Project Player Interview #13 : Accelgor


Approved by UU moderation & inspired by Feliburn's project

Welcome guys in the "UU Player Interview", a project where you'll be able to discover or re-discover some well known players of the UU community. Those people may be known thanks to their high-skilled level or their achievements on the strategic scene but also thanks to their dedication into the tier or within the community. Time to gossip !

Hey Accel, how are you today ?


I'm doing alright, thanks! How about yourself, Moute?


I'm doing fine, enjoying my last days of holidays before returning to university ! You're known as one of our UU moderator on Smogon and a good UU player but that's not a lot so could you talk about yourself ?


Sure, so I'm a 24 year old Chemical Engineering major from New Jersey. I've been flip-flopping between majors since I started my university studies but honestly I've enjoyed my current path for a few years now and am really looking forward to what the future holds. Aside from school, most of my free time is split between work, reading, watching and playing basketbal (HUGE fan), catching up on shows and anime, and playing Pokemon of course !


What's your favorite team in NBA ?


I started paying serious attention to basketball right around when Derrick Rose was playing out of his mind on his way to winning the MVP award that year. I've still stuck with the Chicago Bulls since then, though I will admit that it's tough to see them in this seemingly endless rebuild. Keeping up with other teams is loads of fun too, and I'm currently hoping for a Lakers vs Celtics finals series.


Alright and can you tell us what brought you to Smogon and competitive Pokemon in general ?


So after burning about 700 hours on my Pokemon Diamond save file, I figured it was time to find other ways to sate my addiction to the game. I remember Google searching "pokemon games online" and being directed to a bunch of fanmade games and romhacks, and eventually the Pokemon Online simulator during its heyday. After messing around with a few tiers, I realized that I enjoyed UU best and have stuck with it ever since. Socializing and competing with my friends on PO was a great time, and in 2014-2015 a lot of us started migrating to Showdown which I've obviously stuck with and enjoyed just as much as I enjoyed PO.


So.. is DPP your favorite generation without taking into account strategy ?


DPP's up there, but BW wins that competition hands down since it was the first generation of mons that I was competitively involved with. Nostalgia's definitely a big factor here and it also happens to be the gen I enjoy most in terms of strategy.


I really don't get how people can like gen5 when I quit Pokemon because of it :( By the way, is your favorite Pokemon really is Accelgor ?


LOL I realize that some people don't particularly enjoy BW tiers simply because hazard stacking was such a focal point of the metas, as well as the addition of some wacky elements like the sleep mechanics, but I personally feel more at ease while playing BW tiers than any other gen's tiers. It promotes a style of play which hardly gives you room to make any huge errors, and I love that about BW metas. I was seriously lazy and uncreative when I first started playing on PO, and at that time the English names for the new Gen 5 Pokemon had just been revealed. Initially I went by the username Cryogonal, and later changed to Accelgor because I really liked its design. Accelgor's definitely up there but Gardevoir is hands down my favorite Pokemon.


Well I only begin strategy with ORAS but that's the 5th gen games as a whole that I don't like..Alright, alright, I see. Do you have goals for the upcoming year (on Smogon or IRL) ?


As a competitor, I'd definitely like to win a large tournament soon regardless of whether it's an individual or team tournament. I've come close during Masters and the UULT playoffs and I feel like I'm a few adjustments away from pulling it off. Don't get me wrong, I don't take winning UUPL and the recent UUWC for granted, but I feel like my impact as a player would be larger if I succeeded in these other settings. As for irl, I am a year and a half away from graduation so the plan is to finish strong and move on to bigger and better things!


Yeah I get what you mean from a competitive point of view, I never reached yet PO in big UU tournaments but managed to PO this current Slam so it's really nice. Good luck for your graduation tho ! Let's focus a bit more about IRL things if you don't mind.. What are your favorite movies ?


Best of luck to you in slam Moute! I don't have any preferred genres honestly, but I do enjoy a lot of Christopher Nolan's movies. The Dark Knight is definitely the one movie I could watch over and over without getting bored. His latest release in Tenet is also fantastic, and I'd recommend it to any of you out there who are interested. I have similar viewing flexibility with anime and if I had to recommend one series or movie to watch, it would be Kotonoha no Niwa.


Thanks ! >o> Talking about Batman, are you hyped by the incoming new one ?


