• Snag some vintage SPL team logo merch over at our Teespring store before January 12th!

PEOPLE'S MOD: THE RESULTS (yes, it's over now. thank God)

BIG ASHLEY how does it feel to lose the modship to Grape Tylenol despite them not being on the ballot? Are you and your supporters going to do anything? And perhaps the biggest question of all - do u know how to use a kettle because I can’t figure it out
1) we take no notice of the bourgeoise moderator class's so-called authority; one more enemy for the posting-class heroes of the forum to rail against makes little difference on this front. it does not matter whether the metaphorical boot stamping on the metaphorical face of smogoff is worn on the metaphorical foot of phoopes, grape tylenol, or any other puppet of the state -- we will stand firm, united behind our pm (me btw).
2) see above
3) how do you not know how a kettle works. grow up. god i hate americans
god i hate americans
(accompaniment song)
what the fuck is a MILE


