Overkill Mafia - Game Over! Supercellular Warriors, Yeti, and TIK win!

the interwebs was wandering around during the night when he was struck and killed by a bolt of green light. Nobody cares, though, and everyone continues to stay asleep / continue finishing their shady night actions.

Eo Ut Mortus said:

Dear the interwebs,
You are Daffy Duck.


You are one of the famous Looney Tunes, who is eternally overshadowed by your biggest nemesis, Bugs Bunny. You're renowned for being a greedy duck who has been tricked several times by Speedy Gonzales and Bugs Bunny, who’ve turned the tables more time than you can count. The HyperPowered Draconeers recruited you on seeing your vast potential.

At night, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying “Night X- Tracking <user>”. You will follow <user> for the whole night, and by morning, will know his full role PM.

Alternatively, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying “Night X- Stealing from <user>”. You will sneak into their house and make off with any items they hold. This cannot be stacked with your other ability.

You are holding the Orb of Darkness. You have no idea what it is used for, but have heard that somebody badly needs it, so keep that in mind when you deal with it.

You are allied with the HyperPowered Draconeers. You win if the HyperPowered Draconeers eliminate all unfriendly threats.

assassinfred has also seemed to vanish...


Oddly enough, a few seconds later, Mattimeo wanders back into your midst from who knows where.

And then suddenly, a blinding flash of blue erupts from out of nowhere. The moon grows brighter. It looks like the night isn't going to end as soon as you originally thought...

It is still Night 2??? Deadline ends in 48 hours, or once all PMs have been received.
Just for HFB, WTF AND WTH!!!

Anyways, this cross-fire killing is awesome for the village. Unfortunately, I don't think we've eliminated any of the other mafia faction (Not sure on the name, and I don't want to go to the front page to look it up). Although, I suppose that eliminating one faction entirely means that they can't night kill, so it's not necessarily bad. Anyways, keep up the good work village. All we can do is hope that the opposing mafia factions kill each other off again tonight.
Considering that one Supercellular Warrior has already been revealed by the lynchproofing, it isn't so likely since the mafia factions are probably collaborating. My guess is that the kill during the night was done by an Altair-style vigilante.
Just posting to say good job, supercell warriors, and that the village sucks. (also hyperpowered dragoneers is a stupid name but at least they're better than the village)

also slow game is slow
All of you rushed out of your homes. You all came out pretty early, as the Sun had not not yet risen. You saw the spread-eagled remains of polelover44 immediately, and you mourned the loss of a hero, who had been leading the village. You read a note next to him.

Eo Ut Mortus said:
Dear askaninjask/polelover44,
You are Kirby.


You are the hero of the Kirby franchise. You are famous for being able to copy several abilities. This time however, you will not be copying abilities. Thanks to a special seed that you ate, for every consecutive mafia lynched in a streak, you will gain a special power. The streak starts from the first lynch of a mafian, and stops if no lynch or a village lynch occurs. The streak will not resume with the next mafian lynch, and your power will stagnate where it is, and will no longer be upgraded during the game.

At night, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying "Night X- Rolling with <user>. You will cutely beg <user> to take you along wherever he is going for the night. You will find out the identities of all the people whom he visted that night. If he does not go anywhere, you will find out the identities of all the people who visited him that night.

You are holding the Link Cable. You may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying "Night X- Tying up <user1> and <user2>. If either of the targeted people are killed by any means after that, the other will die with him. This item is one-use only, and can be stacked with your other night ability.

You know that with the first mafia lynch, you will gain the power to steal items. Once you attain that power, you will be able to learn your next power boost. You also know that there are 14 Multiplex SuperCannons, 5 HyperPowered Draconeers, 5 SuperCellular Warriors and 2 neutrals in this game.

You are allied with the Multiplex SuperCannons. You win if the Multiplex SuperCannons eliminate all unfriendly threats.

There was another note next to him.

hailflameblast said:
Congratulations! You successfully lynched a mafian UncleSam! You can now steal items! On any night when you are not using your other power, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying "Night X-Activating Wheel Power around <user>". You will steal all of <user>'s items.

Next you say another body a little far off. The remains of the venerable druid MagicMaster87 lay there, and he had apparently been killed by a well-timed Leaf Blade from one of you. You mourn his brave death before sharp leaves scattered around him.