I am! Robert Pattinson's been doing really well for himself as of late, and he was great in the aforementioned Tenet. The trailer gave me good vibes, and I hope that it surpasses my expectations.


Yeah the trailer looks really nice, can't wait to see it. Would you mind to share with us a UU team you made recently ?


I know it's outdated now with the September tier shift and Jirachi's ban, but here's the team I built to use vs Adaam in Week 1 of SSD IV. It's really reminiscent of the style I was partial to in SM, and I really enjoyed the Future Sight mix-ups the team was able to offer. Overall it was a decent balance that I felt confident in piloting, and thankfully it ended up getting me the win.


Yeah looks really nice. Well, thanks for being here today with me, would you have one last piece of advice to give as a UU moderator for someone who wants to get involved in the community ?


Anytime Moute, thanks for having me! I'd advise any new contributors or players to socialize and broaden their perspectives by any means necessary. Sometimes our growth in these areas can stagnate because we choose to only limit ourselves to our own inherent capabilities. However, with the right circle of friends and fellow contributors/players around you, you will find that the grind is a lot more enjoyable and fulfilling. Never be afraid to try new things and emulate those around you for inspiration, and the success you desire will be easier to latch onto.


Thanks for those wise words man and have a good day !


Thanks, you too!

Feel free to ask to Accelgor any questions you want !
If you have some recommendations for an interview, feel free to DM me !
Hi! Hope you're doing well!

Whats youre least favorite thing to run into on ladder?

Why does MinMins arms outrange half of Samus/Snakes projecticles?

Whats youre favorite styles of music and what artists do you enjoy?
Hi, Accelgor!

What playstyle (balance, stall, etc) do you enjoy the most?

If you could only eat one food, drink one beverage and have one dessert for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

What are your thoughts on UU as of now?
what’s good bro u think u all high and mighty now with that custom huh. Jokes aside it’s been great getting to know u but I gotta few questions:

When we gonna play full court?

top 5 nba players ever?

when is council gonna suspect mimikyu?

Best among us player you have played with?
Hello there

Have you tried other metagames outside of UU? If so, what was it like? If not, outside of usage stats messing everything up, what would you say has been preventing you from doing so?

What is your least favorite pokemon to use?

What is your favorite pokemon to use?

Would you say that pokemon like Porygon-Z (great attacking stats but pitiful bulk and average-at-best speed tier) require more skill to be used effectively than, say, Lycanroc-Dusk?

Have there been games where you've lost because you had a hidden trick up your sleeve that you used only for it to backfire on you?

Have there been games where you've won because the opponent had a hidden trick up their sleeve that they used which backfired on them?
do you know i like more than one playstyle?

whats your favourite tour game (official or unofficial) / replay?

recommend some music?

what's the best thing about being 24?

given where d rose is in his career now, whats a team you'd like to see him on?

do you like any sports other than ball?
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Hi! Hope you're doing well!
I am! Hope you're doing well as well Sickist.

Whats youre least favorite thing to run into on ladder?
I don't ladder as much as I used to earlier on into SS, but when I did I wouldn't really mind anything my opponents would throw at me. Back in ORAS though I'd loathe running up against papagoi's team of 6 that was specifically designed to beat stall, and naturally I'd be laddering with stall which made it painful at the time.

Why does MinMins arms outrange half of Samus/Snakes projecticles?
I wish I could tell you :psycry:. Her disadvantage state is still pretty bad and you have to maintain stage control so you're not getting sniped at the ledge every time.

Whats youre favorite styles of music and what artists do you enjoy?
I grew up listening to hip-hop and rap, and while I don't keep up with music too frequently these days, I still enjoy listening to a few projects here and there. The first few songs I downloaded on my first phone were Lil Wayne tracks from The Carter III, and I still enjoy listening to him as well as Fabolous, Rick Ross, Big Sean, Meek Mill, Logic, Kanye West, J Cole, and a bunch of other 'mainstream' hip hop artists.

Thanks for the questions, Sickist!

Hi, Accelgor!
Hey there Bandkrook!

What playstyle (balance, stall, etc) do you enjoy the most?
I enjoy playing every playstyle there is to be played, but I'm most comfortable with a bulky offense that has outs versus notable threats in the tier and enough firepower to get my own momentum started at a moment's notice.

