OU OU Stour Tour - Round 1

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was given the win
didn't do any of that in 24 hours neither reached out to me on my wall so calling act

Hi Dorron, I wanted to clarify this now so that your series with Leru can be completed.

This activity win request will not be granted. The host (and wider TD team) has been given evidence of Leru's attempts to schedule with you both via discord dms as well as a smogon conversation, both of which we acknowledge as valid methods of scheduling so long as evidence of them are provided to the host.

The rule about private profiles is intended to be so that a player who is unable to reach out to their opponent due to a private profile will not be disadvantaged in an activity decision. This obviously does not apply to your case, as you were not only able but did post a message on Leru's wall before ignoring the scheduling attempts via other mediums and then providing a flat rejection when Leru attempted to schedule with you by your preferred medium earlier today.

Attempting to abuse the rules to activity fish like this will not end in your favor. The rules around scheduling are intended to both encourage games to be played as well as respect each player's time, neither of which you are acting in the spirit of. Please schedule your series with your opponent who is demonstrated their willingness to to play for this tournament.
I am absolutely shocked and appalled that a moderator would behave in this fashion. Absolutely embarrassing representation of what the staff of this website should represent.

Leru, I do not know you. But I am so sorry that you've been abused by a senior member of this website. My dms are absolutely open if you need to talk.
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