Eo Ut Mortus said:
Dear MagicMaster87,
You are Getafix.


You are very well known as the druid who makes magic potions for Asterix and the others in your village. But you have several more tricks up your sleeve, which you pull out only when needed. You have decided to ally with Asterix and his team members, in order to stop the vile invaders who attempt to kill you all.

At night, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying “Night X- Brewing dud magic potion for <user>. You will brew a dud potion and convince <user> that it is the real potion, and will convince him in exchange to tell you their entire contents of his role PM by the end off the night.

Alternatively, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying “Night X- Brewing real magic potion for <user>”. <user> will become so strong that he will be able to stop almost anybody from successfully targeting him with their night action. However, seeing as the magic potion does not make anybody invulnerable to attack, they can still be killed. This cannot be stacked with your other ability, as brewing the real magic potion takes a lot of time.

You are holding the Roman Torch. You may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying “Night X- Swishing Torch in front of <user>. <user> will be so frightened by the flames of the torch that they will be unable to pull off anything during the night. This stacks with your normal abilities. This item is only usable once.

From your vast age and wisdom, you know that there are 5 HyperPowered Draconeers, 5 SuperCellular Warriors, 2 neutrals, and 14 Multiplex SuperCannons in this game.

You are allied with the Multiplex SuperCannons. You win if the Multiplex SuperCannons eliminate all unfriendly threats.

Last, you heard a bloodcurdling scream from the house of Altair. You rush to his house, and find that his hands are completely burnt, and to your further shock, you find his tap dripping not water, but lava. You mourn the loss of his unique character.

Eo Ut Mortus said:
Dear <user>,
You are Lord Voldemort


Stereotyped in the Harry Potter books as a Hitler-esque villain determined to prey on the weak and helpless, you are really just an eccentric, slightly unstable wizard with an affinity for pipe bombs. After faking your death in the last book (that was too weak an ending to be true), you decided that the dangers of the wizarding world were too much for you to handle and thus have moved your dastardly operations into the Muggle world. Your first step was to recruit several others and form the SuperCellular Warriors.

On even nights, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying “Night X- Use AVADA KEDAVRA on <user>”. You will obliterate <user> with your trademark killing spell.

Pipe bombs! If you are ever inspected, you will show up as:

Eo Ut Mortus said:
Dear Altair,
Eo Ut Mortus said:
You are Francis.


You are a biker covered in tattoos, holding a shotgun, and you ain't afraid of no zombie horde. When things get nasty, you know you can count on your Molotov cocktails. You've worked in a team before, and you've got what it takes - no buddy is gonna die if you can do anything to stop it. Oh, and the HyperPowered Draconeers and the SuperCellular Warriors? Come on, you faced a Tank and that Metal Gear thing. They were way scarier.

At night, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying "Night X - Throw a pipe bomb at <user>". You will try to attract your enemies towards your target, but unfortunately they aren't zombies. You will only infuriate anyone that targeted <user>, and they will target you instead.

Alternatively, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying “Night X - Hey, <user>, I'm FOXHOUND". You will tell <user> that you are his FOXHOUND ally and that he shouldn't target you. Unfortunately, there are no FOXHOUND in this game, so he'll actually make extra certain to target you! This cannot be stacked with your other ability.


You are allied with the Multiplex SuperCannons. You win if the Multiplex SuperCannons eliminate all unfriendly threats.

Keep in mind that this character is far different from any others in the game if you decide to claim this role.

You are holding the Silver Sword. At night, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying “Night X- Berserk <user>”. Anyone who targets <user> will be killed. This item is only usable when used in conjunction with your killing power. This item is only usable once.

You are allied with the SuperCellular Warriors. You win if the SuperCellular Warriors eliminate all unfriendly threats.

The other members of your faction are <snip>.

Glad of a mafia death, you all think of going to decide on a lynch... when instead of the Sun, the moon comes up again. Staraptor Call yells, "THIS IS FRIKKIN' INSANE!!!"

It is now Night 2... again for another frikkin' time. Night 2 will end when all PMs have been sent in, or after 48 hours.

Result PMs are going out.

You all notice that Upside is missing.