If you could only eat one food, drink one beverage and have one dessert for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
Oh man. If I was restricted to one of each, I'd eat Afghan kabuli pilau, drink water, and have rasmalai for the rest of my life.

What are your thoughts on UU as of now?
UU's still shaping up after the September tier shift as well as Jirachi's ban, so it's hard for me to gauge it accurately. I think we're definitely headed in a good direction, especially considering the recent Lycanroc-D suspect. Building is challenging for me and in that sense, I appreciate the tier for pushing me to build teams that don't have any major flaws (imo).

Muchos gracias for the questions, Bandkrook.

I didn’t know you like basketball (!)
I love it dude. With all of my heart.

Who do you have winning the chip this year?
I want to see a Lakers vs Celtics final happen. Watching both teams has been loads of fun this year and I'd slightly prefer the Lakers winning because it would truly honor Kobe's passing and give Lebron a huge step up in the goat conversation and make him the first (?) player to win 3 rings with 3 different teams.

Who is your favorite current nba player?
Until he retires, Derrick Rose forever and always.

stay safe :)
Appreciate you Taxi, you too.

What would you like to be asked?
No particular question comes to mind, though I do appreciate each and every question I've been asked of me. I'm an open book and love talking to people, so it's a privilege to be asked a question at all and given the opportunity to fire up a conversation.

How does it feel to be likely one of the only people to have multiple names based off of Pokemon (Cryogonal, Accelgor)?
I feel...uncreative. Lots of people on this site have creative names based around nostalgia, a personal quirk, or anything that's meaningful to them, but I wasn't able to think of anything as impactful. Still, Pokemon usernames are rare to come by and I do feel a bit special for going by one.

Which victory did you enjoy more, UUPL or UUWC? Any comments you would like to share as a winner of both of them?
As a player, I enjoyed UUPL because of how I was able to succeed as a leader through both my play and my support. As a manager, UUWC was a pleasant victory because we had a fantastic group of 12, all of whom could play their tiers at the highest level and are generally enjoyable people to team with. I do prefer UUPL's vibe, so I'll go with it for the more enjoyable victory. Winning these team tournaments are tough but it's all about aiming for the perfect balance between any player's comfort zone and a strategy that is sure to excel. Every player should have the innate drive to succeed and learn equally from both wins and losses, and I'm convinced that sooner or later this mentality will pay off with a tournament win.

Cool questions, thanks pif.

what’s good bro u think u all high and mighty now with that custom huh. Jokes aside it’s been great getting to know u but I gotta few questions:
LOL never, you know I gotta stay humble.

When we gonna play full court?
When COVID's not as big of an issue and I'm in your area, I'm down. Just don't get too emotional when I end up cooking you.

top 5 nba players ever?
Tough tough tough question. I'll go with MJ, Bron, Shaq, Magic, and Wilt.

when is council gonna suspect mimikyu?
No clue brother, I'm not a council member anymore. I think it's definitely a threat to be reckoned with but I don't think it's suspect-worthy.

Best among us player you have played with?
I play every so often with my best friend and our group of guys, but my best friend is straight up nasty. We had a stretch of 4 games where he caught on to the imposter during the first meeting. Dude pays attention to the smallest things and has his eye on everyone while also being aware enough of himself so that he doesn't get killed often.

Thanks for the Qs Soloat.

Hello there
Hey hey!

Have you tried other metagames outside of UU? If so, what was it like? If not, outside of usage stats messing everything up, what would you say has been preventing you from doing so?
I haven't explored any other metagames this generation, but last year I really enjoyed learning and playing RU, NU, PU, and LC on my way to qualifying for Grand Slam. UU's been home to me for years now and my drive to want to become a unanimously-agreed-upon top UU player drowns out any desires to play other tiers too seriously.

What is your least favorite pokemon to use?
Polteageist, only because my opponents seem to be ready for it at all times and I can't ever get enough out of it.

What is your favorite pokemon to use?
Roserade, because the amount of pressure it can exert upon a game in a supportive role is incredibly high. I'm glad it's decent again in UU, and I look forward to seeing what others can come up with while involving it.

Would you say that pokemon like Porygon-Z (great attacking stats but pitiful bulk and average-at-best speed tier) require more skill to be used effectively than, say, Lycanroc-Dusk?
I think so. Using an undisputed top option like Lycanroc-D still requires skill, but the meta favors what it can do with its stat distribution a lot more than it does with respect to an underrated threat like Porygon-Z. For what it's worth, I do think these very underrated threats can define a game just as well as a top threat can, if used well.

