Part I of the Breeding Guide - Introduction to Breeding

If that were the case, then I believe the characteristic would say "Likes to thrash about". I remember reading on some Spanish site (I followed it from the Resourse Thread, iirc) that if you get a Pokemon whose has repeating IVs, certain stats have a "priority" over others, and it'll show that one. For example, if I breed a flawless HP, Def, SDef Chansey, the characteristic would be "Often dozes off". However, if I had that same Chansey I bred it to have flawless SAtk, Def, and SDef, it would say "Capable of taking hits".

According to what I could make out, the priority of a stat basically goes in the order that they are listed in the Pokemon's summary. So HP>Atk>Def>SAtk>SDef>Speed

Hope I helped.

Edit: As for evidence, my brother got a shiny Mild Deoxys from someone. It had 31 in all IVs (an obvious hack, I know), and the characteristc was "Often dozes off".

If that is true, then how do you explain the following, and other similarly-documented characteristics?

I don't remember said:
Here's a rundown of multi-flawless pokemon I have in pearl:

Feraligatr: hp/defense/sp.atk/speed = Capable of taking hits
ralts: hp/attack/sp.atk/speed = Mischievous
Pikachu: hp/sp.atk/speed = Alert to Sounds
Smeargle: hp/attack/speed = Often dozes off
ralts: hp/attack/speed = Alert to Sounds
Gligar: hp/attack/defense/speed = Often dozes off

etc. etc. Believe me, I tried to find a pattern, but I couldn't find any. It is probably random, or else it's so subtle that I cannot pinpoint the pattern without hacking the ROM.
31 HP: "Often dozes off"
31 Attack: "Likes to thrash about"
31 Defense: "Capable of taking hits"
31 Special Attack: "Mischievous"
31 Special Defense: "Somewhat vain"
31 Speed: "Alert to sounds"

my Swampert says "highly curious" and Raquaza "very finicky" Is this just for pokemon captured/bred in Sinnoh?
Yeah, there seems to be no priority.
Someone I know hacked a 31/31/31/31/31/31 Milotic, and it said "Somewhat vain"
I'm also curious as to what loadingNOW could tell us about the passing down of natures without the help of Everstones.

Prior to Emerald, I bred some of my best critters in Sapphire. I noticed that some parents frequently produced offspring with certain natures more than others, so often I wound up switching parents around until I got two that produced more of the nature I wanted. Sometimes these were the natures the parents had, and sometimes the weren't the ones the parents had at all.

Most recently, I was breeding my Adamant Lucario with my Hasty Ditto to get a good female Riolu. Out of about 12 Riolus four of them were Hasty, including the female.
I'm also curious as to what loadingNOW could tell us about the passing down of natures without the help of Everstones.

Prior to Emerald, I bred some of my best critters in Sapphire. I noticed that some parents frequently produced offspring with certain natures more than others, so often I wound up switching parents around until I got two that produced more of the nature I wanted. Sometimes these were the natures the parents had, and sometimes the weren't the ones the parents had at all.

Most recently, I was breeding my Adamant Lucario with my Hasty Ditto to get a good female Riolu. Out of about 12 Riolus four of them were Hasty, including the female.
Might be because of how the random number generator works, which is the topic he's researching right now, with a bit of my help. He has already discovered rather interesting things (for example, that catching a 31/31/31/31/31/31 Pokemon in the wild is possible).
this is a good thread and i like the original poster a whole bunch for it!
I made a rather major update to this part of the breeding guide. I was talking to loadingNOW about bred Pokemon in RSFRLG, and he told me that the IVs cannot overlap there (they can in EDP). So I had to modify that part of the guide, and also the IV probabilities applet. Good thing that nobody breeds in these games, as nobody could realise the mistake.
If it says 'Very finicky' does it mean that my special attack IV is somewhere at 31?

With the addition of Mild... my special attack would probably rise up near 330~340....

Aw just great... I think my speed will drop down below 305... need to get most stats at 13... at least attack, special attack and speed
great great guide, but you should add the DP "Characteristics" effect. It lets you see your pokemon's highest stat and saves mega time.
I'll add the characteristics now. Can anyone link me to the correct list of characteristics?

EDIT: Found a correct one. I'll edit it in shortly.

EDIT 2: The guide was edited to include characteristics.
Question. I kinda don't have a kajillion rare candies (Okay, I don't have any rare candies), so can I use the Day Care to get mah babies to level 5, or will that somehow apply EVs despite the fact that they're not fighting anything?
The daycare doesn't apply EVs, so yes, you can use the Day Care without fear of EVs being applied.
I don't want to start a new threat so ill post my question here for you.

you know how you mentioned that simple way to estimate your max - min stats?
min stat = a + 5
max stat = a + 6(b is between 0-4)
max stat = a + 7(b is between 5-9)

how does this apply if the base stat is a 3 digit number?
for example a Sneasel with base stat like this;
For a base stat having three digits, a would be the stat without the last digit, and b would be the last digit of the stat, as I said in the guide. Hence, in the Sneasel example, for Sneasel's 115 base Speed, a = 11 and b = 5.