NOC Paranoia Mafia Game Over - Mafia Wins

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Sorry all, spaced. Not counting votes after deadline.

Final Vote Count

Texas Cloverleaf (2): thetwinmasters, Hawkie
Thetwinmasters (1): Gale Wing Srock
Asek (1): Texas Cloverleaf
After deciding that Texas Cloverleaf needs to die, you all run off looking for the executioner. Turns out he was at home feeding as Sona. After some stern glances from the town, he plods off to the city square to lop off Texas Cloverleaf's head.

Texas Cloverleaf was a villager.

It is now Night 6. Deadline within 24 hours.
Sorry for missing deadline like a scrub

Typical end of deadline notifications

texas flipping town is actually pretty productive i've got a couple ideas to suggest now / scumreads to go off of
the image didnt load rip me
Hawkie - You thought twin was town at the end of the previous day although you had been scumreading him for a good majority of it. What spurred this sudden change, and why did you believe it to be true? Does Texas flipping town change this new read? If so, why?
Thetwinmasters - Given that Texas flipped town, where are your reads at now? A lot of your content was based around your scumread on texas, so i'm curious as to what you're thinking now.
Borath the Oscillator - What happened at deadline? You were reading the thread for around 30 minutes 1-2 hours before deadline, but only showed up 10 minutes before deadline and basically just asked for a summary and then didn't post anything else (I think).
Gale Wing Srock - We have a lot of time now, so could you elaborate on your cases on both twin and Hawkie? We ran out of time so there really wasnt enough time to discuss it.
Asek - In terms of reads, we didnt get to hear too much from you near the end of the day. Has the end of the day + the flip changed your ideas on people, or do you still stick by your scumreads (which I think is just me now)?
given that the game has not ended, I think there are four possibilities:
1) There are two scum left, and they have no kills left
2) There are two scum left, and they still have kills but have just been idling continuously
3) There is one scum left (no kills/still has kills)

I'm leaning towards option 1) being the case. 2) could be the case but I really don't think that it is. Should 1 be true, i'm almost sure we've won unless we fuck up really badly or i'm just reading things completely wrong.
I don't think either part of 3) is true just on the basis that 1v13 is stupidly unfair
I had no idea what to do + I assumed we had extended dl because host was a noshow (had typed up a post and then thread got locked right before I posted)
Why wouldn't you put a vote on first before 7pm est then if we get a deadline extension which we most likely wouldn't you could change your vote then if you feel it should be changed?
I had no idea who I would vote at that time and still wanted to talk more, so I didn't vote

it made no sense for him to be so reluctant to lynch someone(me) that had mentioned xyz times he was a scumread

That seems NAI to me, not all scum automatically scumread people who push them (and some town do scumread people who push them e.g. haruno)
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