Have there been games where you've lost because you had a hidden trick up your sleeve that you used only for it to backfire on you?
In SM I used to ladder a lot with a HO featuring Scarf Trick Latias, and one time I tricked my scarf to a Togekiss. You can assume what happened from there :blobastonished:

Have there been games where you've won because the opponent had a hidden trick up their sleeve that they used which backfired on them?
Can't think of one tbh, wish I could've had an interesting answer to this.

Cool questions, thank you War Incarnate.

do you know i like more than one playstyle?
I do. Do you know that I like teasing my friends more than anything else in the world?

whats your favourite tour game (official or unofficial) / replay?

Insane game that I recently had vs TSR for the Discord Premier League tournament which involved nonsensical plays on my end and a few funny moments.

recommend some music?
Sean's Detroit 2 has some cool tracks, give it a listen if you have time.

what's the best thing about being 24?
I truly feel that I'm in this perfect gray area between being young and blissful at all times, and being the adult that knows when to prioritize the more important things in life and to improve upon anything and everything.

given where d rose is in his career now, whats a team you'd like to see him on?
If the Bulls eventually develop enough to the point where they're as good as say, this year's Miami Heat, I'd love for D Rose to sign with them as a veteran and help lead them to a memorable playoff run.

do you like any sports other than ball?
I've won a few badminton competitions throughout grade school and my college years, and though I don't play it now, it still is a sport that I would truly enjoy any time I have the opportunity to play it. Pool / billiards is another 'sport' that I really love and enjoy playing, and I've won my fair share of tournaments here too. Nothing like breaking and not giving your opponent a single turn. irl.

Love you dude.

Favorite Lil Wayne lyric?
If you act foul, you get 2 shots and 1. Honestly there are too many good ones to choose from but I really appreciate the reference in this one.

Don't stop ascending, you'll get to where you want to be soon.
Hi Accel,

I'm very happy we reconnected in these past few months and we've had the time to hang out. I've especially enjoyed playing smash with you and Eden over many nights. I really enjoy asking questions in these threads so bear with me:

  • If you could make 3 changes of any type to gen 8 UU, what would they be (I.e., add or remove a pokemon, give a pokemon a certain move, etc.)?
  • Based off of your own judgement alone, how many tennis balls do you think can fit in the Empire State Building?
  • Do you also agree that the Raptors shit the bed in the last Q of G7 vs. the Celtics, or is it just me?
  • Tell me about something (anything) that you have changed your views/opinions on in the past -- this can be literally anything.
Hi Accel,

I'm very happy we reconnected in these past few months and we've had the time to hang out. I've especially enjoyed playing smash with you and Eden over many nights. I really enjoy asking questions in these threads so bear with me:

It's been loads of fun getting to know you and hanging with you man. You're one of few people who know how to ride that ultra-fine line between optimism and realism, and it really ups the quality of the discussions we've had. Love you <3

  • If you could make 3 changes of any type to gen 8 UU, what would they be (I.e., add or remove a pokemon, give a pokemon a certain move, etc.)?

    Hm solid question, my 3 changes would be only allowing one HDB user per team, banning Lycanroc-Dusk, and forcibly adding any balanced Steel-type Pokemon to the tier like Skarmory and debatably Scizor.

  • Based off of your own judgement alone, how many tennis balls do you think can fit in the Empire State Building?

    Oof, I'm going to go with...531,942 tennis balls. Exactly.

  • Do you also agree that the Raptors shit the bed in the last Q of G7 vs. the Celtics, or is it just me?

    It was tough man, especially with Lowry in foul trouble late into the game. He's their closer and losing the leader's presence at that stage of the game usually results in some inner defeatist feelings. The Celtics made it tough with their defense of course, and the rest is history. Regardless, kudos to the Raptors for making it one of the best 7 game series I've ever watched.

  • Tell me about something (anything) that you have changed your views/opinions on in the past -- this can be literally anything.

    Clearing my initial judgments of people so that I can choose what to think of them based on my own experiences with said people. It took me far too long to adjust my mindset in this sense, but I have immensely enjoyed getting to know a number of my friends this way. We're meant to socialize as people, and I for one don't see any point in limiting myself by sticking to my first impressions of people.

