen so far. Same with their performances. As long as they don't throw, I could see this match being almost evenly matched. As for TPP, they've brought pretty diverse teamstyles, making it more difficult for the players to prepare for. That, I wonder if we'll ever see a custom Mega Pokémon being used again on their side x)

:dachsbun:Dave's Dachsbuns (6) vs (2) Gensokyo Gourgeists:gourgeist:
Megas for All OU: hidin vs Runo
Hoenn Gaiden OU: SEA vs TyCarter
Fusion Evolution SV OU: clean vs anaconja
Fakemon Frontier OU: Monai vs zxgzxg
Megas Revisited OU: Lostmemories vs 1yr
Multiverse OU: hellom vs justdrew
Vaporemons OU: Xrn vs Beaf Cultist
Teramax OU: scionicle vs Clas

Comment: I'm starting to look forward to hidin playing more and more. My prediction came indeed true. I don't know who Runo is but fwiw, the randomnizer prediction aligns with my personal prediction. I'm curious to see which Mega Pokémon will be featured this time.

:slugma:Slugma Haxballs (6) vs (2) Close Combat Comrades:urshifu:
Megas for All OU: dex vs IsoCon
Hoenn Gaiden OU: goldmason vs Rezzo
Fusion Evolution SV OU: seth vs Paulluxx
Fakemon Frontier OU: Copen vs Mossy Sandwich
Megas Revisited OU: tier vs bynum
Multiverse OU: TDNT vs feen
Vaporemons OU: Nashrock vs Baloor
Teramax OU: Baddy vs EeveeGirl1380

Comment: Ngl, I don't like the random result in M4A but who knows, maybe, dex will manage a win this time. Skill wise, both players should be welll matched. Iso has the advantage of knowledge and experience in this format, as well as any good support he might have this week. In my heart, Iso would emerge victorious as he has the better advantage of the two players and has generally been solid and consistent so far. But, oh, randomnizer, how cruel you can be. That said, I have huge respect for dex generally branching out, trying out any stuff they fancy, and (likely) having a great time when building and playing.
10/16 last week, 26/48 total. am i finally doing better than a coinflip
:tropius:Tropius Incorporated (6) vs (2) Fast and Furret:furret:
Megas for All OU: tempo di anguria vs TPP
Hoenn Gaiden OU: violet river vs Hydreigonthechild
Fusion Evolution SV OU: Orangesodapop vs Lasen
Fakemon Frontier OU: Irene vs TTTech
Megas Revisited OU: Exotic64 vs Tanny
Multiverse OU: Taka vs Hats
Vaporemons OU: Fragments vs Gravity Monkey
Teramax OU: Gekokeso vs RoFnA

The furrets' initially doing better than people thought they would got followed up by some insane lineup swaps that are just continuously shooting themselves in the foot. Their builders also just seem burned out and at this rate they are not making poffs

:dachsbun:Dave's Dachsbuns (6) vs (2) Gensokyo Gourgeists:gourgeist:
Megas for All OU: hidin vs Runo
Hoenn Gaiden OU: SEA vs TyCarter
Fusion Evolution SV OU: clean vs anaconja
Fakemon Frontier OU: Monai vs zxgzxg
Megas Revisited OU: Lostmemories vs Smudge
Multiverse OU: hellom vs justdrew
Vaporemons OU: Xrn vs Beaf Cultist
Teramax OU: scionicle vs Clas

I don't really have much to say about this matchup, the gourgs are beelining for losing in semis again imo
:tropius:Tropius Incorporated (0) vs (0) Fast and Furret:furret:
Megas for All OU: tempo di anguria vs TPP
Hoenn Gaiden OU: violet river vs Hydreigonthechild
Fusion Evolution SV OU: Orangesodapop vs Lasen
Fakemon Frontier OU: Irene vs TTTech
Megas Revisited OU: Exotic64 vs Tanny
Multiverse OU: Taka vs Hats
Vaporemons OU: Fragments vs Gravity Monkey
Teramax OU: Gekokeso vs RoFnA

:dachsbun:Dave's Dachsbuns (0) vs (0) Gensokyo Gourgeists:gourgeist:
Megas for All OU: hidin vs Runo
Hoenn Gaiden OU: SEA vs TyCarter
Fusion Evolution SV OU: clean vs anaconja
Fakemon Frontier OU: Monai vs zxgzxg
Megas Revisited OU: Lostmemories vs Smudge
Multiverse OU: hellom vs justdrew
Vaporemons OU: Xrn vs Beaf Cultist
Teramax OU: scionicle vs Clas
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/dragonheaven-gen9fusionevolution-6531 won vs lasen gg to my opp, unfort mu.

to teamid and the suckmas and everyone on my team who CANNOT scroll two inches to see the win message
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little suckma? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with lose predicting me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, suckmas. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, suckmas.
Tanny i forgive yoy
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