    Thanks for the fun questions Panther, let's play some more smash sometime soon.
how do you like your steak

Medium rare, might be basic but it's how I enjoy my steaks best. Have a nice day, Estronic!
what are your hopes for the d/p remakes?

why is memento the best nolan movie?

how did you reconcile yourself with tenet's protagonist being named the protagonist?

go-to move/play from the top of the key?

rank the generations of uu and explain your reasoning.

best time of year and why?

best for last: thoughts on this song? once you've listened to that, thoughts on this one?

what are your hopes for the d/p remakes?

I hope they're as well-received as the HGSS games were and that the d/p 3D experience doesn't disappoint. (imagine experiencing the Distortion World in an improved 3D setting...). I haven't played any cartridge games between BW2 and SS, but I've sensed a lot of dissatisfaction with the r/s/e remakes in that there was a lot of hand-holding and the fact that the battle frontier didn't make a reappearance?? Ridiculous. Hopefully, they build upon the flaws of previous remakes and give us an unforgettable product.

why is memento the best nolan movie?

Actually, Memento's lowkey my favorite Nolan movie. Memory loss based plots usually have the same general vibe to them to the point where it's like, the fast-food of movie plots. Decent to have once in a while but impossible to stomach continually. The two concurrent plot lines are genius and it really speaks to his genius as a filmmaker. Top 3 Nolan movie imo, I enjoyed it more than the usual fan-favorites in Inception and Interstellar.
how did you reconcile yourself with tenet's protagonist being named the protagonist?

Cop-out. Even John Smith would've been more easily forgiven.

go-to move/play from the top of the key?

Lower my shoulder and drive right, hesi, then either pull up, step back, euro to the left for a reverse or fade, or hit the floater. Yeah I'm nice like that.

rank the generations of uu and explain your reasoning.

Omitting rby, I'd go adv > dpp > bw > ss > oras > gsc > sm.
Adv's close to being a perfect tier and I really enjoy the mechs of the gen in general.
Dpp is a wet dream for any player who loves themselves some good offense vs offense gameplay, because super fat teams aren't as good as they were a few years back.
Bw's the nostalgic pick but it's the first on the list with some major flaws. It's an offensive frenzy of a tier with too many offenders and we all know what the hazard situation's like. I do love it because it promotes 'perfect' play given how slim the margin for error is.
SS has been kind to me so far but I do miss Pursuit and the pre-SS tier-shift schedule.
Oras had the potential to be a great tier but lazy leadership over the last year was the nail in the coffin for a tier that is now terrorized by a number of noteworthy threats.
Gsc's grown on me and I really enjoy playing it, but it still doesn't surpass my experiences in the aforementioned formats.
Sm's weird, I did enjoy it during its live development but I can't have fun with it anymore. Something something I forgot how impactful z-moves are and how the combination of sciz, lati, and mega alt shape the tier, for better or worse.

best time of year and why?

June because it's my birth month and somehow my most enjoyable memories all occurred in June.

best for last: thoughts on this song? once you've listened to that, thoughts on this one?

The L stands for Legend. I went on a 90s hip hop trip a few summers back and Danger Zone's one of the more satanic tracks I remember. Listening to Hail Infernal Darkness just woke me up; it's almost 2:30 AM and I somehow don't feel tired anymore. Not my usual cup of tea but death metal grips your soul by the throat and nothing can be done about it.


I hope you end up with SHG or someone 999999999999999999999999999999999999999x better waltzes into your life asap because you'd deserve it. Wish we got a chance to team again because I really do miss it. Your YT's been awesome, keep up the good work brother.
just realized this was the team u gave in this interview Accelgor but i'd like to expose you for using ghost writers (me and robert junior)
I honestly had no clue about this team before making it myself, I think I also looked back to see Ramolost with a similar six (Palossand > Krook) in one of his UUWC games. Great minds think alike I suppose! Also the only ghost writer here is Polteageist because it 6-0s this team.
I honestly had no clue about this team before making it myself, I think I also looked back to see Ramolost with a similar six (Palossand > Krook) in one of his UUWC games. Great minds think alike I suppose! Also the only ghost writer here is Polteageist because it 6-0s this team.
here we spam the brokens (but we play the good sets i.e. not specs kyu and not scarf